as per the big spec meeting, split specification.rst into 4 chapters. merge in specification-NOTHAVE and spec-additions.rst whilst at it.

Matthew Hodgson 10 years ago
parent 8e60c08bf0
commit 8b4a35e341

@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
Matrix Specification
The Matrix specification is still very much evolving: the API is not yet frozen
and this document is in places incomplete, stale, and may contain security
issues. Needless to say, we have made every effort to highlight the problem
areas that we're aware of.
We're publishing it at this point because it's complete enough to be more than
useful and provide a canonical reference to how Matrix is evolving. Our end
goal is to mirror WHATWG's `Living Standard <>`_
approach except right now Matrix is more in the process of being born than actually being
.. contents:: Table of Contents
.. sectnum::
Matrix is a new set of open APIs for open-federated Instant Messaging and VoIP
functionality, designed to create and support a new global real-time
communication ecosystem on the internet. This specification is the ongoing
result of standardising the APIs used by the various components of the Matrix
ecosystem to communicate with one another.
The principles that Matrix attempts to follow are:
- Pragmatic Web-friendly APIs (i.e. JSON over REST)
- Keep It Simple & Stupid
+ provide a simple architecture with minimal third-party dependencies.
- Fully open:
+ Fully open federation - anyone should be able to participate in the global
Matrix network
+ Fully open standard - publicly documented standard with no IP or patent
licensing encumbrances
+ Fully open source reference implementation - liberally-licensed example
implementations with no IP or patent licensing encumbrances
- Empowering the end-user
+ The user should be able to choose the server and clients they use
+ The user should be control how private their communication is
+ The user should know precisely where their data is stored
- Fully decentralised - no single points of control over conversations or the
network as a whole
- Learning from history to avoid repeating it
+ Trying to take the best aspects of XMPP, SIP, IRC, SMTP, IMAP and NNTP
whilst trying to avoid their failings
The functionality that Matrix provides includes:
- Creation and management of fully distributed chat rooms with no
single points of control or failure
- Eventually-consistent cryptographically secure synchronisation of room
state across a global open network of federated servers and services
- Sending and receiving extensible messages in a room with (optional)
end-to-end encryption
- Extensible user management (inviting, joining, leaving, kicking, banning)
mediated by a power-level based user privilege system.
- Extensible room state management (room naming, aliasing, topics, bans)
- Extensible user profile management (avatars, displaynames, etc)
- Managing user accounts (registration, login, logout)
- Use of 3rd Party IDs (3PIDs) such as email addresses, phone numbers,
Facebook accounts to authenticate, identify and discover users on Matrix.
- Trusted federation of Identity servers for:
+ Publishing user public keys for PKI
+ Mapping of 3PIDs to Matrix IDs
The end goal of Matrix is to be a ubiquitous messaging layer for synchronising
arbitrary data between sets of people, devices and services - be that for
instant messages, VoIP call setups, or any other objects that need to be
reliably and persistently pushed from A to B in an interoperable and federated
Clients transmit data to other clients through home servers (HSes). Clients do
not communicate with each other directly.
How data flows between clients
{ Matrix client A } { Matrix client B }
^ | ^ |
| events | | events |
| V | V
+------------------+ +------------------+
| |---------( HTTP )---------->| |
| Home Server | | Home Server |
| |<--------( HTTP )-----------| |
+------------------+ Federation +------------------+
A "Client" typically represents a human using a web application or mobile app.
Clients use the "Client-to-Server" (C-S) API to communicate with their home
server, which stores their profile data and their record of the conversations
in which they participate. Each client is associated with a user account (and
may optionally support multiple user accounts). A user account is represented
by a unique "User ID". This ID is namespaced to the home server which allocated
the account and looks like::
The ``localpart`` of a user ID may be a user name, or an opaque ID identifying
this user. They are case-insensitive.
.. TODO-spec
- Need to specify precise grammar for Matrix IDs
A "Home Server" is a server which provides C-S APIs and has the ability to
federate with other HSes. It is typically responsible for multiple clients.
"Federation" is the term used to describe the sharing of data between two or
more home servers.
Data in Matrix is encapsulated in an "event". An event is an action within the
system. Typically each action (e.g. sending a message) correlates with exactly
one event. Each event has a ``type`` which is used to differentiate different
kinds of data. ``type`` values MUST be uniquely globally namespaced following
Java's `package naming conventions
<>`, e.g.
``com.example.myapp.event``. The special top-level namespace ``m.`` is reserved
for events defined in the Matrix specification. Events are usually sent in the
context of a "Room".
Room structure
A room is a conceptual place where users can send and receive events. Rooms can
be created, joined and left. Events are sent to a room, and all participants in
that room with sufficient access will receive the event. Rooms are uniquely
identified internally via a "Room ID", which look like::
There is exactly one room ID for each room. Whilst the room ID does contain a
domain, it is simply for globally namespacing room IDs. The room does NOT
reside on the domain specified. Room IDs are not meant to be human readable.
They ARE case-sensitive.
The following diagram shows an ```` event being sent in the room
{ } { }
| ^
| |
Room ID: ! Room ID: !
Event type: Event type:
Content: { JSON object } Content: { JSON object }
| |
V |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| Home Server | | Home Server |
| |<-------Federation------->| |
+------------------+ +------------------+
| ................................. |
|______| Shared State |_______|
| Room ID: ! |
| Servers:, |
| Members: |
| - |
| - |
Federation maintains shared state between multiple home servers, such that when
an event is sent to a room, the home server knows where to forward the event on
to, and how to process the event. State is scoped to a single room, and
federation ensures that all home servers have the information they need, even
if that means the home server has to request more information from another home
server before processing the event.
