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# Copyright (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
Function Add-CSharpType {
Compiles one or more C# scripts similar to Add-Type. This exposes
more configuration options that are useable within Ansible and it
also allows multiple C# sources to be compiled together.
.PARAMETER References
[String[]] A collection of C# scripts to compile together.
.PARAMETER IgnoreWarnings
[Switch] Whether to compile code that contains compiler warnings, by
default warnings will cause a compiler error.
[Switch] Whether to return the loaded Assembly
.PARAMETER AnsibleModule
[Ansible.Basic.AnsibleModule] used to derive the TempPath and Debug values.
TempPath is set to the Tmpdir property of the class
IncludeDebugInfo is set when the Ansible verbosity is >= 3
[String] The temporary directory in which the dynamic assembly is
compiled to. This file is deleted once compilation is complete.
Cannot be used when AnsibleModule is set. This is a no-op when
running on PSCore.
.PARAMETER IncludeDebugInfo
[Switch] Whether to include debug information in the compiled
assembly. Cannot be used when AnsibleModule is set. This is a no-op
when running on PSCore.
.PARAMETER CompileSymbols
[String[]] A list of symbols to be defined during compile time. These are
added to the existing symbols, 'CORECLR', 'WINDOWS', 'UNIX' that are set
conditionalls in this cmdlet.
The following features were added to control the compiling options from the
code itself.
* Predefined compiler SYMBOLS
* CORECLR - Added when running on PowerShell Core.
* WINDOWS - Added when running on Windows.
* UNIX - Added when running on non-Windows.
* X86 - Added when running on a 32-bit process (Ansible 2.10+)
* AMD64 - Added when running on a 64-bit process (Ansible 2.10+)
* Ignore compiler warnings inline with the following comment inline
//NoWarn -Name <rule code> [-CLR Core|Framework]
* Specify custom assembly references inline
//AssemblyReference -Name Dll.Location.dll [-CLR Core|Framework]
# Added in Ansible 2.10
//AssemblyReference -Type System.Type.Name [-CLR Core|Framework]
* Create automatic type accelerators to simplify long namespace names (Ansible 2.9+)
//TypeAccelerator -Name <AcceleratorName> -TypeName <Name of compiled type>
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][AllowEmptyCollection()][String[]]$References,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "Module")][Object]$AnsibleModule,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")][String]$TempPath = $env:TMP,
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")][Switch]$IncludeDebugInfo,
[String[]]$CompileSymbols = @()
if ($null -eq $References -or $References.Length -eq 0) {
# define special symbols CORECLR, WINDOWS, UNIX if required
# the Is* variables are defined on PSCore, if absent we assume an
# older version of PowerShell under .NET Framework and Windows
$defined_symbols = [System.Collections.ArrayList]$CompileSymbols
if ([System.IntPtr]::Size -eq 4) {
$defined_symbols.Add('X86') > $null
else {
$defined_symbols.Add('AMD64') > $null
$is_coreclr = Get-Variable -Name IsCoreCLR -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $is_coreclr) {
if ($is_coreclr.Value) {
$defined_symbols.Add("CORECLR") > $null
$is_windows = Get-Variable -Name IsWindows -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($null -ne $is_windows) {
if ($is_windows.Value) {
$defined_symbols.Add("WINDOWS") > $null
else {
$defined_symbols.Add("UNIX") > $null
else {
$defined_symbols.Add("WINDOWS") > $null
# Store any TypeAccelerators shortcuts the util wants us to set
$type_accelerators = [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Hashtable]]@()
# pattern used to find referenced assemblies in the code
$assembly_pattern = [Regex]"//\s*AssemblyReference\s+-(?<Parameter>(Name)|(Type))\s+(?<Name>[\w.]*)(\s+-CLR\s+(?<CLR>Core|Framework))?"
$no_warn_pattern = [Regex]"//\s*NoWarn\s+-Name\s+(?<Name>[\w\d]*)(\s+-CLR\s+(?<CLR>Core|Framework))?"
