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If you have a large playbook, it may become useful to be able to run only
a specific part of it rather than running *everything* in the playbook.
Ansible supports a "tags:" attribute for this reason.
When you execute a playbook, you can filter tasks based on tags in two ways:
- On the command line, with the ``--tags`` or ``--skip-tags`` options
- In Ansible configuration settings, with the ``TAGS_RUN`` and ``TAGS_SKIP`` options
Tags can be applied to *many* structures in Ansible (see "tag inheritance",
below), but its simplest use is with individual tasks. Here is an example
that tags two tasks with different tags::
- yum:
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- httpd
- memcached
- packages
- template:
src: templates/src.j2
dest: /etc/foo.conf
- configuration
If you wanted to just run the "configuration" and "packages" part of a very long playbook, you can use the ``--tags`` option on the command line::
ansible-playbook example.yml --tags "configuration,packages"
On the other hand, if you want to run a playbook *without* certain tagged
tasks, you can use the ``--skip-tags`` command-line option::
ansible-playbook example.yml --skip-tags "packages"
.. _tag_reuse:
Tag Reuse
You can apply the same tag to more than one task. When a play is run using
the ``--tags`` command-line option, all tasks with that tag name will be run.
This example tags several tasks with one tag, "ntp"::
# file: roles/common/tasks/main.yml
- name: be sure ntp is installed
name: ntp
state: present
tags: ntp
- name: be sure ntp is configured
src: ntp.conf.j2
dest: /etc/ntp.conf
- restart ntpd
tags: ntp
- name: be sure ntpd is running and enabled
name: ntpd
state: started
enabled: yes
tags: ntp
.. _tag_inheritance:
Tag Inheritance
Adding ``tags:`` to a play, or to statically imported tasks and roles, adds
those tags to all of the contained tasks. This is referred to as *tag
inheritance*. Tag inheritance is *not* applicable to dynamic inclusions
such as ``include_role`` and ``include_tasks``.
When you apply ``tags:`` attributes to structures other than tasks,
Ansible processes the tag attribute to apply ONLY to the tasks they contain.
Applying tags anywhere other than tasks is just a convenience so you don't
have to tag tasks individually.
This example tags all tasks in the two plays. The first play has all its tasks
tagged with 'bar', and the second has all its tasks tagged with 'foo'::
- hosts: all
- bar
- hosts: all
tags: [ foo ]
You may also apply tags to the tasks imported by ``roles``::
- role: webserver
port: 5000
tags: [ web, foo ]
And to ``import_role:`` and ``import_tasks:`` statements::
- import_role:
name: myrole
tags: [ web, foo ]
- import_tasks: foo.yml
tags: [ web, foo ]
All of these apply the specified tags to EACH task inside the play, imported
file, or role, so that these tasks can be selectively run when the playbook
is invoked with the corresponding tags.
Tags are applied *down* the dependency chain. In order for a tag to be
inherited to a dependent role's tasks, the tag should be applied to the
role declaration or static import, not to all the tasks within the role.
There is no way to 'import only these tags'; you probably want to split into smaller roles/includes if you find yourself looking for such a feature.
The above information does not apply to `include_tasks` or other dynamic includes,
as the attributes applied to an include, only affect the include itself.
You can see which tags are applied to tasks, roles, and static imports
by running ``ansible-playbook`` with the ``--list-tasks`` option. You can
display all tags applied to the tasks with the ``--list-tags`` option.
.. note::
The above information does not apply to `include_tasks`, `include_roles`,
or other dynamic includes. Tags applied to either of these only tag the
include itself.
To use tags with tasks and roles intended for dynamic inclusions,
all needed tasks should be explicitly tagged at the task level; or
``block:`` may be used to tag more than one task at once. The include
itself should also be tagged.
Here is an example of tagging role tasks with the tag ``mytag``, using a
``block`` statement, to then be used with a dynamic include:
Playbook file::
- hosts: all
- include_role:
name: myrole
tags: mytag
Role tasks file::
- block:
- name: First task to run
- name: Second task to run
- mytag
.. _special_tags:
Special Tags
There is a special ``always`` tag that will always run a task, unless specifically skipped (``--skip-tags always``)
- debug:
msg: "Always runs"
- always
- debug:
msg: "runs when you use tag1"
- tag1
.. versionadded:: 2.5
Another special tag is ``never``, which will prevent a task from running unless a tag is specifically requested.
- debug: msg="{{ showmevar }}"
tags: [ never, debug ]
In this example, the task will only run when the ``debug`` or ``never`` tag is explicitly requested.
There are another 3 special keywords for tags: ``tagged``, ``untagged`` and ``all``, which run only tagged, only untagged
and all tasks respectively.
By default, Ansible runs as if ``--tags all`` had been specified.
.. seealso::
An introduction to playbooks
Playbook organization by roles
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