#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright: (c) 2017, Ansible Project # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function __metaclass__ = type ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['stableinterface'], 'supported_by': 'core'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: cloudformation short_description: Create or delete an AWS CloudFormation stack description: - Launches or updates an AWS CloudFormation stack and waits for it complete. notes: - CloudFormation features change often, and this module tries to keep up. That means your botocore version should be fresh. The version listed in the requirements is the oldest version that works with the module as a whole. Some features may require recent versions, and we do not pinpoint a minimum version for each feature. Instead of relying on the minimum version, keep botocore up to date. AWS is always releasing features and fixing bugs. version_added: "1.1" options: stack_name: description: - Name of the CloudFormation stack. required: true type: str disable_rollback: description: - If a stacks fails to form, rollback will remove the stack. default: false type: bool on_create_failure: description: - Action to take upon failure of stack creation. Incompatible with the I(disable_rollback) option. choices: - DO_NOTHING - ROLLBACK - DELETE version_added: "2.8" type: str create_timeout: description: - The amount of time (in minutes) that can pass before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED version_added: "2.6" type: int template_parameters: description: - A list of hashes of all the template variables for the stack. The value can be a string or a dict. - Dict can be used to set additional template parameter attributes like UsePreviousValue (see example). default: {} type: dict state: description: - If I(state=present), stack will be created. - If I(state=present) and if stack exists and template has changed, it will be updated. - If I(state=absent), stack will be removed. default: present choices: [ present, absent ] type: str template: description: - The local path of the CloudFormation template. - This must be the full path to the file, relative to the working directory. If using roles this may look like C(roles/cloudformation/files/cloudformation-example.json). - If I(state=present) and the stack does not exist yet, either I(template), I(template_body) or I(template_url) must be specified (but only one of them). - If I(state=present), the stack does exist, and neither I(template), I(template_body) nor I(template_url) are specified, the previous template will be reused. type: path notification_arns: description: - A comma separated list of Simple Notification Service (SNS) topic ARNs to publish stack related events. version_added: "2.0" type: str stack_policy: description: - The path of the CloudFormation stack policy. A policy cannot be removed once placed, but it can be modified. for instance, allow all updates U(https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/protect-stack-resources.html#d0e9051) version_added: "1.9" type: str tags: description: - Dictionary of tags to associate with stack and its resources during stack creation. - Can be updated later, updating tags removes previous entries. version_added: "1.4" type: dict template_url: description: - Location of file containing the template body. The URL must point to a template (max size 307,200 bytes) located in an S3 bucket in the same region as the stack. - If I(state=present) and the stack does not exist yet, either I(template), I(template_body) or I(template_url) must be specified (but only one of them). - If I(state=present), the stack does exist, and neither I(template), I(template_body) nor I(template_url) are specified, the previous template will be reused. version_added: "2.0" type: str create_changeset: description: - "If stack already exists create a changeset instead of directly applying changes. See the AWS Change Sets docs U(https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-changesets.html)." - "WARNING: if the stack does not exist, it will be created without changeset. If I(state=absent), the stack will be deleted immediately with no changeset." type: bool default: false version_added: "2.4" changeset_name: description: - Name given to the changeset when creating a changeset. - Only used when I(create_changeset=true). - By default a name prefixed with Ansible-STACKNAME is generated based on input parameters. See the AWS Change Sets docs for more information U(https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-updating-stacks-changesets.html) version_added: "2.4" type: str template_format: description: - This parameter is ignored since Ansible 2.3 and will be removed in Ansible 2.14. - Templates are now passed raw to CloudFormation regardless of format. version_added: "2.0" type: str role_arn: description: - The role that AWS CloudFormation assumes to create the stack. See the AWS CloudFormation Service Role docs U(https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-iam-servicerole.html) version_added: "2.3" type: str termination_protection: description: - Enable or disable termination protection on the stack. Only works with botocore >= 1.7.18. type: bool version_added: "2.5" template_body: description: - Template body. Use this to pass in the actual body of the CloudFormation template. - If I(state=present) and the stack does not exist yet, either I(template), I(template_body) or I(template_url) must be specified (but only one of them). - If I(state=present), the stack does exist, and neither I(template), I(template_body) nor I(template_url) are specified, the previous template will be reused. version_added: "2.5" type: str events_limit: description: - Maximum number of CloudFormation events to fetch from a stack when creating or updating it. default: 200 version_added: "2.7" type: int backoff_delay: description: - Number of seconds to wait for the next retry. default: 3 version_added: "2.8" type: int required: False backoff_max_delay: description: - Maximum amount of time to wait between retries. default: 30 version_added: "2.8" type: int required: False backoff_retries: description: - Number of times to retry operation. - AWS API throttling mechanism fails CloudFormation module so we have to retry a couple of times. default: 10 version_added: "2.8" type: int required: False capabilities: description: - Specify capabilities that stack template contains. - Valid values are C(CAPABILITY_IAM), C(CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM) and C(CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND). type: list elements: str version_added: "2.8" default: [ CAPABILITY_IAM, CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM ] author: "James S. Martin (@jsmartin)" extends_documentation_fragment: - aws - ec2 requirements: [ boto3, botocore>=1.5.45 ] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' - name: create a cloudformation stack cloudformation: stack_name: "ansible-cloudformation" state: "present" region: "us-east-1" disable_rollback: true template: "files/cloudformation-example.json" template_parameters: KeyName: "jmartin" DiskType: "ephemeral" InstanceType: "m1.small" ClusterSize: 3 tags: Stack: "ansible-cloudformation" # Basic role example - name: create a stack, specify role that cloudformation assumes cloudformation: stack_name: "ansible-cloudformation" state: "present" region: "us-east-1" disable_rollback: true template: "roles/cloudformation/files/cloudformation-example.json" role_arn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/cloudformation-iam-role' - name: delete a stack cloudformation: stack_name: "ansible-cloudformation-old" state: "absent" # Create a stack, pass in template from a URL, disable rollback if stack creation fails, # pass in some parameters to the template, provide tags for resources created - name: create a stack, pass in the template via an URL cloudformation: stack_name: "ansible-cloudformation" state: present region: us-east-1 disable_rollback: true template_url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/cloudformation.template template_parameters: KeyName: jmartin DiskType: ephemeral InstanceType: m1.small ClusterSize: 3 tags: Stack: ansible-cloudformation # Create a stack, passing in template body using lookup of Jinja2 template, disable rollback if stack creation fails, # pass in some parameters to the template, provide tags for resources created - name: create a stack, pass in the template body via lookup template cloudformation: stack_name: "ansible-cloudformation" state: present region: us-east-1 disable_rollback: true template_body: "{{ lookup('template', 'cloudformation.j2') }}" template_parameters: KeyName: jmartin DiskType: ephemeral InstanceType: m1.small ClusterSize: 3 tags: Stack: ansible-cloudformation # Pass a template parameter which uses CloudFormation's UsePreviousValue attribute # When use_previous_value is set to True, the given value will be ignored and # CloudFormation will use the value from a previously submitted template. # If use_previous_value is set to False (default) the given value is used. - cloudformation: stack_name: "ansible-cloudformation" state: "present" region: "us-east-1" template: "files/cloudformation-example.json" template_parameters: DBSnapshotIdentifier: use_previous_value: True value: arn:aws:rds:es-east-1:000000000000:snapshot:rds:my-db-snapshot DBName: use_previous_value: True tags: Stack: "ansible-cloudformation" # Enable termination protection on a stack. # If the stack already exists, this will update its termination protection - name: enable termination protection during stack creation cloudformation: stack_name: my_stack state: present template_url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/cloudformation.template termination_protection: yes # Configure TimeoutInMinutes before the stack status becomes CREATE_FAILED # In this case, if disable_rollback is not set or is set to false, the stack will be rolled back. - name: enable termination protection during stack creation cloudformation: stack_name: my_stack state: present template_url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/cloudformation.template create_timeout: 5 # Configure rollback behaviour on the unsuccessful creation of a stack allowing # CloudFormation to clean up, or do nothing in the event of an unsuccessful # deployment # In this case, if on_create_failure is set to "DELETE", it will clean up the stack if # it fails to create - name: create stack which will delete on creation failure cloudformation: stack_name: my_stack state: present template_url: https://s3.amazonaws.com/my-bucket/cloudformation.template on_create_failure: DELETE ''' RETURN = ''' events: type: list description: Most recent events in CloudFormation's event log. This may be from a previous run in some cases. returned: always sample: ["StackEvent AWS::CloudFormation::Stack stackname UPDATE_COMPLETE", "StackEvent AWS::CloudFormation::Stack stackname UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEANUP_IN_PROGRESS"] log: description: Debugging logs. Useful when modifying or finding an error. returned: always type: list sample: ["updating stack"] change_set_id: description: The ID of the stack change set if one was created returned: I(state=present) and I(create_changeset=true) type: str sample: "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:012345678901:changeSet/Ansible-StackName-f4496805bd1b2be824d1e315c6884247ede41eb0" stack_resources: description: AWS stack resources and their status. List of dictionaries, one dict per resource. returned: state == present type: list sample: [ { "last_updated_time": "2016-10-11T19:40:14.979000+00:00", "logical_resource_id": "CFTestSg", "physical_resource_id": "cloudformation2-CFTestSg-16UQ4CYQ57O9F", "resource_type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup", "status": "UPDATE_COMPLETE", "status_reason": null } ] stack_outputs: type: dict description: A key:value dictionary of all the stack outputs currently defined. If there are no stack outputs, it is an empty dictionary. returned: state == present sample: {"MySg": "AnsibleModuleTestYAML-CFTestSg-C8UVS567B6NS"} ''' # NOQA import json import time import uuid import traceback from hashlib import sha1 try: import boto3 import botocore HAS_BOTO3 = True except ImportError: HAS_BOTO3 = False from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list, AWSRetry, boto3_conn, boto_exception, ec2_argument_spec, get_aws_connection_info from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native def get_stack_events(cfn, stack_name, events_limit, token_filter=None): '''This event data was never correct, it worked as a side effect. So the v2.3 format is different.''' ret = {'events': [], 'log': []} try: pg = cfn.get_paginator( 'describe_stack_events' ).paginate( StackName=stack_name, PaginationConfig={'MaxItems': events_limit} ) if token_filter is not None: events = list(pg.search( "StackEvents[?ClientRequestToken == '{0}']".format(token_filter) )) else: events = list(pg.search("StackEvents[*]")) except (botocore.exceptions.ValidationError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'does not exist' in error_msg: # missing stack, don't bail. ret['log'].append('Stack does not exist.') return ret ret['log'].append('Unknown error: ' + str(error_msg)) return ret for e in events: eventline = 'StackEvent {ResourceType} {LogicalResourceId} {ResourceStatus}'.format(**e) ret['events'].append(eventline) if e['ResourceStatus'].endswith('FAILED'): failline = '{ResourceType} {LogicalResourceId} {ResourceStatus}: {ResourceStatusReason}'.format(**e) ret['log'].append(failline) return ret def create_stack(module, stack_params, cfn, events_limit): if 'TemplateBody' not in stack_params and 'TemplateURL' not in stack_params: module.fail_json(msg="Either 