You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

774 lines
28 KiB

# (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
import fnmatch
import multiprocessing
import signal
import os
import pwd
import Queue
import random
import traceback
import tempfile
import subprocess
import ansible.constants as C
import ansible.connection
from ansible import utils
from ansible import errors
from ansible import callbacks as ans_callbacks
from Crypto.Random import atfork
except ImportError:
def _executor_hook(job_queue, result_queue):
''' callback used by multiprocessing pool '''
# attempt workaround of
# does not occur for everyone, some claim still occurs on newer paramiko
# this function not present in CentOS 6
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
while not job_queue.empty():
job = job_queue.get(block=False)
runner, host = job
except Queue.Empty:
class Runner(object):
_external_variable_script = None
def __init__(self, host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, module_path=C.DEFAULT_MODULE_PATH,
sudo_pass=C.DEFAULT_SUDO_PASS, remote_port=C.DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT, background=0,
basedir=None, setup_cache=None, transport=C.DEFAULT_TRANSPORT,
conditional='True', groups={}, callbacks=None, verbose=False,
debug=False, sudo=False, extra_vars=None, module_vars=None):
if setup_cache is None:
setup_cache = {}
if basedir is None:
basedir = os.getcwd()
if callbacks is None:
callbacks = ans_callbacks.DefaultRunnerCallbacks()
self.callbacks = callbacks
self.generated_jid = str(random.randint(0, 999999999999))
self.transport = transport
self.connector = ansible.connection.Connection(self, self.transport)
if type(host_list) == str:
self.host_list, self.groups = self.parse_hosts(host_list)
self.host_list = host_list
self.groups = groups
self.setup_cache = setup_cache
self.conditional = conditional
self.module_path = module_path
self.module_name = module_name
self.forks = int(forks)
self.pattern = pattern
self.module_args = module_args
self.module_vars = module_vars
self.extra_vars = extra_vars
self.timeout = timeout
self.debug = debug
self.verbose = verbose
self.remote_user = remote_user
self.remote_pass = remote_pass
self.remote_port = remote_port
self.background = background
self.basedir = basedir
self.sudo = sudo
self.sudo_pass = sudo_pass
euid = pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0]
if self.transport == 'local' and self.remote_user != euid:
raise Exception("User mismatch: expected %s, but is %s" % (self.remote_user, euid))
if type(self.module_args) not in [str, unicode, dict]:
raise Exception("module_args must be a string or dict: %s" % self.module_args)
self._tmp_paths = {}
# *****************************************************
def parse_hosts_from_regular_file(cls, host_list):
''' parse a textual host file '''
results = []
groups = dict(ungrouped=[])
lines = file(host_list).read().split("\n")
group_name = 'ungrouped'
for item in lines:
item = item.lstrip().rstrip()
if item.startswith("#"):
# ignore commented out lines
elif item.startswith("["):
# looks like a group
group_name = item.replace("[","").replace("]","").lstrip().rstrip()
groups[group_name] = []
elif item != "":
# looks like a regular host
if not item in results:
return (results, groups)
# *****************************************************
def parse_hosts_from_script(cls, host_list, extra_vars):
''' evaluate a script that returns list of hosts by groups '''
results = []
groups = dict(ungrouped=[])
host_list = os.path.abspath(host_list)
cls._external_variable_script = host_list
cmd = [host_list, '--list']
if extra_vars:
cmd.extend(['--extra-vars', extra_vars])
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
out, err = cmd.communicate()
rc = cmd.returncode
if rc:
raise errors.AnsibleError("%s: %s" % (host_list, err))
groups = utils.json_loads(out)
raise errors.AnsibleError("invalid JSON response from script: %s" % host_list)
for (groupname, hostlist) in groups.iteritems():
for host in hostlist:
if host not in results:
return (results, groups)
# *****************************************************
def parse_hosts(cls, host_list, override_hosts=None, extra_vars=None):
