You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# (c) 2019 Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
# CAUTION: There are two implementations of the collection loader.
# They must be kept functionally identical, although their implementations may differ.
# 1) The controller implementation resides in the "lib/ansible/utils/collection_loader/" directory.
# It must function on all Python versions supported on the controller.
# 2) The ansible-test implementation resides in the "test/lib/ansible_test/_util/target/legacy_collection_loader/" directory.
# It must function on all Python versions supported on managed hosts which are not supported by the controller.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_text
class _EventSource:
def __init__(self):
self._handlers = set()
def __iadd__(self, handler):
if not callable(handler):
raise ValueError('handler must be callable')
return self
def __isub__(self, handler):
except KeyError:
return self
def _on_exception(self, handler, exc, *args, **kwargs):
# if we return True, we want the caller to re-raise
return True
def fire(self, *args, **kwargs):
for h in self._handlers:
h(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as ex:
if self._on_exception(h, ex, *args, **kwargs):
class _AnsibleCollectionConfig(type):
def __init__(cls, meta, name, bases):
cls._collection_finder = None
cls._default_collection = None
cls._on_collection_load = _EventSource()
def collection_finder(cls):
return cls._collection_finder
def collection_finder(cls, value):
if cls._collection_finder:
raise ValueError('an AnsibleCollectionFinder has already been configured')
cls._collection_finder = value
def collection_paths(cls):
return [to_text(p) for p in cls._collection_finder._n_collection_paths]
def default_collection(cls):
return cls._default_collection
def default_collection(cls, value):
cls._default_collection = value
def on_collection_load(cls):
return cls._on_collection_load
def on_collection_load(cls, value):
if value is not cls._on_collection_load:
raise ValueError('on_collection_load is not directly settable (use +=)')
def playbook_paths(cls):
return [to_text(p) for p in cls._collection_finder._n_playbook_paths]
def playbook_paths(cls, value):
def _require_finder(cls):
if not cls._collection_finder:
raise NotImplementedError('an AnsibleCollectionFinder has not been installed in this process')
# concrete class of our metaclass type that defines the class properties we want
class AnsibleCollectionConfig(metaclass=_AnsibleCollectionConfig):