#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2016, Olivier Boukili # # This file is part of Ansible. # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: apache2_mod_proxy version_added: "2.2" short_description: Set and/or get members' attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool description: - Set and/or get members' attributes of an Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool, using HTTP POST and GET requests. The httpd mod_proxy balancer-member status page has to be enabled and accessible, as this module relies on parsing this page. This module supports ansible check_mode, and requires BeautifulSoup python module. options: balancer_url_suffix: default: /balancer-manager/ description: - Suffix of the balancer pool url required to access the balancer pool status page (e.g. balancer_vhost[:port]/balancer_url_suffix). required: false balancer_vhost: default: None description: - (ipv4|ipv6|fqdn):port of the Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer pool. required: true member_host: default: None description: - (ipv4|ipv6|fqdn) of the balancer member to get or to set attributes to. Port number is autodetected and should not be specified here. If undefined, apache2_mod_proxy module will return a members list of dictionaries of all the current balancer pool members' attributes. required: false state: default: None description: - Desired state of the member host. (absent|disabled),drained,hot_standby,ignore_errors can be simultaneously invoked by separating them with a comma (e.g. state=drained,ignore_errors). required: false choices: ["present", "absent", "enabled", "disabled", "drained", "hot_standby", "ignore_errors"] tls: default: false description: - Use https to access balancer management page. choices: ["true", "false"] validate_certs: default: true description: - Validate ssl/tls certificates. choices: ["true", "false"] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Get all current balancer pool members' attributes: - apache2_mod_proxy: balancer_vhost= # Get a specific member's attributes: - apache2_mod_proxy: balancer_vhost=myws.mydomain.org balancer_suffix="/lb/" member_host=node1.myws.mydomain.org # Enable all balancer pool members: - apache2_mod_proxy: balancer_vhost="{{ myloadbalancer_host }}" register: result - apache2_mod_proxy: balancer_vhost="{{ myloadbalancer_host }}" member_host="{{ item.host }}" state=present with_items: "{{ result.members }}" # Gracefully disable a member from a loadbalancer node: - apache2_mod_proxy: balancer_vhost="{{ vhost_host }}" member_host="{{ member.host }}" state=drained delegate_to=myloadbalancernode - wait_for: host="{{ member.host }}" port={{ member.port }} state=drained delegate_to=myloadbalancernode - apache2_mod_proxy: balancer_vhost="{{ vhost_host }}" member_host="{{ member.host }}" state=absent delegate_to=myloadbalancernode ''' RETURN = ''' member: description: specific balancer member information dictionary, returned when apache2_mod_proxy module is invoked with member_host parameter. type: dict returned: success sample: {"attributes": {"Busy": "0", "Elected": "42", "Factor": "1", "From": "136K", "Load": "0", "Route": null, "RouteRedir": null, "Set": "0", "Status": "Init Ok ", "To": " 47K", "Worker URL": null }, "balancer_url": "", "host": "", "management_url": "", "path": "/ws", "port": 8080, "protocol": "http", "status": { "disabled": false, "drained": false, "hot_standby": false, "ignore_errors": false } } members: description: list of member (defined above) dictionaries, returned when apache2_mod_proxy is invoked with no member_host and state args. returned: success type: list sample: [{"attributes": { "Busy": "0", "Elected": "42", "Factor": "1", "From": "136K", "Load": "0", "Route": null, "RouteRedir": null, "Set": "0", "Status": "Init Ok ", "To": " 47K", "Worker URL": null }, "balancer_url": "", "host": "", "management_url": "", "path": "/ws", "port": 8080, "protocol": "http", "status": { "disabled": false, "drained": false, "hot_standby": false, "ignore_errors": false } }, {"attributes": { "Busy": "0", "Elected": "42", "Factor": "1", "From": "136K", "Load": "0", "Route": null, "RouteRedir": null, "Set": "0", "Status": "Init Ok ", "To": " 47K", "Worker URL": null }, "balancer_url": "", "host": "", "management_url": "", "path": "/ws", "port": 8080, "protocol": "http", "status": { "disabled": false, "drained": false, "hot_standby": false, "ignore_errors": false} } ] ''' import re try: from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup except ImportError: HAS_BEAUTIFULSOUP = False else: HAS_BEAUTIFULSOUP = True # balancer member attributes extraction regexp: EXPRESSION = r"(b=([\w\.