''' parse the host inventory file, returns (hosts, groups) '''
if override_hosts is not None:
if type(override_hosts) != list:
raise errors.AnsibleError("override hosts must be a list")
return (override_hosts, dict(ungrouped=override_hosts))
if type(host_list) == list:
raise Exception("function can only be called on inventory files")
host_list = os.path.expanduser(host_list)
if not os.path.exists(host_list):
raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("inventory file not found: %s" % host_list)
if not os.access(host_list, os.X_OK):
return Runner.parse_hosts_from_regular_file(host_list)
return Runner.parse_hosts_from_script(host_list, extra_vars)
# *****************************************************
def _matches(self, host_name, pattern):
''' returns if a hostname is matched by the pattern '''
# a pattern is in fnmatch format but more than one pattern
# can be strung together with semicolons. ex:
# atlanta-web*;dc-web*
if host_name == '':
return False
pattern = pattern.replace(";",":")
subpatterns = pattern.split(":")
for subpattern in subpatterns:
if subpattern == 'all':
return True
if fnmatch.fnmatch(host_name, subpattern):
return True
elif subpattern in self.groups:
if host_name in self.groups[subpattern]:
return True
return False
# *****************************************************
def _connect(self, host):
''' connects to a host, returns (is_successful, connection_object OR traceback_string) '''
return [ True, self.connector.connect(host) ]
except errors.AnsibleConnectionFailed, e:
return [ False, "FAILED: %s" % str(e) ]
# *****************************************************
def _return_from_module(self, conn, host, result, err, executed=None):
''' helper function to handle JSON parsing of results '''
result = utils.parse_json(result)
if executed is not None:
result['invocation'] = executed
if 'stderr' in result:
return [host, True, result, err]
except Exception, e:
return [host, False, "%s/%s/%s" % (str(e), result, executed), err]
# *****************************************************
def _delete_remote_files(self, conn, files):
''' deletes one or more remote files '''
if type(files) == str:
files = [ files ]
for filename in files:
if not filename.startswith('/tmp/'):
raise Exception("not going to happen")
self._exec_command(conn, "rm -rf %s" % filename, None)
# *****************************************************
def _transfer_module(self, conn, tmp, module):
''' transfers a module file to the remote side to execute it, but does not execute it yet '''
outpath = self._copy_module(conn, tmp, module)
self._exec_command(conn, "chmod +x %s" % outpath, tmp)
return outpath
# *****************************************************
def _transfer_str(self, conn, tmp, name, args_str):
''' transfer arguments as a single file to be fed to the module. '''
if type(args_str) == dict:
args_str = utils.smjson(args_str)
args_fd, args_file = tempfile.mkstemp()
args_fo = os.fdopen(args_fd, 'w')
args_remote = os.path.join(tmp, name)
conn.put_file(args_file, args_remote)
return args_remote
# *****************************************************
def _add_variables_from_script(self, conn, inject):
''' support per system variabes from external variable scripts, see web docs '''
host =
cmd = [Runner._external_variable_script, '--host', host]
if self.extra_vars:
cmd.extend(['--extra-vars', self.extra_vars])
cmd = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
out, err = cmd.communicate()
inject2 = {}
inject2 = utils.json_loads(out)
raise errors.AnsibleError("%s returned invalid result when called with hostname %s" % (
# store injected variables in the templates
# *****************************************************
def _add_setup_vars(self, inject, args):
''' setup module variables need special handling '''
is_dict = False
if type(args) == dict:
is_dict = True
# TODO: keep this as a dict through the whole path to simplify this code
for (k,v) in inject.iteritems():
if not k.startswith('facter_') and not k.startswith('ohai_'):
if not is_dict:
if str(v).find(" ") != -1:
v = "\"%s\"" % v
args += " %s=%s" % (k, str(v).replace(" ","~~~"))
return args
# *****************************************************
def _add_setup_metadata(self, args):
