@ -323,18 +323,27 @@ and instead should perform some sort of action within the client. For example, i
the user were to click on a matrix.to URI for a room alias, the client may open
a view for the user to participate in the room.
The components of the matrix.to URI (``<identifier>`` and ``<extra parameter>``)
are to be percent-encoded as per RFC 3986.
Examples of matrix.to URIs are:
* Room alias: ``https://matrix.to/#/#somewhere:example.org``
* Room: ``https://matrix.to/#/!somewhere:example.org``
* Permalink by room: ``https://matrix.to/#/!somewhere:example.org/$event:example.org``
* Room alias: ``https://matrix.to/#/%23somewhere%3Aexample.org``
* Room: ``https://matrix.to/#/!somewhere%3Aexample.org``
* Permalink by room: ``https://matrix.to/#/!somewhere%3Aexample.org/%24event%3Aexample.org``
* Permalink by room alias: ``https://matrix.to/#/#somewhere:example.org/$event:example.org``
* User: ``https://matrix.to/#/@alice:example.org``
* Group: ``https://matrix.to/#/+example:example.org``
.. Note::
Event IDs have the potential to contain slashes in some `room versions <index.html#room-versions>`_.
No component of the URI should be URL encoded.
Historically, clients have not produced URIs which are fully encoded. Clients should
try to interpret these cases to the best of their ability. For example, an unencoded
room alias should still work within the client if possible.
.. Note::
Clients should be aware that decoding a matrix.to URI may result in extra slashes
appearing due to some `room versions <index.html#room-versions>`_. These slashes
should normally be encoded when producing matrix.to URIs, however.
.. Note::
Room ID permalinks are unroutable as there is no reliable domain to send requests