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371 lines
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Unreleased changes
- Changes to the API which will be backwards-compatible for clients:
- New endpoints:
- ``POST /user_directory/search``
(`#1096 <>`_).
- ``GET /rooms/{roomId}/event/{eventId}``
(`#1110 <>`_).
- ``POST /delete_devices``
(`#1239 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Sticker messages:
- Add sticker message event definition.
(`#1158 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Spec clarifications:
- Update ``ImageInfo`` and ``ThumbnailInfo`` dimension schema descriptions
to clarify that they relate to intended display size, as opposed to the
intrinsic size of the image file.
(`#1158 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Mark ``home_server`` return field for ``/login`` and ``/register``
endpoints as deprecated
(`#1097 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Fix response format of ``/keys/changes`` endpoint
(`#1106 <>`_).
- Clarify default values for some fields on the /search API
(`#1109 <>`_).
- Fix the representation of ``m.presence`` events
(`#1137 <>`_).
- Clarify that ``m.tag`` ordering is done with numbers, not strings
(`#1139 <>`_).
- Clarify that ``/account/whoami`` should consider application services
(`#1152 <>`_).
- Mark ``GET /rooms/{roomId}/members`` as requiring authentication
(`#1245 <>`_).
- Describe ``StateEvent`` for ``/createRoom``
(`#1329 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Changes to the API which will be backwards-compatible for clients:
- Add 'token' parameter to /keys/query endpoint
(`#1104 <>`_).
- Add the room visibility options for the room directory
(`#1141 <>`_).
- Add spec for ignoring users
(`#1142 <>`_).
- Add the ``/register/available`` endpoint for username availability
(`#1151 <>`_).
- Add ``allow_remote`` to the content repo to avoid routing loops
(`#1265 <>`_).
- Add report content API
(`#1264 <>`_).
- Document ``/logout/all`` endpoint
(`#1263 <>`_).
6 years ago
- Document `highlights` field in /search response
(`#1274 <>`_).
8 years ago
- Breaking changes:
- Change the rule kind of ``.m.rule.contains_display_name`` from
``underride`` to ``override``. This works with all known clients
8 years ago
which support push rules, but any other clients implementing
the push rules API should be aware of this change. This
makes it simple to mute rooms correctly in the API
(`#373 <>`_).
- Remove ``/tokenrefresh`` from the API
(`#395 <>`_).
- Remove requirement that tokens used in token-based login be macaroons
(`#395 <>`_).
- Move ``thumbnail_url`` and ``thumbnail_info`` members of json objects
for ```` events with msgtypes ``m.image``, ``m.file``
and ``m.location``, inside the ``info`` member, to match ````
(`#723 <>`_).
- Changes to the API which will be backwards-compatible for clients:
- Add ``filename`` parameter to ``POST /_matrix/media/r0/upload``
(`#364 <>`_).
8 years ago
- Document CAS-based client login and the use of ``m.login.token`` in
``/login`` (`#367 <>`_).
- Make ``origin_server_ts`` a mandatory field of room events
(`#379 <>`_).
- Add top-level ``account_data`` key to the responses to ``GET /sync`` and
``GET /initialSync``
(`#380 <>`_).
- Add ``is_direct`` flag to ``POST /createRoom`` and invite member event.
Add 'Direct Messaging' module
8 years ago
(`#389 <>`_).
- Add ``contains_url`` option to ``RoomEventFilter``
8 years ago
(`#390 <>`_).
8 years ago
- Add ``filter`` optional query param to ``/messages``
8 years ago
(`#390 <>`_).
- Add 'Send-to-Device messaging' module
(`#386 <>`_).
- Add 'Device management' module
(`#402 <>`_).
- Require that User-Interactive auth fallback pages call
``window.postMessage`` to notify apps of completion
(`#398 <>`_).
8 years ago
- Add pagination and filter support to ``/publicRooms``. Change response to
omit fields rather than return ``null``. Add estimate of total number of
rooms in list.
(`#388 <>`_).
- Allow guest accounts to use a number of endpoints which are required for
end-to-end encryption.
(`#751 <>`_).
