You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1376 lines
53 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component.
# This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed.
# Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible
# still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license
# to the complete work.
# Copyright (c), Michael DeHaan <>, 2012-2013
# Copyright (c), Toshio Kuratomi <>, 2015
# Copyright: Contributors to the Ansible project
# Simplified BSD License (see licenses/simplified_bsd.txt or
The **urls** utils module offers a replacement for the urllib python library.
urllib is the python stdlib way to retrieve files from the Internet but it
lacks some security features (around verifying SSL certificates) that users
should care about in most situations. Using the functions in this module corrects
deficiencies in the urllib module wherever possible.
There are also third-party libraries (for instance, requests) which can be used
to replace urllib with a more secure library. However, all third party libraries
require that the library be installed on the managed machine. That is an extra step
for users making use of a module. If possible, avoid third party libraries by using
this code instead.
from __future__ import annotations
import base64
import email.mime.application
import email.mime.multipart
import email.mime.nonmultipart
import email.parser
import email.policy
import email.utils
import http.client
import mimetypes
import netrc
import os
import platform
import re
import socket
import tempfile
import traceback
import types # pylint: disable=unused-import
import urllib.error
import urllib.request
from contextlib import contextmanager
from http import cookiejar
from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse, urlunparse
from urllib.request import BaseHandler
import gzip
except ImportError:
HAS_GZIP = False
GZIP_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
GzipFile = object
GzipFile = gzip.GzipFile # type: ignore[assignment,misc]
from ansible.module_utils.basic import missing_required_lib
from ansible.module_utils.common.collections import Mapping, is_sequence
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
import ssl
HAS_SSL = True
except Exception:
HAS_SSL = False
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.exceptions import UnsupportedAlgorithm
except ImportError:
# Old import for GSSAPI authentication, this is not used in but kept for backwards compatibility.
import urllib_gssapi # pylint: disable=unused-import
except ImportError:
import gssapi
class HTTPGSSAPIAuthHandler(BaseHandler):
""" Handles Negotiate/Kerberos support through the gssapi library. """
AUTH_HEADER_PATTERN = re.compile(r'(?:.*)\s*(Negotiate|Kerberos)\s*([^,]*),?', re.I)
handler_order = 480 # Handle before Digest authentication
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None):
self.username = username
self.password = password
self._context = None
def get_auth_value(self, headers):
auth_match ='www-authenticate', ''))
if auth_match:
return, base64.b64decode(
def http_error_401(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers):
# If we've already attempted the auth and we've reached this again then there was a failure.
if self._context:
parsed = urlparse(req.get_full_url())
auth_header = self.get_auth_value(headers)
if not auth_header:
auth_protocol, in_token = auth_header
username = None
if self.username:
username = gssapi.Name(self.username, name_type=gssapi.NameType.user)
if username and self.password:
if not hasattr(gssapi.raw, 'acquire_cred_with_password'):
raise NotImplementedError("Platform GSSAPI library does not support "
"gss_acquire_cred_with_password, cannot acquire GSSAPI credential with "
"explicit username and password.")
b_password = to_bytes(self.password, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
cred = gssapi.raw.acquire_cred_with_password(username, b_password, usage='initiate').creds
cred = gssapi.Credentials(name=username, usage='initiate')
# Get the peer certificate for the channel binding token if possible (HTTPS). A bug on macOS causes the
# authentication to fail when the CBT is present. Just skip that platform.
cbt = None
cert = getpeercert(fp, True)
if cert and platform.system() != 'Darwin':
cert_hash = get_channel_binding_cert_hash(cert)
if cert_hash:
cbt = gssapi.raw.ChannelBindings(application_data=b"tls-server-end-point:" + cert_hash)
