- hosts: "{{ hosts }}" gather_facts: no serial: 1 tasks: ### raw with unicode arg and output - name: raw with unicode arg and output raw: echo 汉语 register: command - name: check output of raw with unicode arg and output assert: that: - "'汉语' in command.stdout" - command | changed # as of 2.2, raw should default to changed: true for consistency w/ shell/command/script modules ### copy local file with unicode filename and content - name: create local file with unicode filename and content local_action: lineinfile dest={{ local_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt create=true line=汉语 - name: remove remote file with unicode filename and content action: "{{ action_prefix }}file path={{ remote_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt state=absent" - name: create remote directory with unicode name action: "{{ action_prefix }}file path={{ remote_tmp }}-汉语 state=directory" - name: copy local file with unicode filename and content action: "{{ action_prefix }}copy src={{ local_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt dest={{ remote_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt" ### fetch remote file with unicode filename and content - name: remove local file with unicode filename and content local_action: file path={{ local_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt state=absent - name: fetch remote file with unicode filename and content fetch: src={{ remote_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt dest={{ local_tmp }}-汉语/汉语.txt fail_on_missing=true validate_checksum=true flat=true ### remove local and remote temp files - name: remove local temp file local_action: file path={{ local_tmp }}-汉语 state=absent - name: remove remote temp file action: "{{ action_prefix }}file path={{ remote_tmp }}-汉语 state=absent" ### test wait_for_connection plugin - wait_for_connection: