You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1589 lines
68 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright: (c) 2014, James Tanner <>
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import annotations
# ansible.cli needs to be imported first, to ensure the source bin/* scripts run that code first
from ansible.cli import CLI
import importlib
import pkgutil
import os
import os.path
import re
import textwrap
import traceback
import ansible.plugins.loader as plugin_loader
from pathlib import Path
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible import context
from ansible.cli.arguments import option_helpers as opt_help
from ansible.collections.list import list_collection_dirs
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleOptionsError, AnsibleParserError, AnsiblePluginNotFound
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text
from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import is_sequence
from ansible.module_utils.common.json import json_dump
from ansible.module_utils.common.yaml import yaml_dump
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.parsing.plugin_docs import read_docstub
from ansible.parsing.utils.yaml import from_yaml
from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper
from ansible.plugins.list import list_plugins
from ansible.plugins.loader import action_loader, fragment_loader
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig, AnsibleCollectionRef
from ansible.utils.collection_loader._collection_finder import _get_collection_name_from_path
from ansible.utils.color import stringc
from ansible.utils.display import Display
from ansible.utils.plugin_docs import get_plugin_docs, get_docstring, get_versioned_doclink
display = Display()
PB_OBJECTS = ['Play', 'Role', 'Block', 'Task', 'Handler']
SNIPPETS = ['inventory', 'lookup', 'module']
# harcoded from ascii values
'BLINK': '\033[5m',
'BOLD': '\033[1m',
'HIDE': '\033[8m',
# 'NORMAL': '\x01b[0m', # newer?
'NORMAL': '\033[0m',
'RESET': "\033[0;0m",
# 'REVERSE':"\033[;7m", # newer?
'REVERSE': "\033[7m",
'UNDERLINE': '\033[4m',
# previously existing string identifiers
'BOLD': r'*%s*',
'UNDERLINE': r'`%s`',
'MODULE': r'[%s]',
'PLUGIN': r'[%s]',
# TODO: make configurable
ref_style = {'MODULE': 'yellow', 'REF': 'magenta', 'LINK': 'cyan', 'DEP': 'magenta', 'CONSTANT': 'dark gray', 'PLUGIN': 'yellow'}
def jdump(text):
except TypeError as e:
raise AnsibleError('We could not convert all the documentation into JSON as there was a conversion issue: %s' % to_native(e))
class RoleMixin(object):
"""A mixin containing all methods relevant to role argument specification functionality.
Note: The methods for actual display of role data are not present here.
# Potential locations of the role arg spec file in the meta subdir, with main.yml
# having the lowest priority.
def _load_role_data(self, root, files, role_name, collection):
""" Load and process the YAML for the first found of a set of role files
:param str root: The root path to get the files from
:param str files: List of candidate file names in order of precedence
:param str role_name: The name of the role for which we want the argspec data.
:param str collection: collection name or None in case of stand alone roles
:returns: A dict that contains the data requested, empty if no data found
if collection:
meta_path = os.path.join(root, 'roles', role_name, 'meta')
meta_path = os.path.join(root, 'meta')
# Check all potential spec files
for specfile in files:
full_path = os.path.join(meta_path, specfile)
if os.path.exists(full_path):
path = full_path
if path is None:
return {}
with open(path, 'r') as f:
data = from_yaml(, file_name=path)
if data is None:
data = {}
except (IOError, OSError) as e:
raise AnsibleParserError("Could not read the role '%s' (at %s)" % (role_name, path), orig_exc=e)
return data
def _load_metadata(self, role_name, role_path, collection):
"""Load the roles metadata from the source file.
:param str role_name: The name of the role for which we want the argspec data.
:param str role_path: Path to the role/collection root.
:param str collection: collection name or None in case of stand alone roles
:returns: A dict of all role meta data, except ``argument_specs`` or an empty dict
data = self._load_role_data(role_path, self.ROLE_METADATA_FILES, role_name, collection)
del data['argument_specs']
return data
def _load_argspec(self, role_name, role_path, collection):
"""Load the role argument spec data from the source file.
:param str role_name: The name of the role for which we want the argspec data.
:param str role_path: Path to the role/collection root.
:param str collection: collection name or None in case of stand alone roles
We support two files containing the role arg spec data: either meta/main.yml
or meta/argument_spec.yml. The argument_spec.yml file will take precedence
over the meta/main.yml file, if it exists. Data is NOT combined between the
two files.
:returns: A dict of all data underneath the ``argument_specs`` top-level YAML
key in the argspec data file. Empty dict is returned if there is no data.
data = self._load_role_data(role_path, self.ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES, role_name, collection)
data = data.get('argument_specs', {})
except Exception as e:
# we keep error info, but let caller deal with it
data = {'error': 'Failed to process role (%s): %s' % (role_name, to_native(e)), 'exception': e}
return data
def _find_all_normal_roles(self, role_paths, name_filters=None):
"""Find all non-collection roles that have an argument spec file.
Note that argument specs do not actually need to exist within the spec file.
:param role_paths: A tuple of one or more role paths. When a role with the same name
is found in multiple paths, only the first-found role is returned.
:param name_filters: A tuple of one or more role names used to filter the results.
:returns: A set of tuples consisting of: role name, full role path
found = set()
found_names = set()
for path in role_paths:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
# Check each subdir for an argument spec file
for entry in os.listdir(path):
role_path = os.path.join(path, entry)
# Check all potential spec files
for specfile in self.ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES:
full_path = os.path.join(role_path, 'meta', specfile)
if os.path.exists(full_path):
if name_filters is None or entry in name_filters:
# select first-found role
if entry not in found_names:
# None here stands for 'colleciton', which stand alone roles dont have
# makes downstream code simpler by having same structure as collection roles
found.add((entry, None, role_path))
# only read first existing spec
return found
def _find_all_collection_roles(self, name_filters=None, collection_filter=None):
"""Find all collection roles with an argument spec file.
Note that argument specs do not actually need to exist within the spec file.
:param name_filters: A tuple of one or more role names used to filter the results. These
might be fully qualified with the collection name (e.g., community.general.roleA)
or not (e.g., roleA).
:param collection_filter: A list of strings containing the FQCN of a collection which will
be used to limit results. This filter will take precedence over the name_filters.
