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21 lines
532 B

# vars file for test_ec2_ami
# based on Amazon Linux AMI 2017.09.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type
us-east-1: ami-8c1be5f6
us-east-2: ami-c5062ba0
us-west-1: ami-02eada62
us-west-2: ami-e689729e
ca-central-1: ami-fd55ec99
eu-west-1: ami-acd005d5
eu-central-1: ami-c7ee5ca8
eu-west-2: ami-1a7f6d7e
ap-southeast-1: ami-0797ea64
ap-southeast-2: ami-8536d6e7
ap-northeast-2: ami-9bec36f5
ap-northeast-1: ami-2a69be4c
ap-south-1: ami-4fc58420
sa-east-1: ami-f1344b9d
cn-north-1: ami-fba67596