Room Aliases
Each room can also have multiple "Room Aliases", which looks like::
- Need to specify precise grammar for Room Aliases
A room alias "points" to a room ID and is the human-readable label by which
rooms are publicised and discovered. The room ID the alias is pointing to can
be obtained by visiting the domain specified. They are case-insensitive. Note
that the mapping from a room alias to a room ID is not fixed, and may change
over time to point to a different room ID. For this reason, Clients SHOULD
resolve the room alias to a room ID once and then use that ID on subsequent
When resolving a room alias the server will also respond with a list of servers
that are in the room that can be used to join via.
| ^
| |
| |
| Mappings: |
| #matrix >> ! |
| #golf >> ! |
| #bike >> ! |
Users in Matrix are identified via their user ID. However, existing ID
namespaces can also be used in order to identify Matrix users. A Matrix
"Identity" describes both the user ID and any other existing IDs from third
party namespaces *linked* to their account.
Matrix users can *link* third-party IDs (3PIDs) such as email addresses, social
network accounts and phone numbers to their user ID. Linking 3PIDs creates a
mapping from a 3PID to a user ID. This mapping can then be used by other Matrix
users in order to discover other users, according to a strict set of privacy
In order to ensure that the mapping from 3PID to user ID is genuine, a globally
federated cluster of trusted "Identity Servers" (IS) are used to perform
authentication of the 3PID. Identity servers are also used to preserve the
mapping indefinitely, by replicating the mappings across multiple ISes.
Usage of an IS is not required in order for a client application to be part of
the Matrix ecosystem. However, without one clients will not be able to look up
user IDs using 3PIDs.
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
Each user has the concept of presence information. This encodes the
"availability" of that user, suitable for display on other user's clients. This
is transmitted as an ``m.presence`` event and is one of the few events which
are sent *outside the context of a room*. The basic piece of presence
information is represented by the ``presence`` key, which is an enum of one of
the following:
- ``online`` : The default state when the user is connected to an event
- ``unavailable`` : The user is not reachable at this time.
- ``offline`` : The user is not connected to an event stream.
- ``free_for_chat`` : The user is generally willing to receive messages
moreso than default.
- ``hidden`` : Behaves as offline, but allows the user to see the client
state anyway and generally interact with client features. (Not yet
implemented in synapse).
This basic ``presence`` field applies to the user as a whole, regardless of how
many client devices they have connected. The home server should synchronise
this status choice among multiple devices to ensure the user gets a consistent
In addition, the server maintains a timestamp of the last time it saw an active
action from the user; either sending a message to a room, or changing presence
state from a lower to a higher level of availability (thus: changing state from
``unavailable`` to ``online`` will count as an action for being active, whereas
in the other direction will not). This timestamp is presented via a key called
``last_active_ago``, which gives the relative number of miliseconds since the
message is generated/emitted, that the user was last seen active.
Home servers can also use the user's choice of presence state as a signal for
how to handle new private one-to-one chat message requests. For example, it
might decide:
- ``free_for_chat`` : accept anything
- ``online`` : accept from anyone in my addres book list
- ``busy`` : accept from anyone in this "important people" group in my
address book list
Presence List
Each user's home server stores a "presence list" for that user. This stores a
list of other user IDs the user has chosen to add to it. To be added to this
list, the user being added must receive permission from the list owner. Once
granted, both user's HS(es) store this information. Since such subscriptions
are likely to be bidirectional, HSes may wish to automatically accept requests
when a reverse subscription already exists.
As a convenience, presence lists should support the ability to collect users
into groups, which could allow things like inviting the entire group to a new
("ad-hoc") chat room, or easy interaction with the profile information ACL
implementation of the HS.
Presence and Permissions
For a viewing user to be allowed to see the presence information of a target
user, either:
- The target user has allowed the viewing user to add them to their presence
list, or
- The two users share at least one room in common
In the latter case, this allows for clients to display some minimal sense of
presence information in a user list for a room.
Idle Time
.. NOTE::
Needs specificity & detail. Not present in Synapse.
As well as the basic ``presence`` field, the presence information can also show
a sense of an "idle timer". This should be maintained individually by the
user's clients, and the home server can take the highest reported time as that
to report. When a user is offline, the home server can still report when the
user was last seen online.
Device Type
.. NOTE::
Needs specificity & detail. Not present in Synapse.
Client devices that may limit the user experience somewhat (such as "mobile"
devices with limited ability to type on a real keyboard or read large amounts of
text) should report this to the home server, as this is also useful information
to report as "presence" if the user cannot be expected to provide a good typed
response to messages.
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
.. TODO-spec
- Metadata extensibility
Internally within Matrix users are referred to by their user ID, which is
typically a compact unique identifier. Profiles grant users the ability to see
human-readable names for other users that are in some way meaningful to them.
Additionally, profiles can publish additional information, such as the user's
age or location.
A Profile consists of a display name, an avatar picture, and a set of other
metadata fields that the user may wish to publish (email address, phone
numbers, website URLs, etc...). This specification puts no requirements on the
display name other than it being a valid unicode string. Avatar images are not
stored directly; instead the home server stores an ``http``-scheme URL where
clients may fetch it from.
API Standards
The mandatory baseline for communication in Matrix is exchanging JSON objects
over RESTful HTTP APIs. HTTPS is mandated as the baseline for server-server
(federation) communication. HTTPS is recommended for client-server
communication, although HTTP may be supported as a fallback to support basic
HTTP clients. More efficient optional transports for client-server
communication will in future be supported as optional extensions - e.g. a
packed binary encoding over stream-cipher encrypted TCP socket for
low-bandwidth/low-roundtrip mobile usage.
We need to specify capability negotiation for extensible transports
For the default HTTP transport, all API calls use a Content-Type of
``application/json``. In addition, all strings MUST be encoded as UTF-8.
