#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2014, Ahti Kitsik # Copyright: (c) 2014, Jarno Keskikangas # Copyright: (c) 2013, Aleksey Ovcharenko # Copyright: (c) 2013, James Martin # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: ufw short_description: Manage firewall with UFW description: - Manage firewall with UFW. version_added: 1.6 author: - Aleksey Ovcharenko (@ovcharenko) - Jarno Keskikangas (@pyykkis) - Ahti Kitsik (@ahtik) notes: - See C(man ufw) for more examples. requirements: - C(ufw) package options: state: description: - C(enabled) reloads firewall and enables firewall on boot. - C(disabled) unloads firewall and disables firewall on boot. - C(reloaded) reloads firewall. - C(reset) disables and resets firewall to installation defaults. type: str choices: [ disabled, enabled, reloaded, reset ] default: description: - Change the default policy for incoming or outgoing traffic. type: str choices: [ allow, deny, reject ] aliases: [ policy ] direction: description: - Select direction for a rule or default policy command. Mutually exclusive with I(interface_in) and I(interface_out). type: str choices: [ in, incoming, out, outgoing, routed ] logging: description: - Toggles logging. Logged packets use the LOG_KERN syslog facility. type: str choices: [ 'on', 'off', low, medium, high, full ] insert: description: - Insert the corresponding rule as rule number NUM. - Note that ufw numbers rules starting with 1. type: int insert_relative_to: description: - Allows to interpret the index in I(insert) relative to a position. - C(zero) interprets the rule number as an absolute index (i.e. 1 is the first rule). - C(first-ipv4) interprets the rule number relative to the index of the first IPv4 rule, or relative to the position where the first IPv4 rule would be if there is currently none. - C(last-ipv4) interprets the rule number relative to the index of the last IPv4 rule, or relative to the position where the last IPv4 rule would be if there is currently none. - C(first-ipv6) interprets the rule number relative to the index of the first IPv6 rule, or relative to the position where the first IPv6 rule would be if there is currently none. - C(last-ipv6) interprets the rule number relative to the index of the last IPv6 rule, or relative to the position where the last IPv6 rule would be if there is currently none. type: str choices: [ first-ipv4, first-ipv6, last-ipv4, last-ipv6, zero ] default: zero version_added: "2.8" rule: description: - Add firewall rule type: str choices: [ allow, deny, limit, reject ] log: description: - Log new connections matched to this rule type: bool from_ip: description: - Source IP address. type: str default: any aliases: [ from, src ] from_port: description: - Source port. type: str to_ip: description: - Destination IP address. type: str default: any aliases: [ dest, to] to_port: description: - Destination port. type: str aliases: [ port ] proto: description: - TCP/IP protocol. type: str choices: [ any, tcp, udp, ipv6, esp, ah, gre, igmp ] aliases: [ protocol ] name: description: - Use profile located in C(/etc/ufw/applications.d). type: str aliases: [ app ] delete: description: - Delete rule. type: bool interface: description: - Specify interface for the rule. The direction (in or out) used for the interface depends on the value of I(direction). See I(interface_in) and I(interface_out) for routed rules that needs to supply both an input and output interface. Mutually exclusive with I(interface_in) and I(interface_out). type: str aliases: [ if ] interface_in: description: - Specify input interface for the rule. This is mutually exclusive with I(direction) and I(interface). However, it is compatible with I(interface_out) for routed rules. type: str aliases: [ if_in ] version_added: "2.10" interface_out: description: - Specify output interface for the rule. This is mutually exclusive with I(direction) and I(interface). However, it is compatible with I(interface_in) for routed rules. type: str aliases: [ if_out ] version_added: "2.10" route: description: - Apply the rule to routed/forwarded packets. type: bool comment: description: - Add a comment to the rule. Requires UFW version >=0.35. type: str version_added: "2.4" ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Allow everything and enable UFW ufw: state: enabled policy: allow - name: Set logging ufw: logging: 'on' # Sometimes it is desirable to let the sender know when traffic is # being denied, rather than simply ignoring it. In these cases, use # reject instead of deny. In addition, log rejected connections: - ufw: rule: reject port: auth log: yes # ufw supports connection