$type_pattern = [Regex]"//\s*TypeAccelerator\s+-Name\s+(?<Name>[\w.]*)\s+-TypeName\s+(?<TypeName>[\w.]*)"
# PSCore vs PSDesktop use different methods to compile the code,
# PSCore uses Roslyn and can compile the code purely in memory
# without touching the disk while PSDesktop uses CodeDom and csc.exe
# to compile the code. We branch out here and run each
# distribution's method to add our C# code.
if ($is_coreclr) {
# compile the code using Roslyn on PSCore
# Include the default assemblies using the logic in Add-Type
$assemblies = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference]]@(
$netcore_app_ref_folder = [System.IO.Path]::Combine([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName([PSObject].Assembly.Location), "ref")
$lib_assembly_location = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName([object].Assembly.Location)
foreach ($file in [System.IO.Directory]::EnumerateFiles($netcore_app_ref_folder, "*.dll", [System.IO.SearchOption]::TopDirectoryOnly)) {
$assemblies.Add([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference]::CreateFromFile($file)) > $null
# loop through the references, parse as a SyntaxTree and get
# referenced assemblies
$ignore_warnings = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[String], [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ReportDiagnostic]]'
$parse_options = ([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpParseOptions]::Default).WithPreprocessorSymbols($defined_symbols)
$syntax_trees = [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.SyntaxTree]]@()
foreach ($reference in $References) {
# scan through code and add any assemblies that match
# //AssemblyReference -Name ... [-CLR Core]
# //NoWarn -Name ... [-CLR Core]
# //TypeAccelerator -Name ... -TypeName ...
$assembly_matches = $assembly_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $assembly_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Core") {
$parameter_type = $match.Groups["Parameter"].Value
$assembly_path = $match.Groups["Name"].Value
if ($parameter_type -eq "Type") {
$assembly_path = ([Type]$assembly_path).Assembly.Location
else {
if (-not ([System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($assembly_path))) {
$assembly_path = Join-Path -Path $lib_assembly_location -ChildPath $assembly_path
$assemblies.Add([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.MetadataReference]::CreateFromFile($assembly_path)) > $null
$warn_matches = $no_warn_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $warn_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Core") {
$ignore_warnings.Add($match.Groups["Name"], [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ReportDiagnostic]::Suppress)
$syntax_trees.Add([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpSyntaxTree]::ParseText($reference, $parse_options)) > $null
$type_matches = $type_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $type_matches) {
$type_accelerators.Add(@{Name = $match.Groups["Name"].Value; TypeName = $match.Groups["TypeName"].Value })
# Release seems to contain the correct line numbers compared to
# debug,may need to keep a closer eye on this in the future
$compiler_options = (New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpCompilationOptions -ArgumentList @(
# set warnings to error out if IgnoreWarnings is not set
if (-not $IgnoreWarnings.IsPresent) {
$compiler_options = $compiler_options.WithGeneralDiagnosticOption([Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ReportDiagnostic]::Error)
$compiler_options = $compiler_options.WithSpecificDiagnosticOptions($ignore_warnings)
# create compilation object
$compilation = [Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CSharpCompilation]::Create(
# Load the compiled code and pdb info, we do this so we can
# include line number in a stracktrace
$code_ms = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
$pdb_ms = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.MemoryStream
try {
$emit_result = $compilation.Emit($code_ms, $pdb_ms)
if (-not $emit_result.Success) {
$errors = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
foreach ($e in $emit_result.Diagnostics) {
# builds the error msg, based on logic in Add-Type
if ($null -eq $e.Location.SourceTree) {
$errors.Add($e.ToString()) > $null
$cancel_token = New-Object -TypeName System.Threading.CancellationToken -ArgumentList $false
$text_lines = $e.Location.SourceTree.GetText($cancel_token).Lines
$line_span = $e.Location.GetLineSpan()
$diagnostic_message = $e.ToString()
$error_line_string = $text_lines[$line_span.StartLinePosition.Line].ToString()
$error_position = $line_span.StartLinePosition.Character
$sb = New-Object -TypeName System.Text.StringBuilder -ArgumentList ($diagnostic_message.Length + $error_line_string.Length * 2 + 4)
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $error_line_string.Length; $i++) {
if ([System.Char]::IsWhiteSpace($error_line_string[$i])) {
$sb.Append($error_line_string, 0, $i)
$sb.Append(' ', [Math]::Max(0, $error_position - $i))
$errors.Add($sb.ToString()) > $null
