"""Fallaxy (ansible-galaxy) plugin for integration tests.""" from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function) __metaclass__ = type import os import uuid from . import ( CloudProvider, CloudEnvironment, CloudEnvironmentConfig, ) from ..util import ( find_executable, display, ) from ..docker_util import ( docker_run, docker_rm, docker_inspect, docker_pull, get_docker_container_id, ) class FallaxyProvider(CloudProvider): """Fallaxy plugin. Sets up Fallaxy (ansible-galaxy) stub server for tests. It's source source itself resides at: https://github.com/ansible/fallaxy-test-container """ DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME = 'fallaxy-stub' def __init__(self, args): """ :type args: TestConfig """ super(FallaxyProvider, self).__init__(args) if os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_FALLAXY_CONTAINER'): self.image = os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_FALLAXY_CONTAINER') else: self.image = 'quay.io/ansible/fallaxy-test-container:2.0.0' self.container_name = '' def filter(self, targets, exclude): """Filter out the tests with the necessary config and res unavailable. :type targets: tuple[TestTarget] :type exclude: list[str] """ docker_cmd = 'docker' docker = find_executable(docker_cmd, required=False) if docker: return skip = 'cloud/%s/' % self.platform skipped = [target.name for target in targets if skip in target.aliases] if skipped: exclude.append(skip) display.warning('Excluding tests marked "%s" which require the "%s" command: %s' % (skip.rstrip('/'), docker_cmd, ', '.join(skipped))) def setup(self): """Setup cloud resource before delegation and reg cleanup callback.""" super(FallaxyProvider, self).setup() if self._use_static_config(): self._setup_static() else: self._setup_dynamic() def get_docker_run_options(self): """Get additional options needed when delegating tests to a container. :rtype: list[str] """ return ['--link', self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME] if self.managed else [] def cleanup(self): """Clean up the resource and temporary configs files after tests.""" if self.container_name: docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name) super(FallaxyProvider, self).cleanup() def _setup_dynamic(self): container_id = get_docker_container_id() if container_id: display.info('Running in docker container: %s' % container_id, verbosity=1) self.container_name = self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME results = docker_inspect(self.args, self.container_name) if results and not results[0].get('State', {}).get('Running'): docker_rm(self.args, self.container_name) results = [] display.info('%s Fallaxy simulator docker container.' % ('Using the existing' if results else 'Starting a new'), verbosity=1) fallaxy_port = 8080 fallaxy_token = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '') if not results: if self.args.docker or container_id: publish_ports = [] else: # publish the simulator ports when not running inside docker publish_ports = [ '-p', ':'.join((str(fallaxy_port),) * 2), ] if not os.environ.get('ANSIBLE_FALLAXY_CONTAINER'): docker_pull(self.args, self.image) docker_run( self.args, self.image, ['-d', '--name', self.container_name, '-e', 'FALLAXY_TOKEN=%s' % fallaxy_token] + publish_ports, ) if self.args.docker: fallaxy_host = self.DOCKER_SIMULATOR_NAME elif container_id: fallaxy_host = self._get_simulator_address() display.info('Found Fallaxy simulator container address: %s' % fallaxy_host, verbosity=1) else: fallaxy_host = 'localhost' self._set_cloud_config('FALLAXY_HOST', fallaxy_host) self._set_cloud_config('FALLAXY_PORT', str(fallaxy_port)) self._set_cloud_config('FALLAXY_TOKEN', fallaxy_token) def _get_simulator_address(self): results = docker_inspect(self.args, self.container_name) ipaddress = results[0]['NetworkSettings']['IPAddress'] return ipaddress def _setup_static(self): raise NotImplementedError() class FallaxyEnvironment(CloudEnvironment): """Fallaxy environment plugin. Updates integration test environment after delegation. """ def get_environment_config(self): """ :rtype: CloudEnvironmentConfig """ fallaxy_token = self._get_cloud_config('FALLAXY_TOKEN') fallaxy_host = self._get_cloud_config('FALLAXY_HOST') fallaxy_port = self._get_cloud_config('FALLAXY_PORT') return CloudEnvironmentConfig( ansible_vars=dict( fallaxy_token=fallaxy_token, fallaxy_galaxy_server='http://%s:%s/api/' % (fallaxy_host, fallaxy_port), fallaxy_ah_server='http://%s:%s/api/automation-hub/' % (fallaxy_host, fallaxy_port), ), env_vars=dict( FALLAXY_TOKEN=fallaxy_token, FALLAXY_GALAXY_SERVER='http://%s:%s/api/' % (fallaxy_host, fallaxy_port), FALLAXY_AH_SERVER='http://%s:%s/api/automation-hub/' % (fallaxy_host, fallaxy_port), ), )