David Teller 2 months ago committed by GitHub
commit ba427b66b7
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@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
# MSC3215: Aristotle: Moderation in all things
Matrix currently offers a mechanism to report bad content content (e.g. trolling, spam, abuse, etc.) to homeserver admins. However, the homeserver admin is generally the wrong person for this as:
- on encrypted channels, they often do not have access to the content;
- on large servers, they quickly end up bombarded with reports, which makes them unable to take action;
- they may not be interested in moderation in the first place.
In addition, the existing API is meaningless with Matrix P2P.
This proposal redesigns the abuse reporting mechanism to:
- decentralize it;
- make it possible to reach moderators, rather than homeserver administrators;
- produce structured data that can be consumed by tools or bots;
- move to a setting that works regardless of whether Matrix is homeserver-based or P2P.
The expectation is that this will allow the Matrix community to experiment with tools that display abuse reports nicely and/or bots that can deal with abuse reports.
## Proposal
Matrix specs offer a mechanism to report abuse. In this mechanism:
1. a user posts an abuse report for an event;
2. hopefully, the homeserver administrator for the user's homeserver will handle the abuse report.
In the current state, this mechanism is insufficient:
1. If the abuse report concerns an event in an encrypted room, the homeserver administrator typically does not have access to that room, while a room moderator would, hence cannot act upon that report.
2. Many homeserver administrators do not wish to be moderators, especially in rooms in which they do not participate themselves.
3. As the mechanism does not expose an API for reading the abuse reports, it is difficult to experiment with bots that could help moderators.
4. As the mechanism is per-homeserver, reports from two users of the same room that happen to have accounts on distinct homeservers cannot be collated.
5. There is no good mechanism to route a report by a user to a moderator, especially if they live on different homeserver.
This proposal redesigns the abuse report spec and suggested behavior as follows:
- Any room can opt-in for moderation.
- Rooms that opt-in for moderation have a moderation room (specified as a state event). These moderation rooms may be shared between several rooms.
- Posting an abuse report on a specific event from a room with moderation sends a data message to the moderation room.
- As there may still be a need to report entire rooms, the current abuse report API remains in place for reporting entire rooms, although it is expected that further MSCs will eventually deprecate this API.
While this is not part of the MSC, the expectation is that the community may start experimenting with bots that can be invited to moderation rooms to act upon abuse reports:
- a bot or tool could pick these data messages and turn them into human-readable reports including context and buttons to let moderators easily ignore/kick/ban/redact;
- a bot could collate reports, ignore those from recently registered users, and decide to kick/ban reported users if some threshold is exceeded;
- ...
This proposal is a replacement for MSC 2938, which offers a more specialized mechanism for sending abuse reports to room moderators.
### Invariants
- Each room MAY have a state event `m.room.moderated_by`. If specified, this is the room ID towards which abuse reports MUST be sent. As rooms may be deleted, `m.room.moderated_by` MAY be an invalid room ID. A room that has a state event `m.room.moderated_by` supports moderation. Users who wish to set this state event MUST be have a Power Level sufficient to kick and ban users.
"state_key": "m.room.moderated_by",
"type": "m.room.moderated_by",
"content": {
"room_id": XXX, // The room picked for moderation.
"user_id": XXX, // The bot in charge of forwarding reports to `room_id`.
// ... usual fields
- Each room MAY have state events `m.room.moderator_of`. A room that has state events `m.room.moderator_of` is a moderation room.
"state_key": XXX, // XXX is the ID of the Community Room, i.e. the room being moderated, or empty if we wish to define the default user id in charge of forwarding reports to this room.
"type": "m.room.moderation.moderator_of",
"content": {
"user_id": XXX, // The bot in charge of forwarding reports to this room.
// ... usual fields
The rationale for having one state event in the Community Room and one in the Moderation Room is the following:
1. The combination of `m.room.moderated_by` and (`m.room.moderator_of`, room_id) enables both rooms to sever the connection from each other. For instance, if a moderator for Community Room _CR_ has already left (or been banned from) Moderation Room _MR_, or if there was an error during the setup of the Community Room, they may pick a new Moderation Room without the help from _CR_. Similarly, moderators from _MR_ may decide whether they accept or reject the idea of moderating _CR_.
