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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
export ANSIBLE_VARS_PLUGINS=./vars_plugins
# Test vars plugin without REQUIRES_ENABLED class attr and vars plugin with REQUIRES_ENABLED = False run by default
[ "$(ansible-inventory -i localhost, --list --yaml all "$@" | grep -Ec '(implicitly|explicitly)_auto_enabled')" = "2" ]
# Test vars plugin with REQUIRES_ENABLED=True only runs when enabled
[ "$(ansible-inventory -i localhost, --list --yaml all "$@" | grep -Ec 'require_enabled')" = "0" ]
export ANSIBLE_VARS_ENABLED=require_enabled
[ "$(ansible-inventory -i localhost, --list --yaml all "$@" | grep -c 'require_enabled')" = "1" ]
# Test deprecated features
export ANSIBLE_VARS_PLUGINS=./deprecation_warning
WARNING_1="The VarsModule class variable 'REQUIRES_WHITELIST' is deprecated. Use 'REQUIRES_ENABLED' instead."
WARNING_2="The vars plugin v2_vars_plugin .* is relying on the deprecated entrypoints 'get_host_vars' and 'get_group_vars'"
ansible-inventory -i localhost, --list all "$@" 2> err.txt
for WARNING in "$WARNING_1" "$WARNING_2"; do
ansible localhost -m debug -a "msg={{ lookup('file', 'err.txt') | regex_replace('\n', '') }}" | grep "$WARNING"
# Test how many times vars plugins are loaded for a simple play containing a task
# host_group_vars is stateless, so we can load it once and reuse it, every other vars plugin should be instantiated before it runs
cat << EOF > "test_task_vars.yml"
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- debug:
# hide the debug noise by dumping to a file
trap 'rm -rf -- "out.txt"' EXIT
ANSIBLE_DEBUG=True ansible-playbook test_task_vars.yml > out.txt
[ "$(grep -c "Loading VarsModule 'host_group_vars'" out.txt)" -eq 1 ]
[ "$(grep -c "Loading VarsModule 'require_enabled'" out.txt)" -gt 50 ]
[ "$(grep -c "Loading VarsModule 'auto_enabled'" out.txt)" -gt 50 ]
export ANSIBLE_VARS_ENABLED=ansible.builtin.host_group_vars
ANSIBLE_DEBUG=True ansible-playbook test_task_vars.yml > out.txt
[ "$(grep -c "Loading VarsModule 'host_group_vars'" out.txt)" -eq 1 ]
[ "$(grep -c "Loading VarsModule 'require_enabled'" out.txt)" -lt 3 ]
[ "$(grep -c "Loading VarsModule 'auto_enabled'" out.txt)" -gt 50 ]