Get profile tag keys displaying correctly.

Kegan Dougal 9 years ago
parent f6da9d7760
commit 56ce432399

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ paths:
Retrieve all push rulesets for this user. Clients can "drill-down" on
the rulesets by suffixing a ``scope`` to this path e.g.
``/pushrules/global/``. This will return a subset of this data under the
specified key: in this case the ``global`` key.
specified key e.g. the ``global`` key.
- accessToken: []
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ paths:
type: object
title: Devices
description: A dictionary of devices.
description: A dictionary of profile tags to rulesets.
x-pattern: "$PROFILE_TAG"
type: object

@ -336,33 +336,6 @@ rules, the rule_id of the rule determines its behaviour.
Push Rules: API
Rules live under a hierarchy in the REST API that resembles::
The component parts are as follows:
Either 'global' or 'device/<profile_tag>' to specify global rules or
device rules for the given profile_tag.
The kind of rule, i.e. 'override', 'underride', 'sender', 'room', 'content'.
The identifier for the rule.
To add or change a rule, a client performs a PUT request to the appropriate URL.
When adding rules of a type that has an ordering, the client can add parameters
that define the priority of the rule:
Use 'before' with a rule_id as its value to make the new rule the next-more
important rule with respect to the given rule.
This makes the new rule the next-less important rule relative to the given
All requests to the push rules API also require an access_token as a query
The content of the PUT request is a JSON object with a list of actions under the
'actions' key and either conditions (under the 'conditions' key) or the
@ -391,60 +364,6 @@ To add a custom sound for notifications messages containing the word 'beer' in a
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "conditions": [{"kind": "event_match", "key": "content.body", "pattern": "beer" }, {"kind": "room_member_count", "is": "<=10"}], "actions" : ["notify", {"set_sound":"beeroclock.wav"}] }' "http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/api/v1/pushrules/global/override/U2VlIHlvdSBpbiBUaGUgRHVrZQ?access_token=123456
To delete rules, a client would just make a DELETE request to the same URL::
curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/api/v1/pushrules/global/room/"
Retrieving the current ruleset can be done either by fetching individual rules
using the scheme as specified above. This returns the rule in the same format as
would be given in the PUT API with the addition of a rule_id::
curl "http://localhost:8008/_matrix/client/api/v1/pushrules/global/room/"
"actions": [
"rule_id": "",
"enabled": true
Clients can also fetch broader sets of rules by removing path components.
Requesting the root level returns a structure as follows::
"device": {
"exampledevice": {
"content": [],
"override": [],
"room": [
"actions": [
"rule_id": "",
"enabled", true
"sender": [],
"underride": []
"global": {
"content": [],
"override": [],
"room": [],
"sender": [],
"underride": []
Adding patch components to the request drills down into this structure to filter
to only the requested set of rules.
Enabling and Disabling Rules
Rules can be enabled or disabled with a PUT operation to the 'enabled' component

@ -31,18 +31,18 @@ Response format:
{% for table in endpoint.res_tables -%}
{{"``"+table.title+"``" if table.title else "" }}
======================= ================= ==========================================
Param Type Description
======================= ================= ==========================================
======================= ========================= ==========================================
Param Type Description
======================= ========================= ==========================================
{% for row in table.rows -%}
{# -#}
{# Row type needs to prepend spaces to line up with the type column (20 ch) -#}
{# Desc needs to prepend the required text (maybe) and prepend spaces too -#}
{# It also needs to then wrap inside the desc col (42 ch width) -#}
{# -#}
{{row.key}}{{row.type|indent(24-row.key|length)}}{{row.desc|wrap(40,row.req_str | indent(18 - (row.type|length))) |indent_block(42)}}
{{row.key}}{{row.type|indent(24-row.key|length)}}{{row.desc|wrap(40,row.req_str | indent(26 - (row.type|length))) |indent_block(50)}}
{% endfor -%}
======================= ================= ==========================================
======================= ========================= ==========================================
{% endfor %}
{% endif -%}

@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ def get_json_schema_object_fields(obj, enforce_title=False):
value_type = "{string: %s}" % nested_object[0]["title"]
key = props[key_name]["additionalProperties"].get(
"x-pattern", "string"
value_type = "{%s: %s}" % (key, nested_object[0]["title"])
if not nested_object[0].get("no-table"):
tables += nested_object
