You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

695 lines
28 KiB

# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import os
from import Container, Mapping, Set, Sequence
from types import MappingProxyType
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError, AnsibleAssertionError
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_text
from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
from ansible.playbook.attribute import FieldAttribute
from ansible.playbook.base import Base
from ansible.playbook.collectionsearch import CollectionSearch
from ansible.playbook.conditional import Conditional
from ansible.playbook.delegatable import Delegatable
from ansible.playbook.helpers import load_list_of_blocks
from ansible.playbook.role.metadata import RoleMetadata
from ansible.playbook.taggable import Taggable
from ansible.plugins.loader import add_all_plugin_dirs
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionConfig
from ansible.utils.path import is_subpath
from ansible.utils.sentinel import Sentinel
from ansible.utils.vars import combine_vars
__all__ = ['Role', 'hash_params']
# TODO: this should be a utility function, but can't be a member of
# the role due to the fact that it would require the use of self
# in a static method. This is also used in the base class for
# strategies (ansible/plugins/strategy/
def hash_params(params):
Construct a data structure of parameters that is hashable.
This requires changing any mutable data structures into immutable ones.
We chose a frozenset because role parameters have to be unique.
.. warning:: this does not handle unhashable scalars. Two things
mitigate that limitation:
1) There shouldn't be any unhashable scalars specified in the yaml
2) Our only choice would be to return an error anyway.
# Any container is unhashable if it contains unhashable items (for
# instance, tuple() is a Hashable subclass but if it contains a dict, it
# cannot be hashed)
if isinstance(params, Container) and not isinstance(params, (text_type, binary_type)):
if isinstance(params, Mapping):
# Optimistically hope the contents are all hashable
new_params = frozenset(params.items())
except TypeError:
new_params = set()
for k, v in params.items():
# Hash each entry individually
new_params.add((k, hash_params(v)))
new_params = frozenset(new_params)
elif isinstance(params, (Set, Sequence)):
# Optimistically hope the contents are all hashable
new_params = frozenset(params)
except TypeError:
new_params = set()
for v in params:
# Hash each entry individually
new_params = frozenset(new_params)
# This is just a guess.
new_params = frozenset(params)
return new_params
# Note: We do not handle unhashable scalars but our only choice would be
# to raise an error there anyway.
return frozenset((params,))
class Role(Base, Conditional, Taggable, CollectionSearch, Delegatable):
def __init__(self, play=None, from_files=None, from_include=False, validate=True, public=True):
self._role_name = None
self._role_path = None
self._role_collection = None
self._role_params = dict()
self._loader = None
self.public = public
self.static = True
self._metadata = RoleMetadata()
self._play = play
self._parents = []
self._dependencies = []
self._task_blocks = []
self._handler_blocks = []
self._compiled_handler_blocks = None
self._default_vars = dict()
self._role_vars = dict()
self._had_task_run = dict()
self._completed = dict()
self._should_validate = validate
if from_files is None:
from_files = {}
self._from_files = from_files
# Indicates whether this role was included via include/import_role
self.from_include = from_include
self._hash = None
super(Role, self).__init__()
def __repr__(self):
return self.get_name()
def get_name(self, include_role_fqcn=True):
if include_role_fqcn:
return '.'.join(x for x in (self._role_collection, self._role_name) if x)
return self._role_name
def get_role_path(self):
# Purposefully using realpath for canonical path
return os.path.realpath(self._role_path)
def _get_hash_dict(self):
if self._hash:
return self._hash
self._hash = MappingProxyType(
'name': self.get_name(),
'path': self.get_role_path(),
'params': MappingProxyType(self.get_role_params()),
'when': self.when,
'tags': self.tags,
'from_files': MappingProxyType(self._from_files),
'vars': MappingProxyType(self.vars),
'from_include': self.from_include,
return self._hash
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, Role):
return False
return self._get_hash_dict() == other._get_hash_dict()
def load(role_include, play, parent_role=None, from_files=None, from_include=False, validate=True, public=True):
if from_files is None:
