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"""General purpose composite argument parsing and completion."""
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import as c
import contextlib
import dataclasses
import enum
import os
import re
import typing as t
# NOTE: When choosing delimiters, take into account Bash and argcomplete behavior.
# Recommended characters for assignment and/or continuation: `/` `:` `=`
# The recommended assignment_character list is due to how argcomplete handles continuation characters.
# see:
class Completion(Exception):
"""Base class for argument completion results."""
class CompletionUnavailable(Completion):
"""Argument completion unavailable."""
message: str = 'No completions available.'
class CompletionError(Completion):
"""Argument completion error."""
message: t.Optional[str] = None
class CompletionSuccess(Completion):
"""Successful argument completion result."""
list_mode: bool
consumed: str
continuation: str
matches: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
def preserve(self) -> bool:
True if argcomplete should not mangle completion values, otherwise False.
Only used when more than one completion exists to avoid overwriting the word undergoing completion.
return len(self.matches) > 1 and self.list_mode
def completions(self) -> list[str]:
"""List of completion values to return to argcomplete."""
completions = self.matches
continuation = '' if self.list_mode else self.continuation
if not self.preserve:
# include the existing prefix to avoid rewriting the word undergoing completion
completions = [f'{self.consumed}{completion}{continuation}' for completion in completions]
return completions
class ParserMode(enum.Enum):
"""Mode the parser is operating in."""
class ParserError(Exception):
"""Base class for all parsing exceptions."""
class ParserBoundary:
"""Boundary details for parsing composite input."""
delimiters: str
required: bool
match: t.Optional[str] = None
ready: bool = True
class ParserState:
"""State of the composite argument parser."""
mode: ParserMode
remainder: str = ''
consumed: str = ''
boundaries: list[ParserBoundary] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
namespaces: list[t.Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
parts: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)
def incomplete(self) -> bool:
"""True if parsing is incomplete (unparsed input remains), otherwise False."""
return self.remainder is not None
def match(self, value: str, choices: list[str]) -> bool:
"""Return True if the given value matches the provided choices, taking into account parsing boundaries, otherwise return False."""
if self.current_boundary:
delimiters, delimiter = self.current_boundary.delimiters, self.current_boundary.match
delimiters, delimiter = '', None
for choice in choices:
if choice.rstrip(delimiters) == choice:
# choice is not delimited
if value == choice:
return True # value matched
# choice is delimited
if f'{value}{delimiter}' == choice:
return True # value and delimiter matched
return False
def read(self) -> str:
"""Read and return the next input segment, taking into account parsing boundaries."""
delimiters = "".join(boundary.delimiters for boundary in self.boundaries)
if delimiters:
pattern = '([' + re.escape(delimiters) + '])'
regex = re.compile(pattern)
parts = regex.split(self.remainder, 1)
parts = [self.remainder]
if len(parts) > 1:
value, delimiter, remainder = parts
value, delimiter, remainder = parts[0], None, None
for boundary in reversed(self.boundaries):
if delimiter and delimiter in boundary.delimiters:
boundary.match = delimiter
self.consumed += value + delimiter
boundary.match = None
boundary.ready = False
if boundary.required:
self.remainder = remainder
return value
def root_namespace(self) -> t.Any:
"""THe root namespace."""
return self.namespaces[0]
def current_namespace(self) -> t.Any:
"""The current namespace."""
return self.namespaces[-1]
def current_boundary(self) -> t.Optional[ParserBoundary]:
"""The current parser boundary, if any, otherwise None."""
return self.boundaries[-1] if self.boundaries else None
def set_namespace(self, namespace: t.Any) -> None:
"""Set the current namespace."""
def delimit(self, delimiters: str, required: bool = True) -> c.Iterator[ParserBoundary]:
"""Context manager for delimiting parsing of input."""
boundary = ParserBoundary(delimiters=delimiters, required=required)
yield boundary
if boundary.required and not boundary.match:
raise ParserError('required delimiter not found, hit up-level delimiter or end of input instead')
class DocumentationState:
"""State of the composite argument parser's generated documentation."""
sections: dict[str, str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
class Parser(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for all composite argument parsers."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
def document(self, state: DocumentationState) -> t.Optional[str]:
"""Generate and return documentation for this parser."""
raise Exception(f'Undocumented parser: {type(self)}')
class MatchConditions(enum.Flag):
"""Acceptable condition(s) for matching user input to available choices."""
"""Match any choice."""
"""Match any non-empty string."""
