You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
ansible-playbook test.yml -i inventory "$@"
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
# test module docs from collection
current_out="$(ansible-doc --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol.fakemodule)"
expected_out="$(cat fakemodule.output)"
test "$current_out" == "$expected_out"
# test listing diff plugin types from collection
for ptype in cache inventory lookup vars
# each plugin type adds 1 from collection
# FIXME pre=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype}|wc -l)
# FIXME post=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./|wc -l)
# FIXME test "$pre" -eq $((post - 1))
# ensure we ONLY list from the collection
justcol=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./ testns.testcol|wc -l)
test "$justcol" -eq 1
# ensure we get 0 plugins when restricting to collection, but not supplying it
justcol=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} testns.testcol|wc -l)
test "$justcol" -eq 0
# ensure we get 1 plugins when restricting namespace
justcol=$(ansible-doc -l -t ${ptype} --playbook-dir ./ testns|wc -l)
test "$justcol" -eq 1