"""High level functions for working with SSH.""" from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses import json import os import random import re import subprocess import shlex import typing as t from .encoding import ( to_bytes, to_text, ) from .util import ( ApplicationError, common_environment, display, exclude_none_values, sanitize_host_name, ) from .config import ( EnvironmentConfig, ) @dataclasses.dataclass class SshConnectionDetail: """Information needed to establish an SSH connection to a host.""" name: str host: str port: t.Optional[int] user: str identity_file: str python_interpreter: t.Optional[str] = None shell_type: t.Optional[str] = None def __post_init__(self): self.name = sanitize_host_name(self.name) class SshProcess: """Wrapper around an SSH process.""" def __init__(self, process): # type: (t.Optional[subprocess.Popen]) -> None self._process = process self.pending_forwards = None # type: t.Optional[t.List[t.Tuple[str, int]]] self.forwards = {} # type: t.Dict[t.Tuple[str, int], int] def terminate(self): # type: () -> None """Terminate the SSH process.""" if not self._process: return # explain mode # noinspection PyBroadException try: self._process.terminate() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass def wait(self): # type: () -> None """Wait for the SSH process to terminate.""" if not self._process: return # explain mode self._process.wait() def collect_port_forwards(self): # type: (SshProcess) -> t.Dict[t.Tuple[str, int], int] """Collect port assignments for dynamic SSH port forwards.""" errors = [] # type: t.List[str] display.info('Collecting %d SSH port forward(s).' % len(self.pending_forwards), verbosity=2) while self.pending_forwards: if self._process: line_bytes = self._process.stderr.readline() if not line_bytes: if errors: details = ':\n%s' % '\n'.join(errors) else: details = '.' raise ApplicationError('SSH port forwarding failed%s' % details) line = to_text(line_bytes).strip() match = re.search(r'^Allocated port (?P[0-9]+) for remote forward to (?P[^:]+):(?P[0-9]+)$', line) if not match: if re.search(r'^Warning: Permanently added .* to the list of known hosts\.$', line): continue display.warning('Unexpected SSH port forwarding output: %s' % line, verbosity=2) errors.append(line) continue src_port = int(match.group('src_port')) dst_host = str(match.group('dst_host')) dst_port = int(match.group('dst_port')) dst = (dst_host, dst_port) else: # explain mode dst = self.pending_forwards[0] src_port = random.randint(40000, 50000) self.pending_forwards.remove(dst) self.forwards[dst] = src_port display.info('Collected %d SSH port forward(s):\n%s' % ( len(self.forwards), '\n'.join('%s -> %s:%s' % (src_port, dst[0], dst[1]) for dst, src_port in sorted(self.forwards.items()))), verbosity=2) return self.forwards def create_ssh_command( ssh, # type: SshConnectionDetail options=None, # type: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, int]]] cli_args=None, # type: t.List[str] command=None, # type: t.Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> t.List[str] """Create an SSH command using the specified options.""" cmd = [ 'ssh', '-n', # prevent reading from stdin '-i', ssh.identity_file, # file from which the identity for public key authentication is read ] if not command: cmd.append('-N') # do not execute a remote command if ssh.port: cmd.extend(['-p', str(ssh.port)]) # port to connect to on the remote host if ssh.user: cmd.extend(['-l', ssh.user]) # user to log in as on the remote machine ssh_options = dict( BatchMode='yes', ExitOnForwardFailure='yes', LogLevel='ERROR', ServerAliveCountMax=4, ServerAliveInterval=15, StrictHostKeyChecking='no', UserKnownHostsFile='/dev/null', ) ssh_options.update(options or {}) for key, value in sorted(ssh_options.items()): cmd.extend(['-o', '='.join([key, str(value)])]) cmd.extend(cli_args or []) cmd.append(ssh.host) if command: cmd.append(command) return cmd def run_ssh_command( args, # type: EnvironmentConfig ssh, # type: SshConnectionDetail options=None, # type: t.Optional[t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, int]]] cli_args=None, # type: t.List[str] command=None, # type: t.Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> SshProcess """Run the specified SSH command, returning the created SshProcess instance created.""" cmd = create_ssh_command(ssh, options, cli_args, command) env = common_environment() cmd_show = shlex.join(cmd) display.info('Run background command: %s' % cmd_show, verbosity=1, truncate=True) cmd_bytes = [to_bytes(c) for c in cmd] env_bytes = dict((to_bytes(k), to_bytes(v)) for k, v in env.items()) if args.explain: process = SshProcess(None) else: process = SshProcess(subprocess.Popen(cmd_bytes, env=env_bytes, bufsize=-1, # pylint: disable=consider-using-with stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)) return process def create_ssh_port_forwards( args, # type: EnvironmentConfig ssh, # type: SshConnectionDetail forwards, # type: t.List[t.Tuple[str, int]] ): # type: (...) -> SshProcess """ Create SSH port forwards using the provided list of tuples (target_host, target_port). Port bindings will be automatically assigned by SSH and must be collected with a subsequent call to collect_port_forwards. """ options = dict( LogLevel='INFO', # info level required to get messages on stderr indicating the ports assigned to each forward ) # type: t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, int]] cli_args = [] for forward_host, forward_port in forwards: cli_args.extend(['-R', ':'.join([str(0), forward_host, str(forward_port)])]) process = run_ssh_command(args, ssh, options, cli_args) process.pending_forwards = forwards return process def create_ssh_port_redirects( args, # type: EnvironmentConfig ssh, # type: SshConnectionDetail redirects, # type: t.List[t.Tuple[int, str, int]] ): # type: (...) -> SshProcess """Create SSH port redirections using the provided list of tuples (bind_port, target_host, target_port).""" options = {} # type: t.Dict[str, t.Union[str, int]] cli_args = [] for bind_port, target_host, target_port in redirects: cli_args.extend(['-R', ':'.join([str(bind_port), target_host, str(target_port)])]) process = run_ssh_command(args, ssh, options, cli_args) return process def generate_ssh_inventory(ssh_connections): # type: (t.List[SshConnectionDetail]) -> str """Return an inventory file in JSON format, created from the provided SSH connection details.""" inventory = dict( all=dict( hosts=dict((ssh.name, exclude_none_values(dict( ansible_host=ssh.host, ansible_port=ssh.port, ansible_user=ssh.user, ansible_ssh_private_key_file=os.path.abspath(ssh.identity_file), ansible_connection='ssh', ansible_pipelining='yes', ansible_python_interpreter=ssh.python_interpreter, ansible_shell_type=ssh.shell_type, ansible_ssh_extra_args='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', # avoid changing the test environment ansible_ssh_host_key_checking='no', ))) for ssh in ssh_connections), ), ) inventory_text = json.dumps(inventory, indent=4, sort_keys=True) display.info('>>> SSH Inventory\n%s' % inventory_text, verbosity=3) return inventory_text