\-]+)&w=(https?|ajp|wss?|ftp|[sf]cgi)://([\w\.\-]+):?(\d*)([/\w\.\-]*)&?[\w\-\=]*)" # Apache2 server version extraction regexp: APACHE_VERSION_EXPRESSION = r"Server Version: Apache/([\d.]+) \(([\w]+)\)" def regexp_extraction(string, _regexp, groups=1): """ Returns the capture group (default=1) specified in the regexp, applied to the string """ regexp_search = re.search(string=str(string), pattern=str(_regexp)) if regexp_search: if regexp_search.group(groups) != '': return str(regexp_search.group(groups)) return None class BalancerMember(object): """ Apache 2.4 mod_proxy LB balancer member. attributes: read-only: host -> member host (string), management_url -> member management url (string), protocol -> member protocol (string) port -> member port (string), path -> member location (string), balancer_url -> url of this member's parent balancer (string), attributes -> whole member attributes (dictionary) module -> ansible module instance (AnsibleModule object). writable: status -> status of the member (dictionary) """ def __init__(self, management_url, balancer_url, module): self.host = regexp_extraction(management_url, str(EXPRESSION), 4) self.management_url = str(management_url) self.protocol = regexp_extraction(management_url, EXPRESSION, 3) self.port = regexp_extraction(management_url, EXPRESSION, 5) self.path = regexp_extraction(management_url, EXPRESSION, 6) self.balancer_url = str(balancer_url) self.module = module def get_member_attributes(self): """ Returns a dictionary of a balancer member's attributes.""" balancer_member_page = fetch_url(self.module, self.management_url) try: assert balancer_member_page[1]['status'] == 200 except AssertionError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Could not get balancer_member_page, check for connectivity! " + balancer_member_page[1]) else: try: soup = BeautifulSoup(balancer_member_page[0]) except TypeError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Cannot parse balancer_member_page HTML! " + str(soup)) else: subsoup = soup.findAll('table')[1].findAll('tr') keys = subsoup[0].findAll('th') for valuesset in subsoup[1::1]: if re.search(pattern=self.host, string=str(valuesset)): values = valuesset.findAll('td') return dict((keys[x].string, values[x].string) for x in range(0, len(keys))) def get_member_status(self): """ Returns a dictionary of a balancer member's status attributes.""" status_mapping = {'disabled':'Dis', 'drained':'Drn', 'hot_standby':'Stby', 'ignore_errors':'Ign'} status = {} actual_status = str(self.attributes['Status']) for mode in status_mapping.keys(): if re.search(pattern=status_mapping[mode], string=actual_status): status[mode] = True else: status[mode] = False return status def set_member_status(self, values): """ Sets a balancer member's status attributes amongst pre-mapped values.""" values_mapping = {'disabled':'&w_status_D', 'drained':'&w_status_N', 'hot_standby':'&w_status_H', 'ignore_errors':'&w_status_I'} request_body = regexp_extraction(self.management_url, EXPRESSION, 1) for k in values_mapping.keys(): if values[str(k)]: request_body = request_body + str(values_mapping[k]) + '=1' else: request_body = request_body + str(values_mapping[k]) + '=0' response = fetch_url(self.module, self.management_url, data=str(request_body)) try: assert response[1]['status'] == 200 except AssertionError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Could not set the member status! " + self.host + " " + response[1]['status']) attributes = property(get_member_attributes) status = property(get_member_status, set_member_status) class Balancer(object): """ Apache httpd 2.4 mod_proxy balancer object""" def __init__(self, host, suffix, module, members=None, tls=False): if tls: self.base_url = str(str('https://') + str(host)) self.url = str(str('https://') + str(host) + str(suffix)) else: self.base_url = str(str('http://') + str(host)) self.url = str(str('http://') + str(host) + str(suffix)) self.module = module self.page = self.fetch_balancer_page() if members is None: self._members = [] def fetch_balancer_page(self): """ Returns the balancer management html page as a string for later parsing.""" page = fetch_url(self.module, str(self.url)) try: assert page[1]['status'] == 200 except AssertionError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Could not get balancer page! HTTP status response: " + str(page[1]['status'])) else: content = page[0].read() apache_version = regexp_extraction(content, APACHE_VERSION_EXPRESSION, 1) if not re.search(pattern=r"2\.4\.