rate limiting, which is useful for protecting # against brute-force login attacks. ufw will deny connections if an IP # address has attempted to initiate 6 or more connections in the last # 30 seconds. See http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/187 # for details. Typical usage is: - ufw: rule: limit port: ssh proto: tcp # Allow OpenSSH. (Note that as ufw manages its own state, simply removing # a rule=allow task can leave those ports exposed. Either use delete=yes # or a separate state=reset task) - ufw: rule: allow name: OpenSSH - name: Delete OpenSSH rule ufw: rule: allow name: OpenSSH delete: yes - name: Deny all access to port 53 ufw: rule: deny port: '53' - name: Allow port range 60000-61000 ufw: rule: allow port: 60000:61000 proto: tcp - name: Allow all access to tcp port 80 ufw: rule: allow port: '80' proto: tcp - name: Allow all access from RFC1918 networks to this host ufw: rule: allow src: '{{ item }}' loop: - - - - name: Deny access to udp port 514 from host and include a comment ufw: rule: deny proto: udp src: port: '514' comment: Block syslog - name: Allow incoming access to eth0 from port 5469 to port 5469 ufw: rule: allow interface: eth0 direction: in proto: udp src: from_port: '5469' dest: to_port: '5469' # Note that IPv6 must be enabled in /etc/default/ufw for IPv6 firewalling to work. - name: Deny all traffic from the IPv6 2001:db8::/32 to tcp port 25 on this host ufw: rule: deny proto: tcp src: 2001:db8::/32 port: '25' - name: Deny all IPv6 traffic to tcp port 20 on this host # this should be the first IPv6 rule ufw: rule: deny proto: tcp port: '20' to_ip: "::" insert: 0 insert_relative_to: first-ipv6 - name: Deny all IPv4 traffic to tcp port 20 on this host # This should be the third to last IPv4 rule # (insert: -1 addresses the second to last IPv4 rule; # so the new rule will be inserted before the second # to last IPv4 rule, and will be come the third to last # IPv4 rule.) ufw: rule: deny proto: tcp port: '20' to_ip: "::" insert: -1 insert_relative_to: last-ipv4 # Can be used to further restrict a global FORWARD policy set to allow - name: Deny forwarded/routed traffic from subnet to subnet ufw: rule: deny route: yes src: dest: ''' import re from operator import itemgetter from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule def compile_ipv4_regexp(): r = r"((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}" r += r"(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])" return re.compile(r) def compile_ipv6_regexp(): """ validation pattern provided by : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53497/regular-expression-that-matches- valid-ipv6-addresses#answer-17871737 """ r = r"(([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){7,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,7}:" r += r"|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,6}:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,5}" r += r"(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,2}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})" r += r"{1,3}|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,3}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,4}|([0-9a-fA-F]" r += r"{1,4}:){1,2}(:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,5}|[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:((:[0-9a-fA-F]" r += r"{1,4}){1,6})|:((:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}){1,7}|:)|fe80:(:[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4})" r += r"{0,4}%[0-9a-zA-Z]{1,}|::(ffff(:0{1,4}){0,1}:){0,1}((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]" r += r"|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}" r += r"[0-9])|([0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}:){1,4}:((25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}" r += r"[0-9])\.){3,3}(25[0-5]|(2[0-4]|1{0,1}[0-9]){0,1}[0-9]))" return re.compile(r) def main(): command_keys = ['state', 'default', 'rule', 'logging'] module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( state=dict(type='str', choices=['enabled', 'disabled', 'reloaded', 'reset']), default=dict(type='str', aliases=['policy'], choices=['allow', 'deny', 'reject']), logging=dict(type='str', choices=['full', 'high', 'low', 'medium', 'off', 'on']), direction=dict(type='str', choices=['in', 'incoming', 'out', 'outgoing', 'routed']), delete=dict(type='bool', default=False), route=dict(type='bool', default=False), insert=dict(type='int'), insert_relative_to=dict(choices=['zero', 'first-ipv4', 'last-ipv4', 'first-ipv6', 'last-ipv6'], default='zero'), rule=dict(type='str', choices=['allow', 'deny', 'limit', 