Clients are authenticated using opaque ``access_token`` strings (see
`Registration and Login`_ for details), passed as a query string parameter on
all requests.
Need to specify any HMAC or access_token lifetime/ratcheting tricks
Any errors which occur on the Matrix API level MUST return a "standard error
response". This is a JSON object which looks like::
"errcode": "<error code>",
"error": "<error message>"
The ``error`` string will be a human-readable error message, usually a sentence
explaining what went wrong. The ``errcode`` string will be a unique string
which can be used to handle an error message e.g. ``M_FORBIDDEN``. These error
codes should have their namespace first in ALL CAPS, followed by a single _.
For example, if there was a custom namespace ````, and a
``FORBIDDEN`` code, the error code should look like
``COM.MYDOMAIN.HERE_FORBIDDEN``. There may be additional keys depending on the
error, but the keys ``error`` and ``errcode`` MUST always be present.
Some standard error codes are below:
Forbidden access, e.g. joining a room without permission, failed login.
The access token specified was not recognised.
Request contained valid JSON, but it was malformed in some way, e.g. missing
required keys, invalid values for keys.
Request did not contain valid JSON.
No resource was found for this request.
Too many requests have been sent in a short period of time. Wait a while then
try again.
Some requests have unique error codes:
Encountered when trying to register a user ID which has been taken.
Encountered when trying to create a room which has been taken.
Encountered when specifying bad pagination query parameters.
Encountered when polling for an email link which has not been clicked yet.
The C-S API typically uses ``HTTP POST`` to submit requests. This means these
requests are not idempotent. The C-S API also allows ``HTTP PUT`` to make
requests idempotent. In order to use a ``PUT``, paths should be suffixed with
``/{txnId}``. ``{txnId}`` is a unique client-generated transaction ID which
identifies the request, and is scoped to a given Client (identified by that
client's ``access_token``). Crucially, it **only** serves to identify new
requests from retransmits. After the request has finished, the ``{txnId}``
value should be changed (how is not specified; a monotonically increasing
integer is recommended). It is preferable to use ``HTTP PUT`` to make sure
requests to send messages do not get sent more than once should clients need to
retransmit requests.
Valid requests look like::
POST /some/path/here?access_token=secret
"key": "This is a post."
PUT /some/path/here/11?access_token=secret
"key": "This is a put with a txnId of 11."
In contrast, these are invalid requests::
POST /some/path/here/11?access_token=secret
"key": "This is a post, but it has a txnId."
PUT /some/path/here?access_token=secret
"key": "This is a put but it is missing a txnId."
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
The process of synchronising historic state from one home server to another,
to backfill the event storage so that scrollback can be presented to the
client(s). Not to be confused with pagination.
A single human-level entity of interest (currently, a chat room)
EDU (Ephemeral Data Unit):
A message that relates directly to a given pair of home servers that are
exchanging it. EDUs are short-lived messages that related only to one single
pair of servers; they are not persisted for a long time and are not forwarded
on to other servers. Because of this, they have no internal ID nor previous
EDUs reference chain.
A record of activity that records a single thing that happened on to a context
(currently, a chat room). These are the "chat messages" that Synapse makes
PDU (Persistent Data Unit):
A message that relates to a single context, irrespective of the server that
is communicating it. PDUs either encode a single Event, or a single State
change. A PDU is referred to by its PDU ID; the pair of its origin server
and local reference from that server.
The pair of PDU Origin and PDU Reference, that together globally uniquely
refers to a specific PDU.
PDU Origin:
The name of the origin server that generated a given PDU. This may not be the
server from which it has been received, due to the way they are copied around
from server to server. The origin always records the original server that
created it.
PDU Reference:
A local ID used to refer to a specific PDU from a given origin server. These
references are opaque at the protocol level, but may optionally have some
structured meaning within a given origin server or implementation.
The concept of whether a user is currently online, how available they declare
they are, and so on. See also: doc/model/presence
A set of metadata about a user, such as a display name, provided for the
benefit of other users. See also: doc/model/profiles
Room ID:
An opaque string (of as-yet undecided format) that identifies a particular
room and used in PDUs referring to it.
Room Alias:
A human-readable string of the form #name:some.domain that users can use as a
pointer to identify a room; a Directory Server will map this to its Room ID
A set of metadata maintained about a Context, which is replicated among the
servers in addition to the history of Events.
User ID:
A string of the form that identifies a user for
wire-protocol purposes. The localpart is meaningless outside of a particular
home server. This takes a human-readable form that end-users can use directly
if they so wish, avoiding the 3PIDs.
A message which relates to the communication between a given pair of servers.
A transaction contains possibly-empty lists of PDUs and EDUs.
This glossary contradicts the terms used above - especially on State Events v. "State"
and Non-State Events v. "Events". We need better consistent names.

@ -0,0 +1,580 @@
Receiving live updates on a client
Clients can receive new events by long-polling the home server. This will hold
open the HTTP connection for a short period of time waiting for new events,
returning early if an event occurs. This is called the `Event Stream`_. All
events which are visible to the client will appear in the event stream. When
the request returns, an ``end`` token is included in the response. This token
can be used in the next request to continue where the client left off.
.. TODO-spec
How do we filter the event stream?
Do we ever return multiple events in a single request? Don't we get lots of request
setup RTT latency if we only do one event per request? Do we ever support streaming
requests? Why not websockets?
When the client first logs in, they will need to initially synchronise with
their home server. This is achieved via the |initialSync|_ API. This API also
returns an ``end`` token which can be used with the event stream.
.. TODO-spec
We *HAVE* to clarify the difference between "state events" and "non-state events" here (or somewhere like it)
Common event fields
All events MUST have the following fields:
Represents the globally unique ID for this event.
Contains the event type, e.g. ````
JSON Object.
