You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright 2021 Red Hat
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils.common.arg_spec import ArgumentSpecValidator
from ansible.module_utils.errors import AnsibleValidationErrorMultiple
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
class ActionModule(ActionBase):
''' Validate an arg spec'''
def get_args_from_task_vars(self, argument_spec, task_vars):
Get any arguments that may come from `task_vars`.
Expand templated variables so we can validate the actual values.
:param argument_spec: A dict of the argument spec.
:param task_vars: A dict of task variables.
:returns: A dict of values that can be validated against the arg spec.
args = {}
for argument_name, argument_attrs in argument_spec.items():
if argument_name in task_vars:
args[argument_name] = task_vars[argument_name]
args = self._templar.template(args)
return args
def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None):
Validate an argument specification against a provided set of data.
The `validate_argument_spec` module expects to receive the arguments:
- argument_spec: A dict whose keys are the valid argument names, and
whose values are dicts of the argument attributes (type, etc).
- provided_arguments: A dict whose keys are the argument names, and
whose values are the argument value.
:param tmp: Deprecated. Do not use.
:param task_vars: A dict of task variables.
:return: An action result dict, including a 'argument_errors' key with a
list of validation errors found.
if task_vars is None:
task_vars = dict()
result = super(ActionModule, self).run(tmp, task_vars)
del tmp # tmp no longer has any effect
# This action can be called from anywhere, so pass in some info about what it is
# validating args for so the error results make some sense
result['validate_args_context'] = self._task.args.get('validate_args_context', {})
if 'argument_spec' not in self._task.args:
raise AnsibleError('"argument_spec" arg is required in args: %s' % self._task.args)
# Get the task var called argument_spec. This will contain the arg spec
# data dict (for the proper entry point for a role).
argument_spec_data = self._task.args.get('argument_spec')
# the values that were passed in and will be checked against argument_spec
provided_arguments = self._task.args.get('provided_arguments', {})
if not isinstance(argument_spec_data, dict):
raise AnsibleError('Incorrect type for argument_spec, expected dict and got %s' % type(argument_spec_data))
if not isinstance(provided_arguments, dict):
raise AnsibleError('Incorrect type for provided_arguments, expected dict and got %s' % type(provided_arguments))
args_from_vars = self.get_args_from_task_vars(argument_spec_data, task_vars)
validator = ArgumentSpecValidator(argument_spec_data)
validation_result = validator.validate(combine_vars(args_from_vars, provided_arguments), validate_role_argument_spec=True)
if validation_result.error_messages:
result['failed'] = True
result['msg'] = 'Validation of arguments failed:\n%s' % '\n'.join(validation_result.error_messages)
result['argument_spec_data'] = argument_spec_data
result['argument_errors'] = validation_result.error_messages
return result
result['changed'] = False
result['msg'] = 'The arg spec validation passed'
return result