- Add key distribution APIs, for use with end-to-end encryption.
(`#894 <>`_).
- Add ```` state event for rooms.
(`#1007 <>`_).
- Add mention of ability to send Access Token via an Authorization Header.
- Add ``guest_can_join`` parameter to ``POST /createRoom``
(`#1093 <>`_).
- New endpoints:
- ``GET /joined_rooms``
(`#999 <>`_).
- ``GET /rooms/{roomId}/joined_members``
(`#999 <>`_).
- ``GET /account/whoami``
(`#1063 <>`_).
- ``GET /media/{version}/preview_url``
(`#1064 <>`_).
- Spec clarifications:
7 years ago
- Add endpoints and logic for invites and third-party invites to the federation
spec and update the JSON of the request sent by the identity server upon 3PID
(`#997 <>`_)
- Fix "membership" property on third-party invite upgrade example
(`#995 <>`_)
7 years ago
- Fix response format and 404 example for room alias lookup
(`#960 <>`_)
7 years ago
- Fix examples of ```` event and room state change,
and added a clarification on the membership event sent upon profile update
(`#950 <>`_).
- Spell out the way that state is handled by ``POST /createRoom``
(`#362 <>`_).
- Clarify the fields which are applicable to different types of push rule
(`#365 <>`_).
- A number of clarifications to authentication
(`#371 <>`_).
- Correct references to ``user_id`` which should have been ``sender``
(`#376 <>`_).
- Correct inconsistent specification of ``redacted_because`` fields and their
values (`#378 <>`_).
- Mark required fields in response objects as such
(`#394 <>`_).
- Make ``m.notice`` description a bit harder in its phrasing to try to
dissuade the same issues that occurred with IRC
(`#750 <>`_).
- ``GET /user/{userId}/filter/{filterId}`` requires authentication
(`#1003 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Add some clarifying notes on the behaviour of rooms with no
```` event
(`#1026 <>`_).
7 years ago
- Clarify the relationship between ``username`` and ``user_id`` in the
``/register`` API
(`#1032 <>`_).
- Clarify rate limiting and security for content repository.
(`#1064 <>`_).
8 years ago
- Spec clarifications:
- Room aliases (`#337 <>`_):
- Make it clear that ``GET /directory/room/{roomAlias}`` must work for
federated aliases.
- ``GET /directory/room/{roomAlias}`` cannot return a 409; the ``PUT``
endpoint can, however.
- Power levels:
- Clarify the defaults to be used for various fields of the
```` event
(`#286 <>`_,
`#341 <>`_).
- Add suggestions for mapping of names to power levels
(`#336 <>`_).
- Clarify the room naming algorithm in certain edge cases
(`#351 <>`_).
- Remove outdated references to the pre-r0 ``/events`` API, and clarify the
section on syncing
(`#352 <>`_).
- Changes to the API which will be backwards-compatible for clients:
- New endpoints:
- ``POST /register/email/requestToken``
(`#343 <>`_).
- ``POST /account/3pid/email/requestToken``
(`#346 <>`_).
- ``POST /account/password/email/requestToken``
(`#346 <>`_).
8 years ago
- ``POST /account/deactivate``
(`#361 <>`_).
8 years ago
- Updates to the Presence module
(`#278 <>`_,
`#342 <>`_):
- Remove unused ``free_for_chat`` presence state
- Add ``currently_active`` flag to the ``m.presence`` event and the ``GET
/presence/{userId}/status`` response.
- Make idle timeout the responsibility of the server
- Remove requirements on servers to propagate profile information via
``m.presence`` events.
- Add new predefined push rules
(`#274 <>`_,
`#340 <>`_).
- ``/sync`` should always return a ``prev_batch`` token
(`#345 <>`_).
- add ``to`` parameter to ``GET /rooms/{roomId}/messages`` API
(`#348 <>`_).
This release includes the following changes since r0.0.1:
- Breaking changes to the API [#]_:
- ``POST /rooms/{roomId}/join`` no longer permits use of a room alias instead
of a room id. (``POST /join/{roomIdOrAlias}`` continues to allow either.)