Contains the content of the event. When interacting with the REST API, this is the HTTP body.
Contains the ID of the room associated with this event.
Contains the fully-qualified ID of the user who *sent* this event.
State events have the additional fields:
Contains the state key for this state event. If there is no state key for this state event, this
will be an empty string. The presence of ``state_key`` makes this event a state event.
Contains the minimum power level a user must have before they can update this event.
JSON Object.
Optional. Contains the previous ``content`` for this event. If there is no previous content, this
key will be missing.
.. TODO-spec
How do "age" and "ts" fit in to all this? Which do we expose?
Room Events
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
This specification outlines several standard event types, all of which are
prefixed with ``m.``
Set the human-readable name for the room.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "name" : "string" }``
``{ "name" : "My Room" }``
A room has an opaque room ID which is not human-friendly to read. A room
alias is human-friendly, but not all rooms have room aliases. The room name
is a human-friendly string designed to be displayed to the end-user. The
room name is not *unique*, as multiple rooms can have the same room name
set. The room name can also be set when creating a room using |createRoom|_
with the ``name`` key.
Set a topic for the room.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "topic" : "string" }``
``{ "topic" : "Welcome to the real world." }``
A topic is a short message detailing what is currently being discussed in
the room. It can also be used as a way to display extra information about
the room, which may not be suitable for the room name. The room topic can
also be set when creating a room using |createRoom|_ with the ``topic``
The current membership state of a user in the room.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "membership" : "enum[ invite|join|leave|ban ]" }``
``{ "membership" : "join" }``
Adjusts the membership state for a user in a room. It is preferable to use
the membership APIs (``/rooms/<room id>/invite`` etc) when performing
membership actions rather than adjusting the state directly as there are a
restricted set of valid transformations. For example, user A cannot force
user B to join a room, and trying to force this state change directly will
fail. See the `Rooms`_ section for how to use the membership APIs.
The first event in the room.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "creator": "string"}``
``{ "creator": "" }``
This is the first event in a room and cannot be changed. It acts as the
root of all other events.
Descripes how/if people are allowed to join.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "join_rule": "enum [ public|knock|invite|private ]" }``
``{ "join_rule": "public" }``
TODO-doc : Use docs/models/rooms.rst
Defines the power levels of users in the room.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "<user_id>": <int>, ..., "default": <int>}``
``{ "": 5, "": 10, "default": 0 }``
If a user is in the list, then they have the associated power level.
Otherwise they have the default level. If not ``default`` key is supplied,
it is assumed to be 0.
Defines the minimum power level a user needs to add state.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "level": <int> }``
``{ "level": 5 }``
To add a new piece of state to the room a user must have the given power
level. This does not apply to updating current state, which is goverened
by the ``required_power_level`` event key.
Defines the minimum power level a user needs to send an event.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "level": <int> }``
``{ "level": 0 }``
To send a new event into the room a user must have at least this power
level. This allows ops to make the room read only by increasing this level,
or muting individual users by lowering their power level below this
Defines the minimum power levels that a user must have before they can
kick and/or ban other users.
State event
JSON format:
``{ "ban_level": <int>, "kick_level": <int>, "redact_level": <int> }``
``{ "ban_level": 5, "kick_level": 5 }``
This defines who can ban and/or kick people in the room. Most of the time
``ban_level`` will be greater than or equal to ``kick_level`` since
banning is more severe than kicking.
These state events are used to inform the room about what room aliases it
State event
JSON format:
``{ "aliases": ["string", ...] }``
``{ "aliases": [""] }``
This event is sent by a homeserver directly to inform of changes to the
list of aliases it knows about for that room. As a special-case, the
``state_key`` of the event is the homeserver which owns the room alias.
For example, an event might look like::
"type": "",
"event_id": "012345678ab",
"room_id": "!",
"state_key": "",
"content": {
"aliases": [""]
The event contains the full list of aliases now stored by the home server
that emitted it; additions or deletions are not explicitly mentioned as
being such. The entire set of known aliases for the room is then the union
of the individual lists declared by all such keys, one from each home
server holding at least one alias.
Clients `should` check the validity of any room alias given in this list
before presenting it to the user as trusted fact. The lists given by this
event should be considered simply as advice on which aliases might exist,
for which the client can perform the lookup to confirm whether it receives
the correct room ID.
A message.
Non-state event
JSON format:
``{ "msgtype": "string" }``
``{ "msgtype": "m.text", "body": "Testing" }``
This event is used when sending messages in a room. Messages are not
limited to be text. The ``msgtype`` key outlines the type of message, e.g.
text, audio, image, video, etc. Whilst not required, the ``body`` key
SHOULD be used with every kind of ``msgtype`` as a fallback mechanism when
a client cannot render the message. For more information on the types of
messages which can be sent, see ` msgtypes`_.
A receipt for a message.
Non-state event
JSON format:
``{ "type": "enum [ delivered|read ]", "target_event_id": "string" }``
``{ "type": "delivered", "target_event_id": "e3b2icys" }``
Feedback events are events sent to acknowledge a message in some way. There
are two supported acknowledgements: ``delivered`` (sent when the event has
been received) and ``read`` (sent when the event has been observed by the
end-user). The ``target_event_id`` should reference the ````
event being acknowledged.
Indicates a previous event has been redacted.
Non-state event
JSON format:
``{ "reason": "string" }``
Events can be redacted by either room or server admins. Redacting an event
means that all keys not required by the protocol are stripped off, allowing
admins to remove offensive or illegal content that may have been attached
to any event. This cannot be undone, allowing server owners to physically
delete the offending data. There is also a concept of a moderator hiding a
non-state event, which can be undone, but cannot be applied to state
The event that has been redacted is specified in the ``redacts`` event
level key. msgtypes
.. TODO-spec
How a client should handle unknown message types.
Each ```` MUST have a ``msgtype`` key which identifies the type
of message being sent. Each type has their own required and optional keys, as
outlined below:
Required keys:
- ``body`` : "string" - The body of the message.
Optional keys:
``{ "msgtype": "m.text", "body": "I am a fish" }``
Required keys:
- ``body`` : "string" - The emote action to perform.
Optional keys:
``{ "msgtype": "m.emote", "body": "tries to come up with a witty explanation" }``
Required keys:
- ``url`` : "string" - The URL to the image.
Optional keys:
- ``info`` : "string" - info : JSON object (ImageInfo) - The image info for
image referred to in ``url``.
- ``thumbnail_url`` : "string" - The URL to the thumbnail.
- ``thumbnail_info`` : JSON object (ImageInfo) - The image info for the
image referred to in ``thumbnail_url``.
- ``body`` : "string" - The alt text of the image, or some kind of content
description for accessibility e.g. "image attachment".
Information about an image::
"size" : integer (size of image in bytes),
"w" : integer (width of image in pixels),
"h" : integer (height of image in pixels),
"mimetype" : "string (e.g. image/jpeg)",
Required keys:
- ``url`` : "string" - The URL to the audio.
Optional keys:
- ``info`` : JSON object (AudioInfo) - The audio info for the audio
referred to in ``url``.
- ``body`` : "string" - A description of the audio e.g. "Bee Gees - Stayin'
Alive", or some kind of content description for accessibility e.g.
"audio attachment".
Information about a piece of audio::
"mimetype" : "string (e.g. audio/aac)",
"size" : integer (size of audio in bytes),
"duration" : integer (duration of audio in milliseconds),
Required keys:
- ``url`` : "string" - The URL to the video.
Optional keys:
- ``info`` : JSON object (VideoInfo) - The video info for the video
referred to in ``url``.
- ``body`` : "string" - A description of the video e.g. "Gangnam style", or
some kind of content description for accessibility e.g. "video
Information about a video::
"mimetype" : "string (e.g. video/mp4)",
"size" : integer (size of video in bytes),
"duration" : integer (duration of video in milliseconds),
"w" : integer (width of video in pixels),
"h" : integer (height of video in pixels),
"thumbnail_url" : "string (URL to image)",
"thumbanil_info" : JSON object (ImageInfo)
Required keys:
- ``geo_uri`` : "string" - The geo URI representing the location.
Optional keys:
- ``thumbnail_url`` : "string" - The URL to a thumnail of the location
being represented.
- ``thumbnail_info`` : JSON object (ImageInfo) - The image info for the
image referred to in ``thumbnail_url``.
- ``body`` : "string" - A description of the location e.g. "Big Ben,
London, UK", or some kind of content description for accessibility e.g.
"location attachment".
The following keys can be attached to any ````:
Optional keys:
- ``sender_ts`` : integer - A timestamp (ms resolution) representing the
wall-clock time when the message was sent from the client.
Events on Change of Profile Information
Because the profile displayname and avatar information are likely to be used in
many places of a client's display, changes to these fields cause an automatic
propagation event to occur, informing likely-interested parties of the new
values. This change is conveyed using two separate mechanisms:
- a ```` event is sent to every room the user is a member of,
to update the ``displayname`` and ``avatar_url``.
- a presence status update is sent, again containing the new values of the
``displayname`` and ``avatar_url`` keys, in addition to the required
``presence`` key containing the current presence state of the user.
Both of these should be done automatically by the home server when a user
successfully changes their displayname or avatar URL fields.
Additionally, when home servers emit room membership events for their own
users, they should include the displayname and avatar URL fields in these
events so that clients already have these details to hand, and do not have to
perform extra roundtrips to query it.
Voice over IP
Matrix can also be used to set up VoIP calls. This is part of the core
specification, although is still in a very early stage. Voice (and video) over
Matrix is based on the WebRTC standards.
Call events are sent to a room, like any other event. This means that clients
must only send call events to rooms with exactly two participants as currently
the WebRTC standard is based around two-party communication.
This event is sent by the caller when they wish to establish a call.
Required keys:
- ``call_id`` : "string" - A unique identifier for the call
- ``offer`` : "offer object" - The session description
- ``version`` : "integer" - The version of the VoIP specification this
message adheres to. This specification is version 0.
- ``lifetime`` : "integer" - The time in milliseconds that the invite is
valid for. Once the invite age exceeds this value, clients should discard
it. They should also no longer show the call as awaiting an answer in the
Optional keys:
``{ "version" : 0, "call_id": "12345", "offer": { "type" : "offer", "sdp" : "v=0\r\no=- 6584580628695956864 2 IN IP4[...]" } }``
``Offer Object``
Required keys:
- ``type`` : "string" - The type of session description, in this case
- ``sdp`` : "string" - The SDP text of the session description
This event is sent by callers after sending an invite and by the callee after
answering. Its purpose is to give the other party additional ICE candidates to
try using to communicate.
Required keys:
- ``call_id`` : "string" - The ID of the call this event relates to
- ``version`` : "integer" - The version of the VoIP specification this
messages adheres to. his specification is version 0.
- ``candidates`` : "array of candidate objects" - Array of object
describing the candidates.
``Candidate Object``
Required Keys:
- ``sdpMid`` : "string" - The SDP media type this candidate is intended
- ``sdpMLineIndex`` : "integer" - The index of the SDP 'm' line this
candidate is intended for
- ``candidate`` : "string" - The SDP 'a' line of the candidate
Required keys:
- ``call_id`` : "string" - The ID of the call this event relates to
- ``version`` : "integer" - The version of the VoIP specification this
- ``answer`` : "answer object" - Object giving the SDK answer
``Answer Object``
Required keys:
- ``type`` : "string" - The type of session description. 'answer' in this
- ``sdp`` : "string" - The SDP text of the session description
Sent by either party to signal their termination of the call. This can be sent
either once the call has has been established or before to abort the call.
Required keys:
- ``call_id`` : "string" - The ID of the call this event relates to
- ``version`` : "integer" - The version of the VoIP specification this
Message Exchange
A call is set up with messages exchanged as follows:
Caller Callee -----------> -------->
[more candidates events]
User answers call
Or a rejected call:
Caller Callee -----------> -------->
[more candidates events]
User rejects call
Calls are negotiated according to the WebRTC specification.
This specification aims to address the problem of two users calling each other
at roughly the same time and their invites crossing on the wire. It is a far
better experience for the users if their calls are connected if it is clear
that their intention is to set up a call with one another.
In Matrix, calls are to rooms rather than users (even if those rooms may only
contain one other user) so we consider calls which are to the same room.
The rules for dealing with such a situation are as follows:
- If an invite to a room is received whilst the client is preparing to send an
invite to the same room, the client should cancel its outgoing call and
instead automatically accept the incoming call on behalf of the user.
- If an invite to a room is received after the client has sent an invite to
the same room and is waiting for a response, the client should perform a
lexicographical comparison of the call IDs of the two calls and use the
lesser of the two calls, aborting the greater. If the incoming call is the
lesser, the client should accept this call on behalf of the user.
The call setup should appear seamless to the user as if they had simply placed
a call and the other party had accepted. Thusly, any media stream that had been
setup for use on a call should be transferred and used for the call that
replaces it.

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@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
Federation API
Federation is the term used to describe how to communicate between Matrix home
servers. Federation is a mechanism by which two home servers can exchange
Matrix event messages, both as a real-time push of current events, and as a
historic fetching mechanism to synchronise past history for clients to view. It
uses HTTPS connections between each pair of servers involved as the underlying
transport. Messages are exchanged between servers in real-time by active
pushing from each server's HTTP client into the server of the other. Queries to
fetch historic data for the purpose of back-filling scrollback buffers and the
like can also be performed. Currently routing of messages between homeservers
is full mesh (like email) - however, fan-out refinements to this design are
currently under consideration.
There are three main kinds of communication that occur between home servers:
These are single request/response interactions between a given pair of
servers, initiated by one side sending an HTTPS GET request to obtain some
information, and responded by the other. They are not persisted and contain
no long-term significant history. They simply request a snapshot state at
the instant the query is made.
:Ephemeral Data Units (EDUs):
These are notifications of events that are pushed from one home server to
another. They are not persisted and contain no long-term significant
history, nor does the receiving home server have to reply to them.
:Persisted Data Units (PDUs):
These are notifications of events that are broadcast from one home server to
any others that are interested in the same "context" (namely, a Room ID).
They are persisted to long-term storage and form the record of history for
that context.
EDUs and PDUs are further wrapped in an envelope called a Transaction, which is
transferred from the origin to the destination home server using an HTTP PUT
This section may be misleading or inaccurate.
The transfer of EDUs and PDUs between home servers is performed by an exchange
of Transaction messages, which are encoded as JSON objects, passed over an HTTP
PUT request. A Transaction is meaningful only to the pair of home servers that
exchanged it; they are not globally-meaningful.
Each transaction has:
- An opaque transaction ID.
- A timestamp (UNIX epoch time in milliseconds) generated by its origin
- An origin and destination server name.
- A list of "previous IDs".
- A list of PDUs and EDUs - the actual message payload that the Transaction
DNS name of homeserver making this transaction.
Timestamp in milliseconds on originating homeserver when this transaction
List of strings
List of transactions that were sent immediately prior to this transaction.
List of Objects.
List of updates contained in this transaction.
The ``prev_ids`` field contains a list of previous transaction IDs that the
``origin`` server has sent to this ``destination``. Its purpose is to act as a
sequence checking mechanism - the destination server can check whether it has
successfully received that Transaction, or ask for a retransmission if not.
The ``pdus`` field of a transaction is a list, containing zero or more PDUs.[*]
Each PDU is itself a JSON object containing a number of keys, the exact details
of which will vary depending on the type of PDU. Similarly, the ``edus`` field
is another list containing the EDUs. This key may be entirely absent if there
are no EDUs to transfer.
(* Normally the PDU list will be non-empty, but the server should cope with
receiving an "empty" transaction.)
PDUs and EDUs
This section may be misleading or inaccurate.
All PDUs have:
- An ID
- A context
- A declaration of their type
- A list of other PDU IDs that have been seen recently on that context
(regardless of which origin sent them)
Event context identifier
DNS name of homeserver that created this PDU.
Unique identifier for PDU within the context for the originating homeserver
Timestamp in milliseconds on originating homeserver when this PDU was
PDU event type.
List of pairs of strings
The originating homeserver and PDU ids of the most recent PDUs the
homeserver was aware of for this context when it made this PDU.
The maximum depth of the previous PDUs plus one.
.. TODO-spec paul
- Update this structure so that 'pdu_id' is a two-element [origin,ref] pair
like the prev_pdus are
For state updates:
True if this PDU is updating state.
Optional key identifying the updated state within the context.
The asserted power level of the user performing the update.
The required power level needed to replace this update.
PDU event type.
The PDU id of the update this replaces.
The user updating the state.
In contrast to Transactions, it is important to note that the ``prev_pdus``
field of a PDU refers to PDUs that any origin server has sent, rather than
previous IDs that this ``origin`` has sent. This list may refer to other PDUs
sent by the same origin as the current one, or other origins.
Because of the distributed nature of participants in a Matrix conversation, it
is impossible to establish a globally-consistent total ordering on the events.
However, by annotating each outbound PDU at its origin with IDs of other PDUs
it has received, a partial ordering can be constructed allowing causality
relationships to be preserved. A client can then display these messages to the
end-user in some order consistent with their content and ensure that no message
that is semantically in reply of an earlier one is ever displayed before it.
PDUs fall into two main categories: those that deliver Events, and those that
synchronise State. For PDUs that relate to State synchronisation, additional
keys exist to support this:
EDUs, by comparison to PDUs, do not have an ID, a context, or a list of
"previous" IDs. The only mandatory fields for these are the type, origin and
destination home server names, and the actual nested content.
Protocol URLs
This section may be misleading or inaccurate.
All these URLs are namespaced within a prefix of::
For active pushing of messages representing live activity "as it happens"::
PUT .../send/:transaction_id/
Body: JSON encoding of a single Transaction
Response: TODO-doc
The transaction_id path argument will override any ID given in the JSON body.
The destination name will be set to that of the receiving server itself. Each
embedded PDU in the transaction body will be processed.
To fetch a particular PDU::
GET .../pdu/:origin/:pdu_id/
Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction containing one PDU
Retrieves a given PDU from the server. The response will contain a single new
Transaction, inside which will be the requested PDU.
To fetch all the state of a given context::
GET .../state/:context/
Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction containing multiple PDUs
Retrieves a snapshot of the entire current state of the given context. The
response will contain a single Transaction, inside which will be a list of PDUs
that encode the state.
To backfill events on a given context::
GET .../backfill/:context/
Query args: v, limit
Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction containing multiple PDUs
Retrieves a sliding-window history of previous PDUs that occurred on the given
context. Starting from the PDU ID(s) given in the "v" argument, the PDUs that
preceeded it are retrieved, up to a total number given by the "limit" argument.
These are then returned in a new Transaction containing all of the PDUs.
To stream events all the events::
GET .../pull/
Query args: origin, v
Response: JSON encoding of a single Transaction consisting of multiple PDUs
Retrieves all of the transactions later than any version given by the "v"
To make a query::
GET .../query/:query_type
Query args: as specified by the individual query types
Response: JSON encoding of a response object
Performs a single query request on the receiving home server. The Query Type
part of the path specifies the kind of query being made, and its query
arguments have a meaning specific to that kind of query. The response is a
JSON-encoded object whose meaning also depends on the kind of query.
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
.. TODO-doc
- What it is, when is it used, how is it done
SRV Records
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
.. TODO-doc
- Why it is needed
State Conflict Resolution
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
.. TODO-doc
- How do conflicts arise (diagrams?)
- How are they resolved (incl tie breaks)
- How does this work with deleting current state
The server API for presence is based entirely on exchange of the following
EDUs. There are no PDUs or Federation Queries involved.
Performing a presence update and poll subscription request::
EDU type: m.presence
Content keys:
push: (optional): list of push operations.
Each should be an object with the following keys:
user_id: string containing a User ID
presence: "offline"|"unavailable"|"online"|"free_for_chat"
status_msg: (optional) string of freeform text
last_active_ago: miliseconds since the last activity by the user
poll: (optional): list of strings giving User IDs
unpoll: (optional): list of strings giving User IDs
The presence of this combined message is two-fold: it informs the recipient
server of the current status of one or more users on the sending server (by the
``push`` key), and it maintains the list of users on the recipient server that
the sending server is interested in receiving updates for, by adding (by the
``poll`` key) or removing them (by the ``unpoll`` key). The ``poll`` and
``unpoll`` lists apply *changes* to the implied list of users; any existing IDs
that the server sent as ``poll`` operations in a previous message are not
removed until explicitly requested by a later ``unpoll``.
On receipt of a message containing a non-empty ``poll`` list, the receiving
server should immediately send the sending server a presence update EDU of its
own, containing in a ``push`` list the current state of every user that was in
the orginal EDU's ``poll`` list.
Sending a presence invite::
EDU type: m.presence_invite
Content keys:
observed_user: string giving the User ID of the user whose presence is
requested (i.e. the recipient of the invite)
observer_user: string giving the User ID of the user who is requesting to
observe the presence (i.e. the sender of the invite)
Accepting a presence invite::
EDU type: m.presence_accept
Content keys - as for m.presence_invite
Rejecting a presence invite::
EDU type: m.presence_deny
Content keys - as for m.presence_invite
.. TODO-doc
- Explain the timing-based roundtrip reduction mechanism for presence
- Explain the zero-byte presence inference logic
See also: docs/client-server/model/presence
The server API for profiles is based entirely on the following Federation
Queries. There are no additional EDU or PDU types involved, other than the
implicit ``m.presence`` and ```` events (see section below).
Querying profile information::
Query type: profile
user_id: the ID of the user whose profile to return
field: (optional) string giving a field name
Returns: JSON object containing the following keys:
displayname: string of freeform text
avatar_url: string containing an http-scheme URL
If the query contains the optional ``field`` key, it should give the name of a
result field. If such is present, then the result should contain only a field
of that name, with no others present. If not, the result should contain as much
of the user's profile as the home server has available and can make public.
Server-Server Authentication
.. TODO-doc
- Why is this needed.
- High level overview of process.
- Transaction/PDU signing
- How does this work with redactions? (eg hashing required keys only)
Threat Model
Denial of Service
The attacker could attempt to prevent delivery of messages to or from the
victim in order to:
* Disrupt service or marketing campaign of a commercial competitor.
* Censor a discussion or censor a participant in a discussion.
* Perform general vandalism.
Threat: Resource Exhaustion
An attacker could cause the victims server to exhaust a particular resource
(e.g. open TCP connections, CPU, memory, disk storage)
Threat: Unrecoverable Consistency Violations
An attacker could send messages which created an unrecoverable "split-brain"
state in the cluster such that the victim's servers could no longer dervive a
consistent view of the chatroom state.