:returns: A set of tuples consisting of: role name, collection name, collection path
found = set()
b_colldirs = list_collection_dirs(coll_filter=collection_filter)
for b_path in b_colldirs:
path = to_text(b_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
collname = _get_collection_name_from_path(b_path)
roles_dir = os.path.join(path, 'roles')
if os.path.exists(roles_dir):
for entry in os.listdir(roles_dir):
# Check all potential spec files
for specfile in self.ROLE_ARGSPEC_FILES:
full_path = os.path.join(roles_dir, entry, 'meta', specfile)
if os.path.exists(full_path):
if name_filters is None:
found.add((entry, collname, path))
# Name filters might contain a collection FQCN or not.
for fqcn in name_filters:
if len(fqcn.split('.')) == 3:
(ns, col, role) = fqcn.split('.')
if '.'.join([ns, col]) == collname and entry == role:
found.add((entry, collname, path))
elif fqcn == entry:
found.add((entry, collname, path))
return found
def _build_summary(self, role, collection, meta, argspec):
"""Build a summary dict for a role.
Returns a simplified role arg spec containing only the role entry points and their
short descriptions, and the role collection name (if applicable).
:param role: The simple role name.
:param collection: The collection containing the role (None or empty string if N/A).
:param meta: dictionary with galaxy information (None or empty string if N/A).
:param argspec: The complete role argspec data dict.
:returns: A tuple with the FQCN role name and a summary dict.
if meta and meta.get('galaxy_info'):
summary = meta['galaxy_info']
summary = {'description': 'UNDOCUMENTED'}
summary['entry_points'] = {}
if collection:
fqcn = '.'.join([collection, role])
summary['collection'] = collection
fqcn = role
for ep in argspec.keys():
entry_spec = argspec[ep] or {}
summary['entry_points'][ep] = entry_spec.get('short_description', '')
return (fqcn, summary)
def _build_doc(self, role, path, collection, argspec, entry_point):
if collection:
fqcn = '.'.join([collection, role])
fqcn = role
doc = {}
doc['path'] = path
doc['collection'] = collection
if 'error' in argspec:
doc['entry_points'] = {}
for ep in argspec.keys():
if entry_point is None or ep == entry_point:
entry_spec = argspec[ep] or {}
doc['entry_points'][ep] = entry_spec
# If we didn't add any entry points (b/c of filtering), ignore this entry.
if len(doc['entry_points'].keys()) == 0:
doc = None
return (fqcn, doc)
def _create_role_list(self, fail_on_errors=True):
"""Return a dict describing the listing of all roles with arg specs.
:param role_paths: A tuple of one or more role paths.
:returns: A dict indexed by role name, with 'collection' and 'entry_points' keys per role.
Example return:
results = {
'roleA': {
'collection': '',
'entry_points': {
'main': 'Short description for main'
'a.b.c.roleB': {
'collection': 'a.b.c',
'entry_points': {
'main': 'Short description for main',
'alternate': 'Short description for alternate entry point'
'x.y.z.roleB': {
'collection': 'x.y.z',
'entry_points': {
'main': 'Short description for main',
roles_path = self._get_roles_path()
collection_filter = self._get_collection_filter()
if not collection_filter:
roles = self._find_all_normal_roles(roles_path)
roles = set()
collroles = self._find_all_collection_roles(collection_filter=collection_filter)
result = {}
for role, collection, role_path in (roles | collroles):
meta = self._load_metadata(role, role_path, collection)
except Exception as e:
display.vvv('No metadata for role (%s) due to: %s' % (role, to_native(e)), True)
meta = {}
argspec = self._load_argspec(role, role_path, collection)
if 'error' in argspec:
if fail_on_errors:
raise argspec['exception']
display.warning('Skipping role (%s) due to: %s' % (role, argspec['error']), True)
fqcn, summary = self._build_summary(role, collection, meta, argspec)
result[fqcn] = summary
return result
def _create_role_doc(self, role_names, entry_point=None, fail_on_errors=True):
:param role_names: A tuple of one or more role names.
:param role_paths: A tuple of one or more role paths.
:param entry_point: A role entry point name for filtering.
:param fail_on_errors: When set to False, include errors in the JSON output instead of raising errors
:returns: A dict indexed by role name, with 'collection', 'entry_points', and 'path' keys per role.
roles_path = self._get_roles_path()
roles = self._find_all_normal_roles(roles_path, name_filters=role_names)
collroles = self._find_all_collection_roles(name_filters=role_names)
result = {}
for role, collection, role_path in (roles | collroles):
argspec = self._load_argspec(role, role_path, collection)
fqcn, doc = self._build_doc(role, role_path, collection, argspec, entry_point)
if doc:
result[fqcn] = doc
return result
def _doclink(url):
# assume that if it is relative, it is for docsite, ignore rest
if not url.startswith(("http", "..")):
url = get_versioned_doclink(url)
return url
def _format(string, *args):
''' add ascii formatting or delimiters '''
for style in args:
if style not in ref_style and style.upper() not in STYLE and style not in C.COLOR_CODES:
raise KeyError("Invalid format value supplied: %s" % style)
# ignore most styles, but some already had 'identifier strings'
if style in NOCOLOR:
string = NOCOLOR[style] % string
elif style in C.COLOR_CODES:
string = stringc(string, style)
elif style in ref_style:
# assumes refs are also always colors
string = stringc(string, ref_style[style])
# start specific style and 'end' with normal
string = '%s%s%s' % (STYLE[style.upper()], string, STYLE['NORMAL'])
return string
class DocCLI(CLI, RoleMixin):
''' displays information on modules installed in Ansible libraries.