"""Match an empty string which is not followed by a boundary match."""
class DynamicChoicesParser(Parser, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for composite argument parsers which use a list of choices that can be generated during completion."""
def __init__(self, conditions: MatchConditions = MatchConditions.CHOICE) -> None:
self.conditions = conditions
def get_choices(self, value: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of valid choices based on the given input value."""
def no_completion_match(self, value: str) -> CompletionUnavailable: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Return an instance of CompletionUnavailable when no match was found for the given value."""
return CompletionUnavailable()
def no_choices_available(self, value: str) -> ParserError: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Return an instance of ParserError when parsing fails and no choices are available."""
return ParserError('No choices available.')
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
value =
choices = self.get_choices(value)
if state.mode == ParserMode.PARSE or state.incomplete:
if self.conditions & MatchConditions.CHOICE and state.match(value, choices):
return value
if self.conditions & MatchConditions.ANY and value:
return value
if self.conditions & MatchConditions.NOTHING and not value and state.current_boundary and not state.current_boundary.match:
return value
if state.mode == ParserMode.PARSE:
if choices:
raise ParserError(f'"{value}" not in: {", ".join(choices)}')
raise self.no_choices_available(value)
raise CompletionUnavailable()
matches = [choice for choice in choices if choice.startswith(value)]
if not matches:
raise self.no_completion_match(value)
continuation = state.current_boundary.delimiters if state.current_boundary and state.current_boundary.required else ''
raise CompletionSuccess(
list_mode=state.mode == ParserMode.LIST,
class ChoicesParser(DynamicChoicesParser):
"""Composite argument parser which relies on a static list of choices."""
def __init__(self, choices: list[str], conditions: MatchConditions = MatchConditions.CHOICE) -> None:
self.choices = choices
def get_choices(self, value: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of valid choices based on the given input value."""
return self.choices
def document(self, state: DocumentationState) -> t.Optional[str]:
"""Generate and return documentation for this parser."""
return '|'.join(self.choices)
class IntegerParser(DynamicChoicesParser):
"""Composite argument parser for integers."""
PATTERN = re.compile('^[1-9][0-9]*$')
def __init__(self, maximum: t.Optional[int] = None) -> None:
self.maximum = maximum
def get_choices(self, value: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of valid choices based on the given input value."""
if not value:
numbers = list(range(1, 10))
int_prefix = int(value)
base = int_prefix * 10
numbers = [int_prefix] + [base + i for i in range(0, 10)]
numbers = []
# NOTE: the minimum is currently fixed at 1
if self.maximum is not None:
numbers = [n for n in numbers if n <= self.maximum]
return [str(n) for n in numbers]
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
value = super().parse(state)
return int(value)
def document(self, state: DocumentationState) -> t.Optional[str]:
"""Generate and return documentation for this parser."""
return '{integer}'
class BooleanParser(ChoicesParser):
"""Composite argument parser for boolean (yes/no) values."""
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(['yes', 'no'])
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> bool:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
value = super().parse(state)
return value == 'yes'
class AnyParser(ChoicesParser):
"""Composite argument parser which accepts any input value."""
def __init__(self, nothing: bool = False, no_match_message: t.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
self.no_match_message = no_match_message
conditions = MatchConditions.ANY
if nothing:
conditions |= MatchConditions.NOTHING
super().__init__([], conditions=conditions)
def no_completion_match(self, value: str) -> CompletionUnavailable:
"""Return an instance of CompletionUnavailable when no match was found for the given value."""
if self.no_match_message:
return CompletionUnavailable(message=self.no_match_message)
return super().no_completion_match(value)
def no_choices_available(self, value: str) -> ParserError:
"""Return an instance of ParserError when parsing fails and no choices are available."""
if self.no_match_message:
return ParserError(self.no_match_message)
return super().no_choices_available(value)
class RelativePathNameParser(DynamicChoicesParser):
"""Composite argument parser for relative path names."""
