Add templates used to render data

Will 3 years ago committed by Richard van der Hoff
parent 06983e1eb1
commit 5f45a897ef

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Renders a single event, given:
* `event_name`: the name we want to display for the event
* `event_data`: the event specification
* `desired_example_name` (optional): the exact name of the examples to render.
If `desired_example_name` is omitted we render all examples
whose names start with the `event_name`.
{{ $event_name := .event_name }}
{{ $desired_example_name := .desired_example_name }}
{{ $event_data := .event_data }}
<section class="rendered-data event">
<details {{ if not .Site.Params.ui.rendered_data_collapsed }}open{{ end }}>
<h1 id="{{ anchorize $event_name }}">
<code>{{ $event_name }}</code>
{{ $event_data.description | markdownify }}
{{ $state_key := index $ "state_key" }}
<table class="basic-info">
<th>Event type:</th>
<td>{{ if $state_key }}State event{{ else }}Message event{{ end }}</td>
{{ if $state_key }}
<th>State key</th>
<td>{{ $state_key.description | markdownify }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" $ }}
{{ range $additional_types }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" (dict "caption" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required) }}
{{ $all_examples := index site.Data "event-schemas" "examples" }}
{{ range $example_name, $example := $all_examples }}
This is to allow the msgtype template to work.
It lets callers specify exactly the name of the example they want
{{ if $desired_example_name }}
{{ if eq $example_name $desired_example_name }}
{{ $example_content := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $example "path" "event-schemas/examples") }}
{{ jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example_content }}
{{ end }}
If `$desired_example_name` is not given, we will include any
examples whose first part (before "$") matches the event name
{{ else }}
{{ $pieces := split $example_name "$" }}
{{ $example_base_name := index $pieces 0 }}
{{ if eq $event_name $example_base_name }}
{{ $example_content := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $example "path" "event-schemas/examples") }}
{{ $example_json := jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example_content }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003c" "<" }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003e" ">" | safeHTML }}
{{ $example_json }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Finds and returns all nested objects, given:
* `this_object`: a JSON schema object
Given a schema object, this template finds all nested objects under that
It "cleans" each object by copying only the parts of the objects that
the renderer needs, and adds the result to an array, `additional_objects`.
Finally it returns the array of all the objects it found.
Note that the returned array may contain duplicate objects.
{{ $this_object := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" . }}
{{ $additional_objects := slice }}
{{ if eq $this_object.type "object" }}
Add the object we were passed into the $additional_objects array
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append (partial "clean-object" $this_object) }}
Add any nested objects referenced in this object's `additionalProperties`
{{ if $this_object.additionalProperties }}
{{ if reflect.IsMap $this_object.additionalProperties }}
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append (partial "clean-object" $this_object.additionalProperties) }}
{{ range $key, $property := $ }}
{{ $additional_objects = partial "get-additional-objects" (dict "this_object" $property "additional_objects" $additional_objects) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Add any nested objects referenced in this object's `properties`
{{ range $key, $property := $}}
{{ $additional_objects = partial "get-additional-objects" (dict "this_object" $property "additional_objects" $additional_objects) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $this_object.type "array" }}
Add any nested objects referenced in this object's `items`
{{ if reflect.IsSlice $this_object.items}}
{{ range $this_object.items }}
{{ $additional_objects = partial "get-additional-objects" (dict "this_object" . "additional_objects" $additional_objects) }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $additional_objects = partial "get-additional-objects" (dict "this_object" $this_object.items "additional_objects" $additional_objects) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $additional_objects }}
This actually makes the recursive call and adds the returned objects to the array
{{ define "partials/get-additional-objects" }}
{{ $additional_objects := .additional_objects }}
{{ $this_object := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" .this_object }}
{{ $more_objects := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" $this_object }}
As far as I know we don't have something like Array.concat(), so add them one at a time
{{ range $more_objects}}
{{ $additional_objects = $additional_objects | append (partial "clean-object" .) }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $additional_objects }}
{{ end }}
Only copy the bits of the object that we actually care about.
