--- - name: install module from Powershell Gallery win_psmodule: name: "{{ powershell_module }}" state: present register: module_setup - name: test Powershell Gallery module setup assert: that: - "module_setup is changed" - "module_setup.output == 'Module {{ powershell_module }} installed'" - name: check idempotency reinstalling module win_psmodule: name: "{{ powershell_module }}" state: present register: module_reinstall - name: test win_psmodule idempotency assert: that: - "module_reinstall is not changed" - name: check module install with allow_clobber not active win_psmodule: name: "{{ allow_clobber_module }}" register: fail_allow_clobber ignore_errors: yes - name: test allow_clobber has failed assert: that: - "fail_allow_clobber is failed" - name: check module install with allow_clobber active win_psmodule: name: "{{ allow_clobber_module }}" allow_clobber: yes register: ok_allow_clobber - name: test module install with allow_clobber active assert: that: - "ok_allow_clobber is changed" - name: check wrong module install attempt win_psmodule: name: "{{ wrong_module }}" state: present ignore_errors: yes register: module_fail - name: test module setup fails assert: that: - "module_fail is failed" - name: check fake custom ps repository registration attempt win_psmodule: name: "{{ wrong_module }}" repository: Fake repository url: http://my_fake_repo.com/repo/ ignore_errors: yes register: repo_fail - name: test fake custom ps repository registration attempt assert: that: - "repo_fail is failed" - name: check module is installed win_shell: (Get-Module -Name {{ powershell_module }} -ListAvailable).Name register: module_check - name: test module is installed assert: that: - "module_check.stdout_lines[0] == '{{ powershell_module }}'" - name: check allow_clobber module is installed win_shell: (Get-Module -Name {{ allow_clobber_module }} -ListAvailable).Name register: allow_clobber_check - name: test allow_clobber module is installed assert: that: - "allow_clobber_check.stdout_lines[0] == '{{ allow_clobber_module }}'" - name: remove installed powershell module win_psmodule: name: powershell-yaml state: absent register: module_uninstall - name: test powershell module removal assert: that: - "module_uninstall is changed" - "module_uninstall.output == 'Module {{ powershell_module }} removed'" - name: check module is uninstalled win_shell: (Get-Module -Name {{ powershell_module }} -ListAvailable).Name register: module_check - name: test module is no more present assert: that: - "module_check.stdout == ''" - name: check idempotency re-removing module win_psmodule: name: "{{ powershell_module }}" state: absent register: module_uninstall_2 - name: test idempotency assert: that: - "module_uninstall_2 is not changed" - name: check removing allow_clobber module win_psmodule: name: "{{ allow_clobber_module }}" state: absent register: module_uninstall_3 - name: test removing allow_clobber module assert: that: - "module_uninstall_2 is not changed" - "module_uninstall_3 is changed" - name: Create repository path win_file: path: "{{custom_repo_path}}" state: directory - name: Make sure sample module is uninstalled win_psmodule: name: "{{ powershell_module }}" state: absent register: module_uninstall_4 - name: Copy some module to custom repo win_shell: | # Need PSGet 1.6.0 for publishing and named repo usage $psg = [PSCustomObject]@{ n="PowerShellGet"; v="1.6.0"}; Remove-Module -Name $psg.n -Force -EA SilentlyContinue; Import-PackageProvider -Name $psg.n -RequiredVersion $psg.v -EV missingProvider -Force | Out-Null; if($missingProvider){ Install-PackageProvider -Name $psg.n -RequiredVersion $psg.v -Confirm:$false -Force | Out-Null; # Unload previous version Remove-Module -Name $psg.n -Force -EA SilentlyContinue; Import-PackageProvider -Name $psg.n -RequiredVersion $psg.v -Force | Out-Null; } $modName = "{{powershell_module}}"; $temp = $env:Temp; Save-Module -Name $modName -Repository PSGallery -Path $temp | Out-Null; $repoName = "{{custom_repo_name}}"; $repoPath = "{{custom_repo_path}}"; if(!(Test-Path $repoPath)){ New-Item -Type Directory $repoPath -Force | Out-Null; } Register-PSRepository -Name $repoName -SourceLocation $repoPath -InstallationPolicy Trusted | Out-Null; Publish-Module -Path "$temp\\$modName" -Repository $repoName -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null; Get-ChildItem "$repoPath\\*" | ? Name -match "$modName.*.nupkg" | % Name; register: saved_package - name: Validate sample module in custom repo assert: that: - "powershell_module in (saved_package.stdout_lines | last)" - name: Install module from custom Powershell repository win_psmodule: name: "{{ powershell_module }}" state: present repository: "{{custom_repo_name}}" url: "{{custom_repo_path}}" register: module_from_custom_repo - name: Test custom Powershell repository module install assert: that: - "module_from_custom_repo is changed" - "module_from_custom_repo.output == 'Module {{ powershell_module }} installed'" - name: Verify module was installed from custom repo win_shell: (Get-InstalledModule -Name "{{powershell_module}}").Repository register: is_package_customrepo - name: Validate sample module is installed from custom repo assert: that: - "is_package_customrepo.stdout_lines[0] == custom_repo_name"