You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

84 lines
3.3 KiB

This template is used to render the set of changes in the changelog page.
It expects to find a directory "changelogs" containing a subdirectory for
each of the 5 APIs in the specification. Inside each of these directories
it expects to find newsfragments describing changes to that API.
If the `version.status` setting in config.toml is anything other than
"unstable", then it also expects to find a "release.yaml" file in /changelogs,
which contains:
- `tag`: Git tag for this release
- `date`: date of this release
It then renders this info a table, before the list of changes.
{{ $path := path.Join "changelogs" }}
{{ $status := .Site.Params.version.status }}
{{ if ne $status "unstable" }}
{{ $release_info := readFile (path.Join $path "release.yaml") | transform.Unmarshal }}
<table class="release-info">
<tr><th>Git commit</th><td><a href="{{ $release_info.tag }}">{{ $release_info.tag }}</a></td>
<tr><th>Release date</th><td>{{ $ }}</td>
{{ end }}
<h2 id=api-changes>Changes since last release</h2>
{{ partial "render-api-changes" (dict "title" "Client-Server API" "id" "client-server-api" "path" (path.Join $path "client_server")) }}
{{ partial "render-api-changes" (dict "title" "Server-Server API" "id" "server-server-api" "path" (path.Join $path "server_server")) }}
{{ partial "render-api-changes" (dict "title" "Application Service API" "id" "application-service-api" "path" (path.Join $path "application_service")) }}
{{ partial "render-api-changes" (dict "title" "Identity Service API" "id" "identity-service-api" "path" (path.Join $path "identity_service")) }}
{{ partial "render-api-changes" (dict "title" "Push Gateway API" "id" "push-gateway-api" "path" (path.Join $path "push_gateway")) }}
{{ define "partials/render-api-changes" }}
<h3 id="{{.id}}">{{ .title }}</h3>
{{ $api_path := .path }}
{{ $config_file := path.Join $api_path "pyproject.toml" }}
{{ $config := readFile $config_file | transform.Unmarshal }}
{{ $news_path := path.Join $api_path "newsfragments" }}
{{ partial "render-newsfragments" (dict "config" $config "news_path" $news_path )}}
{{ end }}
{{ define "partials/render-newsfragments" }}
{{ $config := .config }}
{{ $news_path := .news_path }}
{{ $types := dict }}
{{ range $config.tool.towncrier.type }}
{{ $types = merge $types (dict .directory (slice)) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range (readDir $news_path) }}
{{ $pieces := split .Name "." }}
{{ $ticket := index $pieces 0 }}
{{ $description := readFile (path.Join $news_path .Name ) }}
{{ $change_info := (dict "ticket" $ticket "description" $description )}}
{{ $type := index $pieces 1 }}
{{ $instances := index $types $type }}
{{ $instances = $instances | append $change_info }}
{{ $types = merge $types (dict $type $instances) }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $config.tool.towncrier.type }}
{{ $changes_of_type := (index $types .directory) }}
{{ if $changes_of_type }}
{{ range $changes_of_type }}
<li><a href="{{.ticket}}"><strong>{{ .ticket }}: </strong></a>{{ .description | markdownify }}</li>
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}
{{ end }}