You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
from __future__ import annotations
import json
import os
import re
from ast import literal_eval
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native
from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_iterable
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import jsonify
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.formatters import human_to_bytes
from ansible.module_utils.common.warnings import deprecate
from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean
from ansible.module_utils.six import (
def count_terms(terms, parameters, add_terms=None):
"""Count the number of occurrences of a key in a given dictionary
:arg terms: String or iterable of values to check
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:arg add_terms: None or list to which all terms are added
:returns: An integer that is the number of occurrences of the terms values
in the provided dictionary.
if not is_iterable(terms):
terms = [terms]
if add_terms is not None:
return len(set(terms).intersection(parameters))
def safe_eval(value, locals=None, include_exceptions=False):
# do not allow method calls to modules
if not isinstance(value, string_types):
# already templated to a datavaluestructure, perhaps?
if include_exceptions:
return (value, None)
return value
if'\w\.\w+\(', value):
if include_exceptions:
return (value, None)
return value
# do not allow imports
if'import \w+', value):
if include_exceptions:
return (value, None)
return value
result = literal_eval(value)
if include_exceptions:
return (result, None)
return result
except Exception as e:
if include_exceptions:
return (value, e)
return value
def check_mutually_exclusive(terms, parameters, options_context=None):
"""Check mutually exclusive terms against argument parameters
Accepts a single list or list of lists that are groups of terms that should be
mutually exclusive with one another
:arg terms: List of mutually exclusive parameters
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:kwarg options_context: List of strings of parent key names if ``terms`` are
in a sub spec.
:returns: Empty list or raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails.
results = []
if terms is None:
return results
for check in terms:
count = count_terms(check, parameters)
if count > 1:
if results:
full_list = ['|'.join(check) for check in results]
msg = "parameters are mutually exclusive: %s" % ', '.join(full_list)
if options_context:
msg = "{0} found in {1}".format(msg, " -> ".join(options_context))
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return results
def check_required_one_of(terms, parameters, options_context=None, add_required=None):
"""Check each list of terms to ensure at least one exists in the given module
Accepts a list of lists or tuples
:arg terms: List of lists of terms to check. For each list of terms, at
least one is required.
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:kwarg options_context: List of strings of parent key names if ``terms`` are
in a sub spec.
:kwarg add_required: None or list to which all required parameters are added
:returns: Empty list or raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails.
results = []
if terms is None:
return results
for term in terms:
count = count_terms(term, parameters, add_terms=add_required)
if count == 0:
if results:
for term in results:
msg = "one of the following is required: %s" % ', '.join(term)
if options_context:
msg = "{0} found in {1}".format(msg, " -> ".join(options_context))
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return results
def check_required_together(terms, parameters, options_context=None, add_required=None):
"""Check each list of terms to ensure every parameter in each list exists
in the given parameters.
Accepts a list of lists or tuples.
:arg terms: List of lists of terms to check. Each list should include
parameters that are all required when at least one is specified
in the parameters.
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:kwarg options_context: List of strings of parent key names if ``terms`` are
in a sub spec.
:kwarg add_required: None or list to which all required parameters are added
:returns: Empty list or raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails.
results = []
if terms is None:
return results
for term in terms:
counts = [count_terms(field, parameters, add_terms=add_required) for field in term]
non_zero = [c for c in counts if c > 0]
if len(non_zero) > 0:
if 0 in counts:
if results:
for term in results:
msg = "parameters are required together: %s" % ', '.join(term)
if options_context:
msg = "{0} found in {1}".format(msg, " -> ".join(options_context))
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return results
def check_required_by(requirements, parameters, options_context=None, add_required=None):
"""For each key in requirements, check the corresponding list to see if they
exist in parameters.
Accepts a single string or list of values for each key.
:arg requirements: Dictionary of requirements
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:kwarg options_context: List of strings of parent key names if ``requirements`` are
in a sub spec.
:kwarg add_required: None or list to which all required parameters are added
:returns: Empty dictionary or raises :class:`TypeError` if the
result = {}
if requirements is None:
return result
found_in = " found in %s" % " -> ".join(options_context) if options_context else ''
deprecation_fmt = f'The explicit none (null) value specified to %s{found_in} will not be treated as "not specified" in the future'
for (key, value) in requirements.items():
if key not in parameters or parameters[key] is None:
if key in parameters and parameters[key] is None:
deprecate(msg=deprecation_fmt % key, version='2.20')
result[key] = []
# Support strings (single-item lists)
if isinstance(value, string_types):
value = [value]
for required in value:
if required not in parameters or parameters[required] is None:
if required in parameters:
deprecate(msg=deprecation_fmt % required, version='2.20')
if add_required is not None:
if result:
for key, missing in result.items():
if len(missing) > 0:
msg = "missing parameter(s) required by '%s': %s" % (key, ', '.join(missing))
if options_context:
msg = "{0} found in {1}".format(msg, " -> ".join(options_context))
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return result
def check_required_arguments(argument_spec, parameters, options_context=None, add_required=None):
"""Check all parameters in argument_spec and return a list of parameters
that are required but not present in parameters.
Raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails
:arg argument_spec: Argument spec dictionary containing all parameters
and their specification
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:kwarg options_context: List of strings of parent key names if ``argument_spec`` are
in a sub spec.
:kwarg add_required: None or list to which all required parameters are added
:returns: Empty list or raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails.
missing = []
if argument_spec is None:
return missing
for (k, v) in argument_spec.items():
required = v.get('required', False)
if required:
if add_required is not None:
if k not in parameters:
if missing:
msg = "missing required arguments: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(missing))
if options_context:
msg = "{0} found in {1}".format(msg, " -> ".join(options_context))
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return missing
def check_required_if(requirements, parameters, options_context=None, add_required=None):
"""Check parameters that are conditionally required
Raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails
:arg requirements: List of lists specifying a parameter, value, parameters
required when the given parameter is the specified value, and optionally
a boolean indicating any or all parameters are required.
.. code-block:: python
['state', 'present', ('path',), True],
['someint', 99, ('bool_param', 'string_param')],
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:returns: Empty list or raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails.
The results attribute of the exception contains a list of dictionaries.
Each dictionary is the result of evaluating each item in requirements.
Each return dictionary contains the following keys:
:key missing: List of parameters that are required but missing
:key requires: 'any' or 'all'
:key parameter: Parameter name that has the requirement
:key value: Original value of the parameter
:key requirements: Original required parameters
.. code-block:: python
'parameter': 'someint',
'value': 99
'requirements': ('bool_param', 'string_param'),
'missing': ['string_param'],
'requires': 'all',
:kwarg options_context: List of strings of parent key names if ``requirements`` are
in a sub spec.
:kwarg add_required: None or list to which all required parameters are added
results = []
if requirements is None:
return results
for req in requirements:
missing = {}
missing['missing'] = []
max_missing_count = 0
is_one_of = False
if len(req) == 4:
key, val, requirements, is_one_of = req
key, val, requirements = req
# is_one_of is True at least one requirement should be
# present, else all requirements should be present.
if is_one_of:
max_missing_count = len(requirements)
missing['requires'] = 'any'
missing['requires'] = 'all'
if key in parameters and parameters[key] == val:
for check in requirements:
count = count_terms(check, parameters, add_terms=add_required)
if count == 0:
if len(missing['missing']) and len(missing['missing']) >= max_missing_count:
missing['parameter'] = key
missing['value'] = val
missing['requirements'] = requirements
if results:
for missing in results:
msg = "%s is %s but %s of the following are missing: %s" % (
missing['parameter'], missing['value'], missing['requires'], ', '.join(missing['missing']))
if options_context:
msg = "{0} found in {1}".format(msg, " -> ".join(options_context))
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return results
def check_required_none(required_options, argument_spec, parameters, options_context=None):
"""Check whether required options having value None are allowed to do so.
:arg required_options: A list of the recorded options.
:arg argument_spec: The argument argument spec containing the required options.
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters.
:kwarg options_context: The context for the sub-specs.
Raises TypeError for parameters set to None where allow_none_value in the argument_spec is False.
for required_option in list(required_options):
if required_option not in parameters:
if required_option not in argument_spec or parameters[required_option] is not None:
allow_none_value = argument_spec[required_option].get('allow_none_value')
if allow_none_value:
found_in = " found in %s" % " -> ".join(options_context) if options_context else ''
msg = f"required parameter {required_option}{found_in} {'cannot be' if allow_none_value is False else 'is'} none (null)"
if allow_none_value is False:
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
deprecate(msg, version='2.20')
def check_missing_parameters(parameters, required_parameters=None):
"""This is for checking for required params when we can not check via
argspec because we need more information than is simply given in the argspec.
Raises :class:`TypeError` if any required parameters are missing
:arg parameters: Dictionary of parameters
:arg required_parameters: List of parameters to look for in the given parameters.
:returns: Empty list or raises :class:`TypeError` if the check fails.
missing_params = []
if required_parameters is None:
return missing_params
for param in required_parameters:
if not parameters.get(param):
if missing_params:
msg = "missing required arguments: %s" % ', '.join(missing_params)
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
return missing_params
# FIXME: The param and prefix parameters here are coming from AnsibleModule._check_type_string()
# which is using those for the warning messaged based on string conversion warning settings.
# Not sure how to deal with that here since we don't have config state to query.
def check_type_str(value, allow_conversion=True, param=None, prefix=''):
"""Verify that the value is a string or convert to a string.
