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:man source: Ansible
:man version: %VERSION%
:man manual: System administration commands
ansible - run a command somewhere else
ansible <host-pattern> [-f forks] [-m module_name] [-a args]
*Ansible* is an extra-simple tool/framework/API for doing \'remote things' over
A name of a group in the inventory file, a shell-like glob selecting
hosts in inventory file, or any combination of the two separated by
*-i* 'PATH', *--inventory=*'PATH'::
The 'PATH' to the inventory hosts file, which defaults to '/etc/ansible/hosts'.
*-f* 'NUM', *--forks=*'NUM'::
Level of parallelism. 'NUM' is specified as an integer, the default is 5.
*-m* 'NAME', *--module-name=*'NAME'::
Execute the module called 'NAME'.
*-M* 'DIRECTORY', *--module-path=*'DIRECTORY'::
The 'DIRECTORY' to load modules from. The default is '/usr/share/ansible'.
*-a* \'_ARGUMENTS_', *--args=*\'_ARGUMENTS_'::
The 'ARGUMENTS' to pass to the module.
*-D*, *--debug*
Print any messages the remote module sends to standard error to the console
*-k*, *--ask-pass*
Prompt for the SSH password instead of assuming key-based authentication with ssh-agent.
*-K*, *--ask-sudo-pass*
Prompt for the password to use with --sudo, if any
*-o*, *--one-line*
Try to output everything on one line.
*-s*, *--sudo*
Run the command as the user given by -u and sudo to root.
*-t* 'DIRECTORY', *--tree=*'DIRECTORY'
Save contents in this output 'DIRECTORY', with the results saved in a
file named after each host.
*-T* 'SECONDS', *--timeout=*'SECONDS'
Connection timeout to use when trying to talk to hosts, in 'SECONDS'.
*-B* 'NUM', *--background=*'NUM'
Run commands in the background, killing the task after 'NUM' seconds.
*-P* 'NUM', *--poll=*'NUM'
Poll a background job every 'NUM' seconds. Requires *-B*.
*-u* 'USERNAME', *--remote-user=*'USERNAME'
Use this remote 'USERNAME' instead of root.
*-c* 'CONNECTION', *--connection=*'CONNECTION'
Connection type to use. Possible options are 'paramiko' (SSH) and 'local'.
Local is mostly useful for crontab or kickstarts.
Ansible stores the hosts it can potentially operate on in an inventory
file. The syntax is one host per line. Groups headers are allowed and
are included on their own line, enclosed in square brackets.
/etc/ansible/hosts -- Default inventory file
/usr/share/ansible/ -- Default module library
The following environment variables may specified.
ANSIBLE_HOSTS -- Override the default ansible hosts file
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY -- Override the default ansible module library path
Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file
for a complete list of contributors.
Copyright © 2012, Michael DeHaan
Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
Extensive documentation as well as IRC and mailing list info
is available on the ansible home page: <>