'template', 'template_body' or 'template_url' is required when the stack does not exist.") # 'DisableRollback', 'TimeoutInMinutes', 'EnableTerminationProtection' and # 'OnFailure' only apply on creation, not update. if module.params.get('on_create_failure') is not None: stack_params['OnFailure'] = module.params['on_create_failure'] else: stack_params['DisableRollback'] = module.params['disable_rollback'] if module.params.get('create_timeout') is not None: stack_params['TimeoutInMinutes'] = module.params['create_timeout'] if module.params.get('termination_protection') is not None: if boto_supports_termination_protection(cfn): stack_params['EnableTerminationProtection'] = bool(module.params.get('termination_protection')) else: module.fail_json(msg="termination_protection parameter requires botocore >= 1.7.18") try: response = cfn.create_stack(**stack_params) # Use stack ID to follow stack state in case of on_create_failure = DELETE result = stack_operation(cfn, response['StackId'], 'CREATE', events_limit, stack_params.get('ClientRequestToken', None)) except Exception as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create stack {0}: {1}.".format(stack_params.get('StackName'), error_msg), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if not result: module.fail_json(msg="empty result") return result def list_changesets(cfn, stack_name): res = cfn.list_change_sets(StackName=stack_name) return [cs['ChangeSetName'] for cs in res['Summaries']] def create_changeset(module, stack_params, cfn, events_limit): if 'TemplateBody' not in stack_params and 'TemplateURL' not in stack_params: module.fail_json(msg="Either 'template' or 'template_url' is required.") if module.params['changeset_name'] is not None: stack_params['ChangeSetName'] = module.params['changeset_name'] # changesets don't accept ClientRequestToken parameters stack_params.pop('ClientRequestToken', None) try: changeset_name = build_changeset_name(stack_params) stack_params['ChangeSetName'] = changeset_name # Determine if this changeset already exists pending_changesets = list_changesets(cfn, stack_params['StackName']) if changeset_name in pending_changesets: warning = 'WARNING: %d pending changeset(s) exist(s) for this stack!' % len(pending_changesets) result = dict(changed=False, output='ChangeSet %s already exists.' % changeset_name, warnings=[warning]) else: cs = cfn.create_change_set(**stack_params) # Make sure we don't enter an infinite loop time_end = time.time() + 600 while time.time() < time_end: try: newcs = cfn.describe_change_set(ChangeSetName=cs['Id']) except botocore.exceptions.BotoCoreError as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) module.fail_json(msg=error_msg) if newcs['Status'] == 'CREATE_PENDING' or newcs['Status'] == 'CREATE_IN_PROGRESS': time.sleep(1) elif newcs['Status'] == 'FAILED' and "The submitted information didn't contain changes" in newcs['StatusReason']: cfn.delete_change_set(ChangeSetName=cs['Id']) result = dict(changed=False, output='The created Change Set did not contain any changes to this stack and was deleted.') # a failed change set does not trigger any stack events so we just want to # skip any further processing of result and just return it directly return result else: break # Lets not hog the cpu/spam the AWS API time.sleep(1) result = stack_operation(cfn, stack_params['StackName'], 'CREATE_CHANGESET', events_limit) result['change_set_id'] = cs['Id'] result['warnings'] = ['Created changeset named %s for stack %s' % (changeset_name, stack_params['StackName']), 'You can execute it using: aws cloudformation execute-change-set --change-set-name %s' % cs['Id'], 'NOTE that dependencies on this stack might fail due to pending changes!'] except Exception as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'No updates are to be performed.' in error_msg: result = dict(changed=False, output='Stack is already up-to-date.') else: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create change set: {0}".format(error_msg), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if not result: module.fail_json(msg="empty result") return result def update_stack(module, stack_params, cfn, events_limit): if 'TemplateBody' not in stack_params and 'TemplateURL' not in stack_params: stack_params['UsePreviousTemplate'] = True # if the state is present and the stack already exists, we try to update it. # AWS will tell us if the stack template and parameters are the same and # don't need to be updated. try: cfn.update_stack(**stack_params) result = stack_operation(cfn, stack_params['StackName'], 'UPDATE', events_limit, stack_params.get('ClientRequestToken', None)) except