# TODO: We could add another option that is set to include the port in the SPN if desired in the future.
target = gssapi.Name("HTTP@%s" % parsed.hostname, gssapi.NameType.hostbased_service)
self._context = gssapi.SecurityContext(usage="initiate", name=target, creds=cred, channel_bindings=cbt)
resp = None
while not self._context.complete:
out_token = self._context.step(in_token)
if not out_token:
auth_header = '%s %s' % (auth_protocol, to_native(base64.b64encode(out_token)))
req.add_unredirected_header('Authorization', auth_header)
resp =
# The response could contain a token that the client uses to validate the server
auth_header = self.get_auth_value(resp.headers)
if not auth_header:
in_token = auth_header[1]
return resp
except ImportError:
GSSAPI_IMP_ERR = traceback.format_exc()
HTTPGSSAPIAuthHandler = None # type: types.ModuleType | None # type: ignore[no-redef]
PEM_CERT_RE = re.compile(
r'^-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n.+?-----END CERTIFICATE-----$',
flags=re.M | re.S
# Exceptions
class ConnectionError(Exception):
"""Failed to connect to the server"""
class ProxyError(ConnectionError):
"""Failure to connect because of a proxy"""
class SSLValidationError(ConnectionError):
"""Failure to connect due to SSL validation failing
No longer used, but kept for backwards compatibility
class NoSSLError(SSLValidationError):
"""Needed to connect to an HTTPS url but no ssl library available to verify the certificate
No longer used, but kept for backwards compatibility
class MissingModuleError(Exception):
"""Failed to import 3rd party module required by the caller"""
def __init__(self, message, import_traceback, module=None):
self.import_traceback = import_traceback
self.module = module
UnixHTTPSHandler = None
UnixHTTPSConnection = None
def unix_socket_patch_httpconnection_connect():
'''Monkey patch ``http.client.HTTPConnection.connect`` to be ``UnixHTTPConnection.connect``
so that when calling ``super(UnixHTTPSConnection, self).connect()`` we get the
correct behavior of creating self.sock for the unix socket
_connect = http.client.HTTPConnection.connect
http.client.HTTPConnection.connect = UnixHTTPConnection.connect
http.client.HTTPConnection.connect = _connect
class UnixHTTPSConnection(http.client.HTTPSConnection): # type: ignore[no-redef]
def __init__(self, unix_socket):
self._unix_socket = unix_socket
def connect(self):
# This method exists simply to ensure we monkeypatch
# http.client.HTTPConnection.connect to call UnixHTTPConnection.connect
with unix_socket_patch_httpconnection_connect():
# Disable pylint check for the super() call. It complains about UnixHTTPSConnection
# being a NoneType because of the initial definition above, but it won't actually
# be a NoneType when this code runs
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return self
class UnixHTTPSHandler(urllib.request.HTTPSHandler): # type: ignore[no-redef]
def __init__(self, unix_socket, **kwargs):
self._unix_socket = unix_socket
def https_open(self, req):
kwargs = {}
# deprecated: description='deprecated check_hostname' python_version='3.12'
kwargs['check_hostname'] = self._check_hostname
except AttributeError:
return self.do_open(
class UnixHTTPConnection(http.client.HTTPConnection):
'''Handles http requests to a unix socket file'''
def __init__(self, unix_socket):
self._unix_socket = unix_socket
def connect(self):
self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
except OSError as e:
raise OSError('Invalid Socket File (%s): %s' % (self._unix_socket, e))
if self.timeout is not socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return self
class UnixHTTPHandler(urllib.request.HTTPHandler):
'''Handler for Unix urls'''
def __init__(self, unix_socket, **kwargs):
self._unix_socket = unix_socket
def http_open(self, req):
return self.do_open(UnixHTTPConnection(self._unix_socket), req)
class ParseResultDottedDict(dict):
A dict that acts similarly to the ParseResult named tuple from urllib
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
def as_list(self):
Generate a list from this dict, that looks like the ParseResult named tuple
return [self.get(k, None) for k in ('scheme', 'netloc', 'path', 'params', 'query', 'fragment')]
def generic_urlparse(parts):
Returns a dictionary of url parts as parsed by urlparse,
but accounts for the fact that older versions of that
library do not support named attributes (ie. .netloc)
This method isn't of much use any longer, but is kept
in a minimal state for backwards compat.
result = ParseResultDottedDict(parts._asdict())
'username': parts.username,
'password': parts.password,
'hostname': parts.hostname,
'port': parts.port,
return result
def extract_pem_certs(data):
for match in PEM_CERT_RE.finditer(data):
def get_response_filename(response):
url = response.geturl()
path = urlparse(url)[2]
filename = os.path.basename(path.rstrip('/')) or None
if filename:
filename = unquote(filename)
return response.headers.get_param('filename', header='content-disposition') or filename
def parse_content_type(response):
get_type = response.headers.get_content_type
get_param = response.headers.get_param
content_type = (get_type() or 'application/octet-stream').split(',')[0]
main_type, sub_type = content_type.split('/')
charset = (get_param('charset') or 'utf-8').split(',')[0]
return content_type, main_type, sub_type, charset
class GzipDecodedReader(GzipFile):
"""A file-like object to decode a response encoded with the gzip
method, as described in RFC 1952.
Largely copied from ``xmlrpclib``/``xmlrpc.client``
def __init__(self, fp):
if not HAS_GZIP:
raise MissingModuleError(self.missing_gzip_error(), import_traceback=GZIP_IMP_ERR)
self._io = fp
super().__init__(mode='rb', fileobj=self._io)
def close(self):
def missing_gzip_error():
return missing_required_lib(
reason='to decompress gzip encoded responses. '
'Set "decompress" to False, to prevent attempting auto decompression'
class HTTPRedirectHandler(urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler):
"""This is an implementation of a RedirectHandler to match the
functionality provided by httplib2. It will utilize the value of
``follow_redirects`` to determine how redirects should be handled in
def __init__(self, follow_redirects=None):
self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
return self
urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_308 # type: ignore[attr-defined]
except AttributeError:
# deprecated: description='urllib http 308 support' python_version='3.11'
http_error_308 = urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.http_error_302
def redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl):
follow_redirects = self.follow_redirects
# Preserve urllib2 compatibility
if follow_redirects in ('urllib2', 'urllib'):
return urllib.request.HTTPRedirectHandler.redirect_request(self, req, fp, code, msg, headers, newurl)
# Handle disabled redirects
elif follow_redirects in ('no', 'none', False):
raise urllib.error.HTTPError(newurl, code, msg, headers, fp)
method = req.get_method()
# Handle non-redirect HTTP status or invalid follow_redirects
if follow_redirects in ('all', 'yes', True):
if code < 300 or code >= 400:
raise urllib.error.HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, headers, fp)
elif follow_redirects == 'safe':
if code < 300 or code >= 400 or method not in ('GET', 'HEAD'):
raise urllib.error.HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, headers, fp)
raise urllib.error.HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, headers, fp)
data =
origin_req_host = req.origin_req_host
# Be conciliant with URIs containing a space
newurl = newurl.replace(' ', '%20')
# Support redirect with payload and original headers
if code in (307, 308):
# Preserve payload and headers
req_headers = req.headers
# Do not preserve payload and filter headers
data = None
req_headers = {k: v for k, v in req.headers.items()
if k.lower() not in ("content-length", "content-type", "transfer-encoding")}
if code == 303 and method != 'HEAD':
method = 'GET'
# Do what the browsers do, despite standards...
# First, turn 302s into GETs.
if code == 302 and method != 'HEAD':
method = 'GET'
# Second, if a POST is responded to with a 301, turn it into a GET.
if code == 301 and method == 'POST':
method = 'GET'
return urllib.request.Request(
def make_context(cafile=None, cadata=None, capath=None, ciphers=None, validate_certs=True, client_cert=None,
if ciphers is None:
ciphers = []
if not is_sequence(ciphers):
raise TypeError('Ciphers must be a list. Got %s.' % ciphers.__class__.__name__)
context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile=cafile)
if not validate_certs:
context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
context.check_hostname = False
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
# If cafile is passed, we are only using that for verification,
# don't add additional ca certs
if validate_certs and not cafile:
if not cadata:
cadata = bytearray()
if cadata:
if ciphers:
context.set_ciphers(':'.join(map(to_native, ciphers)))
if client_cert:
# TLS 1.3 needs this to be set to True to allow post handshake cert
# authentication. This functionality was added in Python 3.8 and was
# backported to 3.6.7, and 3.7.1 so needs a check for now.
if hasattr(context, "post_handshake_auth"):
context.post_handshake_auth = True
context.load_cert_chain(client_cert, keyfile=client_key)
return context
def get_ca_certs(cafile=None, capath=None):
# tries to find a valid CA cert in one of the
# standard locations for the current distribution
# Using a dict, instead of a set for order, the value is meaningless and will be None
# Not directly using a bytearray to avoid duplicates with fast lookup
cadata = {}
# If cafile is passed, we are only using that for verification,
# don't add additional ca certs
if cafile:
paths_checked = [cafile]
with open(to_bytes(cafile, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'r', errors='surrogateescape') as f:
for pem in extract_pem_certs(
b_der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem)
cadata[b_der] = None
return bytearray().join(cadata), paths_checked
default_verify_paths = ssl.get_default_verify_paths()
default_capath = default_verify_paths.capath
paths_checked = {default_capath or default_verify_paths.cafile}
if capath:
system = to_text(platform.system(), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
# build a list of paths to check for .crt/.pem files
# based on the platform type
if system == u'Linux':
elif system == u'FreeBSD':
elif system == u'OpenBSD':
elif system == u'NetBSD':
elif system == u'SunOS':
elif system == u'AIX':
elif system == u'Darwin':
# fall back to a user-deployed cert in a standard
# location if the OS platform one is not available
# for all of the paths, find any .crt or .pem files
# and compile them into single temp file for use
# in the ssl check to speed up the test
for path in paths_checked:
if not path or path == default_capath or not os.path.isdir(path):
for f in os.listdir(path):
full_path = os.path.join(path, f)
if os.path.isfile(full_path) and os.path.splitext(f)[1] in {'.pem', '.cer', '.crt'}:
with open(full_path, 'r', errors='surrogateescape') as cert_file:
cert =
for pem in extract_pem_certs(cert):
b_der = ssl.PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem)
cadata[b_der] = None
except Exception:
except (OSError, IOError):
# paths_checked isn't used any more, but is kept just for ease of debugging
return bytearray().join(cadata), list(paths_checked)
def getpeercert(response, binary_form=False):
""" Attempt to get the peer certificate of the response from urlopen. """
socket = response.fp.raw._sock
return socket.getpeercert(binary_form)
except AttributeError:
pass # Not HTTPS
def get_channel_binding_cert_hash(certificate_der):
""" Gets the channel binding app data for a TLS connection using the peer cert. """
# Logic documented in RFC 5929 section 4
cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(certificate_der, default_backend())
hash_algorithm = None
hash_algorithm = cert.signature_hash_algorithm
except UnsupportedAlgorithm:
