Description of rendezvous session API

Hugh Nimmo-Smith 2 months ago
parent f34bec334a
commit 2830e88bfc

@ -61,6 +61,220 @@ header. After this point, any further attempts to query or update the payload MU
extended every time the payload is updated. The rendezvous session can be manually expired with a `DELETE` call to the
rendezvous session.
####  API
A new endpoint for the Client-Server API:
##### Create a rendezvous session and send initial payload: `POST /_matrix/client/v1/rendezvous`
HTTP request headers:
- `Content-Length` - required
- `Content-Type` - required
HTTP request body:
- any data up to maximum size allowed by the server
HTTP response codes, and Matrix error codes:
- `201 Created` - rendezvous session created
- `400 Bad Request` (``M_MISSING_PARAM``) - no `Content-Length` was provided.
- `403 Forbidden` (``M_FORBIDDEN``) - forbidden by server policy
- `413 Payload Too Large` (``M_TOO_LARGE``) - the supplied payload is too large
- `429 Too Many Requests` (``M_UNKNOWN``) - the request has been rate limited
- `307 Temporary Redirect` - if the request should be served from somewhere else specified in the `Location` response header
n.b. the [`307 Temporary Redirect`]( response code has been chosen explicitly for the behaviour of ensuring that the method and body will not change whilst the user-agent follows the redirect. For this reason, no other `30x` response codes are allowed.
HTTP response headers for `201 Created`:
- `Content-Type`- required, application/json
- `ETag` - required, ETag for the current payload at the rendezvous session as per [RFC7232](
- `Expires` - required, the expiry time of the rendezvous as per [RFC7234](
- `Last-Modified` - required, the last modified date of the payload as per [RFC7232](
Example response:
HTTP 201 Created
ETag: VmbxF13QDusTgOCt8aoa0d2PQcnBOXeIxEqhw5aQ03o=
Expires: Wed, 07 Sep 2022 14:28:51 GMT
Last-Modified: Wed, 07 Sep 2022 14:27:51 GMT
Content-Type: application/json
"url": ""
##### Send a payload to the rendezvous session: `PUT <rendezvous session URL>`
HTTP request headers:
- `Content-Length` - required
- `Content-Type` - required
- `If-Match` - required. The ETag of the last payload seen by the requesting device.
HTTP request body:
- any data up to maximum size allowed by the server
HTTP response codes, and Matrix error codes:
- `202 Accepted` - payload updated
- `400 Bad Request` (`M_MISSING_PARAM`) - a required header was not provided.
- `400 Bad Request` (`M_INVALID_PARAM`) - a malformed [`ETag`]( header was provided.
- `404 Not Found` (`M_NOT_FOUND`) - rendezvous session ID is not valid (it could have expired)
- `412 Precondition Failed` (`M_CONCURRENT_WRITE`, a new error code) - when the ETag does not match
- `413 Payload Too Large` (`M_TOO_LARGE`) - the supplied payload is too large
- `429 Too Many Requests` (`M_UNKNOWN`) - the request has been rate limited
HTTP response headers for `202 Accepted` and `412 Precondition Failed`:
- `ETag` - required, ETag for the current payload at the rendezvous session as per [RFC7232](
- `Expires` - required, the expiry time of the rendezvous session as per [RFC7233](
- `Last-Modified` - required, the last modified date of the payload as per [RFC7232](
##### Receive a payload from the rendezvous session: `GET <rendezvous session URL>`
HTTP request headers:
- `If-None-Match` - optional, as per [RFC7232]( server will only return data if given ETag does not match
HTTP response codes, and Matrix error codes:
- `200 OK` - payload returned
- `304 Not Modified` - when `If-None-Match` is supplied and the ETag does not match
- `404 Not Found` (`M_NOT_FOUND`) - rendezvous session URL is not valid (it could have expired)
- `429 Too Many Requests` (`M_UNKNOWN`) - the request has been rate limited
HTTP response headers for `200 OK` and `304 Not Modified`:
- `ETag` - required, ETag for the current payload at the rendezvous session as per [RFC7232](
- `Expires` - required, the expiry time of the rendezvous session as per [RFC7233](
- `Last-Modified` - required, the last modified date of the payload as per [RFC7232](
- `Content-Type` - required for `200 OK`
HTTP response body:
- The payload last set for this rendezvous session, either via the creation POST request or a subsequent PUT request, up to the maximum size allowed by the server.
