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.. _porting_2.8_guide:
Ansible 2.8 Porting Guide
This section discusses the behavioral changes between Ansible 2.7 and Ansible 2.8.
It is intended to assist in updating your playbooks, plugins and other parts of your Ansible infrastructure so they will work with this version of Ansible.
We suggest you read this page along with `Ansible Changelog for 2.8 <>`_ to understand what updates you may need to make.
This document is part of a collection on porting. The complete list of porting guides can be found at :ref:`porting guides <porting_guides>`.
.. contents:: Topics
Distribution Facts
The information returned for the ``ansible_distribution_*`` group of facts may have changed
slightly. Ansible 2.8 uses a new backend library for information about distributions: `nir0s/distro <>`_. This library runs on Python-3.8 and fixes many bugs, including correcting release and version names.
The two facts used in playbooks most often, ``ansible_distribution`` and ``ansible_distribution_major_version``, should not change. If you discover a change in these facts, please file a bug so we can address the
difference. However, other facts like ``ansible_distribution_release`` and
``ansible_distribution_version`` may change as erroneous information gets corrected.
Command Line
Become Prompting
Beginning in version 2.8, by default Ansible will use the word ``BECOME`` to prompt you for a password for elevated privileges (``sudo`` privileges on unix systems or ``enable`` mode on network devices):
By default in Ansible 2.8::
ansible-playbook --become --ask-become-pass site.yml
BECOME password:
If you want the prompt to display the specific ``become_method`` you're using, instead of the agnostic value ``BECOME``, set :ref:`AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT` to ``False`` in your Ansible configuration.
By default in Ansible 2.7, or with ``AGNOSTIC_BECOME_PROMPT=False`` in Ansible 2.8::
ansible-playbook --become --ask-become-pass site.yml
SUDO password:
* Setting the async directory using ``ANSIBLE_ASYNC_DIR`` as an task/play environment key is deprecated and will be
removed in Ansible 2.12. You can achieve the same result by setting ``ansible_async_dir`` as a variable like::
- name: run task with custom async directory
command: sleep 5
async: 10
ansible_aync_dir: /tmp/.ansible_async
* Plugin writers who need a ``FactCache`` object should be aware of two deprecations:
1. The ``FactCache`` class has moved from ``ansible.plugins.cache.FactCache`` to
``ansible.vars.fact_cache.FactCache``. This is because the ``FactCache`` is not part of the
cache plugin API and cache plugin authors should not be subclassing it. ``FactCache`` is still
available from its old location but will issue a deprecation warning when used from there. The
old location will be removed in Ansible 2.12.
2. The ``FactCache.update()`` method has been converted to follow the dict API. It now takes a
dictionary as its sole argument and updates itself with the dictionary's items. The previous
API where ``update()`` took a key and a value will now issue a deprecation warning and will be
removed in 2.12. If you need the old behaviour switch to ``FactCache.first_order_merge()``
Major changes in popular modules are detailed here
The exec wrapper that runs PowerShell modules has been changed to set ``$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"`` globally.
This may mean that custom modules can fail if they implicitly relied on this behaviour. To get the old behaviour back,
add ``$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"`` to the top of the module. This change was made to restore the old behaviour
of the EAP that was accidentally removed in a previous release and ensure that modules are more resiliant to errors
that may occur in execution.
Modules removed
The following modules no longer exist:
* ec2_remote_facts
* azure
* cs_nic
* netscaler
* win_msi
Deprecation notices
The following modules will be removed in Ansible 2.12. Please update your playbooks accordingly.
* ``foreman`` use <> instead.
* ``katello`` use <> instead.
* ``github_hooks`` use :ref:`github_webhook <github_webhook_module>` and :ref:`github_webhook_facts <github_webhook_facts_module>` instead.
Noteworthy module changes
* The ``foreman`` and ``katello`` modules have been deprecated in favor of a set of modules that are broken out per entity with better idempotency in mind.