Threat: Bad History
An attacker could convince the victim to accept invalid messages which the
victim would then include in their view of the chatroom history. Other servers
in the chatroom would reject the invalid messages and potentially reject the
victims messages as well since they depended on the invalid messages.
.. TODO-spec
Track trustworthiness of HS or users based on if they try to pretend they
haven't seen recent events, and fake a splitbrain... --M
Threat: Block Network Traffic
An attacker could try to firewall traffic between the victim's server and some
or all of the other servers in the chatroom.
Threat: High Volume of Messages
An attacker could send large volumes of messages to a chatroom with the victim
making the chatroom unusable.
Threat: Banning users without necessary authorisation
An attacker could attempt to ban a user from a chatroom with the necessary
An attacker could try to send a message claiming to be from the victim without
the victim having sent the message in order to:
* Impersonate the victim while performing illict activity.
* Obtain privileges of the victim.
Threat: Altering Message Contents
An attacker could try to alter the contents of an existing message from the
Threat: Fake Message "origin" Field
An attacker could try to send a new message purporting to be from the victim
with a phony "origin" field.
The attacker could try to send a high volume of solicicted or unsolicted
messages to the victim in order to:
* Find victims for scams.
* Market unwanted products.
Threat: Unsoliticted Messages
An attacker could try to send messages to victims who do not wish to receive
Threat: Abusive Messages
An attacker could send abusive or threatening messages to the victim
The attacker could try to access message contents or metadata for messages sent
by the victim or to the victim that were not intended to reach the attacker in
order to:
* Gain sensitive personal or commercial information.
* Impersonate the victim using credentials contained in the messages.
(e.g. password reset messages)
* Discover who the victim was talking to and when.
Threat: Disclosure during Transmission
An attacker could try to expose the message contents or metadata during
transmission between the servers.
Threat: Disclosure to Servers Outside Chatroom
An attacker could try to convince servers within a chatroom to send messages to
a server it controls that was not authorised to be within the chatroom.
Threat: Disclosure to Servers Within Chatroom
An attacker could take control of a server within a chatroom to expose message
contents or metadata for messages in that room.
Identity Servers
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
.. TODO-doc Dave
- 3PIDs and identity server, functions
Lawful Interception
Key Escrow Servers
Policy Servers
.. NOTE::
This section is a work in progress.
.. TODO-spec
We should mention them in the Architecture section at least: how they fit
into the picture.
Enforcing policies
.. Links through the external API docs are below
.. =============================================
.. |createRoom| replace:: ``/createRoom``
.. _createRoom: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/create_room
.. |initialSync| replace:: ``/initialSync``
.. _initialSync: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-events/initial_sync
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/initialSync| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/initialSync``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/initialSync: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/get_room_sync_data
.. |login| replace:: ``/login``
.. _login: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-login
.. |register| replace:: ``/register``
.. _register: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-registration
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/messages| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/messages``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/messages: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/get_messages
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/members| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/members``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/members: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/get_members
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/state| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/state``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/state: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/get_state_events
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/send/<event_type>| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/send/<event_type>``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/send/<event_type>: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/send_non_state_event
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/state/<event_type>/<state_key>| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/state/<event_type>/<state_key>``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/state/<event_type>/<state_key>: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/send_state_event
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/invite| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/invite``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/invite: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/invite
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/join| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/join``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/join: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/join_room
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/leave| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/leave``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/leave: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/leave
.. |/rooms/<room_id>/ban| replace:: ``/rooms/<room_id>/ban``
.. _/rooms/<room_id>/ban: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/ban
.. |/join/<room_alias_or_id>| replace:: ``/join/<room_alias_or_id>``
.. _/join/<room_alias_or_id>: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-rooms/join
.. _`Event Stream`: /docs/api/client-server/#!/-events/get_event_stream

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
In C-S API > Registration/Login:
Login is supported by responding to a captcha, in this case Google's
To respond to this type, reply with::
"type": "m.login.recaptcha",
"challenge": "<challenge token>",
"response": "<user-entered text>"
The Recaptcha parameters can be obtained in Javascript by calling::
The home server MUST respond with either new credentials, the next stage of the
login process, or a standard error response.
In Events:
Common event fields
All events MUST have the following fields:
Represents the globally unique ID for this event.
Contains the event type, e.g. ````
JSON Object.
Contains the content of the event. When interacting with the REST API, this is the HTTP body.
Contains the ID of the room associated with this event.
Contains the fully-qualified ID of the user who *sent* this event.
State events have the additional fields:
Contains the state key for this state event. If there is no state key for this state event, this
will be an empty string. The presence of ``state_key`` makes this event a state event.
Contains the minimum power level a user must have before they can update this event.
JSON Object.
Optional. Contains the previous ``content`` for this event. If there is no previous content, this
key will be missing.
.. TODO-spec
How do "age" and "ts" fit in to all this? Which do we expose?

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
Matrix Specification NOTHAVEs
This document contains sections of the main specification that have been
temporarily removed, because they specify intentions or aspirations that have
in no way yet been implemented. Rather than outright-deleting them, they have
been moved here so as to stand as an initial version for such time as they
become extant.
Idle Time
As well as the basic ``presence`` field, the presence information can also show
a sense of an "idle timer". This should be maintained individually by the
user's clients, and the home server can take the highest reported time as that
to report. When a user is offline, the home server can still report when the
user was last seen online.
Device Type
Client devices that may limit the user experience somewhat (such as "mobile"
devices with limited ability to type on a real keyboard or read large amounts of
text) should report this to the home server, as this is also useful information
to report as "presence" if the user cannot be expected to provide a good typed
response to messages.

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