You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
2.8 KiB

A copy of the sidebar-tree.html partial in Docsy, with a few small modifications:
* include `div#toc` for the ToC
* start the sidebar at the root (homepage) since for us that is the Matrix
overview page
* omit module pages, which we don't want to be directly accessible
(we only use them as raw material for the client-server spec)
{{/* We cache this partial for bigger sites and set the active class client side. */}}
{{ $shouldDelayActive := ge (len .Site.Pages) 2000 }}
<div id="td-sidebar-menu" class="td-sidebar__inner{{ if $shouldDelayActive }} d-none{{ end }}">
<div id="content-mobile">
<form class="td-sidebar__search d-flex align-items-center">
{{ partial "search-input.html" . }}
<button class="btn btn-link td-sidebar__toggle d-md-none p-0 ml-3 fas fa-bars" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#td-section-nav" aria-controls="td-docs-nav" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle section navigation">
<div id="content-desktop"></div>
<nav class="collapse td-sidebar-nav" id="td-section-nav">
{{ template "section-tree-nav-section" (dict "page" . "section" .Site.Home.CurrentSection "delayActive" $shouldDelayActive "indent" 0) }}
<div id = "toc"></div>
{{ define "section-tree-nav-section" }}
{{ $s := .section }}
{{ $p := .page }}
{{ $shouldDelayActive := .delayActive }}
{{ $indent := .indent }}
{{ $active := eq $p.RelPermalink $s.RelPermalink }}
{{ $show := or ($p.IsAncestor $s) ($p.IsDescendant $s) }}
{{ $sid := $s.RelPermalink | anchorize }}
<ul class="td-sidebar-nav__section pr-md-3">
<li class="td-sidebar-nav__section-title">
<a href="{{ $s.RelPermalink }}" class="align-left pl-0 pr-2{{ if not $show }} collapsed{{ end }}{{ if $active}} active{{ end }} td-sidebar-link td-sidebar-link__section indent-{{$indent}}">{{ $s.LinkTitle }}</a>
{{ $pages := where (union $s.Pages $s.Sections).ByWeight ".Params.toc_hide" "!=" true }}
{{ $pages = where $pages "Type" "!=" "module"}}
{{ $pages := $pages | first 50 }}
{{ if gt (len $pages) 0 }}
{{ range $pages }}
{{ if .IsPage }}
{{ $mid := printf "m-%s" (.RelPermalink | anchorize) }}
{{ $active := eq . $p }}
<li class="collapse {{ if $show }}show{{ end }}" id="{{ $sid }}">
<a class="td-sidebar-link td-sidebar-link__page {{ if and (not $shouldDelayActive) $active }} active{{ end }} indent-{{add $indent 1}}" id="{{ $mid }}" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}">{{ .LinkTitle }}</a>
{{ else }}
{{ $indent := add $indent 1 }}
{{ template "section-tree-nav-section" (dict "page" $p "section" . "indent" $indent) }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}