2. The `m.room.moderated_by` state event in the Community Room provides all the data needed both by the Client to prepare abuse reports and by the Routing Bot (see below) to route the abuse report to the Moderation Room.
3. The (`m.room.moderator_of`, `""`) state event in the Moderation Room provides all the data needed by new Community Rooms to setup their `m.room.moderated_by` to use this Moderation Room.
### Client behavior
#### Opting in for moderation
When a user Alice creates a room ("the Community Room") or when a room moderator accesses the Community Room's configuration, they MAY opt-in for moderation. When they do, they MUST pick a Moderation Room. The Client SHOULD check that:
- the Moderation Room is a room in which Alice has a powerlevel sufficient for sending messages;
- the Moderation Room has a state event (`m.room.moderation.moderator_of`, `""`).
If Alice has opted-in for moderation, based on the Moderation Room's Room ID and `m.room.moderation.moderator_of`, the Client MUST create a state event `m.room.moderated_by` (see above) in the Community Room and a state event (`m.room.moderation.moderator_or`, room id) in the Moderation Room.
Similarly, if a moderator has opted in for moderation in a Community Room, a moderator MAY opt out of moderation for that Community Room. This is materialized as deleting `m.room.moderated_by`.
#### Rejecting moderation
A member of a Moderation Room may disconnect the Moderation Room from a Community Room by removing state event (`m.room.moderation.moderator_of`, `XXX`). This may serve to reconfigure moderation if a Community Room is deleted
or grows sufficiently to require its dedicated moderation team/bots.
#### Reporting an event
Any member of a Community Room that supports moderation MAY report an event from that room, by sending a `m.abuse.report` message event with content
| field | type | description |
| event_id | EventID | **Required** id of the event being reported. |
| room_id | RoomID | **Required** id of the room in which the event took place. |
| moderated_by_id | RoomID | **Required** id of the moderation room, as taken from `m.room.moderated_by`. |
| nature | `nature` | **Required** The nature of the event, see below. |
| reporter | UserID | **Required** The user reporting the event. |
| comment | String | Optional. A freeform description of the reason for sending this abuse report. |
`nature` is an enum:
- `m.abuse.nature.disagreement`: disagree with other user;
- `m.abuse.nature.toxic`: toxic behavior, including insults, unsollicited invites;
- `m.abuse.nature.illegal`: illegal behavior, including child pornography, death threats,...;
- `m.abuse.nature.spam`: commercial spam, propaganda, ... whether from a bot or a human user;
- `m.abuse.nature.other`: doesn't fit in any category above.
We expect that this enum will be amended by further MSCs.
The rationale for requiring a `nature` is twofold:
- a Client may give to give a user the opportunity to think a little about whether the behavior they report truly is abuse;
- this gives the Client the ability to split between
- reporting the room itself to homeserver administrators, typically because it promotes illegal or toxic activities, using the existing Abuse Report API;
- `m.abuse.nature.disagreement`, which may better be handled by blurring messages from offending user;
- everything else, which needs to be handled by a room moderator or a bot.
To send an `m.abuse.report`, the Client posts the `m.abuse.report` event as DM to the `user_id` specified in the `m.room.moderated_by`.
This proposal does not specify behavior when `m.room.moderated_by` is not set or when the `user_id` doesn't exist.
### Built-in Routing Bot behavior
Users should not need to join the moderation room to be able to send `m.abuse.report` events to it, as it would let them snoop on reports from other users. Rather, we introduce a built-in bot as part of this specification: the Routing Bot.
1. When the Routing Bot is invited to a room, it always accepts invites.
2. When the Routing Bot receives an event other than `m.abuse.report`, ignore the event.
3. When the Routing Bot receives an event _E_ with type `m.abuse.report` from Alice:
- If the Routing Bot is not a member of _E_`.moderated_by_id`, reject the event.
