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# Copyright (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
Function Get-AnsibleWebRequest {
Creates a System.Net.WebRequest object based on common URL module options in Ansible.
Will create a WebRequest based on common input options within Ansible. This can be used manually or with
The URI to create the web request for.
The protocol method to use, if omitted, will use the default value for the URI protocol specified.
.PARAMETER FollowRedirects
Whether to follow redirect reponses. This is only valid when using a HTTP URI.
all - Will follow all redirects
none - Will follow no redirects
safe - Will only follow redirects when GET or HEAD is used as the Method
A hashtable or dictionary of header values to set on the request. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
A string to set for the 'User-Agent' header. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
.PARAMETER MaximumRedirection
The maximum number of redirections that will be followed. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
The timeout in seconds that defines how long to wait until the request times out.
.PARAMETER ValidateCerts
Whether to validate SSL certificates, default to True.
The path to PFX file to use for X509 authentication. This is only valid for a HTTP URI. This path can either
be a filesystem path (C:\folder\cert.pfx) or a PSPath to a credential (Cert:\CurrentUser\My\<thumbprint>).
.PARAMETER ClientCertPassword
The password for the PFX certificate if required. This is only valid for a HTTP URI.
.PARAMETER ForceBasicAuth
Whether to set the Basic auth header on the first request instead of when required. This is only valid for a
.PARAMETER UrlUsername
The username to use for authenticating with the target.
.PARAMETER UrlPassword
The password to use for authenticating with the target.
.PARAMETER UseDefaultCredential
Whether to use the current user's credentials if available. This will only work when using Become, using SSH with
password auth, or WinRM with CredSSP or Kerberos with credential delegation.
Whether to use the default proxy defined in IE (WinINet) for the user or set no proxy at all. This should not
be set to True when ProxyUrl is also defined.
An explicit proxy server to use for the request instead of relying on the default proxy in IE. This is only
valid for a HTTP URI.
.PARAMETER ProxyUsername
An optional username to use for proxy authentication.
.PARAMETER ProxyPassword
The password for ProxyUsername.
.PARAMETER ProxyUseDefaultCredential
Whether to use the current user's credentials for proxy authentication if available. This will only work when
using Become, using SSH with password auth, or WinRM with CredSSP or Kerberos with credential delegation.
The AnsibleBasic module that can be used as a backup parameter source or a way to return warnings back to the
Ansible controller.
$spec = @{
options = @{}
$module = Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec, @(Get-AnsibleWebRequestSpec))
$web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Module $module
Param (
[ValidateSet("all", "none", "safe")]
$FollowRedirects = "safe",
$HttpAgent = "ansible-httpget",
$MaximumRedirection = 50,
$Timeout = 30,
$ValidateCerts = $true,
# Credential params
# Proxy params
$UseProxy = $true,
[ValidateScript({ $_.GetType().FullName -eq 'Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule' })]
# Set module options for parameters unless they were explicitly passed in.
if ($Module) {
foreach ($param in $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.MyCommand.Parameters.GetEnumerator()) {
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($param.Key)) {
# Was set explicitly we want to use that value
foreach ($alias in @($Param.Key) + $param.Value.Aliases) {
if ($Module.Params.ContainsKey($alias)) {
$var_value = $Module.Params.$alias -as $param.Value.ParameterType
Set-Variable -Name $param.Key -Value $var_value
# Disable certificate validation if requested
# FUTURE: set this on ServerCertificateValidationCallback of the HttpWebRequest once .NET 4.5 is the minimum
if (-not $ValidateCerts) {
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = { $true }
# Enable TLS1.1/TLS1.2 if they're available but disabled (eg. .NET 4.5)
$security_protocols = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::SystemDefault
if ([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls11").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls11
if ([System.Net.SecurityProtocolType].GetMember("Tls12").Count -gt 0) {
$security_protocols = $security_protocols -bor [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $security_protocols
$web_request = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Uri)