# If the signature hash algorithm is unknown/unsupported or md5/sha1 we must use SHA256.
if not hash_algorithm or in ('md5', 'sha1'):
hash_algorithm = hashes.SHA256()
digest = hashes.Hash(hash_algorithm, default_backend())
return digest.finalize()
def rfc2822_date_string(timetuple, zone='-0000'):
"""Accepts a timetuple and optional zone which defaults to ``-0000``
and returns a date string as specified by RFC 2822, e.g.:
Fri, 09 Nov 2001 01:08:47 -0000
Copied from email.utils.formatdate and modified for separate use
return '%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %s' % (
['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'][timetuple[6]],
['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'][timetuple[1] - 1],
timetuple[0], timetuple[3], timetuple[4], timetuple[5],
def _configure_auth(url, url_username, url_password, use_gssapi, force_basic_auth, use_netrc):
headers = {}
handlers = []
parsed = urlparse(url)
if parsed.scheme == 'ftp':
return url, headers, handlers
username = url_username
password = url_password
if username:
netloc = parsed.netloc
elif '@' in parsed.netloc:
credentials, netloc = parsed.netloc.split('@', 1)
if ':' in credentials:
username, password = credentials.split(':', 1)
username = credentials
password = ''
username = unquote(username)
password = unquote(password)
# reconstruct url without credentials
url = urlunparse(parsed._replace(netloc=netloc))
if use_gssapi:
if HTTPGSSAPIAuthHandler: # type: ignore[truthy-function]
handlers.append(HTTPGSSAPIAuthHandler(username, password))
imp_err_msg = missing_required_lib('gssapi', reason='for use_gssapi=True',
raise MissingModuleError(imp_err_msg, import_traceback=GSSAPI_IMP_ERR)
elif username and not force_basic_auth:
passman = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm()
# this creates a password manager
passman.add_password(None, netloc, username, password)
# because we have put None at the start it will always
# use this username/password combination for urls
# for which `theurl` is a super-url
authhandler = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(passman)
digest_authhandler = urllib.request.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(passman)
# create the AuthHandler
elif username and force_basic_auth:
headers["Authorization"] = basic_auth_header(username, password)
elif use_netrc:
rc = netrc.netrc(os.environ.get('NETRC'))
login = rc.authenticators(parsed.hostname)
except IOError:
login = None
if login:
username, dummy, password = login
if username and password:
headers["Authorization"] = basic_auth_header(username, password)
return url, headers, handlers
class Request:
def __init__(self, headers=None, use_proxy=True, force=False, timeout=10, validate_certs=True,
url_username=None, url_password=None, http_agent=None, force_basic_auth=False,
follow_redirects='urllib2', client_cert=None, client_key=None, cookies=None, unix_socket=None,
ca_path=None, unredirected_headers=None, decompress=True, ciphers=None, use_netrc=True,
"""This class works somewhat similarly to the ``Session`` class of from requests
by defining a cookiejar that can be used across requests as well as cascaded defaults that
can apply to repeated requests
For documentation of params, see ````
>>> from ansible.module_utils.urls import Request
>>> r = Request()
>>>'GET', '').read()
'{\n "cookies": {\n "k1": "v1"\n }\n}\n'
>>> r = Request(url_username='user', url_password='passwd')
>>>'GET', '').read()
'{\n "authenticated": true, \n "user": "user"\n}\n'
>>> r = Request(headers=dict(foo='bar'))
>>>'GET', '', headers=dict(baz='qux')).read()
self.headers = headers or {}
if not isinstance(self.headers, dict):
raise ValueError("headers must be a dict: %r" % self.headers)
self.use_proxy = use_proxy
self.force = force
self.timeout = timeout
self.validate_certs = validate_certs
self.url_username = url_username
self.url_password = url_password
self.http_agent = http_agent
self.force_basic_auth = force_basic_auth
self.follow_redirects = follow_redirects
self.client_cert = client_cert
self.client_key = client_key
self.unix_socket = unix_socket
self.ca_path = ca_path
self.unredirected_headers = unredirected_headers
self.decompress = decompress
self.ciphers = ciphers
self.use_netrc = use_netrc
self.context = context
if isinstance(cookies, cookiejar.CookieJar):
self.cookies = cookies
self.cookies = cookiejar.CookieJar()
def _fallback(self, value, fallback):
if value is None:
return fallback
return value
def open(self, method, url, data=None, headers=None, use_proxy=None,
force=None, last_mod_time=None, timeout=None, validate_certs=None,
url_username=None, url_password=None, http_agent=None,
force_basic_auth=None, follow_redirects=None,
client_cert=None, client_key=None, cookies=None, use_gssapi=False,
unix_socket=None, ca_path=None, unredirected_headers=None, decompress=None,
ciphers=None, use_netrc=None, context=None):
Sends a request via HTTP(S) or FTP using urllib (Python3)
Does not require the module environment
Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg method: method for the request
:arg url: URL to request
:kwarg data: (optional) bytes, or file-like object to send
in the body of the request
:kwarg headers: (optional) Dictionary of HTTP Headers to send with the
:kwarg use_proxy: (optional) Boolean of whether or not to use proxy
:kwarg force: (optional) Boolean of whether or not to set `cache-control: no-cache` header
:kwarg last_mod_time: (optional) Datetime object to use when setting If-Modified-Since header
:kwarg timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send
data before giving up, as a float
:kwarg validate_certs: (optional) Booleani that controls whether we verify
