You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

31 lines
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.. _documenting_collections:
Documenting collections
Documenting modules and plugins
Documenting modules is thoroughly documented in :ref:`module_documenting`. Plugins can be documented the same way as modules, that is with ``DOCUMENTATION``, ``EXAMPLES``, and ``RETURN`` blocks.
Documenting roles
To document a role, you have to add a role argument spec by creating a file ``meta/argument_specs.yml`` in your role. See :ref:`role_argument_spec` for details. As an example, you can look at `the argument specs file <>`_ of the :ref:`sensu.sensu_go.install role <ansible_collections.sensu.sensu_go.install_role>` on GitHub.
.. _build_collection_docsite:
Build a docsite with antsibull-docs
You can use `antsibull-docs <>`_ to build a Sphinx-based docsite for your collection:
#. Create your collection and make sure you can use it with ansible-core by adding it to your :ref:`COLLECTIONS_PATHS`.
#. Create a directory ``dest`` and run ``antsibull-docs sphinx-init --use-current --dest-dir dest``, where ```` is the name of your collection.
#. Go into ``dest`` and run ``pip install -r requirements.txt``. You might want to create a venv and activate it first to avoid installing this globally.
#. Then run ``./``.
#. Open ``build/html/index.html`` in a browser of your choice.
If you want to add additional documentation to your collection next to the plugin, module, and role documentation, see :ref:`collections_doc_dir`.