Exception as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'No updates are to be performed.' in error_msg: result = dict(changed=False, output='Stack is already up-to-date.') else: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to update stack {0}: {1}".format(stack_params.get('StackName'), error_msg), exception=traceback.format_exc()) if not result: module.fail_json(msg="empty result") return result def update_termination_protection(module, cfn, stack_name, desired_termination_protection_state): '''updates termination protection of a stack''' if not boto_supports_termination_protection(cfn): module.fail_json(msg="termination_protection parameter requires botocore >= 1.7.18") stack = get_stack_facts(cfn, stack_name) if stack: if stack['EnableTerminationProtection'] is not desired_termination_protection_state: try: cfn.update_termination_protection( EnableTerminationProtection=desired_termination_protection_state, StackName=stack_name) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: module.fail_json(msg=boto_exception(e), exception=traceback.format_exc()) def boto_supports_termination_protection(cfn): '''termination protection was added in botocore 1.7.18''' return hasattr(cfn, "update_termination_protection") def stack_operation(cfn, stack_name, operation, events_limit, op_token=None): '''gets the status of a stack while it is created/updated/deleted''' existed = [] while True: try: stack = get_stack_facts(cfn, stack_name) existed.append('yes') except Exception: # If the stack previously existed, and now can't be found then it's # been deleted successfully. if 'yes' in existed or operation == 'DELETE': # stacks may delete fast, look in a few ways. ret = get_stack_events(cfn, stack_name, events_limit, op_token) ret.update({'changed': True, 'output': 'Stack Deleted'}) return ret else: return {'changed': True, 'failed': True, 'output': 'Stack Not Found', 'exception': traceback.format_exc()} ret = get_stack_events(cfn, stack_name, events_limit, op_token) if not stack: if 'yes' in existed or operation == 'DELETE': # stacks may delete fast, look in a few ways. ret = get_stack_events(cfn, stack_name, events_limit, op_token) ret.update({'changed': True, 'output': 'Stack Deleted'}) return ret else: ret.update({'changed': False, 'failed': True, 'output': 'Stack not found.'}) return ret # it covers ROLLBACK_COMPLETE and UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE # Possible states: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/using-cfn-describing-stacks.html#w1ab2c15c17c21c13 elif stack['StackStatus'].endswith('ROLLBACK_COMPLETE') and operation != 'CREATE_CHANGESET': ret.update({'changed': True, 'failed': True, 'output': 'Problem with %s. Rollback complete' % operation}) return ret elif stack['StackStatus'] == 'DELETE_COMPLETE' and operation == 'CREATE': ret.update({'changed': True, 'failed': True, 'output': 'Stack create failed. Delete complete.'}) return ret # note the ordering of ROLLBACK_COMPLETE, DELETE_COMPLETE, and COMPLETE, because otherwise COMPLETE will match all cases. elif stack['StackStatus'].endswith('_COMPLETE'): ret.update({'changed': True, 'output': 'Stack %s complete' % operation}) return ret elif stack['StackStatus'].endswith('_ROLLBACK_FAILED'): ret.update({'changed': True, 'failed': True, 'output': 'Stack %s rollback failed' % operation}) return ret # note the ordering of ROLLBACK_FAILED and FAILED, because otherwise FAILED will match both cases. elif stack['StackStatus'].endswith('_FAILED'): ret.update({'changed': True, 'failed': True, 'output': 'Stack %s failed' % operation}) return ret else: # this can loop forever :/ time.sleep(5) return {'failed': True, 'output': 'Failed for unknown reasons.'} def build_changeset_name(stack_params): if 'ChangeSetName' in stack_params: return stack_params['ChangeSetName'] json_params = json.dumps(stack_params, sort_keys=True) return 'Ansible-{0}-{1}'.format( stack_params['StackName'], sha1(to_bytes(json_params, errors='surrogate_or_strict')).hexdigest() ) def check_mode_changeset(module, stack_params, cfn): """Create a change set, describe it and delete it before returning check mode outputs.""" stack_params['ChangeSetName'] = build_changeset_name(stack_params) # changesets don't accept ClientRequestToken parameters stack_params.pop('ClientRequestToken', None) try: change_set = cfn.create_change_set(**stack_params) for i in range(60): # total time 5 min description = cfn.describe_change_set(ChangeSetName=change_set['Id']) if description['Status'] in ('CREATE_COMPLETE', 'FAILED'): break time.sleep(5) else: # if the changeset doesn't finish in 