the server's TLS certificate
:kwarg url_username: (optional) String of the user to use when authenticating
:kwarg url_password: (optional) String of the password to use when authenticating
:kwarg http_agent: (optional) String of the User-Agent to use in the request
:kwarg force_basic_auth: (optional) Boolean determining if auth header should be sent in the initial request
:kwarg follow_redirects: (optional) String of urllib2, all/yes, safe, none to determine how redirects are
followed, see HTTPRedirectHandler for more information
:kwarg client_cert: (optional) PEM formatted certificate chain file to be used for SSL client authentication.
This file can also include the key as well, and if the key is included, client_key is not required
:kwarg client_key: (optional) PEM formatted file that contains your private key to be used for SSL client
authentication. If client_cert contains both the certificate and key, this option is not required
:kwarg cookies: (optional) CookieJar object to send with the
:kwarg use_gssapi: (optional) Use GSSAPI handler of requests.
:kwarg unix_socket: (optional) String of file system path to unix socket file to use when establishing
connection to the provided url
:kwarg ca_path: (optional) String of file system path to CA cert bundle to use
:kwarg unredirected_headers: (optional) A list of headers to not attach on a redirected request
:kwarg decompress: (optional) Whether to attempt to decompress gzip content-encoded responses
:kwarg ciphers: (optional) List of ciphers to use
:kwarg use_netrc: (optional) Boolean determining whether to use credentials from ~/.netrc file
:kwarg context: (optional) ssl.Context object for SSL validation. When provided, all other SSL related
arguments are ignored. See make_context.
:returns: HTTPResponse. Added in Ansible 2.9
if headers is None:
headers = {}
elif not isinstance(headers, dict):
raise ValueError("headers must be a dict")
headers = dict(self.headers, **headers)
use_proxy = self._fallback(use_proxy, self.use_proxy)
force = self._fallback(force, self.force)
timeout = self._fallback(timeout, self.timeout)
validate_certs = self._fallback(validate_certs, self.validate_certs)
url_username = self._fallback(url_username, self.url_username)
url_password = self._fallback(url_password, self.url_password)
http_agent = self._fallback(http_agent, self.http_agent)
force_basic_auth = self._fallback(force_basic_auth, self.force_basic_auth)
follow_redirects = self._fallback(follow_redirects, self.follow_redirects)
client_cert = self._fallback(client_cert, self.client_cert)
client_key = self._fallback(client_key, self.client_key)
cookies = self._fallback(cookies, self.cookies)
unix_socket = self._fallback(unix_socket, self.unix_socket)
ca_path = self._fallback(ca_path, self.ca_path)
unredirected_headers = self._fallback(unredirected_headers, self.unredirected_headers)
decompress = self._fallback(decompress, self.decompress)
ciphers = self._fallback(ciphers, self.ciphers)
use_netrc = self._fallback(use_netrc, self.use_netrc)
context = self._fallback(context, self.context)
handlers = []
if unix_socket:
url, auth_headers, auth_handlers = _configure_auth(url, url_username, url_password, use_gssapi, force_basic_auth, use_netrc)
if not use_proxy:
proxyhandler = urllib.request.ProxyHandler({})
if not context:
context = make_context(
if unix_socket:
ssl_handler = UnixHTTPSHandler(unix_socket=unix_socket, context=context)
ssl_handler = urllib.request.HTTPSHandler(context=context)
# add some nicer cookie handling
if cookies is not None:
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(*handlers)
data = to_bytes(data, nonstring='passthru')
request = urllib.request.Request(url, data=data, method=method.upper())
# add the custom agent header, to help prevent issues
# with sites that block the default urllib agent string
if http_agent:
request.add_header('User-agent', http_agent)
# Cache control
# Either we directly force a cache refresh
if force:
request.add_header('cache-control', 'no-cache')
# or we do it if the original is more recent than our copy
elif last_mod_time:
tstamp = rfc2822_date_string(last_mod_time.timetuple(), 'GMT')
request.add_header('If-Modified-Since', tstamp)
# user defined headers now, which may override things we've set above
unredirected_headers = [h.lower() for h in (unredirected_headers or [])]
for header in headers:
if header.lower() in unredirected_headers:
request.add_unredirected_header(header, headers[header])
request.add_header(header, headers[header])
r = urllib.request.urlopen(request, None, timeout)
if decompress and r.headers.get('content-encoding', '').lower() == 'gzip':
fp = GzipDecodedReader(r.fp)
r.fp = fp
# Content-Length does not match gzip decoded length
# Prevent ```` from stopping at Content-Length
r.length = None
return r
def get(self, url, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a GET request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request
:kwarg \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'GET', url, **kwargs)
def options(self, url, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a OPTIONS request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request
:kwarg \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'OPTIONS', url, **kwargs)
def head(self, url, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a HEAD request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request
:kwarg \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'HEAD', url, **kwargs)
def post(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a POST request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request.
:kwarg data: (optional) bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request.
:kwarg \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'POST', url, data=data, **kwargs)
def put(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a PUT request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request.
:kwarg data: (optional) bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request.
:kwarg \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'PUT', url, data=data, **kwargs)
def patch(self, url, data=None, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a PATCH request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request.
:kwarg data: (optional) bytes, or file-like object to send in the body of the request.
:kwarg \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'PATCH', url, data=data, **kwargs)
def delete(self, url, **kwargs):
r"""Sends a DELETE request. Returns :class:`HTTPResponse` object.
:arg url: URL to request
:kwargs \*\*kwargs: Optional arguments that ``open`` takes.
:returns: HTTPResponse
return'DELETE', url, **kwargs)
def open_url(url, data=None, headers=None, method=None, use_proxy=True,
force=False, last_mod_time=None, timeout=10, validate_certs=True,
url_username=None, url_password=None, http_agent=None,
force_basic_auth=False, follow_redirects='urllib2',
client_cert=None, client_key=None, cookies=None,
use_gssapi=False, unix_socket=None, ca_path=None,
unredirected_headers=None, decompress=True, ciphers=None, use_netrc=True):
Sends a request via HTTP(S) or FTP using urllib (Python3)
Does not require the module environment
method = method or ('POST' if data else 'GET')
return Request().open(method, url, data=data, headers=headers, use_proxy=use_proxy,
force=force, last_mod_time=last_mod_time, timeout=timeout, validate_certs=validate_certs,
url_username=url_username, url_password=url_password, http_agent=http_agent,
force_basic_auth=force_basic_auth, follow_redirects=follow_redirects,
client_cert=client_cert, client_key=client_key, cookies=cookies,
use_gssapi=use_gssapi, unix_socket=unix_socket, ca_path=ca_path,
unredirected_headers=unredirected_headers, decompress=decompress, ciphers=ciphers, use_netrc=use_netrc)
def prepare_multipart(fields):
"""Takes a mapping, and prepares a multipart/form-data body
:arg fields: Mapping
:returns: tuple of (content_type, body) where ``content_type`` is
the ``multipart/form-data`` ``Content-Type`` header including
``boundary`` and ``body`` is the prepared bytestring body
Payload content from a file will be base64 encoded and will include
the appropriate ``Content-Transfer-Encoding`` and ``Content-Type``
"file1": {
"filename": "/bin/true",
"mime_type": "application/octet-stream"
"file2": {
"content": "text based file content",
"filename": "fake.txt",
"mime_type": "text/plain",
"text_form_field": "value"
if not isinstance(fields, Mapping):
raise TypeError(
'Mapping is required, cannot be type %s' % fields.__class__.__name__
m = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('form-data')
for field, value in sorted(fields.items()):
if isinstance(value, str):
main_type = 'text'
sub_type = 'plain'
content = value
filename = None
elif isinstance(value, Mapping):
filename = value.get('filename')
content = value.get('content')
if not any((filename, content)):
raise ValueError('at least one of filename or content must be provided')
mime = value.get('mime_type')
if not mime:
mime = mimetypes.guess_type(filename or '', strict=False)[0] or 'application/octet-stream'
except Exception:
mime = 'application/octet-stream'
main_type, sep, sub_type = mime.partition('/')
raise TypeError(
'value must be a string, or mapping, cannot be type %s' % value.__class__.__name__
if not content and filename:
with open(to_bytes(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'rb') as f:
part = email.mime.application.MIMEApplication(
del part['Content-Type']
part.add_header('Content-Type', '%s/%s' % (main_type, sub_type))
part = email.mime.nonmultipart.MIMENonMultipart(main_type, sub_type)
part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'form-data')
del part['MIME-Version']
if filename:
# Ensure headers are not split over multiple lines
# The HTTP policy also uses CRLF by default
b_data = m.as_bytes(policy=email.policy.HTTP)
del m
headers, sep, b_content = b_data.partition(b'\r\n\r\n')
del b_data
parser = email.parser.BytesHeaderParser().parsebytes
return (
parser(headers)['content-type'], # Message converts to native strings
# Module-related functions
def basic_auth_header(username, password):
"""Takes a username and password and returns a byte string suitable for
using as value of an Authorization header to do basic auth.