It displays a terse listing of plugins and their short descriptions,
provides a printout of their DOCUMENTATION strings,
and it can create a short "snippet" which can be pasted into a playbook. '''
name = 'ansible-doc'
# default ignore list for detailed views
IGNORE = ('module', 'docuri', 'version_added', 'version_added_collection', 'short_description',
'now_date', 'plainexamples', 'returndocs', 'collection', 'plugin_name')
# Warning: If you add more elements here, you also need to add it to the docsite build (in the
# ansible-community/antsibull repo)
_ITALIC = re.compile(r"\bI\(([^)]+)\)")
_BOLD = re.compile(r"\bB\(([^)]+)\)")
_MODULE = re.compile(r"\bM\(([^)]+)\)")
_PLUGIN = re.compile(r"\bP\(([^#)]+)#([a-z]+)\)")
_LINK = re.compile(r"\bL\(([^)]+), *([^)]+)\)")
_URL = re.compile(r"\bU\(([^)]+)\)")
_REF = re.compile(r"\bR\(([^)]+), *([^)]+)\)")
_CONST = re.compile(r"\bC\(([^)]+)\)")
_SEM_PARAMETER_STRING = r"\(((?:[^\\)]+|\\.)+)\)"
_RULER = re.compile(r"\bHORIZONTALLINE\b")
# helper for unescaping
_UNESCAPE = re.compile(r"\\(.)")
_FQCN_TYPE_PREFIX_RE = re.compile(r'^([^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^#]+)#([a-z]+):(.*)$')
_IGNORE_MARKER = 'ignore:'
# rst specific
_RST_NOTE = re.compile(r".. note::")
_RST_SEEALSO = re.compile(r".. seealso::")
_RST_ROLES = re.compile(r":\w+?:`")
_RST_DIRECTIVES = re.compile(r".. \w+?::")
def __init__(self, args):
super(DocCLI, self).__init__(args)
self.plugin_list = set()
def _tty_ify_sem_simle(matcher):
text = DocCLI._UNESCAPE.sub(r'\1',
return f"`{text}'"
def _tty_ify_sem_complex(matcher):
text = DocCLI._UNESCAPE.sub(r'\1',
value = None
if '=' in text:
text, value = text.split('=', 1)
m = DocCLI._FQCN_TYPE_PREFIX_RE.match(text)
if m:
plugin_fqcn =
plugin_type =
text =
elif text.startswith(DocCLI._IGNORE_MARKER):
text = text[len(DocCLI._IGNORE_MARKER):]
plugin_fqcn = plugin_type = ''
plugin_fqcn = plugin_type = ''
entrypoint = None
if ':' in text:
entrypoint, text = text.split(':', 1)
if value is not None:
text = f"{text}={value}"
if plugin_fqcn and plugin_type:
plugin_suffix = '' if plugin_type in ('role', 'module', 'playbook') else ' plugin'
plugin = f"{plugin_type}{plugin_suffix} {plugin_fqcn}"
if plugin_type == 'role' and entrypoint is not None:
plugin = f"{plugin}, {entrypoint} entrypoint"
return f"`{text}' (of {plugin})"
return f"`{text}'"
def tty_ify(cls, text):
# general formatting
t = cls._ITALIC.sub(_format(r"\1", 'UNDERLINE'), text) # no ascii code for this
t = cls._BOLD.sub(_format(r"\1", 'BOLD'), t)
t = cls._MODULE.sub(_format(r"\1", 'MODULE'), t) # M(word) => [word]
t = cls._URL.sub(r"\1", t) # U(word) => word
t = cls._LINK.sub(r"\1 <\2>", t) # L(word, url) => word <url>
t = cls._PLUGIN.sub(_format("[" + r"\1" + "]", 'PLUGIN'), t) # P(word#type) => [word]
t = cls._REF.sub(_format(r"\1", 'REF'), t) # R(word, sphinx-ref) => word
t = cls._CONST.sub(_format(r"`\1'", 'CONSTANT'), t)
t = cls._SEM_OPTION_NAME.sub(cls._tty_ify_sem_complex, t) # O(expr)
t = cls._SEM_OPTION_VALUE.sub(cls._tty_ify_sem_simle, t) # V(expr)
t = cls._SEM_ENV_VARIABLE.sub(cls._tty_ify_sem_simle, t) # E(expr)
t = cls._SEM_RET_VALUE.sub(cls._tty_ify_sem_complex, t) # RV(expr)
t = cls._RULER.sub("\n{0}\n".format("-" * 13), t) # HORIZONTALLINE => -------
# remove rst
t = cls._RST_SEEALSO.sub(r"See also:", t) # seealso to See also:
t = cls._RST_NOTE.sub(_format(r"Note:", 'bold'), t) # .. note:: to note:
t = cls._RST_ROLES.sub(r"`", t) # remove :ref: and other tags, keep tilde to match ending one
t = cls._RST_DIRECTIVES.sub(r"", t) # remove .. stuff:: in general
# handle docsite refs
# U(word) => word
t = re.sub(cls._URL, lambda m: _format(r"%s" % _doclink(, 'LINK'), t)
# L(word, url) => word <url>
t = re.sub(cls._LINK, lambda m: r"%s <%s>" % (, _format(_doclink(, 'LINK')), t)
return t
def init_parser(self):
coll_filter = 'A supplied argument will be used for filtering, can be a namespace or full collection name.'
super(DocCLI, self).init_parser(
desc="plugin documentation tool",
epilog="See man pages for Ansible CLI options or website for tutorials"
# targets
self.parser.add_argument('args', nargs='*', help='Plugin', metavar='plugin')
self.parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", action="store", default='module', dest='type',
help='Choose which plugin type (defaults to "module"). '
'Available plugin types are : {0}'.format(TARGET_OPTIONS),
# formatting
self.parser.add_argument("-j", "--json", action="store_true", default=False, dest='json_format',
help='Change output into json format.')
# TODO: warn if not used with -t roles
# role-specific options
self.parser.add_argument("-r", "--roles-path", dest='roles_path', default=C.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH,
help='The path to the directory containing your roles.')
# exclusive modifiers
exclusive = self.parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
# TODO: warn if not used with -t roles
exclusive.add_argument("-e", "--entry-point", dest="entry_point",
help="Select the entry point for role(s).")
# TODO: warn with --json as it is incompatible
exclusive.add_argument("-s", "--snippet", action="store_true", default=False, dest='show_snippet',
help='Show playbook snippet for these plugin types: %s' % ', '.join(SNIPPETS))
# TODO: warn when arg/plugin is passed
exclusive.add_argument("-F", "--list_files", action="store_true", default=False, dest="list_files",
help='Show plugin names and their source files without summaries (implies --list). %s' % coll_filter)
exclusive.add_argument("-l", "--list", action="store_true", default=False, dest='list_dir',
help='List available plugins. %s' % coll_filter)
exclusive.add_argument("--metadata-dump", action="store_true", default=False, dest='dump',
help='**For internal use only** Dump json metadata for all entries, ignores other options.')