* The ``foreman`` and ``katello`` modules replacement is officially part of the Foreman Community and supported there.
* The ``tower_credential`` module originally required the ``ssh_key_data`` to be the path to a ssh_key_file.
In order to work like Tower/AWX, ``ssh_key_data`` now contains the content of the file.
The previous behavior can be achieved with ``lookup('file', '/path/to/file')``.
* The ``win_scheduled_task`` module deprecated support for specifying a trigger repetition as a list and this format
will be removed in Ansible 2.12. Instead specify the repetition as a dictionary value.
* The ``win_feature`` module has removed the deprecated ``restart_needed`` return value, use the standardised
``reboot_required`` value instead.
* The ``win_package`` module has removed the deprecated ``restart_required`` and ``exit_code`` return value, use the
standardised ``reboot_required`` and ``rc`` value instead.
* The ``win_get_url`` module has removed the deprecated ``win_get_url`` return dictionary, contained values are
returned directly.
* The ``win_get_url`` module has removed the deprecated ``skip_certificate_validation`` option, use the standardised
``validate_certs`` option instead.
* The ``vmware_local_role_facts`` module now returns a list of dicts instead of a dict of dicts for role information.
* If ``docker_network`` or ``docker_volume`` were called with ``diff: yes``, ``check_mode: yes`` or ``debug: yes``,
a return value called ``diff`` was returned of type ``list``. To enable proper diff output, this was changed to
type ``dict``; the original ``list`` is returned as ``diff.differences``.
* The ``na_ontap_cluster_peer`` module has replaced ``source_intercluster_lif`` and ``dest_intercluster_lif`` string options with
``source_intercluster_lifs`` and ``dest_intercluster_lifs`` list options
* The ``modprobe`` module now detects kernel builtins. Previously, attempting to remove (with ``state: absent``)
a builtin kernel module succeeded without any error message because ``modprobe`` did not detect the module as
``present``. Now, ``modprobe`` will fail if a kernel module is builtin and ``state: absent`` (with an error message
from the modprobe binary like ``modprobe: ERROR: Module nfs is builtin.``), and it will succeed without reporting
changed if ``state: present``. Any playbooks that are using ``changed_when: no`` to mask this quirk can safely
remove that workaround. To get the previous behavior when applying ``state: absent`` to a builtin kernel module,
use ``failed_when: false`` or ``ignore_errors: true`` in your playbook.
* The ``powershell`` shell plugin now uses ``async_dir`` to define the async path for the results file and the default
has changed to ``%USERPROFILE%\.ansible_async``. To control this path now, either set the ``ansible_async_dir``
variable or the ``async_dir`` value in the ``powershell`` section of the config ini.
* Order of enabled inventory plugins (:ref:`INVENTORY_ENABLED`) has been updated, :ref:`auto <auto_inventory>` is now before :ref:`yaml <yaml_inventory>` and :ref:`ini <ini_inventory>`.
* The private ``_options`` attribute has been removed from the ``CallbackBase`` class of callback
plugins. If you have a third-party callback plugin which needs to access the command line arguments,
use code like the following instead of trying to use ``self._options``:
.. code-block:: python
from ansible import context
tags = context.CLIARGS['tags']
``context.CLIARGS`` is a read-only dictionary so normal dictionary retrieval methods like
``CLIARGS.get('tags')`` and ``CLIARGS['tags']`` work as expected but you won't be able to modify
the cli arguments at all.
Porting custom scripts
Display class
As of Ansible 2.8, the ``Display`` class is now a "singleton". Instead of using ``__main__.display`` each file should
import and instantiate ``ansible.utils.display.Display`` on it's own.
**OLD** In Ansible 2.7 (and earlier) the following was used to access the ``display`` object:
.. code-block:: python
from __main__ import display
except ImportError:
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
**NEW** In Ansible 2.8 the following should be used:
.. code-block:: python
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
No notable changes.