from_files = {}
# TODO: need to fix cycle detection in role load (maybe use an empty dict
# for the in-flight in role cache as a sentinel that we're already trying to load
# that role?)
# see
r = Role(play=play, from_files=from_files, from_include=from_include, validate=validate, public=public)
r._load_role_data(role_include, parent_role=parent_role)
role_path = r.get_role_path()
if role_path not in play.role_cache:
play.role_cache[role_path] = []
# Using the role path as a cache key is done to improve performance when a large number of roles
# are in use in the play
if r not in play.role_cache[role_path]:
return r
except RuntimeError:
raise AnsibleError("A recursion loop was detected with the roles specified. Make sure child roles do not have dependencies on parent roles",
def _load_role_data(self, role_include, parent_role=None):
self._role_name = role_include.role
self._role_path = role_include.get_role_path()
self._role_collection = role_include._role_collection
self._role_params = role_include.get_role_params()
self._variable_manager = role_include.get_variable_manager()
self._loader = role_include.get_loader()
if parent_role:
# copy over all field attributes from the RoleInclude
# update self._attr directly, to avoid squashing
for attr_name in self.fattributes:
setattr(self, f'_{attr_name}', getattr(role_include, f'_{attr_name}', Sentinel))
# vars and default vars are regular dictionaries
self._role_vars = self._load_role_yaml('vars', main=self._from_files.get('vars'), allow_dir=True)
if self._role_vars is None:
self._role_vars = {}
elif not isinstance(self._role_vars, Mapping):
raise AnsibleParserError("The vars/main.yml file for role '%s' must contain a dictionary of variables" % self._role_name)
self._default_vars = self._load_role_yaml('defaults', main=self._from_files.get('defaults'), allow_dir=True)
if self._default_vars is None:
self._default_vars = {}
elif not isinstance(self._default_vars, Mapping):
raise AnsibleParserError("The defaults/main.yml file for role '%s' must contain a dictionary of variables" % self._role_name)
# load the role's other files, if they exist
metadata = self._load_role_yaml('meta')
if metadata:
self._metadata = RoleMetadata.load(metadata, owner=self, variable_manager=self._variable_manager, loader=self._loader)
self._dependencies = self._load_dependencies()
# reset collections list; roles do not inherit collections from parents, just use the defaults
# FUTURE: use a private config default for this so we can allow it to be overridden later
self.collections = []
# configure plugin/collection loading; either prepend the current role's collection or configure legacy plugin loading
# FIXME: need exception for explicit ansible.legacy?
if self._role_collection: # this is a collection-hosted role
self.collections.insert(0, self._role_collection)
else: # this is a legacy role, but set the default collection if there is one
default_collection = AnsibleCollectionConfig.default_collection
if default_collection:
self.collections.insert(0, default_collection)
# legacy role, ensure all plugin dirs under the role are added to plugin search path
# collections can be specified in metadata for legacy or collection-hosted roles
if self._metadata.collections:
self.collections.extend((c for c in self._metadata.collections if c not in self.collections))
# if any collections were specified, ensure that core or legacy synthetic collections are always included
if self.collections:
# default append collection is core for collection-hosted roles, legacy for others
default_append_collection = 'ansible.builtin' if self._role_collection else 'ansible.legacy'
if 'ansible.builtin' not in self.collections and 'ansible.legacy' not in self.collections:
task_data = self._load_role_yaml('tasks', main=self._from_files.get('tasks'))
if self._should_validate:
role_argspecs = self._get_role_argspecs()
task_data = self._prepend_validation_task(task_data, role_argspecs)
if task_data:
self._task_blocks = load_list_of_blocks(task_data, play=self._play, role=self, loader=self._loader, variable_manager=self._variable_manager)
except AssertionError as e:
raise AnsibleParserError("The tasks/main.yml file for role '%s' must contain a list of tasks" % self._role_name,
obj=task_data, orig_exc=e)
handler_data = self._load_role_yaml('handlers', main=self._from_files.get('handlers'))
if handler_data:
self._handler_blocks = load_list_of_blocks(handler_data, play=self._play, role=self, use_handlers=True, loader=self._loader,
except AssertionError as e:
raise AnsibleParserError("The handlers/main.yml file for role '%s' must contain a list of tasks" % self._role_name,
obj=handler_data, orig_exc=e)
def _get_role_argspecs(self):
"""Get the role argument spec data.