##### Cancel a rendezvous session: `DELETE <rendezvous session URL>`
HTTP response codes:
- `204 No Content` - rendezvous session cancelled
- `404 Not Found` (`M_NOT_FOUND`) - rendezvous session ID is not valid (it could have expired)
- `429 Too Many Requests` (`M_UNKNOWN`) - the request has been rate limited
##### Authentication
These API endpoints do not require authentication because trust is established at the secure channel layer which is described later.
##### Maximum payload size
The server should allow a minimum payload size of 10KB and enforce a maximum payload size which is recommended to be 100KB.
###### Maximum duration of a rendezvous
The rendezvous session only needs to persist for the duration of the handshake. So a timeout such as 30 seconds is adequate.
Clients should handle the case of the rendezvous session being cancelled or timed out by the server.
###### ETags
The ETag generated should be unique to the rendezvous session and the last modified time so that two clients can distinguish between identical payloads sent by either client.
###### CORS
For the POST /_matrix/client/rendezvous API endpoint, in addition to the standard Client-Server API [CORS]( headers, the ETag response header should also be allowed by exposing the following CORS header:
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ETag
To support usage from web browsers the rendezvous URLs should allow CORS requests from any origin and expose the headers which arent on the CORS [request header safelist]( and [response header safelist](
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: If-Match,If-None-Match
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, PUT, DELETE
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: ETag
##### Choice of server
Ultimately it will be up to the Matrix client implementation to decide which rendezvous server to use.
However, it is suggested that the following logic is used by the device/client to choose the rendezvous server in order of preference:
1. If the client is already logged in: try and use the current homeserver.
1. If the client is not logged in and it is known which homeserver the user wants to connect to: try and use that homeserver.
1. Otherwise use a default server.
#### Example API usage
participant A as Device A
participant HS as Homeserver
participant R as Rendezvous Server<br>
participant B as Device B
Note over A: Device A determines which rendezvous server to use
A->>+HS: POST /_matrix/client/rendezvous<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>"Hello from A"
HS->>-A: 307
A->>+R: POST /foo<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>"Hello from A"
R->>-A: 201 Created<br>ETag: 1<br>{"url":""}
A-->>B: Rendezvous URL shared out of band as QR code: e.g.
Note over A: Device A starts polling for new payloads at the<br>rendezvous session using the returned ETag
activate A
B->>+R: GET /abc-def-123-456
R->>-B: 200 OK<br>ETag: 1<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>"Hello from A"
loop Device A polls the rendezvous session for a new payload
A->>+R: GET /abc-def-123-456<br>If-None-Match: 1
alt is not modified
R->>-A: 304 Not Modified
note over B: Device B sends a new payload
B->>+R: PUT /abc-def-123-456<br>If-Match: 1<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>"Hello from B"
R->>-B: 202 Accepted<br>ETag: 2
Note over B: Device B starts polling for new payloads at the<br>rendezvous session using the new ETag
activate B
loop Device B polls the rendezvous session for a new payload
B->>+R: GET /abc-def-123-456<br>If-None-Match: 2
alt is not modified
R->>-B: 304 Not Modified
note over A: Device A then receives the new payload
opt modified
R->>A: 200 OK<br>ETag: 2<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>"Hello from B"
deactivate A
note over A: Device A sends a new payload
A->>+R: PUT /abc-def-123-456<br>If-None-Match: 2<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>"Hello again from A"
R->>-A: 202 Accepted<br>ETag: 3
note over B: Device B then receives the new payload
opt modified
R->>B: 200 OK<br>ETag: 3<br>Content-Type: text/plain<br>...
deactivate B
#### Threat analysis
##### Denial of Service attack surface
@ -90,7 +304,7 @@ TODO
### Secure channel
The above rendezvous session is insecure, providing no confidentiality nor authenticity against the rendezvous server or
even arbitrary network participants which possess the rendezvous session server and ID. To provide a secure channel on
even arbitrary network participants which possess the rendezvous session URL. To provide a secure channel on
top of this insecure rendezvous session transport, we propose the following scheme.
This scheme is essentially[ECIES](
@ -145,7 +359,7 @@ similar structure to that of the existing Device Verification QR code encoding d
This is defined in detail in a separate section of this proposal.
Device S scans and parses the QR code to obtain **Gp**, the rendezvous session **URL**, **intent** and optionally the
Device S scans and parses the QR code to obtain **Gp**, the rendezvous session **URL**, **intent** and optionally the
**homeserver base URL**.
At this point Device S should check that the received intent matches what the user has asked to do on the device.
@ -1021,7 +1235,6 @@ Fields:
|--- |--- |--- |
|`type`|required `string`|`m.login.declined`|
