#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2012-2013, Timothy Appnel # Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'core'} DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: synchronize version_added: "1.4" short_description: A wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy description: - C(synchronize) is a wrapper around rsync to make common tasks in your playbooks quick and easy. - It is run and originates on the local host where Ansible is being run. - Of course, you could just use the C(command) action to call rsync yourself, but you also have to add a fair number of boilerplate options and host facts. - This module is not intended to provide access to the full power of rsync, but does make the most common invocations easier to implement. You `still` may need to call rsync directly via C(command) or C(shell) depending on your use case. options: src: description: - Path on the source host that will be synchronized to the destination. - The path can be absolute or relative. type: str required: true dest: description: - Path on the destination host that will be synchronized from the source. - The path can be absolute or relative. type: str required: true dest_port: description: - Port number for ssh on the destination host. - Prior to Ansible 2.0, the ansible_ssh_port inventory var took precedence over this value. - This parameter defaults to the value of C(ansible_ssh_port) or C(ansible_port), the C(remote_port) config setting or the value from ssh client configuration if none of the former have been set. type: int version_added: "1.5" mode: description: - Specify the direction of the synchronization. - In push mode the localhost or delegate is the source. - In pull mode the remote host in context is the source. type: str choices: [ pull, push ] default: push archive: description: - Mirrors the rsync archive flag, enables recursive, links, perms, times, owner, group flags and -D. type: bool default: yes checksum: description: - Skip based on checksum, rather than mod-time & size; Note that that "archive" option is still enabled by default - the "checksum" option will not disable it. type: bool default: no version_added: "1.6" compress: description: - Compress file data during the transfer. - In most cases, leave this enabled unless it causes problems. type: bool default: yes version_added: "1.7" existing_only: description: - Skip creating new files on receiver. type: bool default: no version_added: "1.5" delete: description: - Delete files in C(dest) that don't exist (after transfer, not before) in the C(src) path. - This option requires C(recursive=yes). - This option ignores excluded files and behaves like the rsync opt --delete-excluded. type: bool default: no dirs: description: - Transfer directories without recursing. type: bool default: no recursive: description: - Recurse into directories. - This parameter defaults to the value of the archive option. type: bool links: description: - Copy symlinks as symlinks. - This parameter defaults to the value of the archive option. type: bool copy_links: description: - Copy symlinks as the item that they point to (the referent) is copied, rather than the symlink. type: bool default: no perms: description: - Preserve permissions. - This parameter defaults to the value of the archive option. type: bool times: description: - Preserve modification times. - This parameter defaults to the value of the archive option. type: bool owner: description: - Preserve owner (super user only). - This parameter defaults to the value of the archive option. type: bool group: description: - Preserve group. - This parameter defaults to the value of the archive option. type: bool rsync_path: description: - Specify the rsync command to run on the remote host. See C(--rsync-path) on the rsync man page. - To specify the rsync command to run on the local host, you need to set this your task var C(ansible_rsync_path). type: str rsync_timeout: description: - Specify a C(--timeout) for the rsync command in seconds. type: int default: 0 set_remote_user: description: - Put user@ for the remote paths. - If you have a custom ssh config to define the remote user for a host that does not match the inventory user, you should set this parameter to C(no). type: bool default: yes use_ssh_args: description: - Use the ssh_args specified in ansible.cfg. type: bool default: no version_added: "2.0" rsync_opts: description: - Specify additional rsync options by passing in an array. - Note that an empty string in C(rsync_opts) will end up transfer the current working directory. type: list default: version_added: "1.6" partial: description: - Tells rsync to keep the partial file which should make a subsequent transfer of the rest of the file much faster. type: bool