Role arg specs can be in one of two files in the role meta subdir: argument_specs.yml
or main.yml. The former has precedence over the latter. Data is not combined
between the files.
:returns: A dict of all data under the top-level ``argument_specs`` YAML key
in the argument spec file. An empty dict is returned if there is no
argspec data.
base_argspec_path = os.path.join(self._role_path, 'meta', 'argument_specs')
full_path = base_argspec_path + ext
if self._loader.path_exists(full_path):
# Note: _load_role_yaml() takes care of rebuilding the path.
argument_specs = self._load_role_yaml('meta', main='argument_specs')
return argument_specs.get('argument_specs') or {}
except AttributeError:
return {}
# We did not find the meta/argument_specs.[yml|yaml] file, so use the spec
# dict from the role meta data, if it exists. Ansible 2.11 and later will
# have the 'argument_specs' attribute, but earlier versions will not.
return getattr(self._metadata, 'argument_specs', {})
def _prepend_validation_task(self, task_data, argspecs):
'''Insert a role validation task if we have a role argument spec.
This method will prepend a validation task to the front of the role task
list to perform argument spec validation before any other tasks, if an arg spec
exists for the entry point. Entry point defaults to `main`.
:param task_data: List of tasks loaded from the role.
:param argspecs: The role argument spec data dict.
:returns: The (possibly modified) task list.
if argspecs:
# Determine the role entry point so we can retrieve the correct argument spec.
# This comes from the `tasks_from` value to include_role or import_role.
entrypoint = self._from_files.get('tasks', 'main')
entrypoint_arg_spec = argspecs.get(entrypoint)
if entrypoint_arg_spec:
validation_task = self._create_validation_task(entrypoint_arg_spec, entrypoint)
# Prepend our validate_argument_spec action to happen before any tasks provided by the role.
# 'any tasks' can and does include 0 or None tasks, in which cases we create a list of tasks and add our
# validate_argument_spec task
if not task_data:
task_data = []
task_data.insert(0, validation_task)
return task_data
def _create_validation_task(self, argument_spec, entrypoint_name):
'''Create a new task data structure that uses the validate_argument_spec action plugin.
:param argument_spec: The arg spec definition for a particular role entry point.
This will be the entire arg spec for the entry point as read from the input file.
:param entrypoint_name: The name of the role entry point associated with the
supplied `argument_spec`.
# If the arg spec provides a short description, use it to flesh out the validation task name
task_name = "Validating arguments against arg spec '%s'" % entrypoint_name
if 'short_description' in argument_spec:
task_name = task_name + ' - ' + argument_spec['short_description']
return {
'action': {
'module': 'ansible.builtin.validate_argument_spec',
# Pass only the 'options' portion of the arg spec to the module.
'argument_spec': argument_spec.get('options', {}),
'provided_arguments': self._role_params,
'validate_args_context': {
'type': 'role',
'name': self._role_name,
'argument_spec_name': entrypoint_name,
'path': self._role_path
'name': task_name,
'tags': ['always'],
def _load_role_yaml(self, subdir, main=None, allow_dir=False):
Find and load role YAML files and return data found.
:param subdir: subdir of role to search (vars, files, tasks, handlers, defaults)
:type subdir: string
:param main: filename to match, will default to 'main.<ext>' if not provided.
:type main: string
:param allow_dir: If true we combine results of multiple matching files found.
If false, highlander rules. Only for vars(dicts) and not tasks(lists).
