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import pytest
from units.compat.mock import MagicMock
from ansible.module_utils.k8s.common import K8sAnsibleMixin
from ansible.module_utils.k8s.raw import KubernetesRawModule
from ansible.module_utils.kubevirt import KubeVirtRawModule
import openshift.dynamic
RESOURCE_DEFAULT_ARGS = {'api_version': 'v1alpha3', 'group': '',
'prefix': 'apis', 'namespaced': True}
class AnsibleExitJson(Exception):
"""Exception class to be raised by module.exit_json and caught
by the test case"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k in kwargs:
setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
def __getitem__(self, attr):
return getattr(self, attr)
class AnsibleFailJson(Exception):
"""Exception class to be raised by module.fail_json and caught
by the test case"""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k in kwargs:
setattr(self, k, kwargs[k])
def __getitem__(self, attr):
return getattr(self, attr)
def exit_json(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs['success'] = True
if 'changed' not in kwargs:
kwargs['changed'] = False
raise AnsibleExitJson(**kwargs)
def fail_json(*args, **kwargs):
kwargs['success'] = False
raise AnsibleFailJson(**kwargs)
def base_fixture(monkeypatch):
KubernetesRawModule, "exit_json", exit_json)
KubernetesRawModule, "fail_json", fail_json)
# Create mock methods in Resource directly, otherwise dyn client
# tries binding those to corresponding methods in DynamicClient
# (with partial()), which is more problematic to intercept
openshift.dynamic.Resource.get = MagicMock()
openshift.dynamic.Resource.create = MagicMock()
openshift.dynamic.Resource.delete = MagicMock()
openshift.dynamic.Resource.patch = MagicMock() = MagicMock() = MagicMock()
# Globally mock some methods, since all tests will use this
KubernetesRawModule.patch_resource = MagicMock()
KubernetesRawModule.patch_resource.return_value = ({}, None)
K8sAnsibleMixin.get_api_client = MagicMock()
K8sAnsibleMixin.get_api_client.return_value = None
K8sAnsibleMixin.find_resource = MagicMock()
KubeVirtRawModule.find_supported_resource = MagicMock()