--- # tasks file for test_ec2_vol_info - name: Set up AWS connection info set_fact: aws_connection_info: &aws_connection_info aws_access_key: "{{ aws_access_key }}" aws_secret_key: "{{ aws_secret_key }}" security_token: "{{ security_token }}" region: "{{ aws_region }}" no_log: true - block: - ec2_ami_info: <<: *aws_connection_info filters: architecture: x86_64 virtualization-type: hvm root-device-type: ebs name: "amzn-ami-hvm*" register: amis - name: Create test instance ec2_instance: name: "{{ resource_prefix }}_ansible_ec2_vol_info_test" instance_type: t2.nano image_id: "{{ (amis.images | sort(attribute='creation_date') | last).image_id }}" wait: yes tags: Environment: test <<: *aws_connection_info register: instance - name: Ensure there's only one matching instance assert: that: - "instance.instance_ids|length == 1" - "instance.instances|length == 1" - name: Create test volume ec2_vol: instance: "{{ instance.instance_ids[0] }}" volume_size: 4 name: "{{ resource_prefix }}_ansible_ec2_vol_info_test.db" device_name: /dev/xvdf iops: 100 tags: Tag Name with Space-and-dash: Tag Value with Space-and-dash <<: *aws_connection_info delete_on_termination: yes register: volume - name: Gather volume info without any filters ec2_vol_info: <<: *aws_connection_info register: volume_facts_wo_filters check_mode: no - name: Check if facts are returned without filters assert: that: - "volume_facts_wo_filters.volumes is defined" - name: Gather volume info ec2_vol_info: <<: *aws_connection_info filters: "tag:Name": "{{ resource_prefix }}_ansible_ec2_vol_info_test.db" register: volume_facts check_mode: no - name: Format check assert: that: - "volume_facts.volumes|length == 1" - "v.attachment_set.attach_time is defined" - "v.attachment_set.device is defined and v.attachment_set.device == volume.device" - "v.attachment_set.instance_id is defined and v.attachment_set.instance_id == instance.instance_ids[0]" - "v.attachment_set.status is defined and v.attachment_set.status == 'attached'" - "v.create_time is defined" - "v.encrypted is defined and v.encrypted == false" - "v.id is defined and v.id == volume.volume_id" - "v.iops is defined and v.iops == 100" - "v.region is defined and v.region == aws_region" - "v.size is defined and v.size == 4" - "v.snapshot_id is defined and v.snapshot_id == ''" - "v.status is defined and v.status == 'in-use'" - "v.tags.Name is defined and v.tags.Name == resource_prefix + '_ansible_ec2_vol_info_test.db'" - "v.tags['Tag Name with Space-and-dash'] == 'Tag Value with Space-and-dash'" - "v.type is defined and v.type == 'io1'" - "v.zone is defined and v.zone == instance.instances[0].placement.availability_zone" vars: v: "{{ volume_facts.volumes[0] }}" - name: New format check assert: that: - "v.attachment_set.delete_on_termination is defined" vars: v: "{{ volume_facts.volumes[0] }}" when: ansible_version.full is version('2.7', '>=') always: - name: Remove the instance ec2_instance: state: absent filters: "tag:Name": "{{ resource_prefix }}_ansible_ec2_vol_info_test" <<: *aws_connection_info register: result until: result is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10 - name: Remove the volume ec2_vol: id: "{{ volume.volume_id }}" state: absent <<: *aws_connection_info register: result until: result is not failed ignore_errors: yes retries: 10