# generic again
self.parser.add_argument("--no-fail-on-errors", action="store_true", default=False, dest='no_fail_on_errors',
help='**For internal use only** Only used for --metadata-dump. '
'Do not fail on errors. Report the error message in the JSON instead.')
def post_process_args(self, options):
options = super(DocCLI, self).post_process_args(options)
display.verbosity = options.verbosity
return options
def display_plugin_list(self, results):
# format for user
displace = max(len(x) for x in results.keys())
linelimit = display.columns - displace - 5
text = []
deprecated = []
# format display per option
if context.CLIARGS['list_files']:
# list plugin file names
for plugin in sorted(results.keys()):
filename = to_native(results[plugin])
# handle deprecated for builtin/legacy
pbreak = plugin.split('.')
if pbreak[-1].startswith('_') and pbreak[0] == 'ansible' and pbreak[1] in ('builtin', 'legacy'):
pbreak[-1] = pbreak[-1][1:]
plugin = '.'.join(pbreak)
deprecated.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(filename), filename))
text.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(filename), filename))
# list plugin names and short desc
for plugin in sorted(results.keys()):
desc = DocCLI.tty_ify(results[plugin])
if len(desc) > linelimit:
desc = desc[:linelimit] + '...'
pbreak = plugin.split('.')
# TODO: add mark for deprecated collection plugins
if pbreak[-1].startswith('_') and plugin.startswith(('ansible.builtin.', 'ansible.legacy.')):
# Handle deprecated ansible.builtin plugins
pbreak[-1] = pbreak[-1][1:]
plugin = '.'.join(pbreak)
deprecated.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(desc), desc))
text.append("%-*s %-*.*s" % (displace, plugin, linelimit, len(desc), desc))
if len(deprecated) > 0:
# display results
def _display_available_roles(self, list_json):
"""Display all roles we can find with a valid argument specification.
Output is: fqcn role name, entry point, short description
roles = list(list_json.keys())
entry_point_names = set() # to find max len
for role in roles:
for entry_point in list_json[role]['entry_points'].keys():
max_role_len = 0
max_ep_len = 0
if entry_point_names:
max_ep_len = max(len(x) for x in entry_point_names)
linelimit = display.columns - max_role_len - max_ep_len - 5
text = []
for role in sorted(roles):
if list_json[role]['entry_points']:
text.append('%s:' % role)
text.append(' specs:')
for entry_point, desc in list_json[role]['entry_points'].items():
if len(desc) > linelimit:
desc = desc[:linelimit] + '...'
text.append(" %-*s: %s" % (max_ep_len, entry_point, desc))
text.append('%s' % role)
# display results
def _display_role_doc(self, role_json):
roles = list(role_json.keys())
text = []
for role in roles:
if 'error' in role_json[role]:
display.warning("Skipping role '%s' due to: %s" % (role, role_json[role]['error']), True)
text += self.get_role_man_text(role, role_json[role])
except AnsibleParserError as e:
# TODO: warn and skip role?
raise AnsibleParserError("Role '%s" % (role), orig_exc=e)
# display results
def _list_keywords():
return from_yaml(pkgutil.get_data('ansible', 'keyword_desc.yml'))
def _get_keywords_docs(keys):
data = {}
descs = DocCLI._list_keywords()
for key in keys:
if key.startswith('with_'):
# simplify loops, dont want to handle every with_<lookup> combo
keyword = 'loop'
elif key == 'async':
# cause async became reserved in python we had to rename internally
keyword = 'async_val'
keyword = key
# if no desc, typeerror raised ends this block
kdata = {'description': descs[key]}
# get playbook objects for keyword and use first to get keyword attributes
kdata['applies_to'] = []
for pobj in PB_OBJECTS:
if pobj not in PB_LOADED:
obj_class = 'ansible.playbook.%s' % pobj.lower()
loaded_class = importlib.import_module(obj_class)
PB_LOADED[pobj] = getattr(loaded_class, pobj, None)
if keyword in PB_LOADED[pobj].fattributes:
# we should only need these once
if 'type' not in kdata:
fa = PB_LOADED[pobj].fattributes.get(keyword)
if getattr(fa, 'private'):
kdata = {}
raise KeyError
kdata['type'] = getattr(fa, 'isa', 'string')
if keyword.endswith('when') or keyword in ('until',):
# TODO: make this a field attribute property,
# would also helps with the warnings on {{}} stacking
kdata['template'] = 'implicit'
elif getattr(fa, 'static'):
kdata['template'] = 'static'
kdata['template'] = 'explicit'
# those that require no processing
for visible in ('alias', 'priority'):
kdata[visible] = getattr(fa, visible)
# remove None keys
for k in list(kdata.keys()):
if kdata[k] is None:
del kdata[k]
data[key] = kdata
except (AttributeError, KeyError) as e:
display.warning("Skipping Invalid keyword '%s' specified: %s" % (key, to_text(e)))
if display.verbosity >= 3:
return data
def _get_collection_filter(self):
coll_filter = None
if len(context.CLIARGS['args']) >= 1:
coll_filter = context.CLIARGS['args']
for coll_name in coll_filter:
if not AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_collection_name(coll_name):
raise AnsibleError('Invalid collection name (must be of the form namespace.collection): {0}'.format(coll_name))
return coll_filter
def _list_plugins(self, plugin_type, content):
results = {}
self.plugins = {}
loader = DocCLI._prep_loader(plugin_type)
coll_filter = self._get_collection_filter()
self.plugins.update(list_plugins(plugin_type, coll_filter))
# get appropriate content depending on option
if content == 'dir':
results = self._get_plugin_list_descriptions(loader)
elif content == 'files':
results = {k: self.plugins[k][0] for k in self.plugins.keys()}
results = {k: {} for k in self.plugins.keys()}
self.plugin_list = set() # reset for next iteration
return results
def _get_plugins_docs(self, plugin_type, names, fail_ok=False, fail_on_errors=True):
loader = DocCLI._prep_loader(plugin_type)
# get the docs for plugins in the command line list
plugin_docs = {}
for plugin in names:
doc = {}
doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata = get_plugin_docs(plugin, plugin_type, loader, fragment_loader, (context.CLIARGS['verbosity'] > 0))
except AnsiblePluginNotFound as e:
except Exception as e:
if not fail_on_errors:
plugin_docs[plugin] = {'error': 'Missing documentation or could not parse documentation: %s' % to_native(e)}
msg = "%s %s missing documentation (or could not parse documentation): %s\n" % (plugin_type, plugin, to_native(e))
if fail_ok:
raise AnsibleError(msg)
if not doc:
# The doc section existed but was empty
if not fail_on_errors:
plugin_docs[plugin] = {'error': 'No valid documentation found'}
docs = DocCLI._combine_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata)
if not fail_on_errors:
# Check whether JSON serialization would break
except Exception as e: # pylint:disable=broad-except
plugin_docs[plugin] = {'error': 'Cannot serialize documentation as JSON: %s' % to_native(e)}
plugin_docs[plugin] = docs
return plugin_docs
def _get_roles_path(self):
Add any 'roles' subdir in playbook dir to the roles search path.