[\d]*", string=apache_version): self.module.fail_json(msg="This module only acts on an Apache2 2.4+ instance, current Apache2 version: " + str(apache_version)) return content def get_balancer_members(self): """ Returns members of the balancer as a generator object for later iteration.""" try: soup = BeautifulSoup(self.page) except TypeError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Cannot parse balancer page HTML! " + str(self.page)) else: for element in soup.findAll('a')[1::1]: balancer_member_suffix = str(element.get('href')) try: assert balancer_member_suffix is not '' except AssertionError: self.module.fail_json(msg="Argument 'balancer_member_suffix' is empty!") else: yield BalancerMember(str(self.base_url + balancer_member_suffix), str(self.url), self.module) members = property(get_balancer_members) def main(): """ Initiates module.""" module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( balancer_vhost=dict(required=True, default=None, type='str'), balancer_url_suffix=dict(default="/balancer-manager/", type='str'), member_host=dict(type='str'), state=dict(type='str'), tls=dict(default=False, type='bool'), validate_certs=dict(default=True, type='bool') ), supports_check_mode=True ) if HAS_BEAUTIFULSOUP is False: module.fail_json(msg="python module 'BeautifulSoup' is required!") if module.params['state'] != None: states = module.params['state'].split(',') if (len(states) > 1) and (("present" in states) or ("enabled" in states)): module.fail_json(msg="state present/enabled is mutually exclusive with other states!") else: for _state in states: if _state not in ['present', 'absent', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'drained', 'hot_standby', 'ignore_errors']: module.fail_json(msg="State can only take values amongst 'present', 'absent', 'enabled', 'disabled', 'drained', 'hot_standby', 'ignore_errors'.") else: states = ['None'] mybalancer = Balancer(module.params['balancer_vhost'], module.params['balancer_url_suffix'], module=module, tls=module.params['tls']) if module.params['member_host'] is None: json_output_list = [] for member in mybalancer.members: json_output_list.append({ "host": member.host, "status": member.status, "protocol": member.protocol, "port": member.port, "path": member.path, "attributes": member.attributes, "management_url": member.management_url, "balancer_url": member.balancer_url }) module.exit_json( changed=False, members=json_output_list ) else: changed = False member_exists = False member_status = {'disabled': False, 'drained': False, 'hot_standby': False, 'ignore_errors':False} for mode in member_status.keys(): for state in states: if mode == state: member_status[mode] = True elif mode == 'disabled' and state == 'absent': member_status[mode] = True for member in mybalancer.members: if str(member.host) == str(module.params['member_host']): member_exists = True if module.params['state'] is not None: member_status_before = member.status if not module.check_mode: member_status_after = member.status = member_status else: member_status_after = member_status if member_status_before != member_status_after: changed = True json_output = { "host": member.host, "status": member.status, "protocol": member.protocol, "port": member.port, "path": member.path, "attributes": member.attributes, "management_url": member.management_url, "balancer_url": member.balancer_url } if member_exists: module.exit_json( changed=changed, member=json_output ) else: module.fail_json(msg=str(module.params['member_host']) + ' is not a member of the balancer ' + str(module.params['balancer_vhost']) + '!') from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url if __name__ == '__main__': main()