- If _E_.`reporter` is not Alice, reject the event.
- If room _E_.`moderated_by_id` does not contain a state event (`m.room.moderation.moderator_of`, `XXX`), where `XXX` is _E_.`room_id`, reject the event. Otherwise, call _S_ this state event.
- If _S_ is missing field `user_id`, reject the event.
- If _S_.`user_id` is not the id of the Routing Bot, reject the event.
- Copy the `content` of _E_ as a new `m.abuse.report` event in room _E_.`room_id`.
Note that the empty state key is NOT a universal authorization for the Routing Bot to send messages to the room.
### Possible Moderation Tool behavior
This section is provided as an example of what could be done with the spec, not as part of the spec.
- An Issue Bot could consume `m.abuse.report` events and turn them into human-readable private GitLab issues.
- A Classifier Bot could consume `m.abuse.report` events, discarding messages from users who have joined recently or never been active in the room (possible bots/sleeping bots), then collating reports against users. If there are more than e.g. 10 reports in the last hour against a single user, the Classifier Bot pings a moderator and suggests banning the bad user.
- ...
## Security considerations
### Routing, 1
This proposal introduces a (very limited) mechanism that lets users send (some) events to a room without being part of that room. There is the possibility that this mechanism could be abused.
We believe that it cannot readily be abused for spam, as these are structured data messages, which are usually not visible to members of the moderation room.
However, it is possible that it can become a vector for attacks if combined with a bot that treats said structured data messages, e.g. a Classifier Bot and/or a Ban Bot.
### Routing, 2
The Routing Bot does NOT have access to privileged information. In particular, it CANNOT check whether:
- Alice is a member of _M_.`room_id`.
- Event _M_.`event_id` took place in room _M_.`room_id`.
- Alice could witness event _M_.`event_id`.
This means that **it is possible to send bogus abuse reports**. This is already the case with the current Abuse Report API but this is probably something that SHOULD BE ASSESSED before merging this spec.
#### Possible solution: an API to provide/check certificates
We could expose an API to provide a certificate that Alice has witnessed
an event and another API to check the certificate.
As of this writing, this API is NOT part of the MSC but rather a proof of concept that the problem of bogus abuse reports could be solved without major changes to the protocol.
##### Providing a certificate
POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{room_id}/witness/{event_id}/certificate
- Authentication required: True
- Rate limitation: True
If Alice is the authenticated user and has witnessed `event_id` in room `room_id`, then this call returns a certificate.
###### Response format
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| certificate | string | a certificate that may later be checked by the same homeserver, possibly a tuple (user_id, room_id, event_id, salt) encrypted with the homeserver's private key |
We then extend `m.abuse.report` with
| field | description |
| certificate | **Required** The certificate provide by this API. |
##### Verifying a certificate
POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{room_id}/witness/{event_id}/check/{user_id}
- Authentication required: True
- Rate limitation: True
###### Request format
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| room_id | RoomID | the room in which the event is said to have taken place |
| user_id | UserID | the user who claims to have witnessed the event |
| event_id | EventID| the event |
| certificate | string | a certificate issued by the `witness/.../certificate` API |
The request succeeds if and only if `certificate` confirms that user `user_id` witnessed event `event_id` in room `room_id`.
The Classifier Bot SHOULD call this API to confirm that the abuse report is legit.
### Revealing oneself
If a end-user doesn't understand the difference between `m.abuse.nature.room` and other kinds of abuse report, there is the possibility
that this end-user may end up revealing themself by sending a report against a moderator or against the room to the very
moderators of that room.
The author believes that this is a problem that can and should be solved by UX.
### Snooping administrators (user homeserver)
This is an attack assuming that a homeserver administrator is attempting to deanonymize abuse reports from a user on their homeserver.