if password is None:
password = ''
return b"Basic %s" % base64.b64encode(to_bytes("%s:%s" % (username, password), errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
def url_argument_spec():
Creates an argument spec that can be used with any module
that will be requesting content via urllib/urllib2
return dict(
force=dict(type='bool', default=False),
http_agent=dict(type='str', default='ansible-httpget'),
use_proxy=dict(type='bool', default=True),
validate_certs=dict(type='bool', default=True),
url_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
force_basic_auth=dict(type='bool', default=False),
use_gssapi=dict(type='bool', default=False),
def fetch_url(module, url, data=None, headers=None, method=None,
use_proxy=None, force=False, last_mod_time=None, timeout=10,
use_gssapi=False, unix_socket=None, ca_path=None, cookies=None, unredirected_headers=None,
decompress=True, ciphers=None, use_netrc=True):
"""Sends a request via HTTP(S) or FTP (needs the module as parameter)
:arg module: The AnsibleModule (used to get username, password etc. (s.b.).
:arg url: The url to use.
:kwarg data: The data to be sent (in case of POST/PUT).
:kwarg headers: A dict with the request headers.
:kwarg method: "POST", "PUT", etc.
:kwarg use_proxy: (optional) whether or not to use proxy (Default: True)
:kwarg boolean force: If True: Do not get a cached copy (Default: False)
:kwarg last_mod_time: Default: None
:kwarg int timeout: Default: 10
:kwarg boolean use_gssapi: Default: False
:kwarg unix_socket: (optional) String of file system path to unix socket file to use when establishing
connection to the provided url
:kwarg ca_path: (optional) String of file system path to CA cert bundle to use
:kwarg cookies: (optional) CookieJar object to send with the request
:kwarg unredirected_headers: (optional) A list of headers to not attach on a redirected request
:kwarg decompress: (optional) Whether to attempt to decompress gzip content-encoded responses
:kwarg cipher: (optional) List of ciphers to use
:kwarg boolean use_netrc: (optional) If False: Ignores login and password in ~/.netrc file (Default: True)
:returns: A tuple of (**response**, **info**). Use ```` to read the data.
The **info** contains the 'status' and other meta data. When a HttpError (status >= 400)
occurred then ``info['body']`` contains the error response data::
resp, info = fetch_url(module,
headers={'Content-type': 'application/json'},
status_code = info["status"]
body =
if status_code >= 400 :
body = info['body']
if not HAS_GZIP:
# ensure we use proper tempdir
old_tempdir = tempfile.tempdir
tempfile.tempdir = module.tmpdir
# Get validate_certs from the module params
validate_certs = module.params.get('validate_certs', True)
if use_proxy is None:
use_proxy = module.params.get('use_proxy', True)
username = module.params.get('url_username', '')
password = module.params.get('url_password', '')
http_agent = module.params.get('http_agent', get_user_agent())
force_basic_auth = module.params.get('force_basic_auth', '')
follow_redirects = module.params.get('follow_redirects', 'urllib2')
client_cert = module.params.get('client_cert')
client_key = module.params.get('client_key')
use_gssapi = module.params.get('use_gssapi', use_gssapi)
if not isinstance(cookies, cookiejar.CookieJar):
cookies = cookiejar.CookieJar()
r = None
info = dict(url=url, status=-1)
r = open_url(url, data=data, headers=headers, method=method,
use_proxy=use_proxy, force=force, last_mod_time=last_mod_time, timeout=timeout,
validate_certs=validate_certs, url_username=username,
url_password=password, http_agent=http_agent, force_basic_auth=force_basic_auth,
follow_redirects=follow_redirects, client_cert=client_cert,
client_key=client_key, cookies=cookies, use_gssapi=use_gssapi,
unix_socket=unix_socket, ca_path=ca_path, unredirected_headers=unredirected_headers,
decompress=decompress, ciphers=ciphers, use_netrc=use_netrc)
# Lowercase keys, to conform to py2 behavior
info.update({k.lower(): v for k, v in})
# Don't be lossy, append header values for duplicate headers
temp_headers = {}
for name, value in r.headers.items():
# The same as above, lower case keys to match py2 behavior, and create more consistent results
name = name.lower()
if name in temp_headers:
temp_headers[name] = ', '.join((temp_headers[name], value))
temp_headers[name] = value
# parse the cookies into a nice dictionary
cookie_list = []