- ``POST /account/3pid``: correct the name of the ``three_pid_creds``
- The "Push Rules" module no longer supports device-specific rules:
- ``GET /pushrules`` no longer returns a ``device`` property
- ``device/{profile_tag}`` is no longer a valid ``scope`` for push rules
- ``profile_tag`` is no longer a valid kind of condition on push rules.
(Device-specific push rules will be reintroduced in the future; in the
meantime, their specification has been moved to a `draft branch`__.)
- Changes to the API which will be backwards-compatible for clients:
- New endpoints:
- ``POST /logout``
- ``POST /rooms/{roomId}/unban``
- ``POST /rooms/{roomId}/kick``
- ``GET /pushers``
- ``GET /pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}/enabled``
(previously ``PUT``-only)
- ``GET`` and ``PUT /pushrules/{scope}/{kind}/{ruleId}/actions``
- Add ``third_party_signed`` parameter to ``POST /rooms/{roomId}/join``
- Add ``M_INVALID_USERNAME`` as valid response to ``POST /register``
- Add ``unread_notifications`` field to ``GET /sync`` response
- Add optional ``invite`` property to ```` state event
- Add optional ``public_key`` and ``public_keys`` to
```` state event
- Password-based ``/login`` may now use a third-party identifier instead of
a matrix user id.
- Spec clarifications
- Make the state diagram for room membership explicit
- Note that a user may not be invited to a room while banned
- Clarify the expected order of events in the response to
``GET /rooms/{roomId}/context/{eventId}``, as well as correcting the
example for that API
- Clarify the behaviour of the "Room History Visibility" module; in
particular, the behaviour of the ``shared`` history visibilty, and how
events at visibility boundaries should be handled
- Separate the "Room Previews" module from "Guest access"
- Reword the description of the ``profile_tag`` property in
``PUT /pushers/set``, and note that it is not mandatory.
.. [#] Our `versioning policy <../index.html#specification-versions>`_ would
strictly require that a breaking change be denoted by a new major
specification version. However we are not aware of any clients which
rely on the old behaviour here, nor server implementations which offer
it, so we have chosen to retain the r0 designation on this occasion.
This release includes the following changes since r0.0.0:
- API changes:
- Added new ``/versions`` API
- ``/createRoom`` takes an optional ``invite_3pid`` parameter
- ``/publicRooms`` returns an ``avatar_url`` result
- The following APIs are now deprecated:
- ``/initialSync``
- ``/events``
- ``/events/:eventId``
- ``/rooms/:roomId/initialSync``
- Spec clarifications
- Document inter-version compatibility
- Document the parameters to the ``/user/:userId/filter`` API
- Document the ``next_batch`` parameter on ``/search``
- Document the membership states on ```` events
- Minor clarifications/corrections to:
- Guest access module
- Search module
- ``/login`` API
- ``/rooms/:roomId/send/:eventType/:txnId`` API
- ``/rooms/:roomId/context/:eventId`` API
This is the first release of the client-server specification. It is largely a dump of what has currently been implemented, and there are several inconsistencies.
An upcoming minor release will deprecate many of these inconsistencies, and they will be removed in the next major release.
Since the draft stage, the following major changes have been made:
- /api/v1 and /v2_alpha path segments have been replaced with the major version of the release (i.e. 'r0').
- Some POST versions of APIs with both POST and PUT have been removed.
- The specification has been split into one specification per API. This is the client-server API. The server-server API can be found documented separately.
- All APIs are now documented using Swagger
- The following modules have been added:
- Content repository
- Instant messaging
- Push notification
- History visibility
- Search
- Invites based on third party identifiers
- Room tagging
- Guest access
- Client config
- The following APIs were added:
- ``/sync``
- ``/publicRooms``
- ``/rooms/{roomId}/forget``
- ``/admin/whois``
- ``/rooms/{roomId}/redact``
- ``/user/{userId}/filter``
- The following APIs have been significantly modified:
- Invitations now contain partial room state
- Invitations can now be rejected
- ``/directory``
- The following events have been added:
- ````
- Example signed json is included for reference
- Commentary on display name calculation was added