:type allow_dir: bool
:returns: data from the matched file(s), type can be dict or list depending on vars or tasks.
data = None
file_path = os.path.join(self._role_path, subdir)
if self._loader.path_exists(file_path) and self._loader.is_directory(file_path):
# Valid extensions and ordering for roles is hard-coded to maintain portability
extensions = ['.yml', '.yaml', '.json'] # same as default for YAML_FILENAME_EXTENSIONS
# look for files w/o extensions before/after bare name depending on it being set or not
# keep 'main' as original to figure out errors if no files found
if main is None:
_main = 'main'
_main = main
extensions.insert(0, '')
# not really 'find_vars_files' but find_files_with_extensions_default_to_yaml_filename_extensions
found_files = self._loader.find_vars_files(file_path, _main, extensions, allow_dir)
if found_files:
for found in found_files:
if not is_subpath(found, file_path):
raise AnsibleParserError("Failed loading '%s' for role (%s) as it is not inside the expected role path: '%s'" %
(to_text(found), self._role_name, to_text(file_path)))
new_data = self._loader.load_from_file(found)
if new_data:
if data is not None and isinstance(new_data, Mapping):
data = combine_vars(data, new_data)
data = new_data
# found data so no need to continue unless we want to merge
if not allow_dir:
elif main is not None:
# this won't trigger with default only when <subdir>_from is specified
raise AnsibleParserError("Could not find specified file in role: %s/%s" % (subdir, main))
return data
def _load_dependencies(self):
Recursively loads role dependencies from the metadata list of
dependencies, if it exists
deps = []
for role_include in self._metadata.dependencies:
r = Role.load(role_include, play=self._play, parent_role=self)
return deps
# other functions
def add_parent(self, parent_role):
''' adds a role to the list of this roles parents '''
if not isinstance(parent_role, Role):
raise AnsibleAssertionError()
if parent_role not in self._parents:
def get_parents(self):
return self._parents
def get_dep_chain(self):
dep_chain = []
for parent in self._parents:
return dep_chain
def get_default_vars(self, dep_chain=None):
dep_chain = [] if dep_chain is None else dep_chain
default_vars = dict()
for dep in self.get_all_dependencies():
default_vars = combine_vars(default_vars, dep.get_default_vars())
if dep_chain:
for parent in dep_chain:
default_vars = combine_vars(default_vars, parent._default_vars)
default_vars = combine_vars(default_vars, self._default_vars)
return default_vars
def get_inherited_vars(self, dep_chain=None, only_exports=False):
dep_chain = [] if dep_chain is None else dep_chain
inherited_vars = dict()
if dep_chain:
for parent in dep_chain:
if not only_exports:
inherited_vars = combine_vars(inherited_vars, parent.vars)
inherited_vars = combine_vars(inherited_vars, parent._role_vars)
return inherited_vars
def get_role_params(self, dep_chain=None):
dep_chain = [] if dep_chain is None else dep_chain
params = {}
if dep_chain:
for parent in dep_chain:
params = combine_vars(params, parent._role_params)
params = combine_vars(params, self._role_params)
return params
def get_vars(self, dep_chain=None, include_params=True, only_exports=False):
dep_chain = [] if dep_chain is None else dep_chain
all_vars = {}
# get role_vars: from parent objects
# TODO: is this right precedence for inherited role_vars?
all_vars = self.get_inherited_vars(dep_chain, only_exports=only_exports)
# get exported variables from meta/dependencies
seen = []
for dep in self.get_all_dependencies():
# Avoid reruning dupe deps since they can have vars from previous invocations and they accumulate in deps
# TODO: re-examine dep loading to see if we are somehow improperly adding the same dep too many times
if dep not in seen:
# only take 'exportable' vars from deps
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, dep.get_vars(include_params=False, only_exports=True))
# role_vars come from vars/ in a role
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self._role_vars)
if not only_exports:
# include_params are 'inline variables' in role invocation. - {role: x, varname: value}
if include_params:
# TODO: add deprecation notice
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self.get_role_params(dep_chain=dep_chain))
# these come from vars: keyword in role invocation. - {role: x, vars: {varname: value}}
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, self.vars)
return all_vars
def get_direct_dependencies(self):
return self._dependencies[:]
def get_all_dependencies(self):
Returns a list of all deps, built recursively from all child dependencies,
in the proper order in which they should be executed or evaluated.
