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- name: Rerun installing a collection with a dep
command: 'ansible-galaxy collection install git+file://{{ test_repo_path }}/.git#/collection_1/'
register: installed
- name: SCM collections don't have a concrete artifact version so the collection should always be reinstalled
- "'Created collection for ansible_test.collection_1' in installed.stdout"
- "'Created collection for ansible_test.collection_2' in installed.stdout"
- name: The collection should also be reinstalled when --force flag is used
command: 'ansible-galaxy collection install git+file://{{ test_repo_path }}/.git#/collection_1/ --force'
register: installed
- assert:
- "'Created collection for ansible_test.collection_1' in installed.stdout"
# The dependency is also an SCM collection, so it should also be reinstalled
- "'Created collection for ansible_test.collection_2' in installed.stdout"
- name: The collection should also be reinstalled when --force-with-deps is used
command: 'ansible-galaxy collection install git+file://{{ test_repo_path }}/.git#/collection_1/ --force-with-deps'
register: installed
- assert:
- "'Created collection for ansible_test.collection_1' in installed.stdout"
- "'Created collection for ansible_test.collection_2' in installed.stdout"
- include_tasks: ./empty_installed_collections.yml
when: cleanup