5 mins, this `else` will trigger and fail module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create change set %s" % stack_params['ChangeSetName']) cfn.delete_change_set(ChangeSetName=change_set['Id']) reason = description.get('StatusReason') if description['Status'] == 'FAILED' and "didn't contain changes" in description['StatusReason']: return {'changed': False, 'msg': reason, 'meta': description['StatusReason']} return {'changed': True, 'msg': reason, 'meta': description['Changes']} except (botocore.exceptions.ValidationError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) module.fail_json(msg=error_msg, exception=traceback.format_exc()) def get_stack_facts(cfn, stack_name): try: stack_response = cfn.describe_stacks(StackName=stack_name) stack_info = stack_response['Stacks'][0] except (botocore.exceptions.ValidationError, botocore.exceptions.ClientError) as err: error_msg = boto_exception(err) if 'does not exist' in error_msg: # missing stack, don't bail. return None # other error, bail. raise err if stack_response and stack_response.get('Stacks', None): stacks = stack_response['Stacks'] if len(stacks): stack_info = stacks[0] return stack_info def main(): argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( stack_name=dict(required=True), template_parameters=dict(required=False, type='dict', default={}), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), template=dict(default=None, required=False, type='path'), notification_arns=dict(default=None, required=False), stack_policy=dict(default=None, required=False), disable_rollback=dict(default=False, type='bool'), on_create_failure=dict(default=None, required=False, choices=['DO_NOTHING', 'ROLLBACK', 'DELETE']), create_timeout=dict(default=None, type='int'), template_url=dict(default=None, required=False), template_body=dict(default=None, required=False), template_format=dict(removed_in_version='2.14'), create_changeset=dict(default=False, type='bool'), changeset_name=dict(default=None, required=False), role_arn=dict(default=None, required=False), tags=dict(default=None, type='dict'), termination_protection=dict(default=None, type='bool'), events_limit=dict(default=200, type='int'), backoff_retries=dict(type='int', default=10, required=False), backoff_delay=dict(type='int', default=3, required=False), backoff_max_delay=dict(type='int', default=30, required=False), capabilities=dict(type='list', default=['CAPABILITY_IAM', 'CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM']) ) ) module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=argument_spec, mutually_exclusive=[['template_url', 'template', 'template_body'], ['disable_rollback', 'on_create_failure']], supports_check_mode=True ) if not HAS_BOTO3: module.fail_json(msg='boto3 and botocore are required for this module') invalid_capabilities = [] user_capabilities = module.params.get('capabilities') for user_cap in user_capabilities: if user_cap not in ['CAPABILITY_IAM', 'CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM', 'CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND']: invalid_capabilities.append(user_cap) if invalid_capabilities: module.fail_json(msg="Specified capabilities are invalid : %r," " please check documentation for valid capabilities" % invalid_capabilities) # collect the parameters that are passed to boto3. Keeps us from having so many scalars floating around. stack_params = { 'Capabilities': user_capabilities, 'ClientRequestToken': to_native(uuid.uuid4()), } state = module.params['state'] stack_params['StackName'] = module.params['stack_name'] if module.params['template'] is not None: with open(module.params['template'], 'r') as template_fh: stack_params['TemplateBody'] = template_fh.read() elif module.params['template_body'] is not None: stack_params['TemplateBody'] = module.params['template_body'] elif module.params['template_url'] is not None: stack_params['TemplateURL'] = module.params['template_url'] if module.params.get('notification_arns'): stack_params['NotificationARNs'] = module.params['notification_arns'].split(',') else: stack_params['NotificationARNs'] = [] # can't check the policy when verifying. if module.params['stack_policy'] is not None and not module.check_mode and not module.params['create_changeset']: with open(module.params['stack_policy'], 'r') as stack_policy_fh: stack_params['StackPolicyBody'] = stack_policy_fh.read() template_parameters = module.params['template_parameters'] stack_params['Parameters'] = [] for k, v in template_parameters.