child_deps = []
for dep in self.get_direct_dependencies():
for child_dep in dep.get_all_dependencies():
return child_deps
def get_task_blocks(self):
return self._task_blocks[:]
def get_handler_blocks(self, play, dep_chain=None):
# Do not recreate this list each time ``get_handler_blocks`` is called.
# Cache the results so that we don't potentially overwrite with copied duplicates
# ``get_handler_blocks`` may be called when handling ``import_role`` during parsing
# as well as with ``Play.compile_roles_handlers`` from ``TaskExecutor``
if self._compiled_handler_blocks:
return self._compiled_handler_blocks
self._compiled_handler_blocks = block_list = []
# update the dependency chain here
if dep_chain is None:
dep_chain = []
new_dep_chain = dep_chain + [self]
for dep in self.get_direct_dependencies():
dep_blocks = dep.get_handler_blocks(play=play, dep_chain=new_dep_chain)
for task_block in self._handler_blocks:
new_task_block = task_block.copy()
new_task_block._dep_chain = new_dep_chain
new_task_block._play = play
return block_list
def has_run(self, host):
Returns true if this role has been iterated over completely and
at least one task was run
return in self._completed and not self._metadata.allow_duplicates
def compile(self, play, dep_chain=None):
Returns the task list for this role, which is created by first
recursively compiling the tasks for all direct dependencies, and
then adding on the tasks for this role.
The role compile() also remembers and saves the dependency chain
with each task, so tasks know by which route they were found, and
can correctly take their parent's tags/conditionals into account.
from ansible.playbook.block import Block
from ansible.playbook.task import Task
block_list = []
# update the dependency chain here
if dep_chain is None:
dep_chain = []
new_dep_chain = dep_chain + [self]
deps = self.get_direct_dependencies()
for dep in deps:
dep_blocks = dep.compile(play=play, dep_chain=new_dep_chain)
for task_block in self._task_blocks:
new_task_block = task_block.copy()
new_task_block._dep_chain = new_dep_chain
new_task_block._play = play
eor_block = Block(play=play)
eor_block._loader = self._loader
eor_block._role = self
eor_block._variable_manager = self._variable_manager
eor_block.run_once = False
eor_task = Task(block=eor_block)
eor_task._role = self
eor_task.action = 'meta'
eor_task.args = {'_raw_params': 'role_complete'}
eor_task.implicit = True
eor_task.tags = ['always']
eor_task.when = True
eor_block.block = [eor_task]
return block_list
def serialize(self, include_deps=True):
res = super(Role, self).serialize()
res['_role_name'] = self._role_name
res['_role_path'] = self._role_path
res['_role_vars'] = self._role_vars
res['_role_params'] = self._role_params
res['_default_vars'] = self._default_vars
res['_had_task_run'] = self._had_task_run.copy()
res['_completed'] = self._completed.copy()
res['_metadata'] = self._metadata.serialize()
if include_deps:
deps = []
for role in self.get_direct_dependencies():
res['_dependencies'] = deps
parents = []
for parent in self._parents:
res['_parents'] = parents
return res
def deserialize(self, data, include_deps=True):
self._role_name = data.get('_role_name', '')
self._role_path = data.get('_role_path', '')
self._role_vars = data.get('_role_vars', dict())
self._role_params = data.get('_role_params', dict())
self._default_vars = data.get('_default_vars', dict())
self._had_task_run = data.get('_had_task_run', dict())
self._completed = data.get('_completed', dict())
if include_deps:
deps = []
for dep in data.get('_dependencies', []):
r = Role()
setattr(self, '_dependencies', deps)
parent_data = data.get('_parents', [])
parents = []
for parent in parent_data:
r = Role()
r.deserialize(parent, include_deps=False)
setattr(self, '_parents', parents)
metadata_data = data.get('_metadata')
if metadata_data:
m = RoleMetadata()
self._metadata = m
super(Role, self).deserialize(data)
def set_loader(self, loader):
self._loader = loader
for parent in self._parents:
for dep in self.get_direct_dependencies():