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.. _collection_creating_integration_tests:
Creating new integration tests
This section covers the following cases:
- There are no integration tests for a collection / group of modules in a collection at all.
- You are adding a new module and you want to include integration tests.
- You want to add integration tests for a module that already exists without integration tests.
In other words, there are currently no tests for a module regardless of whether the module exists or not.
If the module already has tests, see :ref:`collection_updating_integration_tests`.
Simplified example
Here is a simplified abstract example.
Let's say we are going to add integration tests to a new module in the ``community.abstract`` collection which interacts with some service.
We :ref:`checked<collection_integration_prepare>` and determined that there are no integration tests at all.
We should basically do the following:
1. Install and run the service with a ``setup`` target.
2. Create a test target.
3. Add integration tests for the module.
4. :ref:`Run the tests<collection_run_integration_tests>`.
5. Fix the code and tests as needed, run the tests again, and repeat the cycle until they pass.
.. note::
You can reuse the ``setup`` target when implementing other targets that also use the same service.
1. Clone the collection to the ``~/ansible_collections/community.abstract`` directory on your local machine.
2. From the ``~/ansble_collections/community.abstract`` directory, create directories for the ``setup`` target:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p tests/integration/targets/setup_abstract_service/tasks
3. Write all the tasks needed to prepare the environment, install, and run the service.
For simplicity, let's imagine that the service is available in the native distribution repositories and no sophisticated environment configuration is required.
Add the following tasks to the ``tests/integration/targets/setup_abstract_service/tasks/main.yml`` file to install and run the service:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Install abstract service
name: abstract_service
- name: Run the service
name: abstract_service
state: started
This is a very simplified example.
4. Add the target for the module you are testing.
Let's say the module is called ``abstact_service_info``. Create the following directory structure in the target:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p tests/integration/targets/abstract_service_info/tasks
mkdir -p tests/integration/targets/abstract_service_info/meta
Add all of the needed subdirectories. For example, if you are going to use defaults and files, add the ``defaults`` and ``files`` directories, and so on. The approach is the same as when you are creating a role.
5. To make the ``setup_abstract_service`` target run before the module's target, add the following lines to the ``tests/integration/targets/abstract_service_info/meta/main.yml`` file.
.. code-block:: yaml
- setup_abstract_service
6. Start with writing a single stand-alone task to check that your module can interact with the service.
We assume that the ``abstract_service_info`` module fetches some information from the ``abstract_service`` and that it has two connection parameters.
Among other fields, it returns a field called ``version`` containing a service version.
Add the following to ``tests/integration/targets/abstract_service_info/tasks/main.yml``:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Fetch info from abstract service
host: # We assume the service accepts local connection by default
port: 1234 # We assume that the service is listening this port by default
register: result # This variable will contain the returned JSON including the server version
- name: Test the output
- result.version == '1.0.0' # Check version field contains what we expect
7. :ref:`Run the tests<collection_run_integration_tests>` with the ``-vvv`` argument.
If there are any issues with connectivity (for example, the service is not accepting connections) or with the code, the play will fail.
Examine the output to see at which step the failure occurred. Investigate the reason, fix, and run again. Repeat the cycle until the test passes.
8. If the test succeeds, write more tests. Refer to the :ref:`Recommendations on coverage<collection_integration_recommendations>` section for details.
``community.postgresql`` example
Here is a real example of writing integration tests from scratch for the ``community.postgresql.postgresql_info`` module.
For the sake of simplicity, we will create very basic tests which we will run using the Ubuntu 20.04 test container.
We use ``Linux`` as a work environment and have ``git`` and ``docker`` installed and running.
We also installed ``ansible-core``.
1. Create the following directories in your home directory:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p ~/ansible_collections/community
2. Fork the `collection repository <>`_ through the GitHub web interface.
3. Clone the forked repository from your profile to the created path:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone ~/ansible_collections/community/postgresql
If you prefer to use the SSH protocol:
.. code-block:: bash
git clone ~/ansible_collections/community/postgresql
4. Go to the cloned repository:
.. code-block:: bash
cd ~/ansible_collections/community/postgresql
5. Be sure you are in the default branch:
.. code-block:: bash
git status
6. Checkout a test branch:
.. code-block:: bash
git checkout -b postgresql_info_tests
7. Since we already have tests for the ``postgresql_info`` module, we will run the following command:
.. code-block:: bash
rm -rf tests/integration/targets/*
With all of the targets now removed, the current state is as if we do not have any integration tests for the ``community.postgresql`` collection at all. We can now start writing integration tests from scratch.
8. We will start with creating a ``setup`` target that will install all required packages and will launch PostgreSQL. Create the following directories:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p tests/integration/targets/setup_postgresql_db/tasks
9. Create the ``tests/integration/targets/setup_postgresql_db/tasks/main.yml`` file and add the following tasks to it:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Install required packages
- apt-utils
- postgresql
- postgresql-common
- python3-psycopg2
- name: Initialize PostgreSQL
shell: . /usr/share/postgresql-common/maintscripts-functions && set_system_locale && /usr/bin/pg_createcluster -u postgres 12 main
creates: /etc/postgresql/12/
- name: Start PostgreSQL service
name: postgresql
state: started
That is enough for our very basic example.
10. Then, create the following directories for the ``postgresql_info`` target:
.. code-block:: bash
mkdir -p tests/integration/targets/postgresql_info/tasks tests/integration/targets/postgresql_info/meta
11. To make the ``setup_postgresql_db`` target running before the ``postgresql_info`` target as a dependency, create the ``tests/integration/targets/postgresql_info/meta/main.yml`` file and add the following code to it:
.. code-block:: yaml
- setup_postgresql_db
12. Now we are ready to add our first test task for the ``postgresql_info`` module. Create the ``tests/integration/targets/postgresql_info/tasks/main.yml`` file and add the following code to it:
.. code-block:: yaml
- name: Test postgresql_info module
become: yes
become_user: postgres
login_user: postgres
login_db: postgres
register: result
- name: Check the module returns what we expect
- result is not changed
- result.version.major == 12
- result.version.minor == 8
In the first task, we run the ``postgresql_info`` module to fetch information from the database we installed and launched with the ``setup_postgresql_db`` target. We are saving the values returned by the module into the ``result`` variable.
In the second task, we check the ``result`` variable, which is what the first task returned, with the ``assert`` module. We expect that, among other things, the result has the version and reports that the system state has not been changed.
13. Run the tests in the Ubuntu 20.04 docker container:
.. code-block:: bash
ansible-test integration postgresql_info --docker ubuntu2004 -vvv
The tests should pass. If we look at the output, we should see something like the following:
.. code-block:: shell
TASK [postgresql_info : Check the module returns what we expect] ***************
ok: [testhost] => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "All assertions passed"
If your tests fail when you are working on your project, examine the output to see at which step the failure occurred. Investigate the reason, fix, and run again. Repeat the cycle until the test passes. If the test succeeds, write more tests. Refer to the :ref:`Recommendations on coverage<collection_integration_recommendations>` section for details.