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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2020-2021, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
"""Requirement provider interfaces."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import functools
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
except ImportError:
from typing import Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
from ansible.galaxy.collection.concrete_artifact_manager import (
from ansible.galaxy.collection.galaxy_api_proxy import MultiGalaxyAPIProxy
from ansible.galaxy.dependency_resolution.dataclasses import (
from ansible.galaxy.dependency_resolution.versioning import (
from ansible.utils.version import SemanticVersion
from resolvelib import AbstractProvider
class CollectionDependencyProvider(AbstractProvider):
"""Delegate providing a requirement interface for the resolver."""
def __init__(
self, # type: CollectionDependencyProvider
apis, # type: MultiGalaxyAPIProxy
concrete_artifacts_manager=None, # type: ConcreteArtifactsManager
preferred_candidates=None, # type: Iterable[Candidate]
with_deps=True, # type: bool
with_pre_releases=False, # type: bool
): # type: (...) -> None
r"""Initialize helper attributes.
:param api: An instance of the multiple Galaxy APIs wrapper.
:param concrete_artifacts_manager: An instance of the caching \
concrete artifacts manager.
:param with_deps: A flag specifying whether the resolver \
should attempt to pull-in the deps of the \
requested requirements. On by default.
:param with_pre_releases: A flag specifying whether the \
resolver should skip pre-releases. \
Off by default.
self._api_proxy = apis
self._make_req_from_dict = functools.partial(
self._preferred_candidates = set(preferred_candidates or ())
self._with_deps = with_deps
self._with_pre_releases = with_pre_releases
def identify(self, requirement_or_candidate):
# type: (Union[Candidate, Requirement]) -> str
"""Given requirement or candidate, return an identifier for it.
This is used to identify a requirement or candidate, e.g.
whether two requirements should have their specifier parts
(version ranges or pins) merged, whether two candidates would
conflict with each other (because they have same name but
different versions).
return requirement_or_candidate.canonical_package_id
def get_preference(
self, # type: CollectionDependencyProvider
resolution, # type: Optional[Candidate]
candidates, # type: List[Candidate]
information, # type: List[NamedTuple]
): # type: (...) -> Union[float, int]
"""Return sort key function return value for given requirement.
This result should be based on preference that is defined as
"I think this requirement should be resolved first".
The lower the return value is, the more preferred this
group of arguments is.
:param resolution: Currently pinned candidate, or ``None``.
:param candidates: A list of possible candidates.
:param information: A list of requirement information.
Each ``information`` instance is a named tuple with two entries:
* ``requirement`` specifies a requirement contributing to
the current candidate list
* ``parent`` specifies the candidate that provides
(dependend on) the requirement, or `None`
to indicate a root requirement.
The preference could depend on a various of issues, including
(not necessarily in this order):
* Is this package pinned in the current resolution result?
* How relaxed is the requirement? Stricter ones should
probably be worked on first? (I don't know, actually.)
* How many possibilities are there to satisfy this
requirement? Those with few left should likely be worked on
first, I guess?
* Are there any known conflicts for this requirement?
We should probably work on those with the most
known conflicts.
A sortable value should be returned (this will be used as the
`key` parameter of the built-in sorting function). The smaller
the value is, the more preferred this requirement is (i.e. the
sorting function is called with ``reverse=False``).
if any(
candidate in self._preferred_candidates
for candidate in candidates
# NOTE: Prefer pre-installed candidates over newer versions
# NOTE: available from Galaxy or other sources.
return float('-inf')
return len(candidates)
def find_matches(self, requirements):
# type: (List[Requirement]) -> List[Candidate]
r"""Find all possible candidates satisfying given requirements.
This tries to get candidates based on the requirements' types.
For concrete requirements (SCM, dir, namespace dir, local or
remote archives), the one-and-only match is returned
For a "named" requirement, Galaxy-compatible APIs are consulted
to find concrete candidates for this requirement. Of theres a
pre-installed candidate, it's prepended in front of others.