throw [InvalidOperationException]"Failed to compile C# code:`r`n$($errors -join "`r`n")"
$code_ms.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$pdb_ms.Seek(0, [System.IO.SeekOrigin]::Begin) > $null
$compiled_assembly = [System.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyLoadContext]::Default.LoadFromStream($code_ms, $pdb_ms)
finally {
else {
# compile the code using CodeDom on PSDesktop
# configure compile options based on input
if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Module") {
$temp_path = $AnsibleModule.Tmpdir
$include_debug = $AnsibleModule.Verbosity -ge 3
else {
$temp_path = $TempPath
$include_debug = $IncludeDebugInfo.IsPresent
$compiler_options = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@("/optimize")
if ($defined_symbols.Count -gt 0) {
$compiler_options.Add("/define:" + ([String]::Join(";", $defined_symbols.ToArray()))) > $null
$compile_parameters = New-Object -TypeName System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
$compile_parameters.GenerateExecutable = $false
$compile_parameters.GenerateInMemory = $true
$compile_parameters.TreatWarningsAsErrors = (-not $IgnoreWarnings.IsPresent)
$compile_parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = $include_debug
$compile_parameters.TempFiles = (New-Object -TypeName System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection -ArgumentList $temp_path, $false)
# Add-Type automatically references System.dll, System.Core.dll,
# and System.Management.Automation.dll which we replicate here
$assemblies = [System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[String]]@(
# create a code snippet for each reference and check if we need
# to reference any extra assemblies
$ignore_warnings = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
$compile_units = [System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetCompileUnit]]@()
foreach ($reference in $References) {
# scan through code and add any assemblies that match
# //AssemblyReference -Name ... [-CLR Framework]
# //NoWarn -Name ... [-CLR Framework]
# //TypeAccelerator -Name ... -TypeName ...
$assembly_matches = $assembly_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $assembly_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Framework") {
$parameter_type = $match.Groups["Parameter"].Value
$assembly_path = $match.Groups["Name"].Value
if ($parameter_type -eq "Type") {
$assembly_path = ([Type]$assembly_path).Assembly.Location
$assemblies.Add($assembly_path) > $null
$warn_matches = $no_warn_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $warn_matches) {
$clr = $match.Groups["CLR"].Value
if ($clr -and $clr -ne "Framework") {
$warning_id = $match.Groups["Name"].Value
# /nowarn should only contain the numeric part
if ($warning_id.StartsWith("CS")) {
$warning_id = $warning_id.Substring(2)
$ignore_warnings.Add($warning_id) > $null
$compile_units.Add((New-Object -TypeName System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetCompileUnit -ArgumentList $reference)) > $null
$type_matches = $type_pattern.Matches($reference)
foreach ($match in $type_matches) {
$type_accelerators.Add(@{Name = $match.Groups["Name"].Value; TypeName = $match.Groups["TypeName"].Value })
if ($ignore_warnings.Count -gt 0) {
$compiler_options.Add("/nowarn:" + ([String]::Join(",", $ignore_warnings.ToArray()))) > $null
$compile_parameters.CompilerOptions = [String]::Join(" ", $compiler_options.ToArray())
# compile the code together and check for errors
$provider = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
# This calls csc.exe which can take compiler options from environment variables. Currently these env vars
# are known to have problems so they are unset:
# LIB - additional library paths will fail the compilation if they are invalid
$originalEnv = @{}
try {
'LIB' | ForEach-Object -Process {
$value = Get-Item -LiteralPath "Env:\$_" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($value) {
$originalEnv[$_] = $value
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "Env:\$_"
$compile = $provider.CompileAssemblyFromDom($compile_parameters, $compile_units)
finally {
foreach ($kvp in $originalEnv.GetEnumerator()) {
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($kvp.Key, $kvp.Value, "Process")
if ($compile.Errors.HasErrors) {
$msg = "Failed to compile C# code: "
foreach ($e in $compile.Errors) {
$msg += "`r`n" + $e.ToString()
throw [InvalidOperationException]$msg
$compiled_assembly = $compile.CompiledAssembly
$type_accelerator = [PSObject].Assembly.GetType("System.Management.Automation.TypeAccelerators")
foreach ($accelerator in $type_accelerators) {
$type_name = $accelerator.TypeName
$found = $false
foreach ($assembly_type in $compiled_assembly.GetTypes()) {
if ($assembly_type.Name -eq $type_name) {
$type_accelerator::Add($accelerator.Name, $assembly_type)
$found = $true
if (-not $found) {
throw "Failed to find compiled class '$type_name' for custom TypeAccelerator."
# return the compiled assembly if PassThru is set.
if ($PassThru) {
return $compiled_assembly
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add-CSharpType