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# MSC2403: Add "knock" feature
Many people are in invite-only rooms. Sometimes, someone wants to join such a room and can't, as
they aren't invited. This proposal adds a feature for a user to indicate that they want to join
a room.
# Proposal
This proposal implements the reserved "knock" membership type for the `` state event.
This state event indicates that when a user knocks on a room, they are asking for permission to join. It
contains an optional "reason" parameter to specify the reason you want to join. Like other
membership types the parameters, "displayname" and "avatar_url" are optional. This membership can
be set from users who aren't currently in said room. An example for the membership would look like the
"membership": "knock",
"displayname": "Alice",
"avatar_url": "mxc://",
"reason": "I want to join this room as I really love foxes!"
After a knock is received in a room, it is expected to be displayed in the timeline, similar to other
4 years ago
membership changes. It is recommended to not display the reason until the user interacts with the
client in some way (e.g. clicking on a "show reason" button), as else this would essentially allow
4 years ago
outsiders to send messages into the room. Clients can optionally add a way for users of a room to
review all current knocks. After a knock in a room, a member of the room can invite the knocker.
To be able to implement this properly, two new endpoints need to be added: one in the Client-Server
API and one in the Server-Server API.
## Restrictions
There are restrictions to being able to set this membership.
### Current membership
Only users without a current membership or with their current membership being "leave" can knock on a
room. This means that a user that is banned or currently in the room cannot knock on it.
### Join Rules
The `join_rule` of `` must be set to "invite" for a knock to succeed. This means that people can't knock
in public rooms. Additionally the new join rule "private" is introduced. This is so that people can,
when creating a new room, prevent anyone from knocking.
### Power levels
4 years ago
The default power level for "knock" is the default power level for the room. If a user has a too low
power level to knock, then they aren't allowed to do so. As power levels can be set for users not currently
in the room, this can be used as a way to limit who can and can't knock.
#### Example:
`` CAN knock, but `` CANNOT: The (incomplete) content of
`` is as follows:
"users": {
"": 1
"users_default": 0,
"knock": 1
4 years ago
## Membership changes
Once someone has sent a `knock` membership into the room, the membership for
that user can be transitioned to the following possible states:
- `invite`: In this case, the knock was accepted by someone inside the room
and they are inviting the knocker into the room.
- `leave`: In this case, similar to how kicks are handled, the knock has
been rejected.
4 years ago
## Client-Server API
Two new endpoints are introduced in the Client-Server API (similarly to join):
`POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/knock` and `POST /_matrix/client/r0/knock/{roomIdOrAlias}`.
### `POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/knock`
The path parameter (`roomId`) is the room on which you want to knock. It is required. The post body accepts
an optional string parameter, `reason`, which is the reason you want to join the room. A request could look
as follows:
POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"reason": "I want to join this room as I really love foxes!"
#### Responses:
##### Status code 200:
The user knocked successfully. Empty reply:
##### Status code 400:
This request was invalid, e.g. bad JSON. Example reply:
"errcode": "M_UNKNOWN",
4 years ago
"error": "An unknown error occurred"
##### Status code 403:
The user wasn't allowed to knock (e.g. they are banned). Error reply:
"errcode": "M_FORBIDDEN",
"error": "The user isn't allowed to knock in this room."
##### Status code 429:
This request was rate-limited. Example reply:
"errcode": "M_LIMIT_EXCEEDED",
"error": "Too many requests",
"retry_after_ms": 2000
### `POST /_matrix/client/r0/knock/{roomIdOrAlias}`
The path parameter (`roomIdOrAlias`) is either the room ID or the alias of the room you want to
knock on. Additionally several `server_name` parameters can be specified via the query parameters. The
post body accepts an optional string parameter, `reason`, which is the reason you want to join the room. A
request could look as follows:
POST /_matrix/client/r0/knock/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"reason": "I want to join this room as I really love foxes!"
#### Responses:
The possible responses are the same as for the `POST /_matrix/client/r0/rooms/{roomId}/knock` endpoint.
## Server-Server API
Similarly to join and leave over federation, a ping-pong game with two new endpoints is introduced:
`make_knock` and `send_knock`. Both endpoints must be protected via server ACLs.
### `GET /_matrix/federation/v1/make_knock/{roomId}/{userId}`
Asks the receiving server to return information that the sending server will need to prepare a knock
Request format:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| Path parameters:
| roomId | string | Required. The room ID that should receive the knock.
| userId | string | Required. The user ID the knock event will be for.
| Query Parameters:
| ver | [string] | The room versions the sending server has support for. Defaults to `[1]`.
Response Format:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| room_version | string | The version of the room where the server is trying to knock.
| event | Event Template | An unsigned template event. May differ between room versions.
#### Responses
##### Status code 200:
Returns a template to be used to knock on rooms. May depend on room version.
"room_version": "2",
"event": {
"type": "",
"room_id": "!",
"content": {
"membership": "knock"
"state_key": "",
"origin": "",
"origin_server_ts": 1549041175876,
"sender": ""
##### Status code 400:
This request was invalid, e.g. bad JSON. Example reply:
"error": "Your homeserver does not support the features required to join this room",
"room_version": "3"
### `PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send_knock/{roomId}/{eventId}`
Submits a signed knock event to the resident server for it to accept into the room's graph. Note
that event format may differ between room versions.
Request format:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| Path parameters:
| roomId | string | Required. The room ID that should receive the knock.
| eventId | string | Required. The event ID for the knock event.
The JSON body is expected to be the full event.
Response Format:
| Parameter | Type | Description |
| `<body>` | [integer, Empty Object] |
A request could look as follows:
PUT /_matrix/federation/v1/send_knock/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"sender": "",
"origin": "",
"origin_server_ts": 1234567890,
"type": "",
"state_key": "",
"content": {
"membership": "knock",
"displayname": "Alice",
"avatar_url": "mxc://",
"reason": "I want to join this room as I really love foxes!"
#### Response:
##### Status code 200:
The event was successfully accepted into the graph by the receiving homeserver.
# Potential issues
This new feature would allow users to spam rooms that they don't partake in. That is why this proposal
adds both the new join rule and the new power level, in order to allow room admins to mitigate such
potential spam.
# Alternatives
As for the join rule "invite", instead the join rule "knock" could be introduced, meaning the room
is like "invite" only that people can also knock. The difference is for existing rooms: With this
proposal people can knock in existing "invite" rooms, with the alternative suggestion being that they can't.
The two endpoints for the Client-Server API seem redundant, this MSC followed how JOIN is working
currently: One "proper" endpoint (`/rooms/{roomId}/join`) and one to work properly over federation
(`/join/{roomIdOrAlias}`). They could both be merged into one, however, as that would also affect
the join endpoint it seems out-of-scope for this MSC.
# Security considerations
None. This doesn't allow users access to a room in any way.