RELATIVE_NAMES = ['.', '..']
def __init__(self, choices: list[str]) -> None:
self.choices = choices
def get_choices(self, value: str) -> list[str]:
"""Return a list of valid choices based on the given input value."""
choices = list(self.choices)
if value in self.RELATIVE_NAMES:
# complete relative names, but avoid suggesting them unless the current name is relative
# unfortunately this will be sorted in reverse of what bash presents ("../ ./" instead of "./ ../")
choices.extend(f'{item}{PATH_DELIMITER}' for item in self.RELATIVE_NAMES)
return choices
class FileParser(Parser):
"""Composite argument parser for absolute or relative file paths."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> str:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
if state.mode == ParserMode.PARSE:
path = AnyParser().parse(state)
if not os.path.isfile(path):
raise ParserError(f'Not a file: {path}')
path = ''
with state.delimit(PATH_DELIMITER, required=False) as boundary: # type: ParserBoundary
while boundary.ready:
directory = path or '.'
with os.scandir(directory) as scan: # type: c.Iterator[os.DirEntry]
choices = [f'{}{PATH_DELIMITER}' if item.is_dir() else for item in scan]
except OSError:
choices = []
if not path:
choices.append(PATH_DELIMITER) # allow absolute paths
choices.append('../') # suggest relative paths
part = RelativePathNameParser(choices).parse(state)
path += f'{part}{boundary.match or ""}'
return path
class AbsolutePathParser(Parser):
"""Composite argument parser for absolute file paths. Paths are only verified for proper syntax, not for existence."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
path = ''
with state.delimit(PATH_DELIMITER, required=False) as boundary: # type: ParserBoundary
while boundary.ready:
if path:
path += AnyParser(nothing=True).parse(state)
path += ChoicesParser([PATH_DELIMITER]).parse(state)
path += (boundary.match or '')
return path
class NamespaceParser(Parser, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for composite argument parsers that store their results in a namespace."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
namespace = state.current_namespace
current = getattr(namespace, self.dest)
if current and self.limit_one:
if state.mode == ParserMode.PARSE:
raise ParserError('Option cannot be specified more than once.')
raise CompletionError('Option cannot be specified more than once.')
value = self.get_value(state)
if self.use_list:
if not current:
current = []
setattr(namespace, self.dest, current)
setattr(namespace, self.dest, value)
return value
def get_value(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result, without storing the result in the namespace."""
return super().parse(state)
def use_list(self) -> bool:
"""True if the destination is a list, otherwise False."""
return False
def limit_one(self) -> bool:
"""True if only one target is allowed, otherwise False."""
return not self.use_list
def dest(self) -> str:
"""The name of the attribute where the value should be stored."""
class NamespaceWrappedParser(NamespaceParser):
"""Composite argument parser that wraps a non-namespace parser and stores the result in a namespace."""
def __init__(self, dest: str, parser: Parser) -> None:
self._dest = dest
self.parser = parser
def get_value(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result, without storing the result in the namespace."""
return self.parser.parse(state)
def dest(self) -> str:
"""The name of the attribute where the value should be stored."""
return self._dest
class KeyValueParser(Parser, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for key/value composite argument parsers."""
def get_parsers(self, state: ParserState) -> dict[str, Parser]:
"""Return a dictionary of key names and value parsers."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
namespace = state.current_namespace
parsers = self.get_parsers(state)
keys = list(parsers)
with state.delimit(PAIR_DELIMITER, required=False) as pair: # type: ParserBoundary
while pair.ready:
with state.delimit(ASSIGNMENT_DELIMITER):
key = ChoicesParser(keys).parse(state)
value = parsers[key].parse(state)
setattr(namespace, key, value)
return namespace
class PairParser(Parser, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for composite argument parsers consisting of a left and right argument parser, with input separated by a delimiter."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
namespace = self.create_namespace()
with state.delimit(self.delimiter, self.required) as boundary: # type: ParserBoundary
choice = self.get_left_parser(state).parse(state)
if boundary.match:
return namespace
def required(self) -> bool:
"""True if the delimiter (and thus right parser) is required, otherwise False."""
return False
def delimiter(self) -> str:
"""The delimiter to use between the left and right parser."""
def create_namespace(self) -> t.Any:
"""Create and return a namespace."""
def get_left_parser(self, state: ParserState) -> Parser:
"""Return the parser for the left side."""
def get_right_parser(self, choice: t.Any) -> Parser:
"""Return the parser for the right side."""
class TypeParser(Parser, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
"""Base class for composite argument parsers which parse a type name, a colon and then parse results based on the type given by the type name."""
def get_parsers(self, state: ParserState) -> dict[str, Parser]: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
"""Return a dictionary of type names and type parsers."""
return self.get_stateless_parsers()
def get_stateless_parsers(self) -> dict[str, Parser]:
"""Return a dictionary of type names and type parsers."""
def parse(self, state: ParserState) -> t.Any:
"""Parse the input from the given state and return the result."""
parsers = self.get_parsers(state)
with state.delimit(':'):
key = ChoicesParser(list(parsers)).parse(state)
value = parsers[key].parse(state)
return value