cookie_dict = {}
# Python sorts cookies in order of most specific (ie. longest) path first. See ``CookieJar._cookie_attrs``
# Cookies with the same path are reversed from response order.
# This code makes no assumptions about that, and accepts the order given by python
for cookie in cookies:
cookie_dict[] = cookie.value
cookie_list.append((, cookie.value))
info['cookies_string'] = '; '.join('%s=%s' % c for c in cookie_list)
info['cookies'] = cookie_dict
# finally update the result with a message about the fetch
info.update(dict(msg="OK (%s bytes)" % r.headers.get('Content-Length', 'unknown'), url=r.geturl(), status=r.code))
except (ConnectionError, ValueError) as e:
module.fail_json(msg=to_native(e), **info)
except MissingModuleError as e:
module.fail_json(msg=to_text(e), exception=e.import_traceback)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
r = e
if e.fp is None:
# Certain HTTPError objects may not have the ability to call ``.read()`` on Python 3
# This is not handled gracefully in Python 3, and instead an exception is raised from
# tempfile, due to ``urllib.response.addinfourl`` not being initialized
raise AttributeError
body =
except AttributeError:
body = ''
# Try to add exception info to the output but don't fail if we can't
# Lowercase keys, to conform to py2 behavior, so that py3 and py2 are predictable
info.update({k.lower(): v for k, v in})
except Exception:
info.update({'msg': to_native(e), 'body': body, 'status': e.code})
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
code = int(getattr(e, 'code', -1))
info.update(dict(msg="Request failed: %s" % to_native(e), status=code))
except socket.error as e:
info.update(dict(msg="Connection failure: %s" % to_native(e), status=-1))
except http.client.BadStatusLine as e:
info.update(dict(msg="Connection failure: connection was closed before a valid response was received: %s" % to_native(e.line), status=-1))
except Exception as e:
info.update(dict(msg="An unknown error occurred: %s" % to_native(e), status=-1),
tempfile.tempdir = old_tempdir
return r, info
def _suffixes(name):
"""A list of the final component's suffixes, if any."""
if name.endswith('.'):
return []
name = name.lstrip('.')
return ['.' + s for s in name.split('.')[1:]]
def _split_multiext(name, min=3, max=4, count=2):
"""Split a multi-part extension from a file name.
Returns '([name minus extension], extension)'.
Define the valid extension length (including the '.') with 'min' and 'max',
'count' sets the number of extensions, counting from the end, to evaluate.
Evaluation stops on the first file extension that is outside the min and max range.
If no valid extensions are found, the original ``name`` is returned
and ``extension`` is empty.
:arg name: File name or path.
:kwarg min: Minimum length of a valid file extension.
:kwarg max: Maximum length of a valid file extension.
:kwarg count: Number of suffixes from the end to evaluate.
extension = ''
for i, sfx in enumerate(reversed(_suffixes(name))):
if i >= count:
if min <= len(sfx) <= max:
extension = '%s%s' % (sfx, extension)
name = name.rstrip(sfx)
# Stop on the first invalid extension
return name, extension
def fetch_file(module, url, data=None, headers=None, method=None,
use_proxy=True, force=False, last_mod_time=None, timeout=10,
unredirected_headers=None, decompress=True, ciphers=None):
'''Download and save a file via HTTP(S) or FTP (needs the module as parameter).
This is basically a wrapper around fetch_url().
:arg module: The AnsibleModule (used to get username, password etc. (s.b.).
:arg url: The url to use.
:kwarg data: The data to be sent (in case of POST/PUT).
:kwarg headers: A dict with the request headers.
:kwarg method: "POST", "PUT", etc.
:kwarg boolean use_proxy: Default: True
:kwarg boolean force: If True: Do not get a cached copy (Default: False)
:kwarg last_mod_time: Default: None
:kwarg int timeout: Default: 10
:kwarg unredirected_headers: (optional) A list of headers to not attach on a redirected request
:kwarg decompress: (optional) Whether to attempt to decompress gzip content-encoded responses
:kwarg ciphers: (optional) List of ciphers to use
:returns: A string, the path to the downloaded file.
# download file
bufsize = 65536
parts = urlparse(url)
file_prefix, file_ext = _split_multiext(os.path.basename(parts.path), count=2)
fetch_temp_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=module.tmpdir, prefix=file_prefix, suffix=file_ext, delete=False)
rsp, info = fetch_url(module, url, data, headers, method, use_proxy, force, last_mod_time, timeout,
unredirected_headers=unredirected_headers, decompress=decompress, ciphers=ciphers)
if not rsp or (rsp.code and rsp.code >= 400):
module.fail_json(msg="Failure downloading %s, %s" % (url, info['msg']))
data =
while data:
data =
except Exception as e:
module.fail_json(msg="Failure downloading %s, %s" % (url, to_native(e)))
def get_user_agent():
"""Returns a user agent used by open_url"""
return u"ansible-httpget"