#!/bin/bash -eux source_root=$(python -c "from os import path; print(path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname('$0'), '../../..')))") test_image="${IMAGE:-ansible/ansible:centos7}" test_privileged="${PRIVILEGED:-false}" test_flags="${TEST_FLAGS:-}" test_target="${TARGET:-all}" test_ansible_dir="${TEST_ANSIBLE_DIR:-/root/ansible}" test_python3="${PYTHON3:-}" http_image="${HTTP_IMAGE:-ansible/ansible:httptester}" # Keep the docker containers after tests complete. # The default behavior is to always remove the containers. # Set to "onfailure" to keep the containers only on test failure. # Any other non-empty value will always keep the containers. keep_containers="${KEEP_CONTAINERS:-}" # Run the tests directly from the source directory shared with the container. # The default behavior is to run the tests on a copy of the source. # Copying the source isolates changes to the source between host and container. # Set to any non-empty value to share the source. share_source="${SHARE_SOURCE:-}" # Force ansible color output by default. # To disable color force mode use FORCE_COLOR=0 force_color="${FORCE_COLOR:-1}" if [ "${SHIPPABLE_BUILD_DIR:-}" ]; then host_shared_dir="/home/shippable/cache/build-${BUILD_NUMBER}" controller_shared_dir="/home/shippable/cache/build-${BUILD_NUMBER}" share_source=1 test_privileged=false # temporarily disabled to troubleshoot performance issues else host_shared_dir="${source_root}" controller_shared_dir="" fi if [ -z "${share_source}" ]; then test_shared_dir="/shared" else test_shared_dir="${test_ansible_dir}" fi container_id= httptester_id= tests_completed= function show_environment { docker ps if [ -d /home/shippable/cache ]; then ls -l /home/shippable/cache fi } function cleanup { if [ "${controller_shared_dir}" ]; then cp -av "${controller_shared_dir}/shippable" "${SHIPPABLE_BUILD_DIR}" rm -rf "${controller_shared_dir}" fi if [ "${keep_containers}" == "onfailure" ] && [ "${tests_completed}" != "" ]; then keep_containers= fi if [ "${keep_containers}" == "" ]; then if [ "${container_id}" ]; then docker rm -f "${container_id}" fi if [ "${httptester_id}" ]; then docker rm -f "${httptester_id}" fi fi show_environment } trap cleanup EXIT INT TERM docker images ansible/ansible show_environment if [ "${controller_shared_dir}" ]; then cp -a "${SHIPPABLE_BUILD_DIR}" "${controller_shared_dir}" fi httptester_id=$(docker run -d "${http_image}") container_id=$(docker run -d \ --env "ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=${force_color}" \ -v "/sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro" \ -v "${host_shared_dir}:${test_shared_dir}" \ --link="${httptester_id}:ansible.http.tests" \ --link="${httptester_id}:sni1.ansible.http.tests" \ --link="${httptester_id}:sni2.ansible.http.tests" \ --link="${httptester_id}:fail.ansible.http.tests" \ --privileged="${test_privileged}" \ "${test_image}") show_environment skip= if [ "${test_python3}" ]; then docker exec "${container_id}" ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python docker exec "${container_id}" ln -s /usr/bin/pip3 /usr/bin/pip skip+=",$(tr '\n' ',' < "${source_root}/test/utils/shippable/python3-test-tag-blacklist.txt")" fi if [ "${test_privileged}" = 'false' ]; then skip+=",needs_privileged" fi if [ "${skip}" ]; then test_flags="--skip-tags ${skip} ${test_flags}" fi if [ -z "${share_source}" ]; then docker exec "${container_id}" cp -a "${test_shared_dir}" "${test_ansible_dir}" fi docker exec "${container_id}" \ pip install -r "${test_ansible_dir}/test/utils/shippable/integration-requirements.txt" --upgrade if [ "${test_python3}" ]; then docker exec "${container_id}" sed -i -f \ "${test_ansible_dir}/test/utils/shippable/python3-test-target-blacklist.txt" \ "${test_ansible_dir}/test/integration/Makefile" fi docker exec "${container_id}" mkdir -p "${test_shared_dir}/shippable/testresults" docker exec "${container_id}" /bin/sh -c "cd '${test_ansible_dir}' && . hacking/env-setup && cd test/integration && \ JUNIT_OUTPUT_DIR='${test_shared_dir}/shippable/testresults' ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_WHITELIST=junit \ HTTPTESTER=1 TEST_FLAGS='${test_flags}' LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 make ${test_target}" tests_completed=1