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- hosts:
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- block:
- set_fact:
instance_id: "{{ resource_prefix }}constructed"
# Create new host, refresh inventory
#- name: set connection information for all tasks
# set_fact:
# aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info
# aws_access_key: '{{ aws_access_key }}'
# aws_secret_key: '{{ aws_secret_key }}'
# security_token: '{{ security_token }}'
# region: '{{ aws_region }}'
# no_log: yes
# TODO: Uncomment once rds_instance has been added
#- name: create minimal mariadb instance in default VPC and default subnet group
# rds_instance:
# state: present
# engine: mariadb
# instance_class: db.t2.micro
# storage: 20
# instance_id: 'rds-mariadb-{{ resource_prefix }}'
# master_username: 'ansible-test-user'
# master_password: 'password-{{ resource_prefix }}'
# <<: *aws_connection_info
# register: setup_instance
- name: Use AWS CLI to create an RDS DB instance
command: "aws rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier '{{ instance_id }}' --engine 'mariadb' --db-instance-class 'db.t2.micro' --allocated-storage 20 --master-user-password '{{ resource_prefix }}' --master-username 'ansibletestuser' --tags Key='workload_type',Value='other'"
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: "{{ security_token }}"
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{ aws_region }}"
- meta: refresh_inventory
- debug: var=groups
- name: assert the keyed groups from constructed config were added to inventory
# There are 6 groups: all, ungrouped, aws_rds, tag keyed group, engine keyed group, parameter group keyed group
- "groups | length == 6"
- groups.tag_workload_type_other
- groups.rds_mariadb
- groups.rds_parameter_group_default_mariadb10_0
- name: Use AWS CLI to delete the DB instance
command: "aws rds delete-db-instance --db-instance-identifier '{{ instance_id }}' --skip-final-snapshot"
ignore_errors: True
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{ aws_access_key }}"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{ aws_secret_key }}"
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: "{{ security_token }}"
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: "{{ aws_region }}"
# TODO: Uncomment once rds_instance has been added
#- name: remove mariadb instance
# rds_instance:
# state: absent
# engine: mariadb
# skip_final_snapshot: yes
# instance_id: ansible-rds-mariadb-example
# <<: *aws_connection_info
# ignore_errors: yes
# when: setup_instance is defined