Consider the following case:
- homeserver compromised.org is administered by an evil administrator Marvin;
- user @alice:compromised.org is a member of Community Room _CR_;
- user @alice:compromised.org posts an abuse report against @bob:somewhere.org as DM to the Routing Bot;
- Marvin can witness that @alice:compromised.org has sent a message to the Routing Bot but cannot witness the contents of the message (assuming encryption);
- as @alice:compromised.org is a member of _CR_, Marvin can witness when @bob:somewhere.org is kicked/banned, even if _CR_ is encrypted;
- Marvin can deduce that @alice:compromised.org has denounced @bob:somewhere.org.
This is BAD. However, this is better as the current situation in which Marvin can directly read the report posted by @alice:compromised.org using the reporting API. Furthermore, this problem will not show up in Matrix P2P.
As a last resort, a hardened Client could make deductions harder/increase deniability by randomly sending bogus abuse reports to the Routing Bot.
### Snooping administrators (moderator homeserver)
This is an attack assuming that a homeserver administrator is attempting to deanonymize abuse reports towards a moderator on their homeserver.
Consider the following case:
- homeserver compromised.org is administered by an evil administrator Marvin;
- user @alice:compromised.org is a moderator of room _CR_ with moderation room _MR_;
- user @bob:innocent.org is a member of room _R_;
- @bob:innocent.org posts an abuse report as DM to the Routing Bot;
- Marvin does not witness this;
- Marvin sees that the Routing Bot posts a message to _MR_ but the metadata does not
contain any data on @bob:innocent.org;
- if the room is encrypted, Marvin cannot determine that @bob:innocent.org has posted
an abuse report.
The attack fails. This is GOOD.
### Interfering administrator (user homeserver)
This is an attack assuming that a homeserver administrator is attempting to deanonymize abuse reports from a user on their homeserver and may tamper with non-encrypted data.
Consider the following case:
- homeserver compromised.org is administered by an evil administrator Marvin;
- user @alice:compromised.org is a member of Community Room _CR_;
- if there is no moderator for _CR_ on compromised.org, Marvin cannot set `m.room.moderated_by`, hence cannot replace the moderation room or the Routing Bot.
The attack fails. This is GOOD.
### Interfering administrator (moderator homeserver)
These is a series of attacks assuming that a homeserver administrator is attempting to deanonymize abuse reports towards a moderator on their homeserver. In these attacks, the evil administrator may tamper with non-encrypted data.
Consider the following case:
- homeserver compromised.org is administered by an evil administrator Marvin;
- user @alice:compromised.org joins a moderation room _MR_;
- user @bob:innocent.org is a member of room _CR_, with moderation room _MR_;
- Marvin can impersonate @alice:compromised.org and set `m.room.moderation.moderator_of`
to point to a malicious bot EvilBot;
- when @alice:compromised.org becomes moderator for room _CR_ and sets _MR_ as moderation room, EvilBot becomes the Routing Bot;
- when @bob:innocent.org sends an abuse report through EvilBot, Marvin has access to the full abuse report.
This is BAD.
- homeserver compromised.org is administered by an evil administrator Marvin;
- user @alice:compromised.org is a moderator of room _CR_ with moderation room _MR_;
- Marvin can impersonate @alice:compromised.org and set `m.room.moderation.moderated_by`
to point to a moderation room under its control;
- Marvin has access to all abuse reports in _MR_.
- homeserver compromised.org is administered by an evil administrator Marvin;
- user @alice:compromised.org is a moderator of room _CR_ with moderation room _MR_;
- Marvin can impersonate @alice:compromised.org and invite an evil moderator or bot to _MR_ ;
- Marvin has access to all abuse reports in _MR_.
All three attacks succeed. This is BAD. Note that a similar problem already shows up without this MSC, insofar as the administrator can impersonate a user of _CR_ e.g. while they're asleep and invite an evil user to witness everything that happens in _CR_.
The author feels that the MSC does not make the situation any worse than it is and that the only solution to all these problems is beyond the scope of this MSC and is essentially Matrix P2P.
