add security consideration and alternatives

Signed-off-by: Timo K <>
Timo K 1 month ago
parent 8839b8d97d
commit 8bf6db7255

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# MSC4140: Expiring events with keep alive endpoint
Currently there is not mechanism for a client to provide a reliable way of
Currently there is no mechanism for a client to provide a reliable way of
communicating that an event is still valid. The best expiration method is to post
another event that is stores that it is expired.
In some situations the client just looses connection or fails to sent the expired
@ -121,8 +121,29 @@ the `"will_expire":"running"` events for a specific event type but render the
## Alternatives
[MSC4018]( also
proposes a way to make call memberships reliable. It uses the client sync loop as
an indicator to determine if the event is expired. Instead of letting the SFU
inform about the call termination or using the call app ping loop like we propose
## Security considerations
We are using unauthenticated endpoint to refresh the expirations. Since we use
the token it is hard to guess a correct endpoint and randomly end `will_expire`
It is an intentional decision to not provide an endpoint like
`PUT /_matrix/client/v3/expiration/room/{roomId}/event/{eventId}`
where any client with access to the room could also `end` or `refresh`
the expiration. With the token the client sending the event has ownership
over the expiration and only intentional delegation of that ownership
(sharing the token) is possible.
On the other hand the token makes sure that the instance gets as little
information about the matrix metadata of the associated `will_expire` event.
## Unstable prefix
## Dependencies