if ($Method) {
$web_request.Method = $Method
$web_request.Timeout = $Timeout * 1000
if ($UseDefaultCredential -and $web_request -is [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]) {
$web_request.UseDefaultCredentials = $true
elseif ($UrlUsername) {
if ($ForceBasicAuth) {
$auth_value = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $UrlUsername, $UrlPassword)))
$web_request.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic $auth_value")
else {
$credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkCredential -ArgumentList $UrlUsername, $UrlPassword
$web_request.Credentials = $credential
if ($ClientCert) {
# Expecting either a filepath or PSPath (Cert:\CurrentUser\My\<thumbprint>)
$cert = Get-Item -LiteralPath $ClientCert -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -eq $cert) {
Write-Error -Message "Client certificate '$ClientCert' does not exist" -Category ObjectNotFound
$crypto_ns = 'System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates'
if ($cert.PSProvider.Name -ne 'Certificate') {
try {
$cert = New-Object -TypeName "$crypto_ns.X509Certificate2" -ArgumentList @(
$ClientCert, $ClientCertPassword
catch [System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException] {
Write-Error -Message "Failed to read client certificate at '$ClientCert'" -Exception $_.Exception -Category SecurityError
$web_request.ClientCertificates = New-Object -TypeName "$crypto_ns.X509Certificate2Collection" -ArgumentList @(
if (-not $UseProxy) {
$proxy = $null
elseif ($ProxyUrl) {
$proxy = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebProxy -ArgumentList $ProxyUrl, $true
else {
$proxy = $web_request.Proxy
# $web_request.Proxy may return $null for a FTP web request. We only set the credentials if we have an actual
# proxy to work with, otherwise just ignore the credentials property.
if ($null -ne $proxy) {
if ($ProxyUseDefaultCredential) {
# Weird hack, $web_request.Proxy returns an IWebProxy object which only gurantees the Credentials
# property. We cannot set UseDefaultCredentials so we just set the Credentials to the
# DefaultCredentials in the CredentialCache which does the same thing.
$proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultCredentials
elseif ($ProxyUsername) {
$proxy.Credentials = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkCredential -ArgumentList @(
$ProxyUsername, $ProxyPassword
else {
$proxy.Credentials = $null
$web_request.Proxy = $proxy
# Some parameters only apply when dealing with a HttpWebRequest
if ($web_request -is [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]) {
if ($Headers) {
foreach ($header in $Headers.GetEnumerator()) {
switch ($header.Key) {
Accept { $web_request.Accept = $header.Value }
Connection { $web_request.Connection = $header.Value }
Content-Length { $web_request.ContentLength = $header.Value }
Content-Type { $web_request.ContentType = $header.Value }
Expect { $web_request.Expect = $header.Value }
Date { $web_request.Date = $header.Value }
Host { $web_request.Host = $header.Value }
If-Modified-Since { $web_request.IfModifiedSince = $header.Value }
Range { $web_request.AddRange($header.Value) }
Referer { $web_request.Referer = $header.Value }
Transfer-Encoding {
$web_request.SendChunked = $true
$web_request.TransferEncoding = $header.Value
User-Agent { continue }
default { $web_request.Headers.Add($header.Key, $header.Value) }
# For backwards compatibility we need to support setting the User-Agent if the header was set in the task.
# We just need to make sure that if an explicit http_agent module was set then that takes priority.
if ($Headers -and $Headers.ContainsKey("User-Agent")) {
if ($HttpAgent -eq $ansible_web_request_options.http_agent.default) {
$HttpAgent = $Headers['User-Agent']
elseif ($null -ne $Module) {
$Module.Warn("The 'User-Agent' header and the 'http_agent' was set, using the 'http_agent' for web request")
$web_request.UserAgent = $HttpAgent
switch ($FollowRedirects) {
none { $web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $false }
safe {
if ($web_request.Method -in @("GET", "HEAD")) {
$web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $true
else {
$web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
all { $web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $true }
if ($MaximumRedirection -eq 0) {
$web_request.AllowAutoRedirect = $false
else {
$web_request.MaximumAutomaticRedirections = $MaximumRedirection
return $web_request
Function Invoke-WithWebRequest {
Invokes a ScriptBlock with the WebRequest.
Invokes the ScriptBlock and handle extra information like accessing the response stream, closing those streams
safely as well as setting common module return values.
