Add error codes

Hugh Nimmo-Smith 2 months ago
parent a302c39faf
commit a81491ca2b

@ -848,7 +848,7 @@ sequenceDiagram
note over E: Existing device checks that requested protocol is supported
alt if requested protocol is not valid
E->>N: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.failure", "reason":"unsupported",<br>"homeserver": "})
E->>N: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.failure", "reason":"unsupported_protocol",<br>"homeserver": "})
@ -916,7 +916,7 @@ sequenceDiagram
note over E: Existing device checks that requested protocol is supported
alt if requested protocol is not valid
E->>N: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.failure", "reason":"unsupported",<br>"homeserver": "})
E->>N: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.failure", "reason":"unsupported_protocol",<br>"homeserver": "})
@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ existing device then asserts that there is no existing device corresponding to t
It does so by calling [GET /_matrix/client/v3/devices/<device_id>](
and expecting to receive an HTTP 404 response.
If the device already exists then the login request should be rejected with an `m.login.failure`.
If the device already exists then the login request should be rejected with an `m.login.failure` and reason `device_already_exists`.
If no existing device was found then the existing device opens the `verification_uri_complete` - falling back to the
`verification_uri`, if `verification_uri_complete` isnt present - in a system browser.
@ -1003,10 +1003,14 @@ sequenceDiagram
OP-->>N: 400 Bad Request {"error": "authorization_pending"}
else granted
OP-->>N: 200 OK {"access_token": "...", "token_type": "Bearer", ...}
N->>E: SecureSend({ "type": "m.login.success" })
Note over N: Device now has an access_token and can start to talk to the homeserver
else denied
OP-->>N: 400 Bad Request {"error": "authorization_declined"}
N->>E: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.declined"})
else expired
OP-->>N: 400 Bad Request {"error": "expired_token"}
N->>E: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.failure", "reason": "authorization_expired"})
@ -1019,14 +1023,6 @@ sequenceDiagram
Note over UA: User closes browser
alt declined
Note over E: or can the OP tell the existing device the outcome?
N->>E: SecureSend({"type":"m.login.declined"})
else approved
Note over N: Device now has an access_token and can start to talk to the homeserver
N->>E: SecureSend({ "type": "m.login.success" })
@ -1048,7 +1044,7 @@ This is achieved as following:
1. **Existing device confirms that the new device has indeed logged in successfully**
On receipt of an m.login.success message the existing device queries the homeserver to check that the is a device online
On receipt of an `m.login.success` message the existing device queries the homeserver to check that the is a device online
with the corresponding device_id (from the `m.login.protocol` message).
It does so by calling [GET /_matrix/client/v3/devices/<device_id>](
@ -1080,7 +1076,7 @@ The existing device sends a `m.login.secrets` message via the secure channel:
3. **New device cross-signs itself and uploads device keys**
On receipt of the m.login.secrets message the new device can store the secrets locally
On receipt of the `m.login.secrets` message the new device can store the secrets locally
The new device can then generate the cross-signing signature for itself.
@ -1139,7 +1135,7 @@ activate HS
alt is device not found
note over E: We should wait and retry for 10 seconds
HS->>E: 404 Not Found
E->>N: { "type": "m.login.failed", "reason": "TODO" }
E->>N: { "type": "m.login.failure", "reason": "device_not_found" }
else is device found
HS->>E: 200 OK
deactivate HS
@ -1253,9 +1249,9 @@ Fields:
|--- |--- |--- |
|`type`|required `string`|`m.login.failure`|
|`reason`|required `string`| One of: `TODO`|
|`reason`|required `string`| One of: <table> <tr> <td><strong>Value</strong> </td> <td><strong>Description</strong> </td> </tr><tr> <td><code>authorization_expired</code> </td> <td>The Device Authorization Grant expired</td> </tr> <tr> <td><code>device_already_exists</code> </td> <td>The device ID specified by the new client already exists in the Homeserver provided device list</td> </tr><tr><td><code>device_not_found</code></td><td>The new device is not present in the device list as returned by the Homeserver</td></tr><tr><td><code>unexpected_message_received</code></td><td>Sent by either device to indicate that they received a message of a type that they weren't expecting</td></tr><tr><td><code>unsupported_protocol</code></td><td>Sent by a device where no suitable protocol is available or the requested protocol requested is not supported</td></tr><tr><td><code>user_cancelled</code></td><td>Sent by either new or existing device to indicate that the user has cancelled the login</td></tr></table>|
|`homeserver`|`string`| When the existing device is sending this it can include the Base URL of the homeserver so that the new device can at least save the user the hassle of typing it in|
