You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

264 lines
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# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
# (c) 2017 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import multiprocessing
import random
import re
import string
import sys
from collections import namedtuple
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleAssertionError
from ansible.module_utils.six import text_type
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text, to_bytes
from ansible.utils.display import Display
import passlib
import passlib.hash
from passlib.utils.handlers import HasRawSalt, PrefixWrapper
from passlib.utils.binary import bcrypt64
except ImportError:
from passlib.utils import bcrypt64
except Exception as e:
import crypt
except Exception as e:
display = Display()
__all__ = ['do_encrypt']
_LOCK = multiprocessing.Lock()
def random_password(length=DEFAULT_PASSWORD_LENGTH, chars=C.DEFAULT_PASSWORD_CHARS, seed=None):
'''Return a random password string of length containing only chars
:kwarg length: The number of characters in the new password. Defaults to 20.
:kwarg chars: The characters to choose from. The default is all ascii
letters, ascii digits, and these symbols ``.,:-_``
if not isinstance(chars, text_type):
raise AnsibleAssertionError('%s (%s) is not a text_type' % (chars, type(chars)))
if seed is None:
random_generator = random.SystemRandom()
random_generator = random.Random(seed)
return u''.join(random_generator.choice(chars) for dummy in range(length))
def random_salt(length=8):
"""Return a text string suitable for use as a salt for the hash functions we use to encrypt passwords.
# Note passlib salt values must be pure ascii so we can't let the user
# configure this
salt_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + u'./'
return random_password(length=length, chars=salt_chars)
class BaseHash(object):
algo = namedtuple('algo', ['crypt_id', 'salt_size', 'implicit_rounds', 'salt_exact', 'implicit_ident'])
algorithms = {
'md5_crypt': algo(crypt_id='1', salt_size=8, implicit_rounds=None, salt_exact=False, implicit_ident=None),
'bcrypt': algo(crypt_id='2b', salt_size=22, implicit_rounds=12, salt_exact=True, implicit_ident='2b'),
'sha256_crypt': algo(crypt_id='5', salt_size=16, implicit_rounds=535000, salt_exact=False, implicit_ident=None),
'sha512_crypt': algo(crypt_id='6', salt_size=16, implicit_rounds=656000, salt_exact=False, implicit_ident=None),
def __init__(self, algorithm):
self.algorithm = algorithm
class CryptHash(BaseHash):
def __init__(self, algorithm):
super(CryptHash, self).__init__(algorithm)
if not HAS_CRYPT:
raise AnsibleError("crypt.crypt cannot be used as the 'crypt' python library is not installed or is unusable.", orig_exc=CRYPT_E)
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
raise AnsibleError("crypt.crypt not supported on Mac OS X/Darwin, install passlib python module")
if algorithm not in self.algorithms:
raise AnsibleError("crypt.crypt does not support '%s' algorithm" % self.algorithm)
self.algo_data = self.algorithms[algorithm]
def hash(self, secret, salt=None, salt_size=None, rounds=None, ident=None):
salt = self._salt(salt, salt_size)
rounds = self._rounds(rounds)
ident = self._ident(ident)
return self._hash(secret, salt, rounds, ident)
def _salt(self, salt, salt_size):
salt_size = salt_size or self.algo_data.salt_size
ret = salt or random_salt(salt_size)
if'[^./0-9A-Za-z]', ret):
raise AnsibleError("invalid characters in salt")
if self.algo_data.salt_exact and len(ret) != self.algo_data.salt_size:
raise AnsibleError("invalid salt size")
elif not self.algo_data.salt_exact and len(ret) > self.algo_data.salt_size:
raise AnsibleError("invalid salt size")
return ret
def _rounds(self, rounds):
if rounds == self.algo_data.implicit_rounds:
# Passlib does not include the rounds if it is the same as implicit_rounds.
# Make crypt lib behave the same, by not explicitly specifying the rounds in that case.
return None
return rounds
def _ident(self, ident):
if not ident:
return self.algo_data.crypt_id
if self.algorithm == 'bcrypt':
return ident
return None
def _hash(self, secret, salt, rounds, ident):
saltstring = ""
if ident:
saltstring = "$%s" % ident
if rounds:
saltstring += "$rounds=%d" % rounds
saltstring += "$%s" % salt
# crypt.crypt on Python < 3.9 returns None if it cannot parse saltstring
# On Python >= 3.9, it throws OSError.
result = crypt.crypt(secret, saltstring)
orig_exc = None
except OSError as e:
result = None
orig_exc = e
# None as result would be interpreted by the some modules (user module)
# as no password at all.
if not result:
raise AnsibleError(
"crypt.crypt does not support '%s' algorithm" % self.algorithm,
return result
class PasslibHash(BaseHash):
def __init__(self, algorithm):
super(PasslibHash, self).__init__(algorithm)
raise AnsibleError("passlib must be installed and usable to hash with '%s'" % algorithm, orig_exc=PASSLIB_E)
self.crypt_algo = getattr(passlib.hash, algorithm)
except Exception:
raise AnsibleError("passlib does not support '%s' algorithm" % algorithm)
def hash(self, secret, salt=None, salt_size=None, rounds=None, ident=None):
salt = self._clean_salt(salt)
rounds = self._clean_rounds(rounds)
ident = self._clean_ident(ident)
return self._hash(secret, salt=salt, salt_size=salt_size, rounds=rounds, ident=ident)
def _clean_ident(self, ident):
ret = None
if not ident:
if self.algorithm in self.algorithms:
return self.algorithms.get(self.algorithm).implicit_ident
return ret
if self.algorithm == 'bcrypt':
return ident
return ret
def _clean_salt(self, salt):
if not salt:
return None
elif issubclass(self.crypt_algo.wrapped if isinstance(self.crypt_algo, PrefixWrapper) else self.crypt_algo, HasRawSalt):
ret = to_bytes(salt, encoding='ascii', errors='strict')
ret = to_text(salt, encoding='ascii', errors='strict')
# Ensure the salt has the correct padding
if self.algorithm == 'bcrypt':
ret = bcrypt64.repair_unused(ret)
return ret
def _clean_rounds(self, rounds):
algo_data = self.algorithms.get(self.algorithm)
if rounds:
return rounds
elif algo_data and algo_data.implicit_rounds:
# The default rounds used by passlib depend on the passlib version.
# For consistency ensure that passlib behaves the same as crypt in case no rounds were specified.
# Thus use the crypt defaults.
return algo_data.implicit_rounds
return None
def _hash(self, secret, salt, salt_size, rounds, ident):
# Not every hash algorithm supports every parameter.
# Thus create the settings dict only with set parameters.
settings = {}
if salt:
settings['salt'] = salt
if salt_size:
settings['salt_size'] = salt_size
if rounds:
settings['rounds'] = rounds
if ident:
settings['ident'] = ident
# starting with passlib 1.7 'using' and 'hash' should be used instead of 'encrypt'
if hasattr(self.crypt_algo, 'hash'):
result = self.crypt_algo.using(**settings).hash(secret)
elif hasattr(self.crypt_algo, 'encrypt'):
result = self.crypt_algo.encrypt(secret, **settings)
raise AnsibleError("installed passlib version %s not supported" % passlib.__version__)
# passlib.hash should always return something or raise an exception.
# Still ensure that there is always a result.
# Otherwise an empty password might be assumed by some modules, like the user module.
if not result:
raise AnsibleError("failed to hash with algorithm '%s'" % self.algorithm)
# Hashes from passlib.hash should be represented as ascii strings of hex
# digits so this should not traceback. If it's not representable as such
# we need to traceback and then blacklist such algorithms because it may
# impact calling code.
return to_text(result, errors='strict')
def passlib_or_crypt(secret, algorithm, salt=None, salt_size=None, rounds=None, ident=None):
return PasslibHash(algorithm).hash(secret, salt=salt, salt_size=salt_size, rounds=rounds, ident=ident)
return CryptHash(algorithm).hash(secret, salt=salt, salt_size=salt_size, rounds=rounds, ident=ident)
raise AnsibleError("Unable to encrypt nor hash, either crypt or passlib must be installed.", orig_exc=CRYPT_E)
def do_encrypt(result, encrypt, salt_size=None, salt=None, ident=None):
return passlib_or_crypt(result, encrypt, salt_size=salt_size, salt=salt, ident=ident)