This is needed for uniqify to work - otherwise objects that are the same
but with (for example) different examples will be considered differen.
{{ define "partials/clean-object" }}
{{ return (dict "title" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required "enum" .enum) }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
Resolves the `allOf` keyword (,
given a JSON schema object.
`allOf` is used to support a kind of inheritance for JSON schema objects.
An object can reference a "parent" object using `allOf`, and it then inherits
its parent's properties. If the same property is present in the child, then
we use the child's version (the child overrides the parent).
Of course the parent can itself inherit from *its* parent, so we recurse to
handle that.
{{ $ret := . }}
{{ $original := . }}
{{ $required := .required }}
{{ if not $required }}
{{ $required := slice }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $ret.allOf }}
{{ $all_of_values := dict }}
allOf is always an array
{{ range . }}
{{ with .required }}
{{ $required = union $required . }}
{{ end }}
With merge, values from the second argument override those from the first argument.
So this order will accumulate values from allOf items, allowing later ones to override earlier
{{ $all_of_values = merge $all_of_values . }}
{{ end }}
Then apply allOf values to the original, but allow the original to override allOf.
{{ $ret = merge $all_of_values $ret }}
Except that if allOf *itself* contains allOf, we do want to override the original for that field only.
{{ with $all_of_values.allOf }}
{{ $ret = merge $ret (dict "allOf" . ) }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $ret.required }}
{{ $required = union $required $ret.required }}
{{ end }}
{{ $ret = merge $ret (dict "required" $required) }}
{{ end }}
Recurse while we are finding new allOf entries to resolve
{{ if ne $ret.allOf $original.allOf }}
{{ $resolved := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $ret }}
{{ $ret = merge $ret $resolved }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $ret }}

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
For complex objects, example content is sometimes attached to the
object's individual properties (and subproperties...), so to get
a complete example for the whole object we need to iterate through
its properties (and subproperties...) and assemble them.
That's what this template does.
{{ $this_object := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" . }}
{{ if eq $this_object.type "object" }}
{{ if not $this_object.example }}
{{ $this_object := merge (dict "example" dict ) $this_object }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $key, $property := $}}
{{ $this_property_example := partial "json-schema/resolve-example" $property }}
{{ if $this_property_example }}
{{ $this_object = merge (dict "example" (dict $key $this_property_example)) $this_object }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $this_object.example }}

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Resolves the `$ref` JSON schema keyword, by recursively replacing
it with the object it points to.
This template uses [`Scratch`](
rather than a normal `dict` because with `dict` you can't replace key values:
{{ $schema := .schema }}
{{ $path := .path}}
{{ $ret := $schema }}
{{ if reflect.IsMap $schema }}
{{ $scratch := newScratch }}
{{ $scratch.Set "result_map" dict }}
{{ $ref_value := index $schema "$ref"}}
{{ if $ref_value}}
{{ $full_path := path.Join $path $ref_value }}
Apparently Hugo doesn't give us a nice way to split the extension off a filename.
{{ $without_ext := replaceRE "\\.[^\\.]*$" "" $full_path }}
{{ $pieces := split $without_ext "/" }}
{{ $ref := index site.Data $pieces }}
{{ $new_path := (path.Split $full_path).Dir}}
{{ $result_map := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $ref "path" $new_path)}}
{{ if $result_map}}
{{ $scratch.Set "result_map" $result_map }}
{{end }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $key, $value := $schema }}
{{ if ne $key "$ref" }}
{{ $resolved := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $value "path" $path) }}
{{ $scratch.SetInMap "result_map" $key $resolved }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $ret = $scratch.Get "result_map" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if reflect.IsSlice $schema }}
{{ $result_slice := slice }}
{{ range $schema }}
{{ $resolved := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" . "path" $path) }}
{{ $result_slice = $result_slice | append $resolved }}
{{ end }}
{{ $ret = $result_slice }}
{{ end }}
{{ return $ret }}

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
Render an HTTP API, given:
* `api_data`: the OpenAPI/Swagger data
* `base_url`: the base URL: that is, the part we glue onto the front
of each value in `paths` to get a complete URL.
* `path`: the directory under /data where we found this API definition.
We use this to resolve "$ref" values, since they are relative to the schema's
{{ $api_data := index .api_data }}
{{ $base_url := .base_url }}
{{ $path := .path }}
{{ range $path_name, $path_data := $api_data.paths }}
{{ $endpoint := delimit (slice $base_url $path_name ) "" }}
{{/* note that a `paths` entry can be a $ref */}}
{{ $params := dict "endpoint" $endpoint "path" $path }}
{{ with $path_data.get }}
{{ $operation_params := merge $params (dict "method" "GET" "operation_data" . ) }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-operation" $operation_params }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $ }}
{{ $operation_params := merge $params (dict "method" "POST" "operation_data" . ) }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-operation" $operation_params }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $path_data.put }}
{{ $operation_params := merge $params (dict "method" "PUT" "operation_data" . ) }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-operation" $operation_params }}
{{ end }}
{{ with $path_data.delete }}
{{ $operation_params := merge $params (dict "method" "DELETE" "operation_data" . ) }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-operation" $operation_params }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
Render a table listing the properties of an object, given:
* `caption`: optional caption for the table
* `properties`: dictionary of the properties to list, each given as:
`property_name` : `property_data`
* `required`: array containing the names of required properties.
In some cases (such as response body specifications) this isn't used, and
instead properties have a `required` boolean attribute. We support this too.
{{ $caption := .caption }}
{{ $properties := .properties}}
{{ $required := .required}}
{{ if $properties }}
<table class>
{{ with $caption }}
<caption>{{ . }}</caption>
{{ end }}
<th class="col-name">Name</th>
<th class="col-type">Type</th>
<th class="col-description">Description</th>
{{ range $property_name, $property := $properties }}
{{ $property := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $property }}
If the property has a `title`, use that rather than `type`.
This means we can write things like `EventFilter` rather than `object`.
{{ $type := $property.type}}
{{ if $property.title }}
{{ $type = $property.title }}
{{ end }}
If the property is an array, indicate this with square brackets,
{{ if eq $type "array"}}
{{ $items := $property.items }}
{{ if $property.items }}
{{ $items = partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $property.items }}
{{ end }}
{{ $inner_type := $items.type }}
{{ if $items.title }}
{{ $inner_type = $items.title }}
{{ end }}
{{ $type = delimit (slice "[" $inner_type "]") "" }}
{{ end }}
If the property is an enum, indicate this.
{{ if (and (eq $type "string") ($property.enum)) }}
{{ $type = "enum" }}
{{ end }}
If the property uses `additionalProperties` to describe its
internal structure, handle this.
{{ if reflect.IsMap $property.additionalProperties }}
{{ if $property.additionalProperties.title }}
{{ $type = delimit (slice "{ string: " $property.additionalProperties.title "}" ) "" }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
Handle two ways of indicating "required", one for simple parameters,
the other for request and response body objects.
{{ $required := cond (or (in $required $property_name) ( eq $property.required true )) true false }}
<td><code>{{ $property_name }}</code></td>
<td><code>{{ $type }}</code></td>
<td>{{ if $required }}<strong>Required: </strong>{{end}}{{ $property.description | markdownify }}{{ if eq $type "enum"}}<p>One of: <code>{{ $property.enum }}</code>.</p>{{ end }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
Render a single HTTP API operation: that is, a method+endpoint combination, given:
* `method`: the method, e.g. GET, PUT
* `endpoint`: the endpoint
* `operation_data`: the OpenAPI/Swagger data for the operation
* `path`: the path where this definition was found, to enable us to resolve "$ref"
This template renders the operation as a `<section>` containing:
* an `<h1>` heading containing the method and endpoint
* a `<details>` element containing the details, including:
* operation description
* basic info about the operation
* request details
* response details
{{ $method := .method }}
{{ $endpoint := .endpoint }}
{{ $operation_data := .operation_data }}
{{ $path := .path }}
<section class="rendered-data http-api {{ $method }}">
<details {{ if not site.Params.ui.rendered_data_collapsed }}open{{ end }}>
<h1 id="{{ lower $method }}{{ anchorize $endpoint }}">
<span class="http-api-method {{ $method }}">{{ $method }}</span>
<span class="endpoint{{ if $operation_data.deprecated }} deprecated-inline{{ end }}">{{ $endpoint }}</span>
{{ if $operation_data.deprecated }}
{{ partial "alert" (dict "type" "warning" "omit_title" "true" "content" "This API is deprecated and will be removed from a future release.") }}
{{ end }}
<p>{{ $operation_data.description | markdownify }}</p>
<table class="basic-info">
{{ $rate_limited := index $operation_data.responses "429" }}
<td>{{ if $rate_limited }}Yes{{ else }}No{{ end }}</td>
<th>Requires authentication:</th>
<td>{{ if $ }}Yes{{ else }}No{{ end }}</td>
{{ partial "openapi/render-request" (dict "parameters" $operation_data.parameters "path" $path) }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-responses" (dict "responses" $operation_data.responses "path" $path) }}

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
Render the parameters of a given type, given:
* `parameters`: OpenAPI/Swagger data specifying the parameters
* `type`: the type of parameters to render: "header, ""path", "query"
* `caption`: caption to use for the table
This template renders a single table containing parameters of the given type.
{{ $parameters := .parameters }}
{{ $type := .type }}
{{ $caption := .caption }}
{{ $parameters_of_type := where $parameters "in" $type }}
{{ with $parameters_of_type }}
{{/* convert parameters into the format that render-object-table expects to see */}}
{{ $param_dict := dict }}
{{ range $parameter := . }}
{{ $param_dict = merge $param_dict (dict $ (dict "type" $parameter.type "description" $parameter.description "required" $parameter.required "enum" $parameter.enum) )}}
{{ end }}
{{/* and render the parameters */}}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" (dict "caption" $caption "properties" $param_dict) }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Render the request part of a single HTTP API operation, given:
* `parameters`: OpenAPI/Swagger data specifying the parameters
* `path`: the path where this definition was found, to enable us to resolve "$ref"
This template renders:
* the "simple parameters" (header, path, query parameters)
* body parameters, which may be more complex, containing nested objects
* response body examples
{{ $parameters := .parameters }}
{{ $path := .path }}
{{ if $parameters }}
{{ $simple_parameters := where $parameters "in" "!=" "body"}}
{{ if $simple_parameters }}
<h3>Request parameters</h3>
{{ partial "openapi/render-parameters" (dict "parameters" $simple_parameters "type" "header" "caption" "header parameters") }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-parameters" (dict "parameters" $simple_parameters "type" "path" "caption" "path parameters") }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-parameters" (dict "parameters" $simple_parameters "type" "query" "caption" "query parameters") }}
{{ end }}
{{ $body_parameters := where $parameters "in" "body"}}
{{ if $body_parameters }}
<h3>Request body</h3>
{{/* at most one body param is allowed by the spec */}}
{{ $body_parameter := index $body_parameters 0 }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $body_parameter.schema "path" $path) }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $schema }}
{{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" $schema }}
{{ $additional_types = uniq $additional_types }}
{{ range $additional_types }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" (dict "caption" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required) }}
{{ end }}
<h3>Request body example</h3>
{{ $example := partial "json-schema/resolve-example" $schema }}
{{ if $example }}
{{ $example_json := jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003c" "<" }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003e" ">" | safeHTML }}
{{ $example_json }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial "alert" (dict "type" "warning" "omit_title" "true" "color" "warning" "content" "Specification error: Example invalid or not present") }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
<p>No request parameters or request body.</p>
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
Render the response part of a single HTTP API operation, given:
* `responses`: OpenAPI/Swagger data specifying the responses
* `path`: the path where this definition was found, to enable us to resolve "$ref"
This template renders:
* a summary of all the different responses
* details of the body for each response code
* body parameters, which may be more complex, containing nested objects
* response body examples
{{ $responses := .responses }}
{{ $path := .path }}
<table class>
<th class="col-status">Status</th>
<th class="col-status-description">Description</th>
{{ range $code, $response := $responses }}
<td><code>{{ $code }}</code></td>
<td>{{ $response.description | markdownify }}</td>
{{ end }}
{{ range $code, $response := $responses }}
{{ if $response.schema }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $response.schema "path" $path) }}
{{ $schema := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $schema }}
{{ if or $ (eq $schema.type "array") }}
<h3>{{ $code}} response</h3>
All this is to work out how to express the content of the response
in the case where it is an array.
{{ if eq $schema.type "array" }}
{{ $type_of := "" }}
{{ if reflect.IsSlice $schema.items }}
{{ $types := slice }}
{{ range $schema.items }}
{{ if .title }}
{{ $types = $types | append .title}}
{{ else }}
{{ $types = $types | append .type }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $type_of = delimit $types ", "}}
{{ else }}
{{ $type_of = $schema.items.title }}
{{ end }}
<p>Array of <code>{{ $type_of }}</code>.</p>
{{ end }}
{{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" $schema }}
{{ $additional_types = uniq $additional_types }}
{{ range $additional_types }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" (dict "caption" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required) }}
{{ end }}
{{ $example := partial "json-schema/resolve-example" $schema }}
{{ if $response.examples }}
{{ $example = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $response.examples "path" $path) }}
{{ $example = index $example "application/json" }}
{{ end }}
{{ if $example }}
{{ $example_json := jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003c" "<" }}
{{ $example_json = replace $example_json "\\u003e" ">" | safeHTML }}
{{ $example_json }}
{{ else }}
{{ partial "alert" (dict "type" "warning" "omit_title" "true" "color" "warning" "content" "Specification error: Example invalid or not present") }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
This template is used to render EDUs and PDUs in the server-server and room versions specs.
It expects to be passed a `path` parameter, which is a path, relative to /data,
pointing to a schema file. The file extension is omitted. For example:
{{% definition path="api/server-server/definitions/edu" %}}
This template replaces the old {{definition_*}} template.
{{ $path := .Params.path }}
{{ $compact := .Params.compact }}
{{ $pieces := split $path "/" }}
{{/* The definition is referenced by the .path parameter */}}
{{ $definition := index .Site.Data $pieces }}
{{/* The base path, which we use to resolve $ref, omits the last component */}}
{{ $pieces = first (sub (len $pieces) 1) $pieces}}
{{ $path = delimit $pieces "/" }}
{{/* Resolve $ref and allOf */}}
{{ $definition = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $definition "path" $path) }}
{{ $definition = partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $definition }}
<section class="rendered-data definition">
<details {{ if not $compact }}open{{ end }}>
<code>{{ $definition.title }}</code>
{{ $definition.description | markdownify }}
{{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" $definition }}
{{ $additional_types = uniq $additional_types }}
{{ range $additional_types }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" (dict "caption" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required) }}
{{ $example := partial "json-schema/resolve-example" $definition }}
{{ jsonify (dict "indent" " ") $example }}

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
This template is used to render the fields that all basic events and room events
must or may contain.
It expects to be passed an `event_type` parameter, is the name of a file under
/data/event-schemas/core-event-schema. The file extension is omitted. For example:
{{% event-fields event_type="room_event" %}}
This template replaces the old {{common_event_fields}} and {{common_room_event_fields}} templates.
{{ $event := index .Site.Data "event-schemas" "schema" "core-event-schema" .Params.event_type }}
{{ $path := "event-schemas/schema/core-event-schema" }}
{{ $event = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $event "path" $path) }}
{{ $event := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $event }}
<section class="rendered-data event">
<details {{ if not .Site.Params.ui.rendered_data_collapsed }}open{{ end }}>
<code>{{ humanize $event.title }}</code>
{{ $event.description | markdownify }}
{{ $event = merge $event (dict "title" "") }}
{{ $additional_types := partial "json-schema/resolve-additional-types" $event }}
{{ range $additional_types }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-object-table" (dict "caption" .title "properties" .properties "required" .required) }}

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
This template is used to render a group of events starting with a given prefix.
It expects to be passed a `group_name` parameter. For example:
{{% event-group group_name="" %}}
The template will then render all events whose schema starts with the given name.
This template replaces the old {{*_events}} template.
{{ $path := "event-schemas/schema" }}
{{ $events := index .Site.Data "event-schemas" "schema" }}
{{ $group_name := .Params.group_name }}
{{ range $event_name, $event_data := $events }}
{{ $prefix := substr $event_name 0 (len $group_name) }}
{{ if eq $prefix $group_name }}
{{ $event_data = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $event_data "path" $path) }}
{{ $event_data := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $event_data }}
{{ partial "events/render-event" (dict "event_name" $event_name "event_data" $event_data)}}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
This template is used to render an event.
It expects to be passed an `event` parameter, which is the name of a schema file under
"data/event-schemas/schema". The file extension is omitted. For example:
{{% event event="m.accepted_terms" %}}
This template replaces the old {{*_event}} template.
{{ $event_data := index .Site.Data "event-schemas" "schema" .Params.event }}
{{ $path := "event-schemas/schema" }}
{{ $event_data = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $event_data "path" $path) }}
{{ $event_data := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $event_data }}
{{ partial "events/render-event" (dict "event_name" .Params.event "event_data" $event_data)}}

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
This template is used to render an HTTP API, given an OpenAPI/Swagger definition.
It expects to be passed two parameters:
* a `spec` parameter identifying the spec, which must be the name of
a directory under /data/api
* an `api` parameter, identifying an OpenAPI/Swagger definition,
which is the name of a schema file under "data/api/$spec".
The file extension is omitted. For example:
{{% http-api spec="server-server" api="public_rooms" %}}
This template replaces the old {{*_http_api}} template.
{{ $spec := .Params.spec}}
{{ $api := .Params.api}}
{{ $api_data := index .Site.Data.api .Params.spec .Params.api }}
{{ $base_url := replace $api_data.basePath "%CLIENT_MAJOR_VERSION%" "r0" }}
{{ $path := delimit (slice "api" $spec) "/" }}
{{ partial "openapi/render-api" (dict "api_data" $api_data "base_url" $base_url "path" $path) }}

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
This template is used to render the `` events.
It replaces the old {{msgtype_events}} template.
{{ $path := "event-schemas/schema" }}
{{ $compact := false }}
The old template starts with an explicit list of events, presumably
to define the order in which they are rendered.
{{ $msgtypes := (slice "$m.text" "$m.emote" "$m.notice" "$m.image" "$m.file") }}
It excludes `$m.server_notice`
{{ $excluded := slice "$m.server_notice" }}
It then adds any other events that start ``.
{{ $events := index .Site.Data "event-schemas" "schema" }}
{{ $expected_prefix := "$"}}
{{ range $object_name, $event_data := $events }}
{{ $prefix := substr $object_name 0 (len $expected_prefix) }}
{{ if and (eq $prefix $expected_prefix) (not (in $excluded $object_name)) (not (in $msgtypes $object_name)) }}
{{ $msgtypes = $msgtypes | append $object_name }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ $site_data := .Site.Data }}
{{ range $msgtypes }}
{{ $event_data := index $site_data "event-schemas" "schema" . }}
{{ $event_data = partial "json-schema/resolve-refs" (dict "schema" $event_data "path" $path) }}
{{ $event_data := partial "json-schema/resolve-allof" $event_data }}
{{ $event_name := index (split . "$") 1 }}
{{ partial "events/render-event" (dict "event_name" $event_name "desired_example_name" . "event_data" $event_data)}}
{{ end }}