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): # set parameter based on a dict to allow additional CFN Parameter Attributes param = dict(ParameterKey=k) if 'value' in v: param['ParameterValue'] = str(v['value']) if 'use_previous_value' in v and bool(v['use_previous_value']): param['UsePreviousValue'] = True param.pop('ParameterValue', None) stack_params['Parameters'].append(param) else: # allow default k/v configuration to set a template parameter stack_params['Parameters'].append({'ParameterKey': k, 'ParameterValue': str(v)}) if isinstance(module.params.get('tags'), dict): stack_params['Tags'] = ansible_dict_to_boto3_tag_list(module.params['tags']) if module.params.get('role_arn'): stack_params['RoleARN'] = module.params['role_arn'] result = {} try: region, ec2_url, aws_connect_kwargs = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) cfn = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='cloudformation', region=region, endpoint=ec2_url, **aws_connect_kwargs) except botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError as e: module.fail_json(msg=boto_exception(e)) # Wrap the cloudformation client methods that this module uses with # automatic backoff / retry for throttling error codes backoff_wrapper = AWSRetry.jittered_backoff( retries=module.params.get('backoff_retries'), delay=module.params.get('backoff_delay'), max_delay=module.params.get('backoff_max_delay') ) cfn.describe_stack_events = backoff_wrapper(cfn.describe_stack_events) cfn.create_stack = backoff_wrapper(cfn.create_stack) cfn.list_change_sets = backoff_wrapper(cfn.list_change_sets) cfn.create_change_set = backoff_wrapper(cfn.create_change_set) cfn.update_stack = backoff_wrapper(cfn.update_stack) cfn.describe_stacks = backoff_wrapper(cfn.describe_stacks) cfn.list_stack_resources = backoff_wrapper(cfn.list_stack_resources) cfn.delete_stack = backoff_wrapper(cfn.delete_stack) if boto_supports_termination_protection(cfn): cfn.update_termination_protection = backoff_wrapper(cfn.update_termination_protection) stack_info = get_stack_facts(cfn, stack_params['StackName']) if module.check_mode: if state == 'absent' and stack_info: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='Stack would be deleted', meta=[]) elif state == 'absent' and not stack_info: module.exit_json(changed=False, msg='Stack doesn\'t exist', meta=[]) elif state == 'present' and not stack_info: module.exit_json(changed=True, msg='New stack would be created', meta=[]) else: module.exit_json(**check_mode_changeset(module, stack_params, cfn)) if state == 'present': if not stack_info: result = create_stack(module, stack_params, cfn, module.params.get('events_limit')) elif module.params.get('create_changeset'): result = create_changeset(module, stack_params, cfn, module.params.get('events_limit')) else: if module.params.get('termination_protection') is not None: update_termination_protection(module, cfn, stack_params['StackName'], bool(module.params.get('termination_protection'))) result = update_stack(module, stack_params, cfn, module.params.get('events_limit')) # format the stack output stack = get_stack_facts(cfn, stack_params['StackName']) if stack is not None: if result.get('stack_outputs') is None: # always define stack_outputs, but it may be empty result['stack_outputs'] = {} for output in stack.get('Outputs', []): result['stack_outputs'][output['OutputKey']] = output['OutputValue'] stack_resources = [] reslist = cfn.list_stack_resources(StackName=stack_params['StackName']) for res in reslist.get('StackResourceSummaries', []): stack_resources.append({ "logical_resource_id": res['LogicalResourceId'], "physical_resource_id": res.get('PhysicalResourceId', ''), "resource_type": res['ResourceType'], "last_updated_time": res['LastUpdatedTimestamp'], "status": res['ResourceStatus'], "status_reason": res.get('ResourceStatusReason') # can be blank, apparently }) result['stack_resources'] = stack_resources elif state == 'absent': # absent state is different because of the way delete_stack works. # problem is it it doesn't give an error if stack isn't found # so must describe the stack first try: stack = get_stack_facts(cfn, stack_params['StackName']) if not stack: result = {'changed': False, 'output': 'Stack not found.'} else: if stack_params.get('RoleARN') is None: cfn.delete_stack(StackName=stack_params['StackName']) else: cfn.delete_stack(StackName=stack_params['StackName'], RoleARN=stack_params['RoleARN']) result = stack_operation(cfn, stack_params['StackName'], 'DELETE', module.params.get('events_limit'), stack_params.get('ClientRequestToken', None)) except Exception as err: module.fail_json(msg=boto_exception(err), exception=traceback.format_exc()) module.exit_json(**result) if __name__ == '__main__': main()