default: no version_added: "2.0" verify_host: description: - Verify destination host key. type: bool default: no version_added: "2.0" private_key: description: - Specify the private key to use for SSH-based rsync connections (e.g. C(~/.ssh/id_rsa)). type: path version_added: "1.6" link_dest: description: - Add a destination to hard link against during the rsync. type: list default: version_added: "2.5" notes: - rsync must be installed on both the local and remote host. - For the C(synchronize) module, the "local host" is the host `the synchronize task originates on`, and the "destination host" is the host `synchronize is connecting to`. - The "local host" can be changed to a different host by using `delegate_to`. This enables copying between two remote hosts or entirely on one remote machine. - > The user and permissions for the synchronize `src` are those of the user running the Ansible task on the local host (or the remote_user for a delegate_to host when delegate_to is used). - The user and permissions for the synchronize `dest` are those of the `remote_user` on the destination host or the `become_user` if `become=yes` is active. - In Ansible 2.0 a bug in the synchronize module made become occur on the "local host". This was fixed in Ansible 2.0.1. - Currently, synchronize is limited to elevating permissions via passwordless sudo. This is because rsync itself is connecting to the remote machine and rsync doesn't give us a way to pass sudo credentials in. - Currently there are only a few connection types which support synchronize (ssh, paramiko, local, and docker) because a sync strategy has been determined for those connection types. Note that the connection for these must not need a password as rsync itself is making the connection and rsync does not provide us a way to pass a password to the connection. - Expect that dest=~/x will be ~/x even if using sudo. - Inspect the verbose output to validate the destination user/host/path are what was expected. - To exclude files and directories from being synchronized, you may add C(.rsync-filter) files to the source directory. - rsync daemon must be up and running with correct permission when using rsync protocol in source or destination path. - The C(synchronize) module forces `--delay-updates` to avoid leaving a destination in a broken in-between state if the underlying rsync process encounters an error. Those synchronizing large numbers of files that are willing to trade safety for performance should call rsync directly. - link_destination is subject to the same limitations as the underlying rsync daemon. Hard links are only preserved if the relative subtrees of the source and destination are the same. Attempts to hardlink into a directory that is a subdirectory of the source will be prevented. seealso: - module: copy - module: win_robocopy author: - Timothy Appnel (@tima) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: Synchronization of src on the control machine to dest on the remote hosts synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path - name: Synchronization using rsync protocol (push) synchronize: src: some/relative/path/ dest: rsync://somehost.com/path/ - name: Synchronization using rsync protocol (pull) synchronize: mode: pull src: rsync://somehost.com/path/ dest: /some/absolute/path/ - name: Synchronization using rsync protocol on delegate host (push) synchronize: src: /some/absolute/path/ dest: rsync://somehost.com/path/ delegate_to: delegate.host - name: Synchronization using rsync protocol on delegate host (pull) synchronize: mode: pull src: rsync://somehost.com/path/ dest: /some/absolute/path/ delegate_to: delegate.host - name: Synchronization without any --archive options enabled synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path archive: no - name: Synchronization with --archive options enabled except for --recursive synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path recursive: no - name: Synchronization with --archive options enabled except for --times, with --checksum option enabled synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path checksum: yes times: no - name: Synchronization without --archive options enabled except use --links synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path archive: no links: yes - name: Synchronization of two paths both on the control machine synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path delegate_to: localhost - name: Synchronization of src on the inventory host to the dest on the localhost in pull mode synchronize: mode: pull src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path - name: Synchronization of src on delegate host to dest on the current inventory host. synchronize: src: /first/absolute/path dest: /second/absolute/path