:param requirements: A collection of requirements which all of \
the returned candidates must match. \
All requirements are guaranteed to have \
the same identifier. \
The collection is never empty.
:returns: An iterable that orders candidates by preference, \
e.g. the most preferred candidate comes first.
# FIXME: The first requirement may be a Git repo followed by
# FIXME: its cloned tmp dir. Using only the first one creates
# FIXME: loops that prevent any further dependency exploration.
# FIXME: We need to figure out how to prevent this.
first_req = requirements[0]
fqcn = first_req.fqcn
# The fqcn is guaranteed to be the same
coll_versions = self._api_proxy.get_collection_versions(first_req)
if first_req.is_concrete_artifact:
# FIXME: do we assume that all the following artifacts are also concrete?
# FIXME: does using fqcn==None cause us problems here?
return [
Candidate(fqcn, version, _none_src_server, first_req.type)
for version, _none_src_server in coll_versions
preinstalled_candidates = {
candidate for candidate in self._preferred_candidates
if candidate.fqcn == fqcn
return list(preinstalled_candidates) + sorted(
candidate for candidate in (
Candidate(fqcn, version, src_server, 'galaxy')
for version, src_server in coll_versions
if all(self.is_satisfied_by(requirement, candidate) for requirement in requirements)
# if all(self.is_satisfied_by(requirement, candidate) and (
# requirement.src is None or # if this is true for some candidates but not all it will break key param - Nonetype can't be compared to str
# requirement.src == candidate.src
# ))
key=lambda candidate: (
SemanticVersion(candidate.ver), candidate.src,
reverse=True, # prefer newer versions over older ones
def is_satisfied_by(self, requirement, candidate):
# type: (Requirement, Candidate) -> bool
r"""Whether the given requirement is satisfiable by a candidate.
:param requirement: A requirement that produced the `candidate`.
:param candidate: A pinned candidate supposedly matchine the \
`requirement` specifier. It is guaranteed to \
have been generated from the `requirement`.
:returns: Indication whether the `candidate` is a viable \
solution to the `requirement`.
# NOTE: Only allow pre-release candidates if we want pre-releases or
# the req ver was an exact match with the pre-release version.
allow_pre_release = self._with_pre_releases or not (
requirement.ver == '*' or
requirement.ver.startswith('<') or
requirement.ver.startswith('>') or
if is_pre_release(candidate.ver) and not allow_pre_release:
return False
# NOTE: This is a set of Pipenv-inspired optimizations. Ref:
if (
requirement.is_virtual or
candidate.is_virtual or
requirement.ver == '*'
return True
return meets_requirements(
def get_dependencies(self, candidate):
# type: (Candidate) -> List[Candidate]
r"""Get direct dependencies of a candidate.
:returns: A collection of requirements that `candidate` \
specifies as its dependencies.
# FIXME: If there's several galaxy servers set, there may be a
# FIXME: situation when the metadata of the same collection
# FIXME: differs. So how do we resolve this case? Priority?
# FIXME: Taking into account a pinned hash? Exploding on
# FIXME: any differences?
# NOTE: The underlying implmentation currently uses first found
req_map = self._api_proxy.get_collection_dependencies(candidate)
# NOTE: This guard expression MUST perform an early exit only
# NOTE: after the `get_collection_dependencies()` call because
# NOTE: internally it polulates the artifact URL of the candidate,
# NOTE: its SHA hash and the Galaxy API token. These are still
# NOTE: necessary with `--no-deps` because even with the disabled
# NOTE: dependency resolution the outer layer will still need to
# NOTE: know how to download and validate the artifact.
# NOTE: Virtual candidates should always return dependencies
# NOTE: because they are ephemeral and non-installable.
if not self._with_deps and not candidate.is_virtual:
return []
return [
self._make_req_from_dict({'name': dep_name, 'version': dep_req})
for dep_name, dep_req in req_map.items()