Add backrefs and federated /event_relationships

Kegan Dougal 4 years ago
parent d5ddccbb69
commit 9835503c6f

@ -39,10 +39,6 @@ Drawbacks include:
- Additional work required for threading to work with E2EE. See MSC1849 for proposals, but they all boil down to having the `m.relationship`
field unencrypted in the event `content`.
Additional concerns:
- The name of the `rel_type` is prone to bike-shedding: "m.reference", "m.reply", "m.in_reply_to", etc. This proposal opts for the decisions made
in MSC1849 which is "m.reference".
Edge cases:
- Any event `type` can have an `m.relationship` field in its `content`.
- Redacting an event with an `m.relationship` field DOES NOT remove the relationship. Instead, it is preserved similar to how `membership`
@ -56,8 +52,8 @@ Edge cases:
be part of the connected DAG; it can be an outlier. This prevents erroneous relationships being made by abusing the CS API.
- It is NOT an error to reference an event ID in another room. Cross-room threading is allowed and this proposal goes into more detail on how
servers should handle this as a possible extension.
- It is an error to reference yourself.
- It is an error to reference yourself. Cyclical loops are still possible by using multiple events and servers should guard against this by
only visiting events once.
#### Querying relationships
@ -153,6 +149,26 @@ Server implementation:
was previously left, ensuring that no duplicate events are sent, and that any `max_depth` or `max_breadth` are honoured
_based on the original request_ - the max values always relate to the original `event_id`, NOT the event ID previously stopped at.
##### Querying relationships over federation
Relationships can be queried over federation using a new endpoint which is the same as the CS API format. See the CS API section for more info. The path
used for this new federation endpoint is `/_matrix/federation/v1/event_relationships`.
- In an ideal world, every server would have the complete room DAG and would therefore be able to explore the full scope of a thread in a room. However,
over federation, servers have an incomplete view of the room and will be missing many events. In absence of a specific API to explore threads over
federation, joining a room with threads will result in an incomplete view.
- The requirements here are similar to the [Event Context API]( but due to the lack of a federated
form of this API any requests for events the server is unaware of will incorrectly return `404 Not Found`.
- The same API shape is proposed to allow code reuse and because the same concerns and requirements are present for both federation and client-server.
Server behaviour:
- When receiving a request to `/event_relationships`: ensure the server is in the room then walk the thread in the same manner as the CS API form. Do not
make outbound `/event_relationships` requests on behalf of this request to avoid routing loops where 2 servers infinitely call `/event_relationships` to
each other.
- Servers should make outbound `/event_relationships` requests *for client requests* when they encounter an event ID they do not have. The event may have
happened much earlier in the room which another server in the room can satisfy.
#### Cross-room threading extension
This MSC expands on the basic form to allow cross-room threading by allowing 2 extra fields to be specified
@ -185,17 +201,19 @@ when an event is sent according to the following rules:
This proposal does not require any changes to `/createRoom` as `"m.cross_room_threading": true` can be specified via the
`creation_content` field in that API.
The `POST /relationships` endpoint includes a new field:
- `auto_join: true|false`: if `true`, will automatically join the user calling `/relationships` to rooms they are not joined to
The `POST /event_relationships` endpoint includes a new field:
- `auto_join: true|false`: if `true`, will automatically join the user calling `/event_relationships` to rooms they are not joined to
in order to explore the thread. Default: `false`.
Server implementation:
- When walking the thread DAG, if there is an event that is not known, check the relationship for `relationship_room_id` and `relationship_servers`. If
they exist, peek into the room ([MSC2444](, or if that is not supported,
join the room as the user querying `/relationships` if and only if `"auto_join": true` in the `/relationships` request. This
join the room as the user querying `/event_relationships` if and only if `"auto_join": true` in the `/event_relationships` request. This
is required in order to allow the event to be retrieved. Server implementations can treat the auto join as the same as if the
client made a request to [/join/{roomIdOrAlias}](
with the `server_name` query parameters set to those in `relationship_servers`.
- After joining the room, the server should use the federated API `/event_relationships` to explore the thread in the newly joined room as the server
will not have those events. These events can be stored as outliers or dropped depending on storage requirements.
Security considerations:
- Allowing cross-room threading leaks the event IDs in a given room, as well as which servers are in the room at the point
@ -210,3 +228,79 @@ Justifications:
also contain the routing information with that relationship.
- The fields are in the `unsigned` section so clients cannot artificially set them, and because `unsigned` is where a lot
of other server-calculated metadata resides.
##### Backreferences
Using the threading model proposed above, events contain information about their parents but parents do not contain information about their
children. This means that events can follow their path up to the root event but cannot explore siblings not on that root path. "Backreferences"
means adding additional metadata to allow the discovery of child events from a given parent event. These backreferences are necessary over
federation where each server has an incomplete view of the thread. Consider:
Letters = Servers
Numbers = Events
!room1 (A,B) !room2 (B,C)
1 <- parent
| |
2 3 <- children
- When event 2 is created, only servers A,B will know this.
- A backreference event needs to be created in !room2 in order for C to ever be aware of event 2.
- When C is aware of event 2, it can then peek/join into !room1 to receive updates to that fork.
- This means that **in order to create a relationship, the user must be in parent event's room**.
The backreference event MUST be sent by the server on behalf of the client and look like:
"type": "",
"content": {
"event_id": "$parent_event_id",
"m.relationship": {
"rel_type": "m.child",
"event_id": "$child_event_id",
"sender": "@user_making_relation:localhost",
"room_id": "!parent_event:room",
"unsigned": {
"relationship_servers": [ "localhost", "anotherhost" ]
- Backreference events have to exist so servers can be aware of new child threads in different rooms. Without it,
servers will only be able to walk from their event up to the root and not explore the entire thread. Furthermore,
servers will not converge on a consistent view of the thread as some servers have information that others are missing.
- We re-use the `m.relationship` shape because the event is a literal relationship.
- The type `` is used so clients can filter these out if they don't know or want to render them on the UI.
- We re-use the `unsigned.relationship_*` fields as routing information is critical in order to follow backreferences.
Edge cases:
- It is not an error if the user does not have permission to send this event into the parent room.
- The child event should be sent first, and only after success should the backreference event be sent. This is already
implied because the backreference event needs to reference the event ID of the child.
Security considerations:
- We omit the `content` of the child event and only share event metadata with the parent room for privacy. This
can be displayed on the UI as "Alice referenced this event in another room" which can be hyperlinked to the
room in question.
Server behaviour:
- When sending an event: if an event contains a valid `m.relationship` - where valid means that the user is joined to both child/parent rooms -
send the event then create the backreference event and send it into the parent room on a best-effort basis. Failures
for any reason are non-fatal.
- When receiving a backreference event: persist the relationship between parent/child for use in `/event_relationships`.
The net result of this is:
- 1: A client makes an `/event_relationships` request with `auto_join: true`. The server begins walking the thread.
- 2: The server encounters an event ID it does not have and the `unsigned` metadata indicates it is in a different room.
- 3: The server joins the room on behalf of the client.
- 4: The server calls the federated form of `/event_relationships` to the server joined via.
- 5: The server continues until it find an unknown event ID again then loops back to Step 2 until the request is satisfied.
- 6: Subsequent children made in this thread will be actively pushed to the server as normal events with the type ``.
This provides additional search paths for the next `/event_relationships` request and can be actively shown in the client's UI.