Since unexpected changes can sometimes happen when converting to a string,
``allow_conversion`` controls whether or not the value will be converted or a
TypeError will be raised if the value is not a string and would be converted
:arg value: Value to validate or convert to a string
:arg allow_conversion: Whether to convert the string and return it or raise
a TypeError
:returns: Original value if it is a string, the value converted to a string
if allow_conversion=True, or raises a TypeError if allow_conversion=False.
if isinstance(value, string_types):
return value
if allow_conversion and value is not None:
return to_native(value, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
msg = "'{0!r}' is not a string and conversion is not allowed".format(value)
raise TypeError(to_native(msg))
def check_type_list(value):
"""Verify that the value is a list or convert to a list
A comma separated string will be split into a list. Raises a :class:`TypeError`
if unable to convert to a list.
:arg value: Value to validate or convert to a list
:returns: Original value if it is already a list, single item list if a
float, int, or string without commas, or a multi-item list if a
comma-delimited string.
if isinstance(value, list):
return value
if isinstance(value, string_types):
return value.split(",")
elif isinstance(value, int) or isinstance(value, float):
return [str(value)]
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a list' % type(value))
def check_type_dict(value):
"""Verify that value is a dict or convert it to a dict and return it.
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert to a dict
:arg value: Dict or string to convert to a dict. Accepts ``k1=v2, k2=v2``.
:returns: value converted to a dictionary
if isinstance(value, dict):
return value
if isinstance(value, string_types):
if value.startswith("{"):
return json.loads(value)
except Exception:
(result, exc) = safe_eval(value, dict(), include_exceptions=True)
if exc is not None:
raise TypeError('unable to evaluate string as dictionary')
return result
elif '=' in value:
fields = []
field_buffer = []
in_quote = False
in_escape = False
for c in value.strip():
if in_escape:
in_escape = False
elif c == '\\':
in_escape = True
elif not in_quote and c in ('\'', '"'):
in_quote = c
elif in_quote and in_quote == c:
in_quote = False
elif not in_quote and c in (',', ' '):
field = ''.join(field_buffer)
if field:
field_buffer = []
field = ''.join(field_buffer)
if field:
return dict(x.split("=", 1) for x in fields)
raise TypeError("dictionary requested, could not parse JSON or key=value")
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a dict' % type(value))
def check_type_bool(value):
"""Verify that the value is a bool or convert it to a bool and return it.
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert to a bool
:arg value: String, int, or float to convert to bool. Valid booleans include:
'1', 'on', 1, '0', 0, 'n', 'f', 'false', 'true', 'y', 't', 'yes', 'no', 'off'
:returns: Boolean True or False
if isinstance(value, bool):
return value
if isinstance(value, string_types) or isinstance(value, (int, float)):
return boolean(value)
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a bool' % type(value))
def check_type_int(value):
"""Verify that the value is an integer and return it or convert the value
to an integer and return it
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert to an int
:arg value: String or int to convert of verify
:return: int of given value
if isinstance(value, integer_types):
return value
if isinstance(value, string_types):
return int(value)
except ValueError:
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to an int' % type(value))
def check_type_float(value):
"""Verify that value is a float or convert it to a float and return it
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert to a float
:arg value: float, int, str, or bytes to verify or convert and return.
:returns: float of given value.
if isinstance(value, float):
return value
if isinstance(value, (binary_type, text_type, int)):
return float(value)
except ValueError:
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a float' % type(value))
def check_type_path(value,):
"""Verify the provided value is a string or convert it to a string,
then return the expanded path
value = check_type_str(value)
return os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(value))
def check_type_raw(value):
"""Returns the raw value"""
return value
def check_type_bytes(value):
"""Convert a human-readable string value to bytes
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert the value
return human_to_bytes(value)
except ValueError:
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a Byte value' % type(value))
def check_type_bits(value):
"""Convert a human-readable string bits value to bits in integer.
Example: ``check_type_bits('1Mb')`` returns integer 1048576.
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert the value.
return human_to_bytes(value, isbits=True)
except ValueError:
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a Bit value' % type(value))
def check_type_jsonarg(value):
"""Return a jsonified string. Sometimes the controller turns a json string
into a dict/list so transform it back into json here
Raises :class:`TypeError` if unable to convert the value
if isinstance(value, (text_type, binary_type)):
return value.strip()
elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple, dict)):
return jsonify(value)
raise TypeError('%s cannot be converted to a json string' % type(value))