The Ansible.Basic module to set the return values for. This will set the following return values;
elapsed - The total time, in seconds, that it took to send the web request and process the response
msg - The human readable description of the response status code
status_code - An int that is the response status code
The System.Net.WebRequest to call. This can either be manually crafted or created with Get-AnsibleWebRequest.
The ScriptBlock to invoke during the web request. This ScriptBlock should take in the params
Param ([System.Net.WebResponse]$Response, [System.IO.Stream]$Stream)
This scriptblock should manage the response based on what it need to do.
An optional Stream to send to the target during the request.
.PARAMETER IgnoreBadResponse
By default a WebException will be raised for a non 2xx status code and the Script will not be invoked. This
parameter can be set to process all responses regardless of the status code.
.EXAMPLE Basic module that downloads a file
$spec = @{
options = @{
path = @{ type = "path"; required = $true }
$module = Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec, @(Get-AnsibleWebRequestSpec))
$web_request = Get-AnsibleWebRequest -Module $module
Invoke-WithWebRequest -Module $module -Request $web_request -Script {
Param ([System.Net.WebResponse]$Response, [System.IO.Stream]$Stream)
$fs = [System.IO.File]::Create($module.Params.path)
try {
} finally {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[ValidateScript({ $_.GetType().FullName -eq 'Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule' })]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
$start = Get-Date
if ($null -ne $Body) {
$request_st = $Request.GetRequestStream()
try {
finally {
try {
try {
$web_response = $Request.GetResponse()
catch [System.Net.WebException] {
# A WebResponse with a status code not in the 200 range will raise a WebException. We check if the
# exception raised contains the actual response and continue on if IgnoreBadResponse is set. We also
# make sure we set the status_code return value on the Module object if possible
if ($_.Exception.PSObject.Properties.Name -match "Response") {
$web_response = $_.Exception.Response
if (-not $IgnoreBadResponse -or $null -eq $web_response) {
$Module.Result.msg = $_.Exception.StatusDescription
$Module.Result.status_code = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode
throw $_
else {
throw $_
if ($Request.RequestUri.IsFile) {
# A FileWebResponse won't have these properties set
$Module.Result.msg = "OK"
$Module.Result.status_code = 200
else {
$Module.Result.msg = $web_response.StatusDescription
$Module.Result.status_code = $web_response.StatusCode
$response_stream = $web_response.GetResponseStream()
try {
# Invoke the ScriptBlock and pass in WebResponse and ResponseStream
&$Script -Response $web_response -Stream $response_stream
finally {
finally {
if ($web_response) {
$Module.Result.elapsed = ((Get-date) - $start).TotalSeconds
Function Get-AnsibleWebRequestSpec {
Used by modules to get the argument spec fragment for AnsibleModule.
$spec = @{
options = @{}
$module = [Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule]::Create($args, $spec, @(Get-AnsibleWebRequestSpec))
@{ options = $ansible_web_request_options }
# See lib/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/
# Kept here for backwards compat as this variable was added in Ansible 2.9. Ultimately this util should be removed
# once the deprecation period has been added.
$ansible_web_request_options = @{
method = @{ type = "str" }
follow_redirects = @{ type = "str"; choices = @("all", "none", "safe"); default = "safe" }
headers = @{ type = "dict" }
http_agent = @{ type = "str"; default = "ansible-httpget" }
maximum_redirection = @{ type = "int"; default = 50 }
timeout = @{ type = "int"; default = 30 } # Was defaulted to 10 in win_get_url but 30 in win_uri so we use 30
validate_certs = @{ type = "bool"; default = $true }
# Credential options
client_cert = @{ type = "str" }
client_cert_password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
force_basic_auth = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
url_username = @{ type = "str" }
url_password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
use_default_credential = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
# Proxy options
use_proxy = @{ type = "bool"; default = $true }
proxy_url = @{ type = "str" }
proxy_username = @{ type = "str" }
proxy_password = @{ type = "str"; no_log = $true }
proxy_use_default_credential = @{ type = "bool"; default = $false }
$export_members = @{
Function = "Get-AnsibleWebRequest", "Get-AnsibleWebRequestSpec", "Invoke-WithWebRequest"
Variable = "ansible_web_request_options"
Export-ModuleMember @export_members