delegate_to: delegate.host - name: Synchronize two directories on one remote host. synchronize: src: /first/absolute/path dest: /second/absolute/path delegate_to: "{{ inventory_hostname }}" - name: Synchronize and delete files in dest on the remote host that are not found in src of localhost. synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path delete: yes recursive: yes # This specific command is granted su privileges on the destination - name: Synchronize using an alternate rsync command synchronize: src: some/relative/path dest: /some/absolute/path rsync_path: su -c rsync # Example .rsync-filter file in the source directory # - var # exclude any path whose last part is 'var' # - /var # exclude any path starting with 'var' starting at the source directory # + /var/conf # include /var/conf even though it was previously excluded - name: Synchronize passing in extra rsync options synchronize: src: /tmp/helloworld dest: /var/www/helloworld rsync_opts: - "--no-motd" - "--exclude=.git" # Hardlink files if they didn't change - name: Use hardlinks when synchronizing filesystems synchronize: src: /tmp/path_a/foo.txt dest: /tmp/path_b/foo.txt link_dest: /tmp/path_a/ # Specify the rsync binary to use on remote host and on local host - hosts: groupofhosts vars: ansible_rsync_path: /usr/gnu/bin/rsync tasks: - name: copy /tmp/localpath/ to remote location /tmp/remotepath synchronize: src: /tmp/localpath/ dest: /tmp/remotepath rsync_path: /usr/gnu/bin/rsync ''' import os import errno from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import shlex_quote client_addr = None def substitute_controller(path): global client_addr if not client_addr: ssh_env_string = os.environ.get('SSH_CLIENT', None) try: client_addr, _ = ssh_env_string.split(None, 1) except AttributeError: ssh_env_string = os.environ.get('SSH_CONNECTION', None) try: client_addr, _ = ssh_env_string.split(None, 1) except AttributeError: pass if not client_addr: raise ValueError if path.startswith('localhost:'): path = path.replace('localhost', client_addr, 1) return path def is_rsh_needed(source, dest): if source.startswith('rsync://') or dest.startswith('rsync://'): return False if ':' in source or ':' in dest: return True return False def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( src=dict(type='str', required=True), dest=dict(type='str', required=True), dest_port=dict(type='int'), delete=dict(type='bool', default=False), private_key=dict(type='path'), rsync_path=dict(type='str'), _local_rsync_path=dict(type='path', default='rsync'), _local_rsync_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True), _substitute_controller=dict(type='bool', default=False), archive=dict(type='bool', default=True), checksum=dict(type='bool', default=False), compress=dict(type='bool', default=True), existing_only=dict(type='bool', default=False), dirs=dict(type='bool', default=False), recursive=dict(type='bool'), links=dict(type='bool'), copy_links=dict(type='bool', default=False), perms=dict(type='bool'), times=dict(type='bool'), owner=dict(type='bool'), group=dict(type='bool'), set_remote_user=dict(type='bool', default=True), rsync_timeout=dict(type='int', default=0), rsync_opts=dict(type='list', default=[]), ssh_args=dict(type='str'), partial=dict(type='bool', default=False), verify_host=dict(type='bool', default=False), mode=dict(type='str', default='push', choices=['pull', 'push']), link_dest=dict(type='list') ), supports_check_mode=True, ) if module.params['_substitute_controller']: try: source = substitute_controller(module.params['src']) dest = substitute_controller(module.params['dest']) except ValueError: module.fail_json(msg='Could not determine controller hostname for rsync to send to') else: source = module.params['src'] dest = module.params['dest'] dest_port = module.params['dest_port'] delete = module.params['delete'] private_key = module.params['private_key'] rsync_path = module.params['rsync_path'] rsync = module.params.get('_local_rsync_path', 'rsync') rsync_password = module.params.get('_local_rsync_password') rsync_timeout = module.params.get('rsync_timeout', 'rsync_timeout') archive = module.params['archive'] checksum = module.params['checksum'] compress = module.params['compress'] existing_only = module.params['existing_only'] dirs = module.params['dirs'] partial = module.params['partial'] # the default of these params depends on the value of archive recursive = module.params['recursive'] links = module.params['links'] copy_links = module.params['copy_links'] perms = module.params['perms'] times = module.params['times'] owner = module.params['owner'] group = module.params['group'] rsync_opts = module.params['rsync_opts'] ssh_args = module.params['ssh_args'] verify_host = module.params['verify_host'] link_dest = module.params['link_dest'] if '/' not in rsync: rsync = module.get_bin_path(rsync, required=True) cmd = [rsync, '--delay-updates', '-F'] _sshpass_pipe = None if rsync_password: try: module.run_command(["sshpass"]) except OSError: module.fail_json( msg="to use rsync connection with passwords, you must install the sshpass program" ) _sshpass_pipe = os.pipe() cmd = ['sshpass', '-d' + to_native(_sshpass_pipe[0], errors='surrogate_or_strict')] + cmd if compress: cmd.append('--compress') if rsync_timeout: cmd.append('--timeout=%s' % rsync_timeout) if module.check_mode: cmd.append('--dry-run') if delete: cmd.append('--delete-after') if existing_only: cmd.append('--existing') if checksum: cmd.append('--checksum') if copy_links: cmd.append('--copy-links') if archive: cmd.append('--archive') if recursive is False: cmd.append('--no-recursive') if links is False: cmd.append('--no-links') if perms is False: cmd.append('--no-perms') if times is False: cmd.append('--no-times') if owner is False: cmd.append('--no-owner') if group is False: cmd.append('--no-group') else: if recursive is True: cmd.append('--recursive') if links is True: cmd.append('--links') if perms is True: cmd.append('--perms') if times is True: cmd.append('--times') if owner is True: cmd.append('--owner') if group is True: cmd.append('--group') if dirs: cmd.append('--dirs') if source.startswith('rsync://') and dest.startswith('rsync://'): module.fail_json(msg='either src or dest must be a localhost', rc=1) if is_rsh_needed(source, dest): # https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/15907 has_rsh = False for rsync_opt in rsync_opts: if '--rsh' in rsync_opt: has_rsh = True break # if the user has not supplied an --rsh option go ahead and add ours if not has_rsh: ssh_cmd = [module.get_bin_path('ssh', required=True), '-S', 'none'] if private_key is not None: ssh_cmd.extend(['-i', private_key]) # If the user specified a port value # Note: The action plugin takes care of setting this to a port from # inventory if the user didn't specify an explicit dest_port if dest_port is not None: ssh_cmd.extend(['-o', 'Port=%s' % dest_port]) if not verify_host: ssh_cmd.extend(['-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null']) ssh_cmd_str = ' '.join(shlex_quote(arg) for arg in ssh_cmd) if ssh_args: ssh_cmd_str += ' %s' % ssh_args cmd.append('--rsh=%s' % ssh_cmd_str) if rsync_path: cmd.append('--rsync-path=%s' % rsync_path) if rsync_opts: if '' in rsync_opts: module.warn('The empty string is present in rsync_opts which will cause rsync to' ' transfer the current working directory. If this is intended, use "."' ' instead to get rid of this warning. If this is unintended, check for' ' problems in your playbook leading to empty string in rsync_opts.') cmd.extend(rsync_opts) if partial: cmd.append('--partial') if link_dest: cmd.append('-H') # verbose required because rsync does not believe that adding a # hardlink is actually a change cmd.append('-vv') for x in link_dest: link_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(x)) destination_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(dest)) if destination_path.find(link_path) == 0: module.fail_json(msg='Hardlinking into a subdirectory of the source would cause recursion. %s and %s' % (destination_path, dest)) cmd.append('--link-dest=%s' % link_path) changed_marker = '<>' cmd.append('--out-format=' + changed_marker + '%i %n%L') # expand the paths if '@' not in source: source = os.path.expanduser(source) if '@' not in dest: dest = os.path.expanduser(dest) cmd.append(source) cmd.append(dest) cmdstr = ' '.join(cmd) # If we are using password authentication, write the password into the pipe if rsync_password: def _write_password_to_pipe(proc): os.close(_sshpass_pipe[0]) try: os.write(_sshpass_pipe[1], to_bytes(rsync_password) + b'\n') except OSError as exc: # Ignore broken pipe errors if the sshpass process has exited. if exc.errno != errno.EPIPE or proc.poll() is None: raise (rc, out, err) = module.run_command( cmd, pass_fds=_sshpass_pipe, before_communicate_callback=_write_password_to_pipe) else: (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(cmd) if rc: return module.fail_json(msg=err, rc=rc, cmd=cmdstr) if link_dest: # a leading period indicates no change changed = (changed_marker + '.') not in out else: changed = changed_marker in out out_clean = out.replace(changed_marker, '') out_lines = out_clean.split('\n') while '' in out_lines: out_lines.remove('') if module._diff: diff = {'prepared': out_clean} return module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=out_clean, rc=rc, cmd=cmdstr, stdout_lines=out_lines, diff=diff) return module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=out_clean, rc=rc, cmd=cmdstr, stdout_lines=out_lines) if __name__ == '__main__': main()