And as a last resort, add the playbook dir itself. Order being:
- 'roles' subdir of playbook dir
- DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH (default in cliargs)
- playbook dir (basedir)
NOTE: This matches logic in RoleDefinition._load_role_path() method.
roles_path = context.CLIARGS['roles_path']
if context.CLIARGS['basedir'] is not None:
subdir = os.path.join(context.CLIARGS['basedir'], "roles")
if os.path.isdir(subdir):
roles_path = (subdir,) + roles_path
roles_path = roles_path + (context.CLIARGS['basedir'],)
return roles_path
def _prep_loader(plugin_type):
''' return a plugint type specific loader '''
loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % plugin_type)
# add to plugin paths from command line
if context.CLIARGS['basedir'] is not None:
loader.add_directory(context.CLIARGS['basedir'], with_subdir=True)
if context.CLIARGS['module_path']:
for path in context.CLIARGS['module_path']:
if path:
# save only top level paths for errors
loader._paths = None # reset so we can use subdirs later
return loader
def run(self):
super(DocCLI, self).run()
basedir = context.CLIARGS['basedir']
plugin_type = context.CLIARGS['type'].lower()
do_json = context.CLIARGS['json_format'] or context.CLIARGS['dump']
listing = context.CLIARGS['list_files'] or context.CLIARGS['list_dir']
if context.CLIARGS['list_files']:
content = 'files'
elif context.CLIARGS['list_dir']:
content = 'dir'
content = None
docs = {}
if basedir:
AnsibleCollectionConfig.playbook_paths = basedir
if plugin_type not in TARGET_OPTIONS:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Unknown or undocumentable plugin type: %s" % plugin_type)
if context.CLIARGS['dump']:
# we always dump all types, ignore restrictions
docs['all'] = {}
for ptype in ptypes:
no_fail = bool(not context.CLIARGS['no_fail_on_errors'])
if ptype == 'role':
roles = self._create_role_list(fail_on_errors=no_fail)
docs['all'][ptype] = self._create_role_doc(roles.keys(), context.CLIARGS['entry_point'], fail_on_errors=no_fail)
elif ptype == 'keyword':
names = DocCLI._list_keywords()
docs['all'][ptype] = DocCLI._get_keywords_docs(names.keys())
plugin_names = self._list_plugins(ptype, None)
docs['all'][ptype] = self._get_plugins_docs(ptype, plugin_names, fail_ok=(ptype in ('test', 'filter')), fail_on_errors=no_fail)
# reset list after each type to avoid pollution
elif listing:
if plugin_type == 'keyword':
docs = DocCLI._list_keywords()
elif plugin_type == 'role':
docs = self._create_role_list(fail_on_errors=False)
docs = self._list_plugins(plugin_type, content)
# here we require a name
if len(context.CLIARGS['args']) == 0:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Missing name(s), incorrect options passed for detailed documentation.")
if plugin_type == 'keyword':
docs = DocCLI._get_keywords_docs(context.CLIARGS['args'])
elif plugin_type == 'role':
docs = self._create_role_doc(context.CLIARGS['args'], context.CLIARGS['entry_point'])
# display specific plugin docs
docs = self._get_plugins_docs(plugin_type, context.CLIARGS['args'])
# Display the docs
if do_json:
text = []
if plugin_type in C.DOCUMENTABLE_PLUGINS:
if listing and docs:
elif context.CLIARGS['show_snippet']:
if plugin_type not in SNIPPETS:
raise AnsibleError('Snippets are only available for the following plugin'
' types: %s' % ', '.join(SNIPPETS))
for plugin, doc_data in docs.items():
textret = DocCLI.format_snippet(plugin, plugin_type, doc_data['doc'])
except ValueError as e:
display.warning("Unable to construct a snippet for"
" '{0}': {1}".format(plugin, to_text(e)))
# Some changes to how plain text docs are formatted
for plugin, doc_data in docs.items():
textret = DocCLI.format_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type,
doc_data['doc'], doc_data['examples'],
doc_data['return'], doc_data['metadata'])
if textret:
display.warning("No valid documentation was retrieved from '%s'" % plugin)
elif plugin_type == 'role':
if context.CLIARGS['list_dir'] and docs:
elif docs:
elif docs:
text = DocCLI.tty_ify(DocCLI._dump_yaml(docs))
if text:
return 0
def get_all_plugins_of_type(plugin_type):
loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % plugin_type)
paths = loader._get_paths_with_context()
plugins = {}
for path_context in paths:
return sorted(plugins.keys())
def get_plugin_metadata(plugin_type, plugin_name):
# if the plugin lives in a non-python file (eg, win_X.ps1), require the corresponding python file for docs
loader = getattr(plugin_loader, '%s_loader' % plugin_type)
result = loader.find_plugin_with_context(plugin_name, mod_type='.py', ignore_deprecated=True, check_aliases=True)
if not result.resolved:
raise AnsibleError("unable to load {0} plugin named {1} ".format(plugin_type, plugin_name))
filename = result.plugin_resolved_path
collection_name = result.plugin_resolved_collection
doc, __, __, __ = get_docstring(filename, fragment_loader, verbose=(context.CLIARGS['verbosity'] > 0),
collection_name=collection_name, plugin_type=plugin_type)
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError("%s %s at %s has a documentation formatting error or is missing documentation." % (plugin_type, plugin_name, filename))
if doc is None:
# Removed plugins don't have any documentation
return None
return dict(
namespace=DocCLI.namespace_from_plugin_filepath(filename, plugin_name, loader.package_path),
description=doc.get('short_description', "UNKNOWN"),
version_added=doc.get('version_added', "UNKNOWN")
def namespace_from_plugin_filepath(filepath, plugin_name, basedir):
if not basedir.endswith('/'):
basedir += '/'
rel_path = filepath.replace(basedir, '')
extension_free = os.path.splitext(rel_path)[0]
namespace_only = extension_free.rsplit(plugin_name, 1)[0].strip('/_')
clean_ns = namespace_only.replace('/', '.')
