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# (c) 2017 Red Hat Inc.
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
import os
import json
import collections
import pytest
from units.utils.amazon_placebo_fixtures import placeboify, maybe_sleep
from import data_pipeline
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
# requires the `boto3` and `botocore` modules
boto3 = pytest.importorskip('boto3')
def dp_setup():
Yield a FakeModule object, data pipeline id of a vanilla data pipeline, and data pipeline objects
This fixture is module-scoped, since this can be reused for multiple tests.
Dependencies = collections.namedtuple("Dependencies", ["module", "data_pipeline_id", "objects"])
# get objects to use to test populating and activating the data pipeline
if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'):
objects = [{"name": "Every 1 day",
"id": "DefaultSchedule",
"fields": []},
{"name": "Default",
"id": "Default",
"fields": []}]
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
data = s3.get_object(Bucket="ansible-test-datapipeline", Key="pipeline-object/new.json")
objects = json.loads(to_text(data['Body'].read()))
# create a module with vanilla data pipeline parameters
params = {'name': 'ansible-test-create-pipeline',
'description': 'ansible-datapipeline-unit-test',
'state': 'present',
'timeout': 300,
'objects': [],
'tags': {},
'parameters': [],
'values': []}
module = FakeModule(**params)
# yield a module, the data pipeline id, and the data pipeline objects (that are not yet defining the vanilla data pipeline)
if not os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'):
yield Dependencies(module=module, data_pipeline_id='df-0590406117G8DPQZY2HA', objects=objects)
connection = boto3.client('datapipeline')
changed, result = data_pipeline.create_pipeline(connection, module)
data_pipeline_id = result['data_pipeline']['pipeline_id']
yield Dependencies(module=module, data_pipeline_id=data_pipeline_id, objects=objects)
# remove data pipeline
if os.getenv('PLACEBO_RECORD'):
data_pipeline.delete_pipeline(connection, module)
class FakeModule(object):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.params = kwargs
def fail_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.exit_args = args
self.exit_kwargs = kwargs
raise Exception('FAIL')
def exit_json(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.exit_args = args
self.exit_kwargs = kwargs
def test_create_pipeline_already_exists(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
changed, result = data_pipeline.create_pipeline(connection, dp_setup.module)
assert changed is False
assert "Data Pipeline ansible-test-create-pipeline is present" in result['msg']
def test_pipeline_field(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
pipeline_field_info = data_pipeline.pipeline_field(connection, dp_setup.data_pipeline_id, "@pipelineState")
assert pipeline_field_info == "PENDING"
def test_define_pipeline(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
changed, result = data_pipeline.define_pipeline(connection, dp_setup.module, dp_setup.objects, dp_setup.data_pipeline_id)
assert 'has been updated' in result
def test_deactivate_pipeline(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
changed, result = data_pipeline.deactivate_pipeline(connection, dp_setup.module)
assert "Data Pipeline ansible-test-create-pipeline deactivated" in result['msg']
def test_activate_without_population(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
with pytest.raises(Exception) as error_message:
changed, result = data_pipeline.activate_pipeline(connection, dp_setup.module)
assert error_message == "You need to populate your pipeline before activation."
def test_create_pipeline(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
params = {'name': 'ansible-unittest-create-pipeline',
'description': 'ansible-datapipeline-unit-test',
'state': 'present',
'timeout': 300,
'tags': {}}
m = FakeModule(**params)
changed, result = data_pipeline.create_pipeline(connection, m)
assert changed is True
assert result['msg'] == "Data Pipeline ansible-unittest-create-pipeline created."
data_pipeline.delete_pipeline(connection, m)
def test_create_pipeline_with_tags(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
params = {'name': 'ansible-unittest-create-pipeline_tags',
'description': 'ansible-datapipeline-unit-test',
'state': 'present',
'tags': {'ansible': 'test'},
'timeout': 300}
m = FakeModule(**params)
changed, result = data_pipeline.create_pipeline(connection, m)
assert changed is True
assert result['msg'] == "Data Pipeline ansible-unittest-create-pipeline_tags created."
