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# (c) 2018, NetApp, Inc
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
''' unit test for ONTAP Command Ansible module '''
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import pytest
from units.compat import unittest
from units.compat.mock import patch, Mock
from ansible.module_utils import basic
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes
import ansible.module_utils.netapp as netapp_utils
from \
import NetAppONTAPCommand as my_module # module under test
if not netapp_utils.has_netapp_lib():
pytestmark = pytest.mark.skip('skipping as missing required netapp_lib')
def set_module_args(args):
"""prepare arguments so that they will be picked up during module creation"""
args = json.dumps({'ANSIBLE_MODULE_ARGS': args})
basic._ANSIBLE_ARGS = to_bytes(args) # pylint: disable=protected-access
class AnsibleExitJson(Exception):
"""Exception class to be raised by module.exit_json and caught by the test case"""
class AnsibleFailJson(Exception):
"""Exception class to be raised by module.fail_json and caught by the test case"""
def exit_json(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""function to patch over exit_json; package return data into an exception"""
if 'changed' not in kwargs:
kwargs['changed'] = False
raise AnsibleExitJson(kwargs)
def fail_json(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""function to patch over fail_json; package return data into an exception"""
kwargs['failed'] = True
raise AnsibleFailJson(kwargs)
class MockONTAPConnection(object):
''' mock server connection to ONTAP host '''
def __init__(self, kind=None, parm1=None):
''' save arguments '''
self.type = kind
self.parm1 = parm1
self.xml_in = None
self.xml_out = None
def invoke_successfully(self, xml, enable_tunneling): # pylint: disable=unused-argument
''' mock invoke_successfully returning xml data '''
self.xml_in = xml
# print(xml.to_string())
if self.type == 'version':
priv = xml.get_child_content('priv')
xml = self.build_version(priv)
self.xml_out = xml
return xml
def build_version(priv):
''' build xml data for version '''
prefix = 'NetApp Release'
if priv == 'advanced':
prefix = '\n' + prefix
xml = netapp_utils.zapi.NaElement('results')
xml.add_new_child('cli-output', prefix)
# print(xml.to_string())
return xml
class TestMyModule(unittest.TestCase):
''' a group of related Unit Tests '''
def setUp(self):
self.mock_module_helper = patch.multiple(basic.AnsibleModule,
self.server = MockONTAPConnection(kind='version')
# whether to use a mock or a simulator
self.use_vsim = False
def test_module_fail_when_required_args_missing(self):
''' required arguments are reported as errors '''
with pytest.raises(AnsibleFailJson) as exc:
print('Info: %s' % exc.value.args[0]['msg'])
def set_default_args(vsim=False):
''' populate hostname/username/password '''
if vsim:
hostname = ''
username = 'admin'
password = 'admin'
hostname = 'hostname'
username = 'username'
password = 'password'
return dict({
'hostname': hostname,
'username': username,
'password': password,
'https': True,
'validate_certs': False
def call_command(self, module_args, vsim=False):
''' utility function to call apply '''
my_obj = my_module()
my_obj.asup_log_for_cserver = Mock(return_value=None)
if not vsim:
# mock the connection
my_obj.server = self.server
with pytest.raises(AnsibleExitJson) as exc:
msg = exc.value.args[0]['msg']
return msg
def test_default_priv(self):
''' make sure privilege is not required '''
module_args = {
'command': 'version',
msg = self.call_command(module_args, vsim=self.use_vsim)
needle = b'<cli-output>NetApp Release'
assert needle in msg
print('Version (raw): %s' % msg)
def test_admin_priv(self):
''' make sure admin is accepted '''
module_args = {
'command': 'version',
'privilege': 'admin',
msg = self.call_command(module_args, vsim=self.use_vsim)
needle = b'<cli-output>NetApp Release'
assert needle in msg
print('Version (raw): %s' % msg)
def test_advanced_priv(self):
''' make sure advanced is not required '''
module_args = {
'command': 'version',
'privilege': 'advanced',
msg = self.call_command(module_args, vsim=self.use_vsim)
# Interestingly, the ZAPI returns a slightly different response
needle = b'<cli-output>\nNetApp Release'
assert needle in msg
print('Version (raw): %s' % msg)