if clean_ns == '':
clean_ns = None
return clean_ns
def _combine_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata):
# generate extra data
if plugin_type == 'module':
# is there corresponding action plugin?
if plugin in action_loader:
doc['has_action'] = True
doc['has_action'] = False
# return everything as one dictionary
return {'doc': doc, 'examples': plainexamples, 'return': returndocs, 'metadata': metadata}
def format_snippet(plugin, plugin_type, doc):
''' return heavily commented plugin use to insert into play '''
if plugin_type == 'inventory' and doc.get('options', {}).get('plugin'):
# these do not take a yaml config that we can write a snippet for
raise ValueError('The {0} inventory plugin does not take YAML type config source'
' that can be used with the "auto" plugin so a snippet cannot be'
' created.'.format(plugin))
text = []
if plugin_type == 'lookup':
text = _do_lookup_snippet(doc)
elif 'options' in doc:
text = _do_yaml_snippet(doc)
return "\n".join(text)
def format_plugin_doc(plugin, plugin_type, doc, plainexamples, returndocs, metadata):
collection_name = doc['collection']
# TODO: do we really want this?
# add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(doc, '(unknown)', is_module=(plugin_type == 'module'))
# remove_current_collection_from_versions_and_dates(doc, collection_name, is_module=(plugin_type == 'module'))
# remove_current_collection_from_versions_and_dates(
# returndocs, collection_name, is_module=(plugin_type == 'module'), return_docs=True)
# assign from other sections
doc['plainexamples'] = plainexamples
doc['returndocs'] = returndocs
doc['metadata'] = metadata
text = DocCLI.get_man_text(doc, collection_name, plugin_type)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("Unable to retrieve documentation from '%s' due to: %s" % (plugin, to_native(e)), orig_exc=e)
return text
def _get_plugin_list_descriptions(self, loader):
descs = {}
for plugin in self.plugins.keys():
# TODO: move to plugin itself i.e: plugin.get_desc()
doc = None
filename = Path(to_native(self.plugins[plugin][0]))
docerror = None
doc = read_docstub(filename)
except Exception as e:
docerror = e
# plugin file was empty or had error, lets try other options
if doc is None:
# handle test/filters that are in file with diff name
base = plugin.split('.')[-1]
basefile = filename.with_name(base + filename.suffix)
for extension in C.DOC_EXTENSIONS:
docfile = basefile.with_suffix(extension)
if docfile.exists():
doc = read_docstub(docfile)
except Exception as e:
docerror = e
if docerror:
display.warning("%s has a documentation formatting error: %s" % (plugin, docerror))
if not doc or not isinstance(doc, dict):
desc = doc.get('short_description', 'INVALID SHORT DESCRIPTION').strip()
descs[plugin] = desc
return descs
def print_paths(finder):
''' Returns a string suitable for printing of the search path '''
# Uses a list to get the order right
ret = []
for i in finder._get_paths(subdirs=False):
i = to_text(i, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if i not in ret:
return os.pathsep.join(ret)
def _dump_yaml(struct, flow_style=False):
return yaml_dump(struct, default_flow_style=flow_style, default_style="''", Dumper=AnsibleDumper).rstrip('\n')
def _indent_lines(text, indent):
return DocCLI.tty_ify('\n'.join([indent + line for line in text.split('\n')]))
def _format_version_added(version_added, version_added_collection=None):
if version_added_collection == 'ansible.builtin':
version_added_collection = 'ansible-core'
# In ansible-core, version_added can be 'historical'
if version_added == 'historical':
return 'historical'
if version_added_collection:
version_added = '%s of %s' % (version_added, version_added_collection)
return 'version %s' % (version_added, )
def warp_fill(text, limit, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', **kwargs):
result = []
for paragraph in text.split('\n\n'):
result.append(textwrap.fill(paragraph, limit, initial_indent=initial_indent, subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent,
break_on_hyphens=False, break_long_words=False, drop_whitespace=True, **kwargs))
initial_indent = subsequent_indent
return '\n'.join(result)
def add_fields(text, fields, limit, opt_indent, return_values=False, base_indent='', man=False):
for o in sorted(fields):
# Create a copy so we don't modify the original (in case YAML anchors have been used)
opt = dict(fields[o])
# required is used as indicator and removed
required = opt.pop('required', False)
if not isinstance(required, bool):
raise AnsibleError("Incorrect value for 'Required', a boolean is needed.: %s" % required)
opt_leadin = ' '
key = ''
if required:
opt_leadin = "="
key = "%s%s %s" % (base_indent, opt_leadin, _format(o, 'bold', 'red'))
opt_leadin = "-"
key = "%s%s %s" % (base_indent, opt_leadin, _format(o, 'yellow'))
# description is specifically formated and can either be string or list of strings
if 'description' not in opt:
raise AnsibleError("All (sub-)options and return values must have a 'description' field")