'reject']), interface=dict(type='str', aliases=['if']), interface_in=dict(type='str', aliases=['if_in']), interface_out=dict(type='str', aliases=['if_out']), log=dict(type='bool', default=False), from_ip=dict(type='str', default='any', aliases=['from', 'src']), from_port=dict(type='str'), to_ip=dict(type='str', default='any', aliases=['dest', 'to']), to_port=dict(type='str', aliases=['port']), proto=dict(type='str', aliases=['protocol'], choices=['ah', 'any', 'esp', 'ipv6', 'tcp', 'udp', 'gre', 'igmp']), name=dict(type='str', aliases=['app']), comment=dict(type='str'), ), supports_check_mode=True, mutually_exclusive=[ ['name', 'proto', 'logging'], # Mutual exclusivity with `interface` implied by `required_by`. ['direction', 'interface_in'], ['direction', 'interface_out'], ], required_one_of=([command_keys]), required_by=dict( interface=('direction', ), ), ) cmds = [] ipv4_regexp = compile_ipv4_regexp() ipv6_regexp = compile_ipv6_regexp() def filter_line_that_not_start_with(pattern, content): return ''.join([line for line in content.splitlines(True) if line.startswith(pattern)]) def filter_line_that_contains(pattern, content): return [line for line in content.splitlines(True) if pattern in line] def filter_line_that_not_contains(pattern, content): return ''.join([line for line in content.splitlines(True) if not line.contains(pattern)]) def filter_line_that_match_func(match_func, content): return ''.join([line for line in content.splitlines(True) if match_func(line) is not None]) def filter_line_that_contains_ipv4(content): return filter_line_that_match_func(ipv4_regexp.search, content) def filter_line_that_contains_ipv6(content): return filter_line_that_match_func(ipv6_regexp.search, content) def is_starting_by_ipv4(ip): return ipv4_regexp.match(ip) is not None def is_starting_by_ipv6(ip): return ipv6_regexp.match(ip) is not None def execute(cmd, ignore_error=False): cmd = ' '.join(map(itemgetter(-1), filter(itemgetter(0), cmd))) cmds.append(cmd) (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(cmd, environ_update={"LANG": "C"}) if rc != 0 and not ignore_error: module.fail_json(msg=err or out, commands=cmds) return out def get_current_rules(): user_rules_files = ["/lib/ufw/user.rules", "/lib/ufw/user6.rules", "/etc/ufw/user.rules", "/etc/ufw/user6.rules", "/var/lib/ufw/user.rules", "/var/lib/ufw/user6.rules"] cmd = [[grep_bin], ["-h"], ["'^### tuple'"]] cmd.extend([[f] for f in user_rules_files]) return execute(cmd, ignore_error=True) def ufw_version(): """ Returns the major and minor version of ufw installed on the system. """ out = execute([[ufw_bin], ["--version"]]) lines = [x for x in out.split('\n') if x.strip() != ''] if len(lines) == 0: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get ufw version.", rc=0, out=out) matches = re.search(r'^ufw.+(\d+)\.(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?.*$', lines[0]) if matches is None: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to get ufw version.", rc=0, out=out) # Convert version to numbers major = int(matches.group(1)) minor = int(matches.group(2)) rev = 0 if matches.group(3) is not None: rev = int(matches.group(3)) return major, minor, rev params = module.params commands = dict((key, params[key]) for key in command_keys if params[key]) # Ensure ufw is available ufw_bin = module.get_bin_path('ufw', True) grep_bin = module.get_bin_path('grep', True) # Save the pre state and rules in order to recognize changes pre_state = execute([[ufw_bin], ['status verbose']]) pre_rules = get_current_rules() changed = False # Execute filter for (command, value) in commands.items(): cmd = [[ufw_bin], [module.check_mode, '--dry-run']] if command == 'state': states = {'enabled': 'enable', 'disabled': 'disable', 'reloaded': 'reload', 'reset': 'reset'} if value in ['reloaded', 'reset']: changed = True if module.check_mode: # "active" would also match "inactive", hence the space ufw_enabled = pre_state.find(" active") != -1 if (value == 'disabled' and ufw_enabled) or (value == 'enabled' and not ufw_enabled): changed = True else: execute(cmd + [['-f'], [states[value]]]) elif command == 'logging': extract = re.search(r'Logging: (on|off)(?: \(([a-z]+)\))?', pre_state) if extract: current_level = extract.group(2) current_on_off_value = extract.group(1) if value != "off": if current_on_off_value == "off": changed = True elif value != "on" and value != current_level: changed = True elif current_on_off_value != "off": changed = True else: changed = True if not module.check_mode: execute(cmd + [[command], [value]]) elif command == 'default': if params['direction'] not in ['outgoing', 'incoming', 'routed', None]: module.fail_json(msg='For default, direction must be one of "outgoing", "incoming" and "routed", or direction must not be specified.') if module.check_mode: regexp = r'Default: (deny|allow|reject) \(incoming\), (deny|allow|reject) \(outgoing\), (deny|allow|reject|disabled) \(routed\)' extract = re.search(regexp, pre_state) if extract is not None: current_default_values = {} current_default_values["incoming"] = extract.group(1) current_default_values["outgoing"] = extract.group(2) current_default_values["routed"] = extract.group(3) v = current_default_values[params['direction'] or 'incoming'] if v not in (value, 'disabled'): changed = True else: changed = True else: execute(cmd + [[command], [value], [params['direction']]]) elif command == 'rule': if params['direction'] not in ['in', 'out', None]: module.fail_json(msg='For rules, direction must be one of "in" and "out", or direction must not be specified.') if not params['route'] and params['interface_in'] and params['interface_out']: module.fail_json(msg='Only route rules can combine ' 'interface_in and interface_out') # Rules are constructed according to the long format # # ufw [--dry-run] [route] [delete] [insert NUM] allow|deny|reject|limit [in|out on INTERFACE] [log|log-all] \ # [from ADDRESS [port PORT]] [to ADDRESS [port PORT]] \ # [proto protocol] [app application] [comment COMMENT] cmd.append([module.boolean(params['route']), 'route']) cmd.append([module.boolean(params['delete']), 'delete']) if params['insert'] is not None: relative_to_cmd = params['insert_relative_to'] if relative_to_cmd == 'zero': insert_to = params['insert'] else: (dummy, numbered_state, dummy) = module.run_command([ufw_bin, 'status', 'numbered']) numbered_line_re = re.compile(R'^\[ *([0-9]+)\] ') lines = [(numbered_line_re.match(line), '(v6)' in line) for line in numbered_state.splitlines()] lines = [(int(matcher.group(1)), ipv6) for (matcher, ipv6) in lines if matcher] last_number = max([no for (no, ipv6) in lines]) if lines else 0 has_ipv4 = any([not ipv6 for (no, ipv6) in lines]) has_ipv6 = any([ipv6 for (no, ipv6) in lines]) if relative_to_cmd == 'first-ipv4': relative_to = 1 elif relative_to_cmd == 'last-ipv4': relative_to = max([no for (no, ipv6) in lines if not ipv6]) if has_ipv4 else 1 elif relative_to_cmd == 'first-ipv6': relative_to = max([no for (no, ipv6) in lines if not ipv6]) + 1 if has_ipv4 else 1 elif relative_to_cmd == 'last-ipv6': relative_to = last_number if has_ipv6 else last_number + 1 insert_to = params['insert'] + relative_to if insert_to > last_number: # ufw does not like it when the insert number is larger than the # maximal rule number for IPv4/IPv6. insert_to = None cmd.append([insert_to is not None, "insert %s" % insert_to]) cmd.append([value]) cmd.append([params['direction'], "%s" % params['direction']]) cmd.append([params['interface'], "on %s" % params['interface']]) cmd.append([params['interface_in'], "in on %s" % params['interface_in']]) cmd.append([params['interface_out'], "out on %s" % params['interface_out']]) cmd.append([module.boolean(params['log']), 'log']) for (key, template) in [('from_ip', "from %s"), ('from_port', "port %s"), ('to_ip', "to %s"), ('to_port', "port %s"), ('proto', "proto %s"), ('name', "app '%s'")]: value = params[key] cmd.append([value, template % (value)]) ufw_major, ufw_minor, dummy = ufw_version() # comment is supported only in ufw version after 0.35 if (ufw_major == 0 and ufw_minor >= 35) or ufw_major > 0: cmd.append([params['comment'], "comment '%s'" % params['comment']]) rules_dry = execute(cmd) if module.check_mode: nb_skipping_line = len(filter_line_that_contains("Skipping", rules_dry)) if not (nb_skipping_line > 0 and nb_skipping_line == len(rules_dry.splitlines(True))): rules_dry = filter_line_that_not_start_with("### tuple", rules_dry) # ufw dry-run doesn't send all rules so have to compare ipv4 or ipv6 rules if is_starting_by_ipv4(params['from_ip']) or is_starting_by_ipv4(params['to_ip']): if filter_line_that_contains_ipv4(pre_rules) != filter_line_that_contains_ipv4(rules_dry): changed = True elif is_starting_by_ipv6(params['from_ip']) or is_starting_by_ipv6(params['to_ip']): if filter_line_that_contains_ipv6(pre_rules) != filter_line_that_contains_ipv6(rules_dry): changed = True elif pre_rules != rules_dry: changed = True # Get the new state if module.check_mode: return module.exit_json(changed=changed, commands=cmds) else: post_state = execute([[ufw_bin], ['status'], ['verbose']]) if not changed: post_rules = get_current_rules() changed = (pre_state != post_state) or (pre_rules != post_rules) return module.exit_json(changed=changed, commands=cmds, msg=post_state.rstrip()) if __name__ == '__main__': main()