### Snooping bots
As bots are invited to moderation rooms, a compromised bot (whether it's Routing Bot,
Classifier Bot or Ban Bot) has access to all moderation data for that room.
## Alternatives
### MSC 2938
MSC 2938 (by the same author) has previously been posted to specify a mechanism for reporting events to room moderators. The current MSC is considered
- more reliable (it does not need to roll out its own federation communication);
- more modular (the main features are implemented by bots and Clients);
- more friendly to tooling;
- less specialized/more general.
The author is not aware of other proposals that cover the same needs.
### Alternative to the Routing Bot
The "knocking" protocol is an example of an API that lets users inject state events in a room in which they do not belong. It is possible that we could follow the example of this protocol and implement a similar "abuse" API.
However, this would require implementing yet another new communication protocol based on PDUs/EDUs, including a (small) custom encryption/certificate layer and another retry mechanism. The author believes that this would entail a higher risk and result in code that is harder to test and trust.
### Priviledged Routing Bot
The Routing Bot CANNOT check whether:
- Alice is a member of _M_.`room_id`.
- Event _M_.`event_id` took place in room _M_.`room_id`.
- Alice could witness event _M_.`event_id`.
However, a Matrix homeserver implementation could offer the necessary features as part of an Admin API. As an example, the Synapse Admin API currently offers all the features necessary to check whether Alice is a member of _M_.`room_id` and whether event _M_.`event_id` took place in room _M_.`room_id` and could easily be extended to allow checking whether Alice could witness event _M_.`event_id`.
One idea could be to somehow make the Routing Bot a privileged user with access to these features *on all the homeservers involved*. This feels like a lost fight, though, a strong risk that homeserver administrators will fail to properly configure the Routing Bot, and a very strong risk to privacy of all users if the Routing Bot is somehow compromised.
The author believes that this is too risky.
### Priviledged Classifier Bot
Again, the Routing Bot CANNOT check whether:
- Alice is a member of _M_.`room_id`.
- Event _M_.`event_id` took place in room _M_.`room_id`.
- Alice could witness event _M_.`event_id`.
Instead of the Routing Bot checking whether the abuse report is legitimate, we could delegate the problem to the Classifier Bot. The risks and difficulties are essentially the same as with the Routing Bot.
The author believes that this is too risky.
### One Routing Bot per homeserver
Again, the Routing Bot CANNOT check whether:
- Alice is a member of _M_.`room_id`.
- Event _M_.`event_id` took place in room _M_.`room_id`.
- Alice could witness event _M_.`event_id`.
If the Routing Bot was attached to a specific homeserver, giving it the ability to check whether a user from the same homeserver is sending a legitimate abuse report would be simple and most likely riskless.
However, this means that one Routing Bot per homeserver member of the Community Room needs to be invited to each Moderation Room. In particular, this would expose all the content of the Moderation Room to this Routing Bot and to the administrator of every homeserver member of the Community Room.
A malicious administrator on *any* homeserver involved in the Community Room could therefore deanonymize every abuse report without visible tampering.
### Canceling an abuse report
At the moment, there is no mechanism to cancel an abuse report (i.e. "oops, I reported the wrong message"/"oops, I jumped the gun, that was actually not abuse").
This is not worse than the current abuse report API that does not support cancelation.
Furthermore, it feels like this could be added easily to the Routing Bot at a later stage without breakage. One possible manner of doing so would be to extend the Routing Bot to support the ability to delete a `m.abuse.report` report by a user if the same user requests it later.
To limit the scope of the current MSC, we leave this work for later experimentation/MSCs.
## Unstable prefix
During experimentation
- `m.room.moderation.moderated_by` will be prefixed `org.matrix.msc3215.room.moderation.moderated_by`;
- `m.room.moderation.moderator_of` will be prefixed `org.matrix.msc3215.room.moderation.moderator_of`;
- `m.abuse.report` will be prefixed `org.matrix.msc3215.abuse.report`;
- `m.abuse.nature.*` will be prefixed `org.matrix.msc3215.abuse.nature.*`.