# TODO: push this to top of for and sort by size, create indent on largest key?
inline_indent = base_indent + ' ' * max((len(opt_indent) - len(o)) - len(base_indent), 2)
sub_indent = inline_indent + ' ' * (len(o) + 3)
if is_sequence(opt['description']):
for entry_idx, entry in enumerate(opt['description'], 1):
if not isinstance(entry, string_types):
raise AnsibleError("Expected string in description of %s at index %s, got %s" % (o, entry_idx, type(entry)))
if entry_idx == 1:
text.append(key + DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(entry), limit, initial_indent=inline_indent, subsequent_indent=sub_indent))
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(entry), limit, initial_indent=sub_indent, subsequent_indent=sub_indent))
if not isinstance(opt['description'], string_types):
raise AnsibleError("Expected string in description of %s, got %s" % (o, type(opt['description'])))
text.append(key + DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(opt['description']), limit, initial_indent=inline_indent, subsequent_indent=sub_indent))
del opt['description']
suboptions = []
for subkey in ('options', 'suboptions', 'contains', 'spec'):
if subkey in opt:
suboptions.append((subkey, opt.pop(subkey)))
if not required and not return_values and 'default' not in opt:
opt['default'] = None
# sanitize config items
conf = {}
for config in ('env', 'ini', 'yaml', 'vars', 'keyword'):
if config in opt and opt[config]:
# Create a copy so we don't modify the original (in case YAML anchors have been used)
conf[config] = [dict(item) for item in opt.pop(config)]
for ignore in DocCLI.IGNORE:
for item in conf[config]:
if display.verbosity > 0 and 'version_added' in item:
item['added_in'] = DocCLI._format_version_added(item['version_added'], item.get('version_added_colleciton', 'ansible-core'))
if ignore in item:
del item[ignore]
# reformat cli optoins
if 'cli' in opt and opt['cli']:
conf['cli'] = []
for cli in opt['cli']:
if 'option' not in cli:
conf['cli'].append({'name': cli['name'], 'option': '--%s' % cli['name'].replace('_', '-')})
del opt['cli']
# add custom header for conf
if conf:
text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({'set_via': conf}), opt_indent))
# these we handle at the end of generic option processing
version_added = opt.pop('version_added', None)
version_added_collection = opt.pop('version_added_collection', None)
# general processing for options
for k in sorted(opt):
if k.startswith('_'):
if is_sequence(opt[k]):
text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines('%s: %s' % (k, DocCLI._dump_yaml(opt[k], flow_style=True)), opt_indent))
text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({k: opt[k]}), opt_indent))
if version_added and not man:
text.append("%sadded in: %s" % (opt_indent, DocCLI._format_version_added(version_added, version_added_collection)))
for subkey, subdata in suboptions:
text.append("%s%s:" % (opt_indent, subkey))
DocCLI.add_fields(text, subdata, limit, opt_indent + ' ', return_values, opt_indent)
def get_role_man_text(self, role, role_json):
'''Generate text for the supplied role suitable for display.
This is similar to get_man_text(), but roles are different enough that we have
a separate method for formatting their display.
:param role: The role name.
:param role_json: The JSON for the given role as returned from _create_role_doc().
:returns: A array of text suitable for displaying to screen.
text = []
opt_indent = " "
pad = display.columns * 0.20
limit = max(display.columns - int(pad), 70)
text.append("> ROLE: %s (%s)" % (_format(role, 'BOLD'), role_json.get('path')))
for entry_point in role_json['entry_points']:
doc = role_json['entry_points'][entry_point]
desc = ''
if doc.get('short_description'):
desc = "- %s" % (doc.get('short_description'))
text.append("ENTRY POINT: %s %s" % (_format(entry_point, "BOLD"), desc))
if doc.get('description'):
if isinstance(doc['description'], list):
descs = doc['description']
descs = [doc['description']]
for desc in descs:
text.append("%s" % DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(desc), limit, initial_indent=opt_indent, subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
if doc.get('options'):
text.append(_format("Options", 'bold') + " (%s inicates it is required):" % ("=" if C.ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR else 'red'))
DocCLI.add_fields(text, doc.pop('options'), limit, opt_indent)
if doc.get('attributes', False):
f'The role {role}\'s argument spec {entry_point} contains the key "attributes", '
'which will not be displayed by ansible-doc in the future. '
'This was unintentionally allowed when plugin attributes were added, '
'but the feature does not map well to role argument specs.',
text.append(_format("ATTRIBUTES:", 'bold'))
for k in doc['attributes'].keys():
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(_format('%s:' % k, 'UNDERLINE')), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent,
text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml(doc['attributes'][k]), opt_indent))
del doc['attributes']
# generic elements we will handle identically
for k in ('author',):
if k not in doc:
if isinstance(doc[k], string_types):
text.append('%s: %s' % (k.upper(), DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(doc[k]),
limit - (len(k) + 2), subsequent_indent=opt_indent)))
elif isinstance(doc[k], (list, tuple)):
text.append('%s: %s' % (k.upper(), ', '.join(doc[k])))
# use empty indent since this affects the start of the yaml doc, not it's keys
text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml({k.upper(): doc[k]}), ''))
return text
def get_man_text(doc, collection_name='', plugin_type=''):
# Create a copy so we don't modify the original
doc = dict(doc)
DocCLI.IGNORE = DocCLI.IGNORE + (context.CLIARGS['type'],)
opt_indent = " "
base_indent = " "
text = []
pad = display.columns * 0.20
limit = max(display.columns - int(pad), 70)
text.append("> %s %s (%s)" % (plugin_type.upper(), _format(doc.pop('plugin_name'), 'bold'), doc.pop('filename')))
if isinstance(doc['description'], list):
descs = doc.pop('description')
descs = [doc.pop('description')]
for desc in descs:
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(desc), limit, initial_indent=base_indent, subsequent_indent=base_indent))
if display.verbosity > 0:
doc['added_in'] = DocCLI._format_version_added(doc.pop('version_added', 'historical'), doc.pop('version_added_collection', 'ansible-core'))
if doc.get('deprecated', False):
text.append(_format("DEPRECATED: ", 'bold', 'DEP'))
if isinstance(doc['deprecated'], dict):
if 'removed_at_date' in doc['deprecated']:
"\tReason: %(why)s\n\tWill be removed in a release after %(removed_at_date)s\n\tAlternatives: %(alternative)s" % doc.pop('deprecated')
if 'version' in doc['deprecated'] and 'removed_in' not in doc['deprecated']:
doc['deprecated']['removed_in'] = doc['deprecated']['version']
text.append("\tReason: %(why)s\n\tWill be removed in: Ansible %(removed_in)s\n\tAlternatives: %(alternative)s" % doc.pop('deprecated'))
text.append("%s" % doc.pop('deprecated'))
if doc.pop('has_action', False):
text.append(_format(" * note:", 'bold') + " This module has a corresponding action plugin.")
if doc.get('options', False):
text.append(_format("OPTIONS", 'bold') + " (%s inicates it is required):" % ("=" if C.ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR else 'red'))
DocCLI.add_fields(text, doc.pop('options'), limit, opt_indent, man=(display.verbosity == 0))
if doc.get('attributes', False):
text.append(_format("ATTRIBUTES:", 'bold'))
for k in doc['attributes'].keys():
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(_format('%s:' % k, 'UNDERLINE')), limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent,
text.append(DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml(doc['attributes'][k]), opt_indent))
del doc['attributes']
if doc.get('notes', False):
text.append(_format("NOTES:", 'bold'))
for note in doc['notes']:
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(note), limit - 6,
initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
del doc['notes']
if doc.get('seealso', False):
text.append(_format("SEE ALSO:", 'bold'))
for item in doc['seealso']:
if 'module' in item:
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify('Module %s' % item['module']),
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
description = item.get('description')
if description is None and item['module'].startswith('ansible.builtin.'):
description = 'The official documentation on the %s module.' % item['module']
if description is not None:
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' '))
if item['module'].startswith('ansible.builtin.'):
relative_url = 'collections/%s_module.html' % item['module'].replace('.', '/', 2)
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
elif 'plugin' in item and 'plugin_type' in item:
plugin_suffix = ' plugin' if item['plugin_type'] not in ('module', 'role') else ''
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify('%s%s %s' % (item['plugin_type'].title(), plugin_suffix, item['plugin'])),
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
description = item.get('description')
if description is None and item['plugin'].startswith('ansible.builtin.'):
description = 'The official documentation on the %s %s%s.' % (item['plugin'], item['plugin_type'], plugin_suffix)
if description is not None:
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' '))
if item['plugin'].startswith('ansible.builtin.'):
relative_url = 'collections/%s_%s.html' % (item['plugin'].replace('.', '/', 2), item['plugin_type'])
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
elif 'name' in item and 'link' in item and 'description' in item:
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' '))
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' '))
elif 'ref' in item and 'description' in item:
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify('Ansible documentation [%s]' % item['ref']),
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent[:-2] + "* ", subsequent_indent=opt_indent))
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' '))
text.append(DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(get_versioned_doclink('/#stq=%s&stp=1' % item['ref'])),
limit - 6, initial_indent=opt_indent + ' ', subsequent_indent=opt_indent + ' '))
del doc['seealso']
if doc.get('requirements', False):
req = ", ".join(doc.pop('requirements'))
text.append(_format("REQUIREMENTS:", 'bold') + "%s\n" % DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(req), limit - 16, initial_indent=" ",
# Generic handler
for k in sorted(doc):
if not doc[k] or k in DocCLI.IGNORE:
header = _format(k.upper(), 'bold')
if isinstance(doc[k], string_types):
text.append('%s: %s' % (header, DocCLI.warp_fill(DocCLI.tty_ify(doc[k]), limit - (len(k) + 2), subsequent_indent=opt_indent)))
elif isinstance(doc[k], (list, tuple)):
text.append('%s: %s' % (header, ', '.join(doc[k])))
# use empty indent since this affects the start of the yaml doc, not it's keys
text.append('%s: ' % header + DocCLI._indent_lines(DocCLI._dump_yaml(doc[k]), ' ' * (len(k) + 2)))
del doc[k]
if doc.get('plainexamples', False):
text.append(_format("EXAMPLES:", 'bold'))
if isinstance(doc['plainexamples'], string_types):
text.append(yaml_dump(doc.pop('plainexamples'), indent=2, default_flow_style=False))
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError("Unable to parse examples section", orig_exc=e)
if doc.get('returndocs', False):
text.append(_format("RETURN VALUES:", 'bold'))
DocCLI.add_fields(text, doc.pop('returndocs'), limit, opt_indent, return_values=True, man=(display.verbosity == 0))
return "\n".join(text)
def _do_yaml_snippet(doc):
text = []
mdesc = DocCLI.tty_ify(doc['short_description'])
module = doc.get('module')
if module:
# this is actually a usable task!
text.append("- name: %s" % (mdesc))
text.append(" %s:" % (module))
# just a comment, hopefully useful yaml file
text.append("# %s:" % doc.get('plugin', doc.get('name')))
pad = 29
subdent = '# '.rjust(pad + 2)
limit = display.columns - pad
for o in sorted(doc['options'].keys()):
opt = doc['options'][o]
if isinstance(opt['description'], string_types):
desc = DocCLI.tty_ify(opt['description'])
desc = DocCLI.tty_ify(" ".join(opt['description']))
required = opt.get('required', False)
if not isinstance(required, bool):
raise ValueError("Incorrect value for 'Required', a boolean is needed: %s" % required)
o = '%s:' % o
if module:
if required:
desc = "(required) %s" % desc
text.append(" %-20s # %s" % (o, DocCLI.warp_fill(desc, limit, subsequent_indent=subdent)))
if required:
default = '(required)'
default = opt.get('default', 'None')
text.append("%s %-9s # %s" % (o, default, DocCLI.warp_fill(desc, limit, subsequent_indent=subdent, max_lines=3)))
return text
def _do_lookup_snippet(doc):
text = []
snippet = "lookup('%s', " % doc.get('plugin', doc.get('name'))
comment = []
for o in sorted(doc['options'].keys()):
opt = doc['options'][o]
comment.append('# %s(%s): %s' % (o, opt.get('type', 'string'), opt.get('description', '')))
if o in ('_terms', '_raw', '_list'):
# these are 'list of arguments'
snippet += '< %s >' % (o)
required = opt.get('required', False)
if not isinstance(required, bool):
raise ValueError("Incorrect value for 'Required', a boolean is needed: %s" % required)
if required:
default = '<REQUIRED>'
default = opt.get('default', 'None')
if opt.get('type') in ('string', 'str'):
snippet += ", %s='%s'" % (o, default)
snippet += ', %s=%s' % (o, default)
snippet += ")"
if comment:
return text
def main(args=None):
if __name__ == '__main__':