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.. _windows_performance:
Windows performance
This document offers some performance optimizations you might like to apply to
your Windows hosts to speed them up specifically in the context of using Ansible
with them, and generally.
Optimize PowerShell performance to reduce Ansible task overhead
To speed up the startup of PowerShell by around 10x, run the following
PowerShell snippet in an Administrator session. Expect it to take tens of
.. note::
If native images have already been created by the ngen task or service, you
will observe no difference in performance (but this snippet will at that
point execute faster than otherwise).
.. code-block:: powershell
function Optimize-PowershellAssemblies {
# NGEN powershell assembly, improves startup time of powershell by 10x
$old_path = $env:path
try {
$env:path = [Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory()
[AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | % {
if (! $_.location) {continue}
$Name = Split-Path $_.location -leaf
if ($Name.startswith("Microsoft.PowerShell.")) {
Write-Progress -Activity "Native Image Installation" -Status "$name"
ngen install $_.location | % {"`t$_"}
} finally {
$env:path = $old_path
PowerShell is used by every Windows Ansible module. This optimization reduces
the time PowerShell takes to start up, removing that overhead from every invocation.
This snippet uses `the native image generator, ngen <>`_
to pre-emptively create native images for the assemblies that PowerShell relies on.
Fix high-CPU-on-boot for VMs/cloud instances
If you are creating golden images to spawn instances from, you can avoid a disruptive
high CPU task near startup via `processing the ngen queue <>`_
within your golden image creation, if you know the CPU types won't change between
golden image build process and runtime.
Place the following near the end of your playbook, bearing in mind the factors that can cause native images to be invalidated (`see MSDN <>`_).
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: generate native .NET images for CPU