data_pipeline.delete_pipeline(connection, m)
def test_delete_nonexistent_pipeline(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
params = {'name': 'ansible-test-nonexistent',
'description': 'ansible-test-nonexistent',
'state': 'absent',
'objects': [],
'tags': {'ansible': 'test'},
'timeout': 300}
m = FakeModule(**params)
changed, result = data_pipeline.delete_pipeline(connection, m)
assert changed is False
def test_delete_pipeline(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
params = {'name': 'ansible-test-nonexistent',
'description': 'ansible-test-nonexistent',
'state': 'absent',
'objects': [],
'tags': {'ansible': 'test'},
'timeout': 300}
m = FakeModule(**params)
data_pipeline.create_pipeline(connection, m)
changed, result = data_pipeline.delete_pipeline(connection, m)
assert changed is True
def test_build_unique_id_different(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
m = FakeModule(**{'name': 'ansible-unittest-1', 'description': 'test-unique-id'})
m2 = FakeModule(**{'name': 'ansible-unittest-1', 'description': 'test-unique-id-different'})
assert data_pipeline.build_unique_id(m) != data_pipeline.build_unique_id(m2)
def test_build_unique_id_same(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
m = FakeModule(**{'name': 'ansible-unittest-1', 'description': 'test-unique-id', 'tags': {'ansible': 'test'}})
m2 = FakeModule(**{'name': 'ansible-unittest-1', 'description': 'test-unique-id', 'tags': {'ansible': 'test'}})
assert data_pipeline.build_unique_id(m) == data_pipeline.build_unique_id(m2)
def test_build_unique_id_obj(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
# check that the object can be different and the unique id should be the same; should be able to modify objects
m = FakeModule(**{'name': 'ansible-unittest-1', 'objects': [{'first': 'object'}]})
m2 = FakeModule(**{'name': 'ansible-unittest-1', 'objects': [{'second': 'object'}]})
assert data_pipeline.build_unique_id(m) == data_pipeline.build_unique_id(m2)
def test_format_tags(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
unformatted_tags = {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'key3': 'val3'}
formatted_tags = data_pipeline.format_tags(unformatted_tags)
for tag_set in formatted_tags:
assert unformatted_tags[tag_set['key']] == tag_set['value']
def test_format_empty_tags(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
unformatted_tags = {}
formatted_tags = data_pipeline.format_tags(unformatted_tags)
assert formatted_tags == []
def test_pipeline_description(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
dp_id = dp_setup.data_pipeline_id
pipelines = data_pipeline.pipeline_description(connection, dp_id)
assert dp_id == pipelines['pipelineDescriptionList'][0]['pipelineId']
def test_pipeline_description_nonexistent(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
hypothetical_pipeline_id = "df-015440025PF7YGLDK47C"
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
with pytest.raises(Exception) as error:
data_pipeline.pipeline_description(connection, hypothetical_pipeline_id)
assert error == data_pipeline.DataPipelineNotFound
def test_check_dp_exists_true(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
exists = data_pipeline.check_dp_exists(connection, dp_setup.data_pipeline_id)
assert exists is True
def test_check_dp_exists_false(placeboify, maybe_sleep):
hypothetical_pipeline_id = "df-015440025PF7YGLDK47C"
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
exists = data_pipeline.check_dp_exists(connection, hypothetical_pipeline_id)
assert exists is False
def test_check_dp_status(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
inactive_states = ['INACTIVE', 'PENDING', 'FINISHED', 'DELETING']
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
state = data_pipeline.check_dp_status(connection, dp_setup.data_pipeline_id, inactive_states)
assert state is True
def test_activate_pipeline(placeboify, maybe_sleep, dp_setup):
# use objects to define pipeline before activating
connection = placeboify.client('datapipeline')
changed, result = data_pipeline.activate_pipeline(connection, dp_setup.module)
assert changed is True