''' automatically determine where to store variables for the setup module '''
is_dict = False
if type(args) == dict:
is_dict = True
# TODO: keep this as a dict through the whole path to simplify this code
if not is_dict:
if args.find("metadata=") == -1:
if self.remote_user == 'root':
args = "%s metadata=/etc/ansible/setup" % args
args = "%s metadata=/home/%s/.ansible/setup" % (args, self.remote_user)
if not 'metadata' in args:
if self.remote_user == 'root':
args['metadata'] = '/etc/ansible/setup'
args['metadata'] = "/home/%s/.ansible/setup" % (self.remote_user)
return args
# *****************************************************
def _execute_module(self, conn, tmp, remote_module_path, args,
async_jid=None, async_module=None, async_limit=None):
''' runs a module that has already been transferred '''
inject = self.setup_cache.get(,{})
conditional = utils.double_template(self.conditional, inject)
if not eval(conditional):
return [ utils.smjson(dict(skipped=True)), None, 'skipped' ]
if Runner._external_variable_script is not None:
self._add_variables_from_script(conn, inject)
if self.module_name == 'setup':
args = self._add_setup_vars(inject, args)
args = self._add_setup_metadata(args)
if type(args) == dict:
args = utils.bigjson(args)
args = utils.template(args, inject)
module_name_tail = remote_module_path.split("/")[-1]
argsfile = self._transfer_str(conn, tmp, 'arguments', args)
if async_jid is None:
cmd = "%s %s" % (remote_module_path, argsfile)
cmd = " ".join([str(x) for x in [remote_module_path, async_jid, async_limit, async_module, argsfile]])
res, err = self._exec_command(conn, cmd, tmp, sudoable=True)
client_executed_str = "%s %s" % (module_name_tail, args.strip())
return ( res, err, client_executed_str )
# *****************************************************
def _add_result_to_setup_cache(self, conn, result):
''' allows discovered variables to be used in templates and action statements '''
host =
var_result = utils.parse_json(result)
var_result = {}
# note: do not allow variables from playbook to be stomped on
# by variables coming up from facter/ohai/etc. They
# should be prefixed anyway
if not host in self.setup_cache:
self.setup_cache[host] = {}
for (k, v) in var_result.iteritems():
if not k in self.setup_cache[host]:
self.setup_cache[host][k] = v
# *****************************************************
def _execute_normal_module(self, conn, host, tmp, module_name):
''' transfer & execute a module that is not 'copy' or 'template' '''
# shell and command are the same module
if module_name == 'shell':
module_name = 'command'
self.module_args += " #USE_SHELL"
module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp, module_name)
(result, err, executed) = self._execute_module(conn, tmp, module, self.module_args)
if module_name == 'setup':
self._add_result_to_setup_cache(conn, result)
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result, err, executed)
# *****************************************************
def _execute_async_module(self, conn, host, tmp, module_name):
''' transfer the given module name, plus the async module, then run it '''
# hack to make the 'shell' module keyword really be executed
# by the command module
module_args = self.module_args
if module_name == 'shell':
module_name = 'command'
module_args += " #USE_SHELL"
async = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp, 'async_wrapper')
module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp, module_name)
(result, err, executed) = self._execute_module(conn, tmp, async, module_args,
return self._return_from_module(conn, host, result, err, executed)
# *****************************************************
def _execute_copy(self, conn, host, tmp):
''' handler for file transfer operations '''
# load up options
options = utils.parse_kv(self.module_args)
source = options.get('src', None)
dest = options.get('dest', None)
if source is None or dest is None:
return (host, True, dict(failed=True, msg="src and dest are required"), '')
# transfer the file to a remote tmp location
tmp_src = tmp + source.split('/')[-1]
conn.put_file(utils.path_dwim(self.basedir, source), tmp_src)
# install the copy module
self.module_name = 'copy'
