The value of groups_tree_var = 4000. This comes from host, not the parents or grandparents. The value of the grandparent variable grandparent_var is not overridden and is = 2000 The value of the parent variable is not overriden and is = 6000 The variable 'overridden_in_parent' is set in the parent and grandparent, so the parent wins. It's value is = 1000. The values of 'uno', 'dos', and 'tres' are set in group_vars/all but 'tres' is set to the value of 'three' in group_vars/local, which should override it. uno = 1 dos = 2 tres = three The values of 'a', 'b', 'c', and 'd' are set in host_vars/local and should not be clobbered by values that are also set in group_vars. a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 d = 4 The value of 'badwolf' is set via the include_vars plugin. badwolf = badwolf The value of 'winter' is set via the main.yml in the role. winter = coming Here's an arbitrary variable set as vars_files in the playbook. vars_file_var = 321 And vars. vars = 123 Variables about other hosts can be looked up via hostvars. This includes facts but here we'll just access a variable defined in the groups. 999 Ansible has pretty basic precedence rules for variable overriding. We already have some tests above about group order. Here are a few more. * -e variables always win * then comes "most everything else" * then comes variables defined in inventory * then "role defaults", which are the most "defaulty" and lose in priority to everything. Given the above rules, here's a test that a -e variable overrides inventory, and also defaults, and role vars. etest = from -e Now a test to make sure role variables can override inventory variables. role_var_beats_inventory = chevron 5 encoded Role variables should also beat defaults. role_var_beats_default = chevron 6 encoded But defaults are lower priority than inventory, so inventory should win. inventory_beats_default = narf That's the end of the precedence tests for now, but more are welcome.