module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp, 'copy')
# run the copy module
args = "src=%s dest=%s" % (tmp_src, dest)
(result1, err, executed) = self._execute_module(conn, tmp, module, args)
(host, ok, data, err) = self._return_from_module(conn, host, result1, err, executed)
if ok:
return self._chain_file_module(conn, tmp, data, err, options, executed)
return (host, ok, data, err)
# *****************************************************
def _execute_fetch(self, conn, host, tmp):
''' handler for fetch operations '''
# load up options
options = utils.parse_kv(self.module_args)
source = options.get('src', None)
dest = options.get('dest', None)
if source is None or dest is None:
return (host, True, dict(failed=True, msg="src and dest are required"), '')
# files are saved in dest dir, with a subdir for each host, then the filename
filename = os.path.basename(source)
dest = "%s/%s/%s" % (utils.path_dwim(self.basedir, dest), host, filename)
# compare old and new md5 for support of change hooks
local_md5 = None
if os.path.exists(dest):
local_md5 = os.popen("md5sum %s" % dest).read().split()[0]
remote_md5 = self._exec_command(conn, "md5sum %s" % source, tmp, True)[0].split()[0]
if remote_md5 != local_md5:
# create the containing directories, if needed
# fetch the file and check for changes
conn.fetch_file(source, dest)
new_md5 = os.popen("md5sum %s" % dest).read().split()[0]
changed = (new_md5 != local_md5)
if new_md5 != remote_md5:
return (host, True, dict(failed=True, msg="md5 mismatch", md5sum=new_md5), '')
return (host, True, dict(changed=True, md5sum=new_md5), '')
return (host, True, dict(changed=False, md5sum=local_md5), '')
# *****************************************************
def _chain_file_module(self, conn, tmp, data, err, options, executed):
''' handles changing file attribs after copy/template operations '''
old_changed = data.get('changed', False)
module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp, 'file')
args = ' '.join([ "%s=%s" % (k,v) for (k,v) in options.items() ])
(result2, err2, executed2) = self._execute_module(conn, tmp, module, args)
results2 = self._return_from_module(conn,, result2, err2, executed)
(host, ok, data2, err2) = results2
new_changed = data2.get('changed', False)
if old_changed or new_changed:
data['changed'] = True
return (host, ok, data, "%s%s"%(err,err2))
# *****************************************************
def _execute_template(self, conn, host, tmp):
''' handler for template operations '''
# load up options
options = utils.parse_kv(self.module_args)
source = options.get('src', None)
dest = options.get('dest', None)
metadata = options.get('metadata', None)
if source is None or dest is None:
return (host, True, dict(failed=True, msg="src and dest are required"), '')
if metadata is None:
if self.remote_user == 'root':
metadata = '/etc/ansible/setup'
metadata = '~/.ansible/setup'
# first copy the source template over
temppath = tmp + os.path.split(source)[-1]
conn.put_file(utils.path_dwim(self.basedir, source), temppath)
# install the template module
template_module = self._transfer_module(conn, tmp, 'template')
# transfer module vars
if self.module_vars:
vars = utils.bigjson(self.module_vars)
vars_path = self._transfer_str(conn, tmp, 'module_vars', vars)
vars_arg=" vars=%s"%(vars_path)
# run the template module
args = "src=%s dest=%s metadata=%s%s" % (temppath, dest, metadata, vars_arg)
(result1, err, executed) = self._execute_module(conn, tmp, template_module, args)
(host, ok, data, err) = self._return_from_module(conn, host, result1, err, executed)
if ok:
return self._chain_file_module(conn, tmp, data, err, options, executed)
return (host, ok, data, err)
# *****************************************************
def _executor(self, host):
(host, ok, data, err) = self._executor_internal(host)
if not ok:
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, data)
return (host, ok, data)
except errors.AnsibleError, ae:
msg = str(ae)
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, msg)
return [host, False, msg]
except Exception:
msg = traceback.format_exc()
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, msg)
return [host, False, msg]
def _executor_internal(self, host):
''' callback executed in parallel for each host. returns (hostname, connected_ok, extra) '''
ok, conn = self._connect(host)
if not ok:
return [ host, False, conn , None]
cache = self.setup_cache.get(host, {})
module_name = utils.template(self.module_name, cache)
tmp = self._get_tmp_path(conn)
result = None
if self.module_name == 'copy':
result = self._execute_copy(conn, host, tmp)
elif self.module_name == 'fetch':
result = self._execute_fetch(conn, host, tmp)
elif self.module_name == 'template':
result = self._execute_template(conn, host, tmp)
if self.background == 0:
result = self._execute_normal_module(conn, host, tmp, module_name)
result = self._execute_async_module(conn, host, tmp, module_name)
self._delete_remote_files(conn, tmp)
(host, connect_ok, data, err) = result
if not connect_ok:
self.callbacks.on_unreachable(host, data)
if 'failed' in data or 'rc' in data and str(data['rc']) != '0':
self.callbacks.on_failed(host, data)
elif 'skipped' in data:
self.callbacks.on_ok(host, data)
if err:
if self.debug or data.get('parsed', True) == False:
self.callbacks.on_error(host, err)
return result
# *****************************************************
def _exec_command(self, conn, cmd, tmp, sudoable=False):
''' execute a command string over SSH, return the output '''
stdin, stdout, stderr = conn.exec_command(cmd, tmp, sudoable=sudoable)
if type(stderr) != str:
if type(stdout) != str:
return "\n".join(stdout.readlines()), err
return stdout, err
# *****************************************************
def _get_tmp_path(self, conn):
''' gets a temporary path on a remote box '''
result, err = self._exec_command(conn, "mktemp -d /tmp/ansible.XXXXXX", None, sudoable=False)
cleaned = result.split("\n")[0].strip() + '/'
return cleaned
# *****************************************************
def _copy_module(self, conn, tmp, module):
''' transfer a module over SFTP, does not run it '''
if module.startswith("/"):
raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("%s is not a module" % module)
in_path = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(self.module_path, module))
if not os.path.exists(in_path):
raise errors.AnsibleFileNotFound("module not found: %s" % in_path)
out_path = tmp + module
conn.put_file(in_path, out_path)
return out_path
# *****************************************************
def _match_hosts(self, pattern):
''' return all matched hosts fitting a pattern '''
return [ h for h in self.host_list if self._matches(h, pattern) ]
# *****************************************************
def _parallel_exec(self, hosts):
''' handles mulitprocessing when more than 1 fork is required '''
job_queue = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue()
[job_queue.put(i) for i in hosts]
result_queue = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue()
workers = []
for i in range(self.forks):
prc = multiprocessing.Process(target=_executor_hook,
args=(job_queue, result_queue))
for worker in workers:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
for worker in workers:
results = []
while not result_queue.empty():
return results
# *****************************************************
def _partition_results(self, results):
''' seperate results by ones we contacted & ones we didn't '''
results2 = dict(contacted={}, dark={})
if results is None:
return None
for result in results:
(host, contacted_ok, result) = result
if contacted_ok:
results2["contacted"][host] = result
results2["dark"][host] = result
# hosts which were contacted but never got a chance to return
for host in self._match_hosts(self.pattern):
if not (host in results2['dark'] or host in results2['contacted']):
results2["dark"][host] = {}
return results2
# *****************************************************
def run(self):
''' xfer & run module on all matched hosts '''
# find hosts that match the pattern
hosts = self._match_hosts(self.pattern)
if len(hosts) == 0:
return dict(contacted={}, dark={})
hosts = [ (self,x) for x in hosts ]
results = None
if self.forks > 1:
results = self._parallel_exec(hosts